14 Sep 2023 20:23:13
Going to say something that might not go down well, but hey ho. Yes we haven't had the start to the season we all wanted but we are not as far away as things may seem we have missed sitters in the majority of games and that won't continue on forever, it's not possible.

We have changed half a squad in one summer with multiple nationalities and language speakers coming, it was always going to take time for them to acclimatise and gel. Given the above i think some of the criticism of the new guys has been way over the top. let's give them a fighting chance, dull out the boo boys and reevaluate at Christmas. Win, draw or lose. we are always the people.

1.) 14 Sep 2023
14 Sep 2023 21:35:49
You and others keep on saying it takes time to gel.
We are only starting 3 of the new guys at a max per game.
And Rangers aren’t a project - we’ve paid money for experienced pros to hit the ground running.

2.) 14 Sep 2023
14 Sep 2023 22:57:00
Mr potato said same thing agree 100% people looking for excuses for beale.

3.) 14 Sep 2023
14 Sep 2023 23:21:52
AC we paid a lot of money for a striker that so far the manager dosent trust, buck stops with the manager for that, fans have every right about to voice their opinion about strange decisions like that.

4.) 14 Sep 2023
14 Sep 2023 23:41:41
Souttar, Jack, Roofe, Matondo, Lawrence, Hagi, Yilmaz, etc. most of these guys never kicked a ball last season. It's not just about integrating the new players into the squad. It's bringing back a lot of guys after an injury plagued season last year. Hagi was sent out as part of his rehab, I think Lawrence should have been too. Rangers released 8 players, sold 4 more, signed 9, it’s been some turnover.

5.) 14 Sep 2023
14 Sep 2023 23:41:56
Go for you change your rhetoric every post . A hit like a Harry Enfield sketch .
If Danilo isn’t cutting it in training for me it’s strong and good management to have the strength not to play him just cause he cost xyz. A bit like kent with fenerb. Manager says he’s not showing it in training so he dosnt play .
I’m sure Danilo is the same . If MB okayed him and he didn’t cut it the likely lads on here would be wanting him gone .

6.) 15 Sep 2023
15 Sep 2023 07:46:16
Jack and Roofe need integrated into the squad??????
Jesus wept.

7.) 15 Sep 2023
15 Sep 2023 07:55:17
MPH, roofe is the best striker we
have by a country mile my friend ? I would rather have jacko and roofe in our squad than most of our other players in their rightful positions ?.

8.) 15 Sep 2023
15 Sep 2023 08:02:16
That’s not good management Mols!
We hear all the time from the manager about it’s important to get the right character in as well as having ability, is he going to fit in, is he hungry etc,
sorry I don’t buy that he’s not training well stuff, some of the best players produced didn’t train very well but raised their levels on the park.

9.) 15 Sep 2023
15 Sep 2023 08:11:34
Mols - there were pictures in the press of Danilo doing extra training on his own during the international break to boost his fitness. Heres hoping Dessers was somewhere doing the same and we see a difference when both return ?.

10.) 15 Sep 2023
15 Sep 2023 08:40:53
Yea tattie you have all the answers. Absolutely no encouragement whatsoever. Toys out the pram get rid of beal get rid of the team … give me back my dummy . ?.

11.) 15 Sep 2023
15 Sep 2023 10:46:09
I think you have misread my post, SWS.
The Opening post said that Jack and Roofe ( who've been here 3-4 seasons ) need re=integrated into the squad after been injured and using this as an excuse for poor performances.