27 Aug 2023 12:25:50
Well guys good day

We're now winning games and we drew against a very good PSV side

We're definitely getting better

Lammers I thought had showed some nice touches now and again think he has potential let him settle
Dessers showed some flashes but not sure either are poachers/ out and out strikers
And not seen enough of Danilo yet hopefully he's the out and out striker we're crying out for

But saying that guys hopefully Roofe is back and we will now see the best of him he's a cracking striker/ finisher we just need to keep him injury free and fit
I have high hopes for Roofe this season and I'm not joking

I said start of season and I have said it a few times in my posts and I stand by it
Anyone thinks I'm lying go back look through my posts from start of season

I said let's see where we are come end of September by then we will see how far we are progressing and how much the team is coming along under Beale
I stand by this statement
come end of September we could all be very pleasantly surprised guys hopefully?

we may yet see one or two come in late in window too

Let's ??.

1.) 27 Aug 2023
27 Aug 2023 12:34:46
I’m not so sure Lammers and Cantwell can play together?
I thought Cantwell was quite quiet yesterday and never influenced the game like he normally does.

2.) 27 Aug 2023
27 Aug 2023 13:05:42
Lammers only one I worry about mate.

3.) 27 Aug 2023
27 Aug 2023 13:10:19
Very well balanced and thought out post Thestigno1. A bit more calmness and deep breathing from our support would help everyone settle. The new players are starting to look good and the results will hopefully follow. An extra centre half would hopefully allow us to play three at the back and push Tav and Borna that bit further up the park as, in my opinion, the current narrow midfield is hampering both these guys in that they're having to create width in the forward areas plus get back and defend. Not an easy task!

4.) 27 Aug 2023
27 Aug 2023 13:22:54
Good post stig I fully agree.

5.) 27 Aug 2023
27 Aug 2023 13:30:07
Cantwell payed to deep yesterday that’s nothing to do with Lammers.

6.) 27 Aug 2023
27 Aug 2023 13:39:52
Even yesterday, Lammers was poor and his loose passes set up counter attacks for County . One decent shot in 60 minutes is not enough and if him playing costs us Cantwell playing in a more attacking area, its bye bye Sam for me. Dessers was wasteful yesterday and just does not look like a guy who is going to get us the goals we require from our main striker. I know he has to compete but he gives away too many senseless fouls. Two great assists against PSV but he needs to start getting goals. A couple next Saturday would be a great place to start.

7.) 27 Aug 2023
27 Aug 2023 13:54:38
Cantwell should have played in Lammers position raskin.

8.) 27 Aug 2023
27 Aug 2023 14:13:29
Spot on storm i totally agree with you mate ? Cantwell plays in that attacking position in front of lammers all day long for me, because imo he's quite simply better than lammers and that i feel without a doubt is cantwell's best position, where he can heavily influence the game ?.