17 Jun 2024 19:04:48
Sorry, I know they're the rules but Belgium's disallowed 2nd goal is a joke. The game is being wrecked by these ridiculous rules.

1.) 17 Jun 2024
17 Jun 2024 20:31:48
I agree mate what is the guy supposed to do with his arms in a tussle for a bouncing ball.

2.) 17 Jun 2024
17 Jun 2024 20:34:14
Sorry, I, disagree. Clearly offside and clearly handball imo.

3.) 17 Jun 2024
17 Jun 2024 20:55:50
He was cleanly off side and handball so how was it a ridiculous decision, if those goals were given against us we would be up in arms.

4.) 17 Jun 2024
17 Jun 2024 22:29:12
The hand all rule is ridiculous just because it hits someone’s hand doesn’t mean it should automatically be penalised. Not sure why ball to hand has just gone from the game.

5.) 17 Jun 2024
17 Jun 2024 22:38:49
The handball was a joke and had no bearing on rest of the move - very poor but if they pause it or slow mo it then it shows ball and hand touching - needs to be some common sense when they consider aspects such as this ??????.

6.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 06:14:38
Both decisions were correct so don’t see what the problem is.

7.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 11:40:37
So was Johnston’s handball a penalty?

8.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 14:54:44
Never a handball, it brushed his hand, where does the madness end?
These decisions are killing our game.