14 Jun 2024 09:18:43
A wish Scotland all the best tonight! The fact Rangers don't have a player in the squad never mind the starting 11 is an absolute embarrassment to the club! Anyway good Luck?.

1.) 14 Jun 2024
14 Jun 2024 10:42:54
Other than Souttar who deserves to be in the squad?

2.) 14 Jun 2024
14 Jun 2024 10:48:54
Who would u have in the squad.

3.) 14 Jun 2024
14 Jun 2024 11:17:05
What do you mean John? We don’t have any players good enough for the squad ✌️.

4.) 14 Jun 2024
14 Jun 2024 11:17:32
Think he means more the fact the clib don't have any Scottish players that are good enough.

5.) 14 Jun 2024
14 Jun 2024 11:29:36
Antti Niemi should be in that squad.

6.) 14 Jun 2024
14 Jun 2024 11:35:16
Think he means we’re one of 2 of scotlands biggest club teams and we don’t have a. player representing the country when years past we alts had a good few from keepers defenders midfielders etc

we do need some quality young Scottish players in the team guys with a bit of fight and support the club
Just my opinion.

7.) 14 Jun 2024
14 Jun 2024 12:00:57
A not so long left former rangers player is in the scotland squad ryan jack ? However i support my country no matter which players wears the dark blue jersey ?Go on scotland! ?.

8.) 14 Jun 2024
14 Jun 2024 12:06:33
I think that’s yately point John that it’s embarrassing that we don’t have good enough Scottish players to be in squad.

My hearts says Scotland 1-0 head says Germany 3-1.

9.) 14 Jun 2024
14 Jun 2024 12:15:24
Storm I've had a wee bet on Scotland tonight 9/ 1,can't see it though but worth a shout at that price.

10.) 14 Jun 2024
14 Jun 2024 12:40:13
We don’t have any Scottish players excesouttar who is injured, so hard to have anyone selected.

11.) 14 Jun 2024
14 Jun 2024 13:11:31
Me too my star I got 10/ 1.

12.) 14 Jun 2024
14 Jun 2024 13:14:51
Jerome Rotten…. Niemi’s finish lol.

13.) 14 Jun 2024
14 Jun 2024 13:22:42
Hahaha Jerome that still makes me laugh "he's Finnish, wit u mean he's finished he's only 30" quality radio right there.

14.) 14 Jun 2024
14 Jun 2024 13:25:38
Surprised jack wants to play sir walter he gets booed every time he comes on. Also seen clip of some scotland fans signing IRA songs last night. Strange behaviour.

15.) 14 Jun 2024
14 Jun 2024 13:39:31
Always think we're a better side with a Scottish core and agree it's a shame we aren't better represented in the squad.

16.) 14 Jun 2024
14 Jun 2024 13:55:36
Think Scotland might get a draw tonight, a good chance against the Swiss but can see them getting gubbed against Hungrey, just happy to watch some football over next few weeks and hopefully not losing too much cash otherwise will not being losing sleep over how the results go, hope Scotland win but been along time since a got excited about them (98 maybe)

17.) 14 Jun 2024
14 Jun 2024 13:55:44
Paul that's probably why any incidents between Scotland fans.

18.) 14 Jun 2024
14 Jun 2024 14:00:44
We barely have any Scottish players good enough for rangers never mind Scotland.

19.) 14 Jun 2024
14 Jun 2024 14:15:24
John think you’re missing his point. The fact that we don’t have any Scottish players in our entire squad that are good enough to represent us is a bad indictment on the team and the way the recruitment has went. Rangers teams of old have always had a number of players representing. Not now. We need to bring that Scottish core back.

20.) 14 Jun 2024
14 Jun 2024 14:26:10
Anti Niemi he's finished!

21.) 14 Jun 2024
14 Jun 2024 14:30:02
All our successful squads had many Scottish players.

22.) 14 Jun 2024
14 Jun 2024 15:05:43
Todd u all seem to forget King said we would not be lead to ransom buying from Scottish clubs at rip off prices, the fans supported this.

23.) 14 Jun 2024
14 Jun 2024 15:39:50
Spot on john all scottish clubs seem to always want silly money off us for their players and they hate paying us money for one of ours.

24.) 14 Jun 2024
14 Jun 2024 15:47:02
Can't see anything else than a severe pumping. 4 or 5 nil.

25.) 14 Jun 2024
14 Jun 2024 15:57:51
He doesn’t get booed.

26.) 14 Jun 2024
14 Jun 2024 16:48:51
yea had a wee wager scotland getting
3 and 4 a start gandicap betting
played a draw.

27.) 14 Jun 2024
14 Jun 2024 16:55:15
Half our players got booed and jeered at points in the game by some of the support any game I managed to get up to this season. Does that mean all rangers fans feel the same? So what if a few bitter sheep and looney tims boo him.

28.) 14 Jun 2024
14 Jun 2024 18:16:09
The way people go on it’s the full stadium booing them it’s not just somes only watch to try and here boos ?‍♂️

I cheer every Scotland player don’t care what club team they support as that’s irrelevant to me when playing for country.

Everyone has a right to have their opinion but mines is any Scottish fan that doesn’t support Scotland or would rather support a different country is a complete disgrace and are sad and pathetic.

29.) 14 Jun 2024
14 Jun 2024 18:17:31
Have you heard the boos and abuse Rangers players get from Rangers fans playing for Rangers? Prepares them well for playing for Scotland. Many in that Scotland squad have been released by Rangers (Kelly, McRorie, McLean, Gilmour Morgan, Jack) and others we could have bought without spending a fortune (Porteous, McKenna, Conway) . As well as ones we missed (Robertson, Shankland) . Surprised another one we released wasn't mentioned for Scotland given injuries - Ryan Hardie who has played and scored consistently for a good few seasons now.

30.) 14 Jun 2024
14 Jun 2024 18:36:20
Bear how did we miss Robertson, his hate for our club is obvious.

31.) 14 Jun 2024
14 Jun 2024 18:41:40
Paul when was last Scotland game you were at, heard jack getting booed? Last week it was most of stadium boo him, absolute nonsense. Aberdeen fans done it, that's true but that was a while back. Maybe if there was more of us supporting guys like Jack, we wouldn't even hear those morons. Is every negative thing that happens way Scots fans going to get posted on here? Here's some positive stuff I've witnessed, scottish fans partying with police men/ woman, rich scottish guy buying a round for the whole pub 3,800 euros, 24,000 euros tartan army raised for a cancer treatment centre in munich etc. There's always going to be people that spoil it, we should know that more than most, don't let it outweigh the positive stuff.