15 Jun 2024 06:34:15
See the mob being linked with the boy McCowan from Dundee that we were linked to, are we actually looking at the lad, or is it noise?

1.) 15 Jun 2024
15 Jun 2024 07:18:28
Fork imo because a poster on here says McGowan would do a job does not mean we r linked, the lad Cameron a far better prospect.

2.) 15 Jun 2024
15 Jun 2024 08:46:05
I know John, but I'm sure I seen something at one point, maybe wrong though, seen him linked with the mob on a few sites.

3.) 15 Jun 2024
15 Jun 2024 08:56:23
John227 and CoplandFront5 we all appreciate and respect the info you give us on this site guys ??I'll ask both of you this, do you think we'll sign motherwell's terrific young midfielder lennon miller and do you think we should do everything in our power to sign this young man ?I think we should, as he's a terrific talent and we have to go for these sort of players within the scottish game ?.

4.) 15 Jun 2024
15 Jun 2024 09:23:07
Walter, no and no, the reason I say this is we pay a fortune, Motherwell allegedly knocked back 2 million and add ons plus sell on from spurs. 30 k a week for the lad.

Only way I’d sign him is if we get him on six year deal, but we won’t pay the wages he will get elsewhEre
We could sign him say four years watch him walk out b4 21.

I’d rather we develop rice, who is likely to walk out at end his contract, too much money outwith Scotland

Miller will end up at a very top team outwith scontland.

5.) 15 Jun 2024
15 Jun 2024 09:29:04
Prospects aren't everything. We need a few that are for the here and now.

6.) 15 Jun 2024
15 Jun 2024 09:32:01
Hes good but were not going spend that sort of money on a talent fro. Motherwell.

7.) 15 Jun 2024
15 Jun 2024 10:34:03
Totally agree tjs, I do think miller is the here and now in Scotland, but not England.

8.) 15 Jun 2024
15 Jun 2024 11:05:09
I know we've been monitoring McCowan for a while now.

Unusual kind of player, as he's a bit of an old fashioned right sided midfielder.

Would be a good squad player, knows the league, seldom injured and has an eye for goal.

9.) 15 Jun 2024
15 Jun 2024 11:13:54
Agree John, let’s develop rice and others first.

10.) 15 Jun 2024
15 Jun 2024 13:53:56
Mcgowans a good player, would do the sort of role Arfield done for us, maybe doesn't have the same sort of engine that Arfield did in his first couple of season with us but he has a goal in him and is actually quite a tidy footballer, people want Cameron because he is younger with scope to improve but mcgowab is currently a better a player, albeit he is 26.

11.) 15 Jun 2024
15 Jun 2024 14:34:23
McCowan will not be coming to us, absolutely no chance, him and his family all die hard celtic fans if the option beetween us and celtic is there you know where he is going.

12.) 15 Jun 2024
15 Jun 2024 16:07:32
We’ve paid more for dross and we’ve paid and still do pay worse players than miller that wage.

It’s a bit steep tbf, but is he going to be worth it that’s the question and I knid of think yes.
He looks better than diomande imo.

13.) 16 Jun 2024
16 Jun 2024 01:59:38
Surely you know by now, Copeland only comes on and posts when there's some concrete info, doesn't get into dialogue nor does get involved with run of the mill stories, stop repeatedly asking if he can confirm or deny anything, give him/ her a fkn break.