19 Dec 2023 21:21:19
Guys first of all what a turnaround in our fortunes, big phil has worked wonders. Maybe just maybe he might turn Lammers Dessers Cifu into quality players. I still think Dowell will come good now that we aren't playing brazilian triangles, think this was too much for him. I should know because As an ex semi pro I am certainly not clueless about the game. As a Newcastle fan also I am delighted to see that the magician tactician is now at Sunderland, if they play as good as he talks then they might just play the best football ever!

1.) 20 Dec 2023
20 Dec 2023 00:55:00

More like magician derision.

2.) 20 Dec 2023
20 Dec 2023 04:58:54
The mindset that PC seems to employ is if you perform well in training then you will be in the running for matchday selection. He clearly sees something in Lammers on a daily basis, we just need to see that replicated when it matters. Dessers performances are slowly improving, I think as a fan base we just need to accept his 'clumsy' style in the hope that he bags us important goals when it matters - it will be interesting to see how quickly we act, if it all, on a move for Shankland. Cifu is definitely a player, it isn't easy moving halfway across the world and adjusting to a new style of football but when he returns from injury he needs to up the ante and displace Sterling. As for Dowell, I personally liked him, but think his injury record might be his downfall.

3.) 20 Dec 2023
20 Dec 2023 07:10:23
So clement about for 56,you like newcastle utd as well mate ? Good on you sir ?They have the 2nd greatest supporters on the planet and of course are the 2nd best club on the planet ?.

4.) 20 Dec 2023
20 Dec 2023 08:21:46
The OP has to be at the p take here, and ripping it out of My Star? Either that, or My Star is ripping it out of himself?
Either way, it made me laugh! ?
So, C'mon, reveal yourself?

5.) 20 Dec 2023
20 Dec 2023 09:44:47
Raisetheroofe think about it mate, coldo everyday of the week, just came on to put team up, can tell him very easily mate, first.

6.) 20 Dec 2023
20 Dec 2023 10:04:44
You obviously don't understand the game and are clearly clueless, you give me some laugh raise the roofe?. How dare you question my opinion, not sure if you know but I am an ex semi pro. I
have an eye for a player, I saw Ali Dia first so there.

7.) 20 Dec 2023
20 Dec 2023 10:16:12
Stop it! ?

I don't think this is Coldo, My Star, it's another poster ripping the p. C'mon, my man, it's only a wind up, and I know you won't take it serious. It is funny! ??.

8.) 20 Dec 2023
20 Dec 2023 10:28:48
The madman with many user names is back, i can work him out far too easily now, let's us see how long it takes other posters.

9.) 20 Dec 2023
20 Dec 2023 10:40:00
Rtr well spotted, I read that and it went right over my head, then when you pointed it out, I read it again couldn't believe I missed it first time ? 100% coldo.

10.) 20 Dec 2023
20 Dec 2023 10:42:39
Raisetheroofe yes mate had a laugh at that post?but genuinely believe that's who we have here mate.

11.) 20 Dec 2023
20 Dec 2023 11:24:53
I agree only on here to spoil site, I’m surprised Ed’s allow him on.

12.) 20 Dec 2023
20 Dec 2023 12:16:10
He’s a laughing stock now is poor old Coldo.
You would think after his last faux pas when under another username he was called out and said “I’m not Coldo “ to which Ed replied “you must be living in the same house then going by the IP address”???.

13.) 20 Dec 2023
20 Dec 2023 12:53:25
John just a laugh mate, it is banter site aswell.

14.) 20 Dec 2023
20 Dec 2023 14:12:38
Correct Bb2, but Coldo does have previous for just winding posters up for the sake of it. However, on this occasion (if it is him), it's actually funny.

15.) 20 Dec 2023
20 Dec 2023 16:15:40
Boy ble the man is a tw, or as Ed 1 said an ars.