16 Aug 2023 20:54:54
I've said many times I'm not convinced by Yilmaz and my point is being proven when he's not getting picked how does he adjust and get better without minutes?
Read he picked up a strain a couple weeks ago but seems to have had a few problems since joining for a young healthy guy that cost us 3.5 million up front even when he's being picked he's not looked great and Borna seems to be finding his old self again ?

and sorry to butt in on this ?

But did we not purchase colak and he did score a few goals? scored a few important goals did he not?
And by saying he didn't fit Beale system therefore he should be sold less than a year later is that not also writing a player off? What's the difference in me saying I don't think Yilmaz is going to work out and someone saying colak doesn't fit Beale system?
I don't think Yilmaz is fitting the system therefore i don't think he's going to fit in?

to me their the same thing both opinions stating the player in question doesn't fit / work out/ suit our style of play/ suit the high demand and physical game of Scottish football

surely all these theories and opinions then are and is putting a player down?
Therefore everyone is guilty of doing it and I'm happy to put my hands up on my end and say yes I do it then?it's just an opinion on a player whom I've not seen very much of and when i have he's not convinced me he will work out
Same way Colak didn't convince a few? Therefore you'd wanted him replaced little on a year later?

and just because I'm here I'd also like to point out to the forum
Just because someone opinion differs to yours does that then state you must ignore this poster and that their opinion is stupid or nonsensical and you can't enter a debate with them?
If that's the case then maybe the Ed's should just tear this down and close shop as what's the point?
What's the point in a fellow fan/ supporter posting any opinions or rumours on this site for it to be put down as some sort of slander to the player or club and not worth entering an adult debate with the fellow fan/ poster without it getting heated or ridiculed?

we'll get to point nobody will be able to comment on any posts
I find it absolutely Bizarre that a fellow fan can't put up differences of opinion without it being shot down and made out your a terrible person for having a difference of opinion (shock horror)

I've been noticing some posters will only enter debate with ones that have their back or have the same opinions on here it's incredible to watch and it stands out like a sore thumb (sorry Tom) no pun intended ?

But their are posters on here who will absolutely come in and declare undying love for the club and the fans and in next sentence shoot one down for a difference of opinion and argue what their credentials are for having this difference of an opinion ?

2 years ago this site was brilliant everyone got involved in every post and even when you didn't agree the debate on the principles of the opinion We're excellent and at times the poster would then see it from different point of views and you could have a change of heart
You don't see that now - opinion differs - nope let's just scroll by and we won't chat about that
the site is losing its family friendly feel

You could be a top journalist
A top footballer
A top manager
Or the postie
The bus driver
the young paper boy
Nobody knows or should know who you are what brief you have for your opinion to matter more then the next person I'm sure that's not what this site was built for?
Nobody should matter more then the next person and nobody is bigger than the site and it's down to the Eds what they allow and tolerate?
It Shouldn't matter what your current past profession is we're all supposed to be RANGERS
and we're supposed to stand together support each and everyone.
as on game day every one of us is singing from the same hymn sheet shouting for our team willing them on to win?

why can't we have debates and difference of opinions inbetween as someone may come up with a belter that could make a difference depending on who reads these pages?

So on that note I hope everyone is having a great night and as much as I missed the first half of the match from what I saw of the second half we have a good squad as I've said before we have a strong squad and gives MB plenty of options going forward
look forward to our next match against Morton reckon we score a good few goals as much as I like Morton we will be too strong (sorry Morton)

and only las thing to say i guess if you don't like the post then I guess you scroll by and lose out debating with another fellow fan/ poster ?
and in that case maybe you should ask yourself are you really on the correct site as I'm sure these pages were built for banter and opinions even if they differ from the norm.

stay safe and have a good night one and all ??.

1.) 16 Aug 2023
16 Aug 2023 21:20:25
Jeezo Stig, I bet Sturgeon's memoirs aren't as long as your post ?.

2.) 16 Aug 2023
16 aug 2023 21:33:12
couldn't agree more stig, i think,

and using an entire season to tell us 55 times a day that tilman is going to be the next maradona and colak who scored a helluva lot if goals, only scored a couple and couldn't play in michael beales 10 systems per game, knowledge like that only comes with the english premier league,

3.) 16 Aug 2023
16 Aug 2023 21:33:23
Stig, I also have my doubts on Yilmaz.

4.) 16 Aug 2023
16 aug 2023 22:04:49
il say again tho stig, the signing of yilmaz was a complete mystery to me, we didn't need a lb desperate and we didn't have fortunes to spend. yet we go to turkey for a lb who doesn't speak english much and who isn't ready for first team football, very very strange decision for me and i said it at the time., we could have found a lb anywhere, but turkey and for that money?, he hasn't shown anything at all imo, apart from a n occasional run forward. which is kinda difficult not to do really, he certainly doesdoesn't come across as a great defender so i'm flummoxed,

5.) 16 Aug 2023
16 Aug 2023 22:17:05
Great post totally agree with you.

6.) 16 Aug 2023
16 Aug 2023 22:18:33
Felt I had to reply to this post but have to say I don’t engage with all posts purely as a time issue and I don’t feel the need.
When I do reply and engage with posts it’s not always to agree but just something I feel I want to contribute.
The important thing is to try to be respectful to others when doing so I ges.

7.) 16 Aug 2023
16 Aug 2023 22:32:49
Stig, gave up reading your post half way thru.

8.) 16 Aug 2023
16 Aug 2023 22:53:24
Well said stig. Everyone's opinion counts. Let's all keep it cordial and stop abusing each other. We all want one thing and that is a successfully rangers ?.

9.) 16 Aug 2023
16 Aug 2023 22:32:49
Stig, gave up reading your post half way thru.

10.) 16 Aug 2023
16 Aug 2023 22:53:24
Well said stig. Everyone's opinion counts. Let's all keep it cordial and stop abusing each other. We all want one thing and that is a successfully rangers ?.

11.) 17 Aug 2023
17 Aug 2023 01:51:32
Brilliant stig. 100%.

12.) 17 Aug 2023
17 Aug 2023 06:15:51
I just read that start of it about yilmaz as that’s far too long for me to concentrate ?. Yilmaz is injured so why would he be getting picked?

13.) 17 Aug 2023
17 Aug 2023 06:59:18
You can say that again lanzarote and 56.

14.) 17 Aug 2023
17 Aug 2023 07:52:07
Stig it’s not the posters who sell players it’s the manager and club.

15.) 17 Aug 2023
17 Aug 2023 08:01:56
Rumour has it that Yilmaz problems are in his head as opposed to injuries, anyone else heard this, if so we either help him get over this or sell him.

16.) 17 Aug 2023
17 Aug 2023 08:36:10
Well in my opinion Yilmaz is quality stingo, Tom nae bother aye?Yilmaz played very good at the end of the season, Tom i know you like Barisic i did but Yilmaz played a better game against the tims than Barisic had done in his full Rangers career.

17.) 17 Aug 2023
17 Aug 2023 09:24:12
Never heard nothing like that irvger hopefully this is nonsense mate, surely we can't have two men in our squad with the same problem.

18.) 17 Aug 2023
17 Aug 2023 10:12:25
Saying that Barisic played his best game for a good while on Tuesday, played well against livingston as well.

19.) 17 Aug 2023
17 Aug 2023 11:17:06
Barasic has been the reason we beat the times at least 4 different games with his assists.

20.) 17 Aug 2023
17 Aug 2023 11:26:26
He still never played a better game against the tims than Yilmaz did in my opinion.

21.) 17 Aug 2023
17 aug 2023 14:20:06
yilmaz played against a team in holiday mode, what you talking about mate, celtic had chucked it no matter how much you want to twist it, yil. zz was ordinary in a dead rubber, that's it, i hope you're correct and he comes back with a bang and proves me wrong of course i do, but i'm saying i never understood what they signed him for and how he's better than borna, who i do like but wanted him replaced along with the front two and goldson and tzv, simply because they have been runners up way too much.

22.) 17 Aug 2023
17 Aug 2023 17:44:45
Was it a dead rubber game in the other 4 games he played tom? many were praising him on here.