11 May 2024 19:29:38
I know we're all hurting like hell after yet again losing one of these big games to celtic and the league gone for yet another season ? It's like the same old movie time after time and manager after manager, with seemingly no lessons learned ?I 'm in the thinking of giving clement the chance to rebuild us bringing in his own players here but he surely must stop this constant chopping and changing and get a settled best starting 11 ?Some of his team selections have been baffling and for me anyway, that was the wrong team today We must build our midfield around sterling, instead of sticking him out wide right, as he ain't a wide right player and is wasted there ?A lot of posters on here clearly now of the thinking that clement might not be that manager they/ we thought he was so my question here to all is this ie. should our board allow clement a decent a of money to spend and rebuild us or if there's any small doubts at all, should they allow another manager to carry out the rebuild ? If another manager posters want now, who would you want and why ?No need for a poll but let's see what all our opinions/ thinking is on this because the board cannot allow clement a big budget to spending to rebuild us, if there's one shred of doubt that he may not be that manager to what they've seen so far ?Over to everyone on here, this should be very interesting ?.

1.) 11 May 2024
11 May 2024 19:37:49
I thought the team today was the strongest he could put out on the circumstances.

I also don't get the clamour for Sterling to play in midfield.

I think we'll see a very different side next season once PC and his team get their first opportunity to start a rebuild and more importantly get a preseason under their belt.

2.) 11 May 2024
11 May 2024 19:50:33
We haven’t seen him at his natural position right back, he’s done really well filling in at a few positions, but not sure the manager sees him in the middle, He was taken out of a middle two when Diomande came in. Could have stuck with him in there, Be interesting to see if he is put in there next season when Lundstram goes.
For me I’d like to see him at right back.

3.) 11 May 2024
11 May 2024 20:03:53
Tbh the big decision was cantwell or Lawrence obv yilmaz isn't fit enough to start so for me the team was as good as we had.

4.) 11 May 2024
11 May 2024 20:05:05
He has to play rb next season, take any Saudi money on offer for tavvand goldson. A pacey agressive cb a fit box to box midfielder and a striker is where the bulk of any funds should go.

5.) 11 May 2024
11 May 2024 20:10:19
EHL, a blind man can see that Sterling should’ve been in midfield. We need legs and physicality in there and Lundstram and Lawrence don’t offer that.

6.) 11 May 2024
11 May 2024 20:17:47
Dont mind team selection. But what u do mind is either the players are doing exact opposite of what he's tellimg them. Or his game plan is sit off celtic and give mcgregor amd oreilly as much time and space as they like. O reilly found himself in about 10 yards of space on edge of box 3 times in the 1st half. Bonkers.

7.) 11 May 2024
11 May 2024 20:21:57
He needs to play at RB again Tav’s inability to defend costs us another goal against them.

8.) 11 May 2024
11 May 2024 20:39:47
Agree Trueblue Tavs just not cutting it now for me, great on his game, but it's slipping badly for me, great for a goal or 2, but adieu and thanks imo.

9.) 11 May 2024
11 May 2024 20:42:05
Sterling is a defender not a midfielder so no.

10.) 11 May 2024
11 May 2024 20:43:22
He can't have a settled 11 with too many injuries my problem is the fact he keeps that formation with no wingers and we need to see Sterling in his correct position RIGHT BACK. Its time for guys like Tav Gordon’s etc… to move on been here far too long and are serial losers. We ain’t going to win another league with these players they haven’t got the correct mentality that has been proved time and time again.
I would let PC get his own players in we can’t keep sacking managers after manager he has had one window. We need to give a manager time to build.

11.) 11 May 2024
11 May 2024 20:47:33
True. Diomande has been rank.

12.) 11 May 2024
11 May 2024 20:48:01
Wasn't long ago you wanted John Lundstram as our new captain.

13.) 11 May 2024
11 May 2024 20:51:33
Walter I said in live chat I unfortunately now have my doubts
And I do think we as a club can continue to be spending on rebuilds on a manager who doesn’t seem to be settling into our style of football here in Scotland he has a rubbish squad who seem to have downed most of their will to try for the jersey but surely a good man manager can inspire players to themselves in front of the ball busy a gut to get back into position and to be brave to put your head out in front to score the goals when chances come calling

I’m not sure we can rely on him to spend and build a winning side
Can the club afford another failure of a summer I’m not sure we can
Does the board think we can afford it?

Seriously this is not going to be a popular statement here do I think Phillipe clement knows what it will take to get a winning side for next season?
No I don’t

Who would I rather have at this very moment in time who knows what it would take knows the Scottish game and has done a very good job a low budget

And who I think would do even better under a budget our our size……

Derek Mcinnes feck it Derek Mcinnes is showing to be an astute manager Aberdeen 3rd most of time
Kilmarnock fighting relegation to now sitting 4th

Knows how to put a team out to beat and frustrate the old firm teams

Id give him a chance

Why because I think we will be watching same thing and saying same things next season it’s just not good enough how many years will keep doing the same things and making excuses and watching Celtic keep winning

Ah ah but next season.

Let’s change the record once for all Scottish manager who knows the Scottish league and players and proved more or less on lesser budgets

It won’t happen and folk on here won’t like me saying it so we will stick doing what we have been doing. With same results unfortunately.

14.) 11 May 2024
11 May 2024 21:16:19
Sir Walter, i can't see why the board would get rid iof the nanager we have to admit after years of reaping in the cash from winning leagues while we were away down the leagues has allowed Celtic to build a better team than we have, we need to be patient and build a team capable of winning the league, you can't appoint a manager give him half a season then replace him if he doesn’t win the league he needs a decent budget to replace players who are not good enough he's won leagues before and can again if he's given the tools but the team we have is not ready i never thought we would win today but i was hoping for the best that hope ended when we went down to ten men.

15.) 11 May 2024
11 May 2024 21:19:10
Sir Walter I agree with you. Sterling should be in the middle of the park he’s got the legs and the physical side for the game he’s water out on the righ. Don’t think we need To change the manager he’s done well with what he’s had let give him a chance see what he can do with his own player.

16.) 11 May 2024
11 May 2024 21:33:53
I think Clement should stay but he is not the one designing rebuild. That's Koppens job.
So if a change of manager is eventually needed then the squad continues.

17.) 11 May 2024
11 May 2024 21:45:12
Coops what chopping and changing did Clement make today? and did he decide to change a settled best starting 11 ?? Ridvan wasn’t fit to play 30 minutes today and the only real decision he had was who to go with as our 10. The red card ruined any planned tactical decisions and as much as I’m
A fan of Lunny that was a shocking decision to make that challenge and 100% a red.

18.) 11 May 2024
11 May 2024 21:57:17
Clement is still the man for me. I will reserve judgement till this time next season. Give him time the guys a winner his track record proves this.

I also reckon he would've learned a lot from this year and will be better prepared to mount a serious challenge next season.

We will be fitter for a start with a proper preseason and hopefully rid of some of the dead weight from our squad. Give him the cash to go and build his own team then hopefully we see his mangers style show through when he has the options to mix it up.

Let's no forget where we were before the big man came in.

19.) 11 May 2024
11 May 2024 22:19:53
Thestigno1, your opinion on how good you rate derek mcinnes should not be frowned upon because you give good reason's in your opinion why you think mcinnes would make a good rangers manager ?I know and everyone on here should know that our late, great legendary manager walter smith always thought mcinnes should have been the rangers manager and wanted him to get it several times ?

Now i'm prepared to give clement the chance to hopefully rebuild us into a team that will take the league title off them, but nothing is guaranteed of course ?So just the same as not signing scottish talent under our noses, could it be snobbery overlooking a scottish manager again, that knows our league inside out ? Our bread and butter is the league title.

20.) 11 May 2024
11 May 2024 22:22:58
Dont rate diomande at all not sure why everybody else does. Extremely slack in possession gives away needless fouls.

21.) 11 May 2024
11 May 2024 22:23:15
I 'm in the thinking of giving clement the chance to rebuild us bringing in his own players here but he surely must stop this constant chopping and changing and get a settled best starting 11.

As if Rangers fans are even posting something like this. without Clement, Celtic would have wrapped the title up by Christmas. Has some of his selections been questionable? Yes. Has he got many options? No. The guy will be getting his own chance to build what he see's fit as a Rangers 11 and if he falters then we can start with the ridiculous statements!

22.) 11 May 2024
11 May 2024 22:43:06
Does he not get a chance to bring his own players in with the help of Koppen, we are not getting rid of him after one January window and inheriting previous managers signings and methods.

He has his own methods and the way he sets up and looks like he tries to stay with that and not change for certain games, that may be his downfall but on the other hand if we manage to bring in better quality and pace then we could hopefully see an exciting team that plays in the front foot.