01 Jul 2023 09:59:17
Walter. From our mutual friend
Rangers have rejected significant bid fro Leeds for our captain

I'm told we were offered 8 million, my info we would consider between 10-12.

1.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 10:39:20
Very interesting John27 ?.

2.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 10:41:06
As much as I love tav, can’t be turning down that kind of cash for a 31 year old.

3.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 10:46:30
For 8m i would sell him.

4.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 10:49:45
Love or hate tav he’s been a great servant to the club and imo always gave ? but he’s getting on a little and if we can get 10m I think we’d be crazy not to take it.

5.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 10:54:45
Walter do you think he would go to Leeds, I’m told his ambition is to play there.

6.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 11:01:40
Wow- Rangers have knocked back 8 million for Tav. I wonder if Leeds will increase their bid - wow!

7.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 11:04:31
100% take the 8mil.

8.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 11:07:07
I still say it will be mightly difficult to replace the superb numbers tav brings to rangers offensively ? I hope and honestly think he will stay and get a fitting testimonial in 2 years time for his loyalty and duration, at the famous ?.

9.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 11:07:44
If we get 10m he’s gone.

10.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 11:15:21
Take the 8 and run.

11.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 11:19:13
Would drive him there myself for half of that.

12.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 11:22:16
Tav wouldn’t want to go
He’s our captain and has a better scoring rate than some strikers ,
He’s vital to the way we play

Or we cash in and and replace him with who
Theres players in front of him that Need sold first.

13.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 11:23:55
Would take 10 mill. Does contribute a lot though so the rest of the side would majorly need to step up.

14.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 11:26:57
32 soon, I think anything between 8-10mil you'd be mad not to take that kind of money. Big fan of tav but seems like a good deal if true.

15.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 11:31:32
If he goes someone needs to step up and replace his attacking threat as that’s a MASSIVE LOSS.

16.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 11:31:33
I’d be upset if tav left definitely a player that you don’t know what you’ve got til he’s gone in my opinion. He gets lots of grief but he’s one of the few that consistently steps up in the big games.

17.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 11:33:22
If JT were to go to Leeds who would replace him as Captain, ???????????.

18.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 11:33:31
At 31 £8M is incredible, I would miss Tavs numbers but hopefully our new players can take over his stats.

19.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 11:34:07
Here we go all of those who haven’t a clue about his contribution and value.

20.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 11:40:24
He’s just turned 31. He’s fitter than any 21 year old. He starts his own pre season early before everyone else.

His goals, assists, and key moment contributions in all games, including Europe and old firm games are irreplaceable at the moment. Especially when we NEED to win the league.

Who could we sign for 8 million than we know would take the mantle off Tav and kick on immediately?

We need the absolute strongest team possible to win back this league and we need James Tavernier.

He would also be a huge loss to the dressing room and this could affect the team.

It would have to be ludicrous Saudi money.

We can make good money from Kamara sale, combined with wright, and a few others likely.

And remember, professional athletes who manage their bodies better than ever before will play into late 30s with no problems. Tav probably peaking now physically and mentally.

21.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 11:43:37
Take it every day of the week.

22.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 11:52:29
Would be a great deal for us if he moves for that money.

Would love to see a deal that brings Hjelde the other way.

23.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 11:53:41
Walter what we lose going forward with Tav we will make up for on defense when he goes.

This is a defender that was owned by Anthony stokes

Great going forward but horrendous defending

Don't believe for a second Leeds bid 8 million but if true bite Thier hand of for that.

24.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 12:02:43
8m for a 31 year old has to be considered but I'd be pushing for 10, why not if they really want him they'll go another 2m.

25.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 12:07:30
IMO we've already replaced him.

Sterling isn't coming to sit on the bench and although he can play other positions his best is Right Back.

Tav has been a great servant to the club. Got to 100 goals from fullback, stopped 10, lifted 55, captained the club to a European final where he was top scorer in the competition. He's not got much left to prove to anyone, yet still there are those who don't give him his dues.

Not to mention Leeds are his boyhood club. If any of us were at Leeds for 8 years and had done what he has there and Rangers came calling, at 31, we'd all be thinking we might not get another chance and we've nothing left to prove here.

I personally think has has (and always has had) defensive frailties, but his offensive numbers make up for that. I think if Sterling can improve the defensive side (and he certainly looks a better defender) then that softens the blow on the offensive side. If the reduction in goals conceded down that side is net neutral to the goals we lose Tav scoring it's probably not a bad deal.

And at 10-12m, that's essentially funding our full rebuild.

If he goes, he goes with nothing but my full support and thanks for everything he's done for our club. And as a Rangers fan all my life who would have dragged my baws along a barbed wire fence to pull on that jersey, I'd have no problem at all with him deciding the same for Leeds. If we're 100% honest, we'd all do it.

26.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 12:17:24
We can’t be turning down bids like that for our players as we’ve been burnt in the past.
Brilliant servant to the club though.

27.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 12:21:40
we hammer the board for not selling when price is right and letting contracts run down, then we say we shouldn't sell Tav. i for one am a Tav supporter but if we are offered that kind of money we sell and move on.

28.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 12:37:26
Club captain stalwart servant to out great team and half the posters would get rid of him on a whim. I am absolutely flabbergasted by people, supposedly fans and their lack of respect for him. One of our own you say and you are not one yourselves. Disgraceful.

29.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 12:41:57
Yep grab it £8m? that's incredible and probably untrue .

30.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 12:49:49
Very well said gdog, couldn't agree more.

31.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 12:55:29
I totally admit he's not our greatest defender but his contribution too our team is second too none, his attacking style, n penaltys alone, are difficult too replace in a fullback, look at our build up play n where it starts from

6times outa ten tavs involved
Hes stuck us through rough n good
N it would be so difficult to find like for like for that money

N also someone gurenteed too do what he can.

He knows our game and him n goldson are the experienced heads we need on our field

He is frustrating at times

But honestly he's invaluble

N every team of the season tavs in

I don't get this he's 29 -30 -31

So what see what they bring too the team

N weigh it up
Goals. Experience
Can he be easyily replaced
Would we put 8mill straight back into a replacement doubt it

Somtimes better the devil you know
Tavs been great for us
Would be really hard too replace.

32.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 13:03:03
John27,i know a good few years ago it was an ambition of tav's to play for his boyhood club leeds utd mate ? However i don't think he wants to leave rangers now and in all probability, will finish his career at rangers if it's up to him ?.

33.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 13:12:07
Cunny I think Raskin would be a great captain?.

34.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 13:16:11
Sounds like great money but you don`t win leagues by selling your best players. He is not the greatest defender but if you look at his attacking numbers he more than makes up for any goals that are his fault. Its easy to say that others would need to step up but can they, that's the question. Every season he is near the top on goals scored and assists and none of our forward players have been able to get close consistently. Difficult decision if bid gets even bigger though considering Leeds don`t actually have a manager I would wonder who is bidding on him .

35.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 13:20:48
Ravers we repave him with sterling who we r paying 25k a week.

36.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 13:22:37
Unbelievable who say get rid of in a whim, 8 millions plus.

37.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 13:23:58
Walter will get much more money at Leeds than us.

38.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 13:42:42
Unbeliever, he's 31. 8mil would be great money. Its not disrespect to be honest.

39.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 13:47:58
Coldo good shout re Raskin, But for me if he could stay fit would be big JS. ???????????.

40.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 13:58:09
We turned down 8 million for a 31 year old and we wonder why we are struggling. Constant posts about our right back being better than our front line and we wonder why we are struggling. Sell him for 8 and buy forward players that will do their job.

41.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 14:00:18
You would drive tav down for half of 8 million that’s a bit embarrassing he’s worth more but for 8 million in his 30s we could do that tho and 10/ 12 would be amazing.

42.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 14:00:57
Raskin as captain ??.

43.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 14:02:13
Hold out til the 3rd bid.
I’m afraid he will want to go. That’s his boyhood club.
Let him go live his dream he has done us proud. What a player he’s been for us I’d hold out for £10-12m and go be him his childhood dream.
Wow though great bid.

44.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 14:04:02
TAV owes us nothing and has gave us everything. It is ultimately him who will decide if he wants to have a final big move in his career. I think he could and would not stand in his way if he was wanting that. His goals have and let's all face it been predominantly from the spot and would be upto someone else. But how would you replace those free kicks though? The other in play goals would be replaced easily. Defense is his weakness and we have all known that, but it's not been that bad that he is our Captain and someone who has been here for a fair amount of time now. Any bid would need to be one Rangers and Tav would want!

45.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 14:24:43
Will definitely not turn down 8 mill for tavenier and barasic can be thrown in as sweetner for free.

46.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 14:54:02
I would sell at 8 million can’t be turning down that kind of cash for a 31 year old. We are a selling club and we haven’t alway got that right recently. Someone on here said he was a Newcastle fan.

47.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 14:54:08
I only see selling Tav as a win win

Love Tav but!


Can't defend

8million would get us an excellent replacement at a younger age with maybe some mone left over for the likes of traore

Tav wants to go to Leeds has said previously

No European clubs would turn Thier back on such a high fee for a guy in his 30s at his level.

48.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 15:15:31
Don't get how it's disrespect. It's a massive offer if correct for a player his age.

49.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 15:38:13
Tav is the top scoring defender in the world bar no one, has been chosen as captain by several managers for obvious reasons the mans a natural born leader, we should take no less than 10 mill for him if he was a few years younger 15 mill.
Goldson is vice captain and woukd make a great captain he commands the defensive line excellently and has the experience, Sterling slots straight in for tav no probs, won't score as many goals, but is a far stronger player defensively,
Raskin has barely played in his correct position as CDM and still a bit young to be leading our team as captain, that could change in years to come.

50.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 16:21:01
What's so funny about Raskin as captain?

51.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 17:14:17
John my information is that we could use their desire to sign Tav in our pursuit of the young CB that was at Millwall last season. I have been told that it was the young lad we were scouting second half of last season. My information is that we would settle for 7m plus the CB.

52.) 01 Jul 2023
01 Jul 2023 20:51:47
If Tavernier leaves we should by Young Calvin Ramsey at Liverpool. He’s Scottish and would help with the European squads. Plus, his potential is excellent.