02 Feb 2023 17:10:32
What about Neil McCann last night being a complete D! ck calling Alfredo and idiot for celebrating a goal ?‍♂️ he has went right down in my estimations he was a great player for us but he can feck right off with that rubbish. Alfredo was getting abused during the var check by the fans. Alfredo done nothing wrong.

1.) 02 Feb 2023
02 Feb 2023 17:37:40
He was out of order, full stop!
I supported him as a player when he was with us, but that's it. The way some on here waxed lyrical about him, and wanted him as a coach or assistant manager, was nauseating. He might have played for us, but he's no Rangers supporter. Anyone who thinks differently, is kidding themselves.
I see Derek Ferguson having a go at Alfie too. With friends like that, who needs your Hartson's, Sutton's, McManus's etc?!
Screw them Alfie, the one's that matter most love you son!

2.) 02 Feb 2023
02 Feb 2023 17:48:41
He’s a wee bit hypocritical is McCann.
Plenty footage of him scoring for Hearts and celebrating in front of the Hibs fans with the old cupped ear celebration.
Going on BBC Sportsound must make you dumb yourself down to fit the program narrative.
Somebody else said he was in the mock huddle at the Piggery.

3.) 02 Feb 2023
02 Feb 2023 18:04:38
I always was a big fan, liked and counted neil mccann a rangers man now ? Having said that i agree guys he was totally out of order and went way over the top regarding what he said about alfie and his goal celebration last night. Buff done nothing wrong for me and deserved to celebrate his goal the way he did?
You see other players celebrating a goal doing the exact same all the time. If supporters are prepared to give alfie pelters like they did last night, be man enough and take it back and grow up.

4.) 02 Feb 2023
02 Feb 2023 18:06:36
Trying to keep there self in the spotlight, who would want him minding your back.

5.) 02 Feb 2023
02 Feb 2023 18:10:36
Should lose his rangers TV job. any person employed by gers calling our players idiots shouldn't be paid by gers.

6.) 02 Feb 2023
02 Feb 2023 18:26:19
Big bad Neil McCann calling Alfie an idiot. Boo boo.

What a terrible, mean, horrible person.

Sack him. In fact it’s so outrageous ban him from Ibrox ??

It’s ok to disagree with what he said and call him a plonker but sack him? For saying someone is an idiot? Better not call Davie any names he will be onto your employer.

7.) 02 Feb 2023
02 Feb 2023 18:38:45
Exactly baz, Gough, Moore, mcinness souness Mcoist have all slaughtered Alf. So what.

8.) 02 Feb 2023
02 feb 2023 18:50:07
cant for the life of me comprehend what was going through his mind when he said it, normally a well educated football guy and strongly supports rangers, i wonder if there's been a personal thing between him and.

9.) 02 Feb 2023
02 Feb 2023 19:01:42
You just called an Ex Rangers player a complete d*ck, shame on you.

10.) 02 Feb 2023
02 Feb 2023 19:27:45
What are you on about Super Cooper 3?! Wind yer neck in. There's been a few ex Rangers players who are complete d.s, so please spare me the faux outrage! ???? Just because you played for Rangers doesn't mean your immune from being a tool. ????.

11.) 02 Feb 2023
02 Feb 2023 19:37:24
It's called sarcasm and banter Big Ben, something you don't seem to have much of. Stormtrooper is pulling Neil McCann up for calling a player an idiot but in his sentence he's doing the same by calling an ex player a d*ck.

12.) 02 Feb 2023
02 Feb 2023 20:07:45
I don't think Neil is that far off the mark because in my eyes Morelos is 100% an idiot. I wouldn't say that he was an idiot for celebrating the way he did right enough because that was very acceptable. But would a sensible player come back from injury in the nick that Morelos did and then when Gio put him on as a sub versus Hibs his first thought was to go and blatantly elbow the Hibs player on the chin right in front of the ref getting a straight red.
Case closed the guy is an idiot and he has done many idiotic things during his time with us.

13.) 02 Feb 2023
02 feb 2023 20:33:10
im not going to say your wrong cheers because you said the truth, i'm just shocked mcann blurted it out, i'm willing to say he will regret it now but i think there's been something said before, mcann will know more about alfs real nature than any of us here, there's been times i was livid with alf, and that deliberate in my eyes, red card was one of the worst things I've seen a rangers player do, on the park for many years, i knew instantly he wanted to steal the show, it was shocking behaviour, but of course alf could steal they're kids xmas presemts and ome would say he deservedthem, but again i felt mcann overstepped the mark by the way he screamed.

14.) 02 Feb 2023
02 Feb 2023 21:03:15
Super cooper 3 coldo 100.0 I have lost all respect for him and yes he was for doing that. ?.

15.) 02 Feb 2023
02 Feb 2023 21:04:23
3 cheers he has done for more for rangers like being rangers all time European goalscorer than he has done stupid stuff. The elbow thing is irrelevant as this is all about him celebrating.

16.) 02 Feb 2023
02 Feb 2023 21:07:29
John he slaughtered him when he done nothing wrong that’s the issue. Also you admitted on a post about this earlier saying he has got a big mouth now ? but now it’s ok But strange that.

17.) 02 Feb 2023
02 Feb 2023 21:30:41
How do u come back from an injury in good shape when you can’t run or do cardio? ?.

18.) 03 Feb 2023
03 Feb 2023 08:35:21
Actually agree with point made about goal celebration but his choice of language was poor and unwise.