10 Jan 2023 08:24:14
Does anyone know Beales take on Lowry? With all these midfielders being linked and a possible return for hagi and Lawrence the door seems to be shut for a regular starting place for the boy. I was wondering if we had over estimated his ability but looking back through his performances I think the hypes been justified. Would he be better going out on loan?

1.) 10 Jan 2023
10 Jan 2023 08:53:43
They seem to want to play him in a mid 3, I can’t see him getting game time there, I see him as one of the 10s.

He is probably going to go on loan, the quality of the loan has to be good though or we are going to hinder his development.

2.) 10 Jan 2023
10 Jan 2023 09:49:14
Lowry, is not a starter at this time for me, he needs to come on after an hr or if the game is in the bag .

3.) 10 Jan 2023
10 Jan 2023 10:22:29
Does Lowry not predominantly play off the left hand side for the B team?

I've only watched them a couple of times and he played in a similar role to Kent - not sure if that was the norm though.

4.) 10 Jan 2023
10 Jan 2023 11:50:20
Apparently the boy has an attitude problem, he was left out the squad the other week due to an internal disciplinary issue.

5.) 10 Jan 2023
10 Jan 2023 12:03:04
Coldo do you know his or is it your opinion? simply because I've been told that is nothing but nonsense, did he not start a few weeks ago? Beale has done nothing but praise Lowry would that happen if the things you come out with are true?

6.) 10 Jan 2023
10 Jan 2023 12:11:49
It was reported through the media two weeks ago Beale56. Beale praises Morelos even though we know he's unfit overweight and disinterested?‍♂️.

7.) 10 Jan 2023
10 Jan 2023 12:11:49
He isn’t good enough yet people talk about him like he’s world class when it’s clear he’s not. No even the best player in the b team.

8.) 10 Jan 2023
10 Jan 2023 12:17:37
Beale not that I am defending coldo here but am sure John has mentioned this also about attitude.

9.) 10 Jan 2023
10 Jan 2023 12:24:18
Brilliant Beale56 you have heard that rumour also but at the end of your post you make a dig about things I say being true but yet we have both said we heard the same rumour. ????.

10.) 10 Jan 2023
10 Jan 2023 12:26:24
Charlie …any opertunity you’re kicking Alfie in the . you know what . We know how you feel about him but give it a wee break eh? Just for a day or so … please … ?.

11.) 10 Jan 2023
10 Jan 2023 12:33:16
Stormtrooper I've been told it was nothing but nonsense just what I have heard. would beale talk him up and start him a few games ago it his was the case?

12.) 10 Jan 2023
10 Jan 2023 12:55:32
Yes beale56 he would. He has talked morelos up?.

13.) 10 Jan 2023
10 Jan 2023 13:08:52
Lowry, i think will be off down south. Never mind we will get add ons!

14.) 10 Jan 2023
10 Jan 2023 13:22:01
He doesn't need to talk Morelos up coldo all us supporters/ fans knows what Morelos is like on his game, zero defenders can deal with him, if he goes we will need to spend for cash to get a player like him in, the Morelos OBSESSION, brilliant man never get many laughs on here but will you it's close enough to ever post you put on. Class ? get it up?.

15.) 10 Jan 2023
10 Jan 2023 13:22:23
King Charlie you certainly don't like alfie mate do you ?He must be constantly on your mind ?.

16.) 10 Jan 2023
10 Jan 2023 14:15:49
Coldo your obsession with Morelos is on par with the Tim’s obsession with Rangers, Give it a rest FGS. ???????????.

17.) 10 Jan 2023
10 Jan 2023 14:54:36
Unbelievable Newman.

18.) 10 Jan 2023
10 Jan 2023 15:34:18
The quicker he gets himself fit and in shape and shows the club respect then the quicker I'll leave him alone?.

19.) 10 Jan 2023
10 Jan 2023 19:31:21
Alf out thinks he's bigger than the club, he's petty instead of grabbing what our support brings him.