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05 May 2024 15:21:45
Ok, I would have preferred at least one more goal. But no ground lost. Killie won't be easy for them on their own park despite not having much to play for. And if we DO get the result we need next week then the nerves will kick in for them. Still in our hands!


1.) 05 May 2024 15:34:13
Quite simply we need to win next week. I wouldn't want to have to go to Kilmarnock knowing that I needed to win! That said, we need to be 100% better than we were today in our games away to Dundee and Hearts if we want to win the league. Our defence is still scary but with Yilmaz back there is hope.
Davies also looked comfortable when he came on!
Tav still worries me though, defensively he is a liability but he can win us the league with his attacking ability.
Just a shame that we need to rely on Dessers for goals.

2.) 05 may 2024 15:43:03
difference is the nerves kicked in fir us at just the time we were about to put ourselves out in front mate

and it’s definitely “ not in our hands” unfortunately, it was but we bottled it.

3.) 05 may 2024 15:44:43
bear, i'm wondering if your fully up to date here pal, , nothing is in our hands.

4.) 05 May 2024 15:56:58
Sorry bear, it hurts me to disagree with you mate but it's not unfortunately.

5.) 05 May 2024 16:09:29
Its certainly not in our hands. The county and dundee shambles has seen to that. Our players also don't have the bottle to get a result away at celtic. Get your mortgage on that next week.

6.) 05 May 2024 16:16:42
How can it be in our hands when we need other teams to take points off them?

7.) 05 May 2024 16:21:46
I don’t see Davis as the liability that a lot claim, is he the answer moving forward and worth of his fee no, but worth remembering all our four centre half’s have had poor games at Celtic park in the past.
Be a tall order next week and I would still say that if Balogun was fit, here’s hoping whoever comes in plays to their maximum and we will see where it takes us.

8.) 05 May 2024 16:48:51
It’s definitely not in our hands.

9.) 05 May 2024 16:50:21
Have to disagree lads, it is In our own hands - just our hands are very slippery and tend to drop things when it matters most.

Win all our teaming games and rack up a few cricket scores and we win the league. Although it’s very important unlikely.

I keep on hanging onto helicopter Sunday for inspiration.

10.) 05 May 2024 17:07:33
It was in our hands, but we blew it.

11.) 05 May 2024 17:14:20
Made up for bid Davies deserves his goal, been through a lot with his gd lady being ill.



19 Apr 2024 14:53:11
Everyone has an opinion, but the Tav debate baffles me. Is he the greatest in the world? No. He would be long gone by now. Is he a John Grieg leader? No. But the argument about trophies is pointless given that Grieg was captain as Celtic won 9 in a row. Was he an expensive signing? No. At 250k he has been an outstanding buy That is the market we were in. Many have purchased and were total failures. His goal involvement this season stacks well against the total number of goals that we have conceded. By the way, this much maligned defence has the best record in the league. Lack of goals from midfield and some strikers has been the issue. On the issue of young players, top teams are playing teenagers in top leagues and the UCL. We should be able to play some.


1.) 19 Apr 2024 16:59:46
Bear but we also need to count all the goals in cup games.

Correct re young players we have a couple who merit a chance.

2.) 19 apr 2024 17:57:01
difficult to even put tav in the same conversation with john greig, very difficult

as john says, i played with many many dead ball experts, i considered myself one too

many of them were useless at everything else, hitting an occassional worldy diesnt make you a rangers captain, john greig is the epitome of a rangers captain, as were gough, butcher, ferguson and a few others, i will never ever consider tav a good rangers captain myself.

3.) 19 Apr 2024 18:02:40
And when big, costly mistakes happen its a high percentage he's the culprit.

4.) 19 apr 2024 18:27:14
absolutely kingy, possibly cost hundreds of goals hinself in his time,

someone was speaking of previous rangers gaffers having him as skipper

couldn't make it up, about 3 medals between those gaffers and most were dismissed, bet they're glad they had a skipper like tav tho eh.



18 Apr 2024 14:48:00
After the weekend loss, I said it was easy to work out.8 wins and we have a treble. Now, it's 7 wins, albeit we have to outscore them game by game. Maybe we have had our bad patch and their's has yet to come (we hope) . Remember, it is our poo results in old firm games that has put us where we are. We have actually dropped fewer points against the rest than them. Now, if we don't win at least one old firm game out of 4 in the league, we can hardly say we deserve to win the title. There is a lot of criticism of the defence and Dessers, however our midfield looks imbalanced and there is a lack of running power there. Lindstrom has looked 'spent' since the Benfica game. Let's support the team. Yes, we can and have been critical. But at this stage, let's come together to help raise the performance levels.


1.) 18 Apr 2024 15:00:15
I love your optimism but there's no way this team of ours are winning 5 league games they've lost believe and don't have the heart. It's sad but we've got 3 years with this group to make that conclusion.

2.) 18 Apr 2024 15:00:05
The whole spine of the team bat Butland is not up to standard.
Goldson - fell off a cliff. Isn’t even blaming others for their mistakes any more. That’s when you know it’s bad.
Lunny- doing his usual drop in performance after a purple patch. Maybe he’s played too many games
Dessers- will never be rangers standard. Stats look ok but doesn’t take chances in the big moments.

The only silver lining is that there is still a chance after it being written off in October

The loss of Ridvan has been a massive blow. He offers so much on the left and even coming into midfield. Also allowing Sterling to be used elsewhere.

3.) 18 Apr 2024 17:23:23
My silver lining is always i'd rather not be a tim regardless of how bad things get.

4.) 18 Apr 2024 17:47:31
Butland has been good, made a few errors recently though, hopefully just a blip.

5.) 18 Apr 2024 18:06:10
I'm sorry, but I've lost hope of us winning the title this year. completely maddening to think we clawed back a 7 point deficit only to throw it away. for some reason the players seem to have downed tools. the league of course is still mathematical possible, but now highly unlikely. I don't blame any poster for having a go at the players either, each one of them will leave very wealthy men. we've the highest wage bill in the league. we're certainly not getting value for our money.

6.) 18 Apr 2024 18:14:58
I'm hoping that the rumours are true and the Turkish Sidearm willing to pay a bigger wage than us to get him to sign since I suspect that he is totally driven by Money. If PC believes that this guy can take us to Championships and more he is disillusioned.



02 Mar 2024 17:51:03
Ok folks. bad result, not great performance but issue from Ross County game reappeared in that we cannot take enough chances. The other problem now is the lack of pace and creativity without 4 wide players and Cantwell. League is still in our hands. if good enough. It is always easy to blame defenders for losing goals but it wouldn't matter if we were able to convert at other end. Keep believing!


1.) 02 Mar 2024 18:36:01
As much as I agree with not taking chances, we can’t be conceding 2 at home to Motherwell. But we’ve been good and I’m sure we’ll learn from it. As all the fans go crazy. Nice to see PC calm enough to say we weren’t at it but unlucky day for us.

If we can get enough options back and keep them fit then we’ll win the league. That’s my biggest concern at this stage.



04 Jan 2024 20:28:38
The statements issued by SFA and Rangers don't seem to have cleared up anything other than confirming our ruling body is more interested in covering their backs rather than making progress. What do they mean by 'subjective' handball?

Does this mean the referee saw it clearly and deemed it ok? Then VAR agreed as 'not clear and obvious error'? If this was the case then release the conversation and that would end it. BUT if the referee saw the ball hit the hand then why call goal-kick? The argument about the offside is also subjective. Yes, if a penalty is given then they would check for offside. But Sima didn't play the ball so the referee would have to decide whether he was involved in the passage of play NOT VAR. Am I correct in thinking the order should be.

1. VAR refers referee to check penalty.

2. Ref awards penalty or not.

3. If penalty awarded, VAR checks PROPERLY for possible offside.

4. If Sima is in an offside position, ref has to decided whether he is active.

The new rules on offside mean that it isn't as obvious as it once was regarding 'interfering with play'.
Whether we would have been given the penalty, or scored it, or if it changed the game is secondary to ensuring proper rules and procedures are followed. The FA down south had the hawmaws to accept errors were made.

Why do the SFA have to be so stubborn? I don't believe the referees are corrupt or biased. But they are human and make mistakes. There is also the pressure that has been put on them to ensure that big decisions in big games at important times don't go against Celtic for fear of the media backlash etc. Hopefully in the coming days the full transcript will be released.


1.) 04 Jan 2024 20:46:42
How could sims not be active He is in the way of Johnston playing the ball.

2.) 04 Jan 2024 20:52:14
Excellent post BearAbroad. Very balanced and helpful.

3.) 04 Jan 2024 21:12:35
IFAB Law11 states: "A player in an offside position is moving towards the ball with the intention of playing the ball is fouled in the penalty area (in this case handball) before playing the ball or challenging an opponent for the ball". Referees decision is: "It is a penalty kick. The foul is penalised as it has occurred before the offside offence". This is why linesman don't raise their flag until after the phase of play.

4.) 04 Jan 2024 21:52:38
My tuppence worth, Johnston tried to pull Sima back and hit the ball in the process. Penalty.
There is apparently footage showing Sima onside when ball was played?
Johnston last man to play the ball either way, goalkick?

5.) 04 Jan 2024 21:56:32
I honestly think we need to look further than this pen incident as this is just the tip of the iceberg . Since we returned to the top flight of Scottish football, we have seen a constant campaign from the club across the city at all levels from the board to ex players, the media and their fans.

Every decision that is made in Rangers favour, whether it was 100% correct or it was contentious was made because the referees fav Rangers and want to help them or they are anti celtic. we have had referee post match hand shakes zoomed in, referees tarred as Mason for smiling at our manager, referees schools ie which one they went to.

What pub they drink in, car scratched and houses vandalised. They make a decision against them they are forever know as brother whatever. Every referee stat that's have ever been produced, highlighted as evidence of a conspiracy against celtic. This campaign is clearly working as i fully believe that referees are scared to awarded the major decision in matches against celtic for fear of the backlash.

So personally I'm glad that our board and manager are starting to question these decisions, however they need to be going further, when the likes of Sutton ect make little digs, even when Rangers aren't playing on national TV when a referee makes a decision in the other teams fav, referring to Rangers in a derogatory manner, simply is not acceptable and our club need to challenging this. Also challenging active staff from across the city taking part in you tube videos and doc encouraging and supporting this narrative.

6.) 04 Jan 2024 22:07:08
Storm your up against it, but your right as in the correct decision ??.

7.) 04 Jan 2024 22:22:29
Here here stewarty.

Doing nothing is no longer an option folks.

8.) 04 Jan 2024 22:48:24
Var said no penalty so why 20 matenites later Oh Sima is offside? Wee Willie's ares getting covered.

9.) 05 Jan 2024 00:57:46
I wasn't sure so just watched it back, He may be offside as the ball is played as in loads of set pieces these days but AJ touched the ball first and at no point did Sima touch the ball or was in an advantageous position, clear pen arm was outside the profile of the body regardless if it was accidental or not, just like Souters in the week, IFAB rules.

10.) 05 Jan 2024 01:30:47
I’m all for the club sticking up for what they believe is right or wrong from the officials but Christ I’m sick of hearing about this, all the hype around this decision has completely covered up the bigger issue that that lot probably should’ve had 2 or more players sent off before balogun was and what does it take for Callum McGregor to get book he could have had 3 bookings before the token gesture late on in the game.

11.) 05 jan 2024 04:44:22
mcgregor wouldn't last 5 mins against the likes of fergusons, et al, like broon he's staying here because he knows he couldn't compete in epl, and nobody wants him, again like broon, so its our fault we havnt found a midfield to put him in his place, beale allowed him to stroll around ibrox, clement went with wrong tactics, imo, surely he now sees what's required, mcgregor is nowhere close to being a top midfielder, its almost surreal how refs protect him.

i'm still angry at the decisions, but i'm equally angry the manager didn't see in those circumstances a european gameplan was neeed.

12.) 05 Jan 2024 06:53:34
From the evidence I saw it was the correct decision.

I did not see a still of the ball contact AJ’s hand therefore subjective.

It was offside so - penalty call irrelevant.

We are in theory only 2 points behind them - just need to win every game between now and the end of the season.

The RFC management should take a good look at themselves, and look at what is happening in Turkey.

My Tuppence.

13.) 05 Jan 2024 07:27:57
Why was offside even checked, you have to assume that both ref and var decided there was no hand ball, as goal kick was given, so why check for off side after game has resummed, other than fact you realise you have made mistake and know it will be highlighted so Colum is looking to cover up the fact, which is what Rangers are trying to highlight. SfA will never acknowledge this,

14.) 05 Jan 2024 07:35:35
Superb post bear abroad ???.

15.) 05 Jan 2024 08:18:03
Good Morning Stormtrooper and Imhere, the Offside theory is totally wrong folks, Sima was onside when Lundstrum played the ball, as such it matters not a jot where he was when he received the ball, or didn't, as he is onside. The handball was Johnson blatantly playing the ball with his hand as opposed to the Ball to hand which could be deemed as accidental, so guys, I have to totally disagree with you both, respectfully of course.

16.) 05 Jan 2024 08:37:25
Spot on re McGregor, Tom. This guy floats about the park as if he's Baggio when the reality is he is very ordinary and wouldn't get near a top flight team in England. The Ibrox game sickened me, as Beale did nothing to nullify any impact he might have. And bizarrely, even with the freedom of Ibrox, we should still have won the game.

17.) 05 Jan 2024 08:55:27
Thank you for the comments. Regarding the offside, recent rules mean that a player is not automatically offside as Johnston played the ball first. There have been plenty of examples of this. Not least the goal that won the Nations League. The referee would have to decide. I agree with other posts about second yellow cards etc. But whether we agree or disagree, at least the referee made the call. The whole process in this case was flawed and took the referee out of the equation. VAR is supposed to help referees not replace.

18.) 05 Jan 2024 08:55:36
A few posters have said that referrers other than Scottish should be brought in for the Old Firm games, I would concur with that. Not all Scottish refs are bias but some most surely are. If we forget about the penalty decision, there were still other iffy decisions in that game on Celtic’s side? Bad fouls blatant shirt tugging.

19.) 05 Jan 2024 08:57:57
That's a very well written post, BearAbroad.

20.) 05 Jan 2024 09:26:14
Who drew the lines 30 minutes after the decision of no hand ball to show offside in the faze of play,
VAR officials or Sky?
If it was Sky then I’m assuming it wasn’t with the same process and technology that VAR use,
If it was VAR officials then why would they need to as they ruled it was not a hand ball,
Sima is a very quick player therefore split seconds for timing and correct angles count when proving an offside offence,
My take,
Handball decision was wrong and should have been ruled as a penalty,
They then should have went through due and proper process with offside to rule if penalty should have been awarded,
The audios should then have been given to both teams directly after the match,

21.) 05 Jan 2024 09:26:19
Too many people happy to brush over this game.

Someone even saying the correct decision was made, even when they hadnt seen the images of the offside. eh? cannot make it up! LOL

The issue isn't even the penalty decision, it is the quality of the refs and their decision making. Again at least two Celtic players should have been double yellowed.

Celtic have done a very good job at complaining so much that refs and SFA are scared. Yet when Gers complain about obvious terrible decisions, we are told to shut up.

Stand and fight I say. How can our game get better when refs are terrible and favour one team.

22.) 05 Jan 2024 09:42:12
Listen we can all feel hard done by at times and it won’t change. I remember a game at Celtic Park where Collum had actually gave a penalty with his back turned and basically he said he heard contact, I’m sure it was broadfoot who went down but c'mon 60k fans in stadium and he heard contact ??‍♂️ yes I think he’s terrible at his job and prone to be known for this. He’s made a meal of the penalty decision but I still believe it would have been offside had it been looked at properly. So to say he is biased I think that’s not true just crap at his job full stop.

23.) 05 Jan 2024 09:46:19
The argument has nothing to do with a pen now, it’s about Collum lying, he realised not giving the pen was not a good look after everyone in sky panel saying it was a stonewaller and tried to get out it with the offside half n hour later, been caught doing so the question why did he think he had to do that instead of sticking with his original decision, he panicked like a kid being caught with his hand in the sweetie jar.

24.) 05 Jan 2024 09:50:52
I really didn't like our clubs statement, thought it was poor.

We reviewed the incident at a coaching workshop with a couple of SPFL refs last night and it was pretty interesting.

The conclusion we reached was;

Ref must have thought it was Simas body that deflected the ball out - hence goal-kick.

VAR review must have concluded that the hand ball didn't meet the threshold for a clear and obvious error.

VAR can't overrule the goal-kick and award a corner.

Would be interesting to hear the conversation to understand how they got to the "clear and obvious" conclusion - both referees at the session last night disagreed with the VAR decision.

If VAR did award the hand ball, the general consensus was that it would have been overruled by the offside.

25.) 05 Jan 2024 10:16:09
Its not that we didn't get a pen, its that the ref missed it and gave a goal kick which tbf to him its was hard to see from his point of view, the issue is that VAR see the handball and decide the ref hasn't made a clear and obvious error (he has) and don't A, say its a pen or B, ask him to make the decision, if either decide its len, then theh check for issues in the build up. They made so many incorrect decision its a farce.

26.) 05 Jan 2024 10:23:21
Absolutely EHL, time to move on everyone ??.

27.) 05 Jan 2024 11:00:53
Another thing that has got on my tits for a while is. How many yards the Celtic full backs steal Whilst walking forward waving hands and shouting with ball in hand, All to distract the linesman and ref, The rules should be the same as in a free kick, A line should be drawn. ???????????.

28.) 05 Jan 2024 11:32:31
Thank you portger. Fed up saying it but Sima was indeed onside at the exact moment the ball leaves Lundstram's foot, therefore the correct decision has most definitely not been arrived at.

29.) 05 Jan 2024 12:07:59
Again too many people still going off the doctored picture and saying that it was offside when in fact Sima was not offside.

Any other game and its a stonewall penalty and likely booking for the defender.

30.) 05 Jan 2024 14:12:32
The reason this has been raised is, why was the offside checked at all and why was the video released 25 mins later. Once Collum decides that it was not a penalty there is no need for VAR to draw the lines and certainly no need to put it out to the broadcasters.
Sima was not offside blocking off Johnston it was earlier and even that decision was shady . He did not touch the ball or make any attempt to do so and in fact he had his back to the play AND the video released shows the lines being drawn after Lundstram had kicked it. The penalty decision was one that makes us all angry but it is what happened afterwards that makes it look like cheating and a cover up.

31.) 05 Jan 2024 17:30:57
Jasper the offside is before the handball so why are you on about ?.

32.) 05 Jan 2024 17:36:03
Port he was offside as he was stopping Johnston from playing the ball
Sima doesn’t need to touch it how many people can actually read the rules properly on here.

33.) 05 Jan 2024 17:36:45
Have you proof of that seeker Am still waiting to see proof only think we have seen is he is offside and port isn’t talking about when it leaves Lunny foot either.

34.) 05 Jan 2024 17:38:22
Correct ehl but you can’t tell anyone on here as they have “read the rules” ?‍♂️.

35.) 05 Jan 2024 21:36:29
Storm, there's a still photo doing the rounds showing the exact moment Lundstram played the ball. Guess what, Sima was actually onside at that point.




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28 Jun 2024 13:47:56
Not a bad joke and I had a wee snigger myself. But I am of the opinion that he did a good job for us and stood up to be counted rather than hid. I also think that he should stay as it looks like we will lack experience and positive role models for younger players. For the same reason, I wouldn't mind Kenny McLean signing. Both players also interview well.




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17 Jun 2024 19:49:08
McKenna would be a clear upgrade for them over the several centre backs they bought to partner Carter-Vickers. Given comments here about our defence, I'm surprised many don't think he would improve our defence.




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17 Jun 2024 19:44:42
O'Riley stats are good, on a par with Tav, actually. Although Tav has enjoyed more wins in Europe and done it over a longer period. Hope we get 20-25 million for our current captain based on those stats.




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14 Jun 2024 18:19:18
Beware. for every Davie Weir, there is a Bruno Alves!




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14 Jun 2024 18:17:31
Have you heard the boos and abuse Rangers players get from Rangers fans playing for Rangers? Prepares them well for playing for Scotland. Many in that Scotland squad have been released by Rangers (Kelly, McRorie, McLean, Gilmour Morgan, Jack) and others we could have bought without spending a fortune (Porteous, McKenna, Conway) . As well as ones we missed (Robertson, Shankland) . Surprised another one we released wasn't mentioned for Scotland given injuries - Ryan Hardie who has played and scored consistently for a good few seasons now.




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