18 May 2024 00:42:31
People stating no gulf in old firm players. ok let's have a honest look. old firm combined team. butland, tav (only for his goals) in reality nobody else makes it. In my opinion a very large gulf in class especially midfield and forward line. let's be honest here and take off blue tinted glasses. just saying tho. awaiting some1 to say dessers ????.

1.) 18 May 2024
18 May 2024 06:05:31
Butland only. Tav wouldn't make it.

2.) 18 May 2024
18 May 2024 06:06:37
Tavernier wouldn't get in celtic team they don't buy serial losers and he can't defend.

3.) 18 May 2024
18 May 2024 07:06:16
Correct Davie 100% agree - but we have allowed that as a club for many years by buying older players or duds with no resale value -letting players run down contacts who we have sometimes spent big on and also the general transfer business whereas they have put correct procedures/ process in place up top and benefitted over the years - pity it took PC to come in and shout for big changes when nearly every fan could see where the obvious problem/ issue was/ is. Hopefully time/ new regime will change that caveman policy and we benefit too - but it will not be quick fix time imo.

4.) 18 May 2024
18 May 2024 07:41:56
Something tells me we'll be lining up with Tav and Goldson at the right side of defence next season again. Goldson still has 2 years left and there were no offers for him when he resigned so if we want rid, we'll need to pay his contract.

5.) 18 May 2024
18 May 2024 07:42:03
For me Butland is the only definite.

Then there's a debate around Tav, Goldson and Sima.

6.) 18 May 2024
18 May 2024 07:57:47
Struth, if that is thr case we can look forward to the same nonsense we are used to. They 2 need to leave yesterday.

7.) 18 May 2024
18 May 2024 08:36:30
Regarding the gulf - McGregor, and O’Relly would walk into the team. Hatate once back to last years performance levels would be an upgrade. Hell, Turnbull scored more than Cantwell and he left in January.

8.) 18 May 2024
18 May 2024 09:41:27
I'm not concerned about the ooc players, they'll all go this summer. it's Tav, Goldson, Souttar and Davies that concern me. We need these 4 gone this summer, or we won't be able to bring in new defenders.

9.) 18 May 2024
18 May 2024 11:03:34
Going by the logic of who would make their team from Rangers, then we would prefer Johnston at right back who was ripped by Silva last game, Taylor at left back and Scales at centre back ahead of any of ours. And we could have got both those full backs. Would these three players take Rangers forward? You can add the many millions they have spent on average players. BUT they sell at the right time, win at the right time to give them more money to get that one good player out of the many signings needed. This was a VERY important league to win. As much as European adventures have been great, this year of all years the focus needed to be on the league. I am not sure this is impressed on the players enough. Our form fell away dramatically from the time of the Benfica tie. Are players more interested in Europe than winning in Scotland? Do we therefore need a stronger Scottish core where a Scottish medal means something?