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01 Jun 2024 11:03:16
For newbies, I told everyone of Souness being in a 5 car cavalcade at Auchenhowie, this was confirmed sometime later, when Souness went public that he'd knocked them back.

I cannot be silent on what has happened at Rangers, firstly Bisgrove has been on holiday until next Wednesday, obviously yesterday's 4:30 press release may change that (pmsl), however no clear word on did he jump or was he pushed?

Now for the really bad news:

Bisgrove's second in command set up a deal with a company called champion / champions, who sell packages for football, they have a contract to sell packages for us, 2 million up front, not the end of the story, the company tried to pay by American Express.

But Rangers have never been able to take American express payments before or now, so what does it all mean?

We have 30,000 (more) waiting for season tickets paying on a list, yet we are selling corporate hospitality to a dressed up ticket tout company, this is wrong and I hope you all understand I come from a place of love for our club, our identity, watp.


1.) 01 Jun 2024 11:28:35
I’m lost mate.

2.) 01 Jun 2024 11:35:07
You had a dram? With love.

3.) 01 Jun 2024 12:26:15
Loyalist and what is the name of this second in command.

4.) 01 Jun 2024 12:35:54
He lost me at for newbies.

5.) 01 Jun 2024 13:30:13
I presume he means the guy who took over from Bisgrove in his previous role.

6.) 01 Jun 2024 13:56:00
loyalist So you stayed silent but now you say you were right after it's all announced? I've got tonight's lottery numbers. i'll post them on here after the draw.

7.) 01 Jun 2024 14:38:22
Sorry loyalist who's the 2nd in command.

8.) 01 Jun 2024 18:53:22
Again it’s a rumours site and you're all shooting the guy down.

Sounds genuine enough to me, too many small bits of info when people are making things up, they tend to keep it simple.



17 May 2023 11:40:38
Forgot to post last night, had a terrible day flying back from Belfast, had booked onto the wrong flight, however souness was in auchenhowie yesterday, a 5 car motorcade, with blacked out windows, so other information, however after reading online about rumours he's coming back, i can 100^ confirm he was there yesterday, namaste my brothers.


1.) 17 May 2023 12:25:32
Did you see the 5 cars with the blacked out windows and Graeme Souness at Auchenhowie from your window seat on the plane?

2.) 17 May 2023 12:58:14
No mate was told by the same person who gave me 2 tickets for last years final in seville, oh yes for the record, spoke with another friend who was told by bennet new money coming in this summer, so maybe try listening to people who know what there talking about ps my source works inside of our great club, not a guy in the pub, rant over, pps, it's guys like you are the reason i don't come on here much.

3.) 17 May 2023 13:14:21
Loyalist don't worry about them mate you fire up what you are getting told.

4.) 17 May 2023 13:37:58
Can't beat a rumour, Loyalist.
It's what this page of the site is all about.
I love reading all the rumours.

5.) 17 May 2023 13:41:47
Magic info loyalist keep it coming mate?.

6.) 17 May 2023 13:45:00
Yes, I am a cynic.
Surprise surprise, season books and new strips coming out, and yet AGAIN, we get the annual 'new money' 'investment' blah blah!
Will wait and see!

7.) 17 May 2023 14:00:33
season tickets already out, hope you haven't left it too late Bar.

8.) 17 May 2023 14:04:14
Heart and hand have just confirmed that this is absolute nonsense. No takeover and no investment and not director of football. He was there to discuss working together in the future, likely as an ambassador. Love a good fabrication on here.

9.) 17 May 2023 14:14:17
Loads of people were on the last 3 or 4 years claiming to "know what they are talking about" and new money was coming in. Not happened yet.

10.) 17 May 2023 14:16:12
There's also a celtic fan group on twitter claiming to have made this rumour up and "the gullibles are lapping it up"

11.) 17 May 2023 14:16:31
Loyalist very good post. Accurate re summer.

12.) 17 May 2023 14:29:22
Loyalist SirWalterMcCoist is very scathing and guilty of that to posters who share stories and contribute on here and his only contribution is to try and disregard other posters posts as he doesn't/ can't contribute to this site in any other way, sad i know mate! So keep posting my friend as i and the majority on here appreciate info getting shared???.

13.) 17 May 2023 14:32:04
Cheers for the rumour pal and ignore the folk spouting off as after all it is a rumours page not a concrete info page.

14.) 17 May 2023 14:34:41
Sir Walter have a day off.

15.) 17 May 2023 14:51:21
It's already been quashed in the last hour. How is this good info John?

16.) 17 May 2023 14:56:12
Herewego some do get information correct before any media, i was told we are very interested in dowell a couple of months ago and now he will be a Rangers player next season.

17.) 17 May 2023 16:16:28
Tjrfc read and follow. We r going to see more change and some investment.

18.) 17 May 2023 16:16:57
Beale the media look on here.

19.) 17 May 2023 17:57:01
Any idea the investment level John? I think 5 / 10million would even be great on top of what we have.

20.) 17 May 2023 18:19:42
How many people in a 5 car motorcade, maybe 15 plus the drivers? You would hope there was enough sandwiches. Or it could be the passengers just don't get on and had to travel separately, or they might have had a big dug?

Then off down to Cameron House for a few pimms aye?

21.) 17 May 2023 19:03:20
Beale About, the Dowell deal is done, 3 year contract, you already know that though buddy, as are a fair few deals. Plenty to be announced season end and weeks to follow. Serious quality coming in, Beale's been a very busy man, the squad will look very different pre season.
No time to muck around, expect around 10 possible up to 15 new faces in the first team squad, exciting times.

22.) 17 May 2023 19:52:24
Was only asking as I haven't seen any pics of 5 black cars and Graeme Souness at Auchenhowie in the media.

23.) 17 May 2023 20:54:20
Any investment imo will again come from people who are already shareholders. There's far too many moving parts for a takeover, would be mega complicated.

24.) 17 May 2023 21:22:41
Gibson and an other.

25.) 17 May 2023 23:41:34
The money is right and the current board can keep their seats, ties and blazers. it's on. A few might only need the money. Simply cannot ever compete at a high level with the current lot.



29 Jan 2022 03:17:26
John25,john25 where are you, what's the word in the transfer window buddy?


1.) 29 Jan 2022 06:57:07
Looking for John at 03:17? I would imagine he'd be in his kip.

2.) 29 Jan 2022 08:10:06
Was nearly John 3 16 🙃.

3.) 29 Jan 2022 09:00:02
For Gio so loved the world.

4.) 29 Jan 2022 09:17:28
Wullie 😂😂.

5.) 29 Jan 2022 11:26:07
Maybe John is having a lie in? Or driving up to Dingwall 😂.

6.) 29 Jan 2022 11:44:03
Couple things bubbling including kids in and out.

7.) 29 Jan 2022 11:54:50
Loyalist wow 😯 live the dream.

8.) 29 Jan 2022 12:07:40
In Edinburgh watch game then off to see b team.

9.) 29 Jan 2022 12:21:57
John 3:16 says I just need my kip 😂.

10.) 29 Jan 2022 15:47:12
Yes was p.3d last night, sadly i didn't oversleep and miss the game pmsl.

11.) 29 Jan 2022 17:24:49
Hate to say it gio cost us 3 points today lundstrum was a mistake and itten was a mistake.

12.) 29 Jan 2022 22:14:24
Both not good enough imo, need to go asap.

13.) 29 Jan 2022 22:44:31
I’m afraid McGregor made the mistakes my friend.



18 Nov 2021 16:49:01
Im hearing gio has signed i hope its true.


1.) 18 Nov 2021 16:55:41
Seen pic. Its true.

2.) 18 Nov 2021 16:57:42
Its true.

3.) 18 Nov 2021 17:01:32
Giovanni Van Bronckhorst has just been confirmed as the new Rangers Manager! All over SSN Bring on Title 56. WATP.

4.) 18 Nov 2021 17:01:59
100% true 🇬🇧.

5.) 18 Nov 2021 17:03:01
On sky now.

6.) 18 Nov 2021 17:04:51
Ya beauty, go on the bears, onwards and upwards, great news, no-one is bigger than our football club, this is a superb signing and the journey goes on, with the dutch contingent, who if not for Dick Advocate auchenhowie would never have been built, so made in Holland, over to you GVB. Good luck for rhe future, see you from the terraces on Sunday.

7.) 18 Nov 2021 17:15:02
Yep BT sport. 🍊🍊🍊🍊.

8.) 18 Nov 2021 17:16:51
Ya beauty. Delighted with this news.

9.) 18 Nov 2021 17:55:47
Told u Thursday. Loyalist.

10.) 18 Nov 2021 18:07:27
Welcome Gio.

11.) 18 Nov 2021 18:39:56
Well done john25 now tell us your source 🤣🙉 joking bout source mate 👌👍.

12.) 18 Nov 2021 18:43:53
Welcome Home Gio! Hope the players blow Hibs away and get on board with the Manager change. let's Gio!

13.) 18 Nov 2021 22:32:14
Gers all my life. Ferintosh says I’m a good guesser lol.

14.) 19 Nov 2021 03:05:01
John25 you told us all brother, i posted about it earlier, gutted if not up, however you said days ago it would be announced today, just keep us in loop my friend, namaste.



17 Nov 2021 13:15:30
Sos for john25 help us all out brother this is killing us all pmsl, seriously though have you had any updates? With regards private jet, yesterday, i'm told it arrived and agent on it . seems all abit Timothy to me lol, can't wait to sunday no matter what, beat the spoons.


1.) 17 Nov 2021 13:29:47
Does nobody arrive on a normal flight from Holland nowadays?

2.) 17 Nov 2021 13:39:25
Rangersreview saying it was Rangers staff that were on the plane. They were out in Holland in talks with GVB. Also saying that they are to let GVB know today. If true I'd imagine an announcement of some sort tomorrow.

3.) 17 Nov 2021 13:59:18
John did say announcement to be made on thursday.

4.) 17 Nov 2021 14:44:12
GVB wasn’t on the flight plain and simple but who cares who was on the flight when the club are ready to announce new manager we will know just need to have patience’s.

5.) 17 Nov 2021 15:46:36
Tom, drug smugglers do.

6.) 17 Nov 2021 16:03:14
Loyalist. Patience mate.

7.) 17 Nov 2021 18:21:23
Ahh yes of course John, half my old pals lol.

8.) 17 Nov 2021 20:08:13
Paul86. What are Patterson's international stats vs tavs? Head and shoulders above.

9.) 18 Nov 2021 10:49:54
Ok so its Thursday, the mood music is deafening, we all just want gvb in for sunday, as it would make for a nice wee atmosphere, i think this is a good hibs side who will smell blood, we need this final and trophy to steady the ship and lay down a marker, john 25 its never been my strong point pmsl, it seems your Thursday prediction seems 100% correct again my friend, ps keep up the good work, namaste.




loyalist's banter posts with other poster's replies to loyalist's banter posts


17 May 2022 01:33:44
Another wee rumour, I've got business class from gatwick to Seville tomorrow after 5pm arrives 21.05 local time, as friends and family,270 return, however its just a rumour, ps got a ticket, again a rumour.


1.) 17 May 2022 15:20:37
What is that about?



17 May 2022 01:31:44
Hello fellow bears, just want to post a rumour that i'm off to Seville in the morning, namaste.


1.) 17 May 2022 09:37:54
Another wee rumour…. Your aff yer heed my friend .



23 Dec 2021 16:04:43
This is a shout out to john 25, firstly all the best to rangers family on here, wishing you all a happy and safe festive season, so john 25 can you update what your hearing about comings and goings in next window, no pressure mate, however your normally pretty accurate buddy .


1.) 23 Dec 2021 16:16:14
Loyalist scroll though rumours big post and good replies there.

2.) 23 Dec 2021 18:37:42
Search John 25 and all his posts will come up.



18 Nov 2021 16:53:19
BTW john 25 you are proper with your information mate you called it exactly correct the other day, so ill definitely be following your comments more closely, now i'm away for a wee refreshment see ya all sunday, namaste.


1.) 18 Nov 2021 17:02:16
I always read your posts closely John. Just sayin’.

2.) 18 Nov 2021 17:03:56
I think everyone knew it was going to he GVB, not that difficult to work out. He's a step up from Gerrard. Happy days.

3.) 18 Nov 2021 18:03:31
From Friday Baxter it was definitely a one horse race.

4.) 18 Nov 2021 18:40:29
Baxter I see Wilson says deal was agreed Tuesday.



20 Mar 2021 18:18:32
Ive just spoke to a fella that was talking to another fella and i believe they can see us coming now pmsl.


1.) 20 Mar 2021 18:41:38
My 55 garden furniture has just arrived, yippeeeee.

2.) 20 Mar 2021 19:37:51
Just keep an eye out for Shane Duffy and Barkas in your garden on your new furniture as they've been spotted sitting on various benches this season.

3.) 20 Mar 2021 20:39:08
Hoho, boom boom cheers

Now go away and leave me alawn.

4.) 20 Mar 2021 21:12:10
Just been told glen did indeed give the pxxk a smack, great stuff imo

5.) 20 Mar 2021 21:23:52
This hilarity has started growing on me.

6.) 20 Mar 2021 22:40:56
Positive, keep it going bears!

7.) 21 Mar 2021 08:28:23
What we need to be aware of with UEFA, is that if Glen did give that a--e a skelp on Thursday, they are more likely to hammer him, and possibly the Club, I hope not, Slavia certainly need dealt with by UEFA, but this is us your talking about.




loyalist's rumour replies


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27 Jun 2024 16:13:19
Fork I believe discussions are ongoing today, sfa stepped in the other day to see if they could assist, however i'm reliably informed they've got us over a barrell price wise, I'll keep you all updated when and if I hear more. ps has anyone mentioned the state the pitch is in, apparently the crane has done serious damage, won't know extent until it moves .




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27 Jun 2024 12:13:48
Dr padoo, I've just heard hampden is on, although I believe there wanting fortunes, nothing confirmed in this pre season drama pmsl.




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21 Jun 2024 18:26:52
John27,to the planning application, I can't answer that at moment, I would have to enquire that detail.




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21 Jun 2024 18:09:19
Ps John 27 love your info.




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21 Jun 2024 18:09:00
John27 I'm told when bisgrove was off a while back big meeting with contractors, telling everyone involved news plans, simple as that, due to funding (I'm informed), news plans meant less seats, however decision taken to save money, then next time he's off on holiday (Bisgrove) he's gone, then 2 days ago he's in clearing his stuff out then announced 2pm yesterday, this needs our board to come clean and treat supporters with respect and not just a cash cow.





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