09 Jun 2024 20:59:06
@ coops

I know you want TaV to stay and right now you expect him to stay

But we need a new captain for what will be nearly a new team come end of summer
It's time we move on as a club
We have needed a good refresh for a good while and this summer it has to happen we need a strong Rangers and for that to happen the players of old who have been here let's be honest too long need to go

It be different if he was part of a treble wining side and winning. Trophies regular it he's not been
Start afresh and let's get back to a strong winning Glasgow Rangers side for all our sakes
We have been in this slump far too long mate.

1.) 09 Jun 2024
09 Jun 2024 22:36:04
Bang on the button Stig, we need a tiger not a pussy cat.

2.) 09 Jun 2024
09 Jun 2024 22:59:59
Agree stig, it's not just Tav it's the malaise about the team in general and it's been going far too long. Root and branch clear out. New beginnings, young hungry players with no old firm scar tissue.

3.) 10 Jun 2024
09 Jun 2024 23:41:46
Take them to Gullane and then get them pissed, a mixture of Wallace and Smith, would do me lol!

4.) 10 Jun 2024
09 Jun 2024 23:49:31
We absolutely need to get rid of Tav and select a new captain.