21 Jun 2024 09:46:19
Straight from the horses mouth, the person (s) in charge of procurement were advised of likely challenges with far east supplies. Took the decision anyway and it's gone wrong. The club have acted swiftly and dispensed with the responsible person. I know it's a f**k up but by taking action sharply, that's demonstrating far more decisive leadership. But some fans will always blame the board.

Moving away from this, great to see Barron incoming. Hopefully Kabadiyi soon and Igamane. Looking forward to a few sales to find the experienced incomings. Going to be a busy few weeks with the players returning on Monday. Igamane is likely to be headed to Paris for the Olympics so we'll not see him straight away.

1.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 11:54:56
Dont think we will see any 'experience ' coming in till 1. The Euros finish and 2 English teams complete their money merry go round, probs about August, which will be too late for CL qualifying imo.

2.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 12:30:54
The board have to do what's right for the club. If it worked out cheaper to get imported materials then that was the correct thing to do but, only as long as the quality of those materials met the same standards as buying materials closer to home.

3.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 13:04:16
We want to see Ibrox improved and updated and that takes time which is at a premium with the ever shortening close season. There are always delays in building projects, just look how much over time Liverpools new stand was last season. If the Project Manager ignored advice and it has backfired and he as been sacked, that's not the boards fault. Prefer to play at Hampden from the fans point of view . Could we not play ay Ibrox with the Copland shut down? We`ve done it before.

4.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 13:17:38
Ibrox 4me, I've heard different from inside ibrox too, the person who has been canned is only in the door, he's a scapegoat, however did your source mention the change of plans (concerning size of reconstruction) that put spanner in the works, we're being lied to by an incompetent board, also bisgrove was all over this.

5.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 13:19:28
Wslgers4ever the pitch is unplayable, as its been ripped.

6.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 13:36:46
Loyalist, the correct person was let go as I understand it. Bisgriove was indeed heavily involved. Strong advice was given and concerns noted over time delay risks but the project manager went with the cheaper (quality was comparable) option. We could have bought British/ Scottish but 2-3 the cost. Can’t see this being the Board’s fault and I don’t defend anyone. It’s a f**k up, but anyone involved in construction will know the risks. Nothing about change of plans but I understand the steel construction was the wrong way round. Something about hooks to hold it in place being back to front? The technical piece is above my understanding. Source is pretty sound and I’ve no reason to doubt him, everything he’s shared which isn’t much, has been bang on to date.

7.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 13:52:44
At the end of the day the company should have had materials ordered and here in advance.

8.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 14:57:44
Contract would have stipulated when the completion date would be required.
Main Work Contractor by accepting the contract will then be liable for any delay costs.
Especially if they have gambled by going for the cheaper option but possible increased lead times.
In my current role, I bring in material all the time from the EU and since Brexit lead times have increased.

9.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 15:01:30
Loyalist so how many changes did rangers make to th plannyapplication. I’m told 0.

10.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 15:24:25
My current roll is usually Mcghees?? anno sorry.

11.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 17:42:13
Don't know if it's true or not but got told a beam was put in the wrong way and this is what the hold up is probably pish but you never know??????.

12.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 18:09:00
John27 I'm told when bisgrove was off a while back big meeting with contractors, telling everyone involved news plans, simple as that, due to funding (I'm informed), news plans meant less seats, however decision taken to save money, then next time he's off on holiday (Bisgrove) he's gone, then 2 days ago he's in clearing his stuff out then announced 2pm yesterday, this needs our board to come clean and treat supporters with respect and not just a cash cow.

13.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 18:09:19
Ps John 27 love your info.

14.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 18:26:52
John27,to the planning application, I can't answer that at moment, I would have to enquire that detail.

15.) 21 Jun 2024
21 Jun 2024 22:02:55
I’ve spoke to someone who would know, no changes to our application at this stage loyalist.

16.) 22 Jun 2024
22 Jun 2024 07:37:43
The Main Contractor will not be responsible for the costs, Rangers will, as the Board employed the MC on a Fix contract only, not Supply and Fix, meaning we tried to save money by buying the materials direct and saving on the MC material percentage mark up. Quite common practice in some construction projects and can save a decent amount if all goes to plan, unfortunately in our case it has not and we are also facing delay costs for men and plant from the Contractor- as well as any costs associated with fulfilling our fixtures elsewhere. No a good situation at all, hence someone has been removed .