03 Sep 2023 04:37:01
Unbelievable 3 match package for Europa at 120 quid.
Brightons average price 100
Liverpool 111
West ham 106

We pay more to watch the absolute duds that were purchased this summer. Our board never show any loyalty to us fans. Never. Everything is a money grab!

How they justify that is beyond me.

1.) 03 Sep 2023
03 Sep 2023 06:23:45
You’ll no be going then?

2.) 03 Sep 2023
03 Sep 2023 06:36:52
£120 very good price in my opinion, maybe if our tv was as much as there's we wouldn't change £120.

3.) 03 Sep 2023
03 Sep 2023 06:55:26
I agree beale as i thought the £120 for our 3 europa league home games was a decent price ?JimB ask yourself this mate ie how much are the tickets for the old firm game ? You'll find is more than £40 a ticket mate!

4.) 03 Sep 2023
03 Sep 2023 07:16:42
Tickets for matches is a huge source of income for Scottish clubs considering the paltry money on offer to the clubs through League sponsorship, TV money etc.
I don’t think £120 is that bad considering inflation etc.
I’m sure it was £110ish a couple of years ago?

5.) 03 Sep 2023
03 Sep 2023 07:23:41
Sort of agree. 120 bucks to watch us or 110 bucks to watch Salah, Diaz etc. Got a point. We should have tickets priced at 100-110. Every penny a prisoner atm.

6.) 03 Sep 2023
03 Sep 2023 07:34:44
It’s not a fair price for the europa it’s a ridiculous the same as the price for champs league was ridiculous last season the club are fleecing the fans on prices and I know people don’t need to buy them but that’s not the point.

7.) 03 Sep 2023
03 Sep 2023 07:50:57
Agree 100% mph.

8.) 03 Sep 2023
03 Sep 2023 08:01:30
Simple answer. Don’t buy then,

9.) 03 Sep 2023
03 Sep 2023 08:45:35
I thought 120 was ok to be honest.
Just stay of the pies and bovril, and it's ok ??.

10.) 03 Sep 2023
03 Sep 2023 08:49:41
While everyone would want our games to be affordable to every one our fan's who wants to attend these games. The comparison of the packages with the EPL team's is totally skewed. We all know the TV money makes gate receipts a small fraction of club's income in EPL, which is the exact opposite in Scotland. Your gripes should be directed at terrible TV deal negotiated by Doncaster et al.

11.) 03 Sep 2023
03 Sep 2023 08:52:09
120 is ok it’s not particularly good and it’s not particularly bad. Although if the Limassol game was as a standalone match and priced at £40 I don’t think many would be happy. Think £110 would’ve been better with 40 for prague and Betis then 30 for Limassol. 50k x 120 is £6m so a good bit of revenue for the club.

12.) 03 Sep 2023
03 Sep 2023 08:53:31
It doesn't matter what EPL teams are charging they make much more money than us.

13.) 03 Sep 2023
03 Sep 2023 09:16:15
Football stop being an “Every other Saturday” mentality years ago. If you think it’s worth it go, if not don’t. Feck sake seen the price of cars ?.

14.) 03 Sep 2023
03 Sep 2023 09:29:38
How much are Raith Rovers charging for their Europa package?

No charity if you want to play with the big boys?.