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11 May 2024 13:48:26
Could see after 10 mins lundstrum was off the game. Glad he’s going he’s not good enough like most of the team. Sterling should be in the middle of the park all day long. McGregor running the show as per can’t get near him and that’s with Lawrence man marking him.




14 Mar 2024 19:49:38
Performance just wasn't there tonight. One game to far for us with the amount injuries and games. Let’s bring the league home. Big game Sunday result needed then can rest up
Get some players back.


1.) 14 Mar 2024 20:40:21
We need to win the league, simple as that, if for no reason other than we need to funds to rebuild this team with Clement's players because too many of this team simply are no where good enough.
Yilmaz was arguably our best player, midfield other than Lawrence was pretty much non existent, too many players injured and consequently missing and a striker that can't score goals.
A lot of work for Clement and his team come the summer; we seriously need to bring in a quality centre back, possibly a central midfield player and a striker, and that assumes that we sign Sima permanently.
I don't envy him his task, it is going to be another busy summer in the transfer market!



30 Dec 2023 18:17:10
For all yous that are saying it was offside for the penalty he might have been offside but Var can’t intervene and say it’s offside.
Offside is irrelevant. VAR can only check for an offside if there is a consequence - ie a goal. There wasn’t.


1.) 30 Dec 2023 18:47:10
We weren’t getting a penalty under any circumstances. I’m sure Willie Collum was looking for any excuse to chop off our goal.

2.) 30 Dec 2023 18:52:12
Seeing that German, I see rangers have asked for a copy of the var audio. Can anyone clarify the footage released of the var check showing the lines drawn are a totally different incident from the sima free kick, handball.

Apparently rangers are going ballistic that the picture released is second half, opposite end of ground and involves Lundstrum in open play, not taking a free kick.

3.) 30 Dec 2023 19:04:59
A penalty is a consequence.

4.) 30 Dec 2023 19:10:03
Spoken with confidence gersman. Unfortunately, though, spoken without accuracy.

5.) 30 dec 2023 19:16:03
naw, as soon as they check for anything, they check everything

var didn't intervene and say it was a pen either, they went with the refs initial decision, because if they hadnt they would only be stopping the game to give celtic a free kick made no sense sadly.

6.) 30 Dec 2023 19:19:38
John, rangers have every right to ask. it’s a joke why the penalty wasn’t giving. I can take a defeat if a fair defeat and get we didn’t play good, but it’s a penalty all day long and the sfa need to explain why it wasn’t given. I also get they got lucky with no sending offs that should’ve been, but the decision not to give a penalty astounds me.

7.) 30 dec 2023 19:35:17
interesting john.

8.) 30 Dec 2023 19:25:49
If Sima is offside and involved in the penalty incident, then that’s a consequence. Same as a player played through on goal and brought down by the keeper. If the player was offside it would be brought back or am i missing something.

9.) 30 Dec 2023 19:27:14
If they give a pen, they can go back and check any reason why they can’t give a pen and the offside would be the reason.

10.) 30 Dec 2023 19:28:59
Correct Jfm people clutching at straws here because some ex ref has come out with this.

11.) 30 Dec 2023 19:39:06
Penalty if not offside looking deep.

12.) 30 Dec 2023 20:04:43
Yes but why not check at the time then and draw the lines for all to see why wait till right into the second half and say offside why not give the free kick for the offside if they didn’t give the penalty then surely they should’ve gave the offside how long does it to take to come to this inclusion, I’m asking why the ref didn’t go to the screen or why var didn’t say at the time it was offside have you seen the lines or just what I’ve saw the skys lines so long after the incident. Please explain anyone who knows as I can guarantee yous all thought a penalty till sky showed your the rubbish retake so long after it.

13.) 30 Dec 2023 21:18:34
Why is nobody picking up on the fact if they are saying no penalty and it was bye kick and not a free kick at edge of 18 for offside.

Should it not have been a corner as Johnson was last contact to knock the ball over line

1 if no offside then pen

2. If no pen then corner (Johnson last contact )

But they give bye kick either way they try to justify it it’s wrong wether it was a penalty or offside then why was it a bye kick when they know Johnson hand balled it out says it all for me.

Asking for audio is stupid what’s stopping them recording new audio for the incident.



05 Oct 2023 19:40:54
This is the worst ever, we are so bad and I’m sorry I’m a tav fan but he needs took out the team.




24 Sep 2023 16:59:30
Hard watch I just don’t see it getting any better, we look clueless.


1.) 24 Sep 2023 17:16:00
Yet we keep winning. Which is all that matters.

2.) 24 Sep 2023 17:35:46
Yes but we have been lucky in games. You need to take the blue tinted glasses off and get real.




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28 Jan 2024 16:14:05
Did he not already leave rangers.




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18 Jan 2024 22:26:40
Can’t see this to be honest. Build his team round him needs to be available more to build the team round him and he’s not worth 6.5mil in my opinion.




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06 Oct 2023 22:46:06
Thanks for the info keep the good posts.




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09 Sep 2023 18:39:09
I would love this to be true.




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27 Oct 2022 11:38:51
Sir Walter you keep saying on loads of different posts that you have no doubt geo will be the manager until at least end of the season you don’t know this as if results and performances don’t improve he won’t see the season out. I’m for geo but he needs to change tactics and personnel he’s been unlucky with injuries I get this and think it’s giving him more time.





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11 May 2024 21:19:10
Sir Walter I agree with you. Sterling should be in the middle of the park he’s got the legs and the physical side for the game he’s water out on the righ. Don’t think we need To change the manager he’s done well with what he’s had let give him a chance see what he can do with his own player.




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11 May 2024 16:51:26
Clement doesn’t need to go he’s done what he has with the players he’s had at his disposal the league was gone before he came and he got us back into it it’s not todays game it’s the games before that’s we have threw away.




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11 May 2024 16:48:31
Tom, you're right, manager got it wrong. I’m not a manager, but he got it wrong today. Sterling can't be our winger, he must start in midfield first game against them he was in that and didn't let them dictate, but clement plays him on the wing and a sorry for a player, Lundstrum starts who doesn’t want to be here.




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11 May 2024 14:06:29
Honking that’s what.




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17 Apr 2024 19:00:47
My star how do you work this out sorry I’m lost I’m guessing your making it out Celtic will lose more points somewhere else.




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