26 May 2024 19:50:16
I have a question for everyone. How long is everyone on here individually willing to give clement to build a team that is capable of winning and capable of being able to profit off players? Too me there isn't enough of the support willing to see through a managers vision.

1.) 26 May 2024
26 May 2024 21:26:11
We are the most fickle, impatient and at times self-entitled support in the game. Yes it’s been a horror 12 years, and massive mistakes have been made, and injustices endured, but the manager has had to deal with foundations of butter. He needs a couple of seasons and 2-3 windows.

That’ll trigger many but if we keep going with the revolving door, it’ll get even worse. I believe in PC. I didn’t trust Beale and Gerrard wasn’t backed. Neither was Gio. Boardroom changes will be a positive too.

2.) 26 May 2024
26 May 2024 21:27:25
Good recruitment will determine how long he gets. This is just as big a job as gerrard inherited imo. And he will need time. i'm willing to give him it.

3.) 26 May 2024
26 May 2024 21:52:41
For me personally for us to move forward we’ve no option but to stick with PC and let him build a team with proper sellable assets for us to make money from and also need to get to a point where we should only be replacing a maximum of 3/ 4 first team or squad players a season due to selling for profit I’d say that can take a minimum of 2 seasons to start seeing any progress but that’s the million dollar question how long will he get? ?⚪️?.

4.) 26 May 2024
26 May 2024 21:55:52
Well, considering I’m reading that some Rangers fans or supposed Rangers fans on YouTube and Facebook have lost trust in him already, then I’m not sure he’s going to get long. It was like people genuinely expected big Phil to win, even though the players are not good enough or even his.

Yesterday some other managers would have gotten a barttering. I don’t see really why people can lose hope from that! The damage was done before any of us had heard of big Phil. I don’t want us turning into a Watford or Hibs- you don’t win anything doing that. If we can give Michael Beale a summer to get it right, surely we can give big Phil sometime. I think our fans can be the greatest of them all, but they can also be overly brutal even to their own detriment.

Most likely the guys that people want rid off will be going, although it’s unrealistic to expect everyone of them to go because someone needs to be interested. I personally am optimistic because we are going in a different direction in terms of recruitment.

I think what would go a long way would be getting through the CL qualifiers. I can’t in all honesty blame big Phil for that $hit show last season, one or 2 decisions yes but not overall did the best he could with players that have gotten numerous managers the sack. For me, I stay and believe. I don’t like walking away unless I see sheer incompetence.

5.) 26 May 2024
26 May 2024 22:12:41
He's got to get next season otherwise we will have difficulty attracting any1 decent to the job after gio mb and poss PC get sacked after 1 year or so. PC is an experienced title winning manager who's shown already he can succeed but he needs money luck and time our board can supply at least 2 of those.

6.) 26 May 2024
26 May 2024 22:24:54
He has credit in the bank, more than Beale had at the start of this season, but that will run out quickly if improvement can’t be seen. Fans are fickle, but they’re not daft. Beale we had an absolutely rotten preseason and then lost the first game of the season and looked terrible for weeks and the fans were fully lost when a poor Celtic team beat us. It will take time and there will be bad games but overall we need to see signs of improvement. Having said that if he comes out the back of Xmas with 0 old firm wins out of 6/ 7 then he’ll be struggling.

7.) 26 May 2024
26 May 2024 22:30:45
Lose first auld firm with his own players he’s out.

8.) 26 May 2024
26 May 2024 22:38:19
He needs 2 seasons IMO.

9.) 27 May 2024
26 May 2024 22:50:48
Minimum 18 months from now.

10.) 27 May 2024
26 May 2024 22:54:49
I’d give him a further 3 years. I like the guy and feel he is intelligent and, with sensible recruitment, could build a team for the long term with a strong focus on youth development.

11.) 27 May 2024
26 May 2024 22:56:38
He needs a few windows just can’t keep sacking managers and expect to win things.

12.) 27 May 2024
26 May 2024 22:58:45
Lose first old firm he’s out is ridiculous what a stupid comment it’s away to the champions and the team who have been winning everything for the last 10 years - we need to stick with PC and give him a chance I’m 100% behind him - will be a big rebuild and it’ll not be easy ??????.

13.) 27 May 2024
26 May 2024 23:00:45
Gazza I take it you are in the tickle fan section then.

14.) 27 May 2024
26 May 2024 23:54:52
Want to give him time and think he will get it but the continued picking of Tavernier is a worry. It’s absolutely obvious he is a total liability other than when hitting a corner.

15.) 27 May 2024
27 May 2024 00:31:17
He needs at least 3 windows. As long as I can see progress I'll be happy. We need to get our youth coming through as well as getting the recruitment right. We're not going to build a winning squad in one window with the squad in the state it's in just now.

16.) 27 May 2024
27 May 2024 00:49:34
2 full seasons. But same as all managers if he loses 2 in a row he’ll be under pressure. I think the main thing will be that we can see a clear strategy and improvement along the way.
Gerrard done that and checked off milestones and remember after the Hamilton Accies loss a lot thought that was the end of him and it got better. PC needs the same time otherwise we’ll be in the same boat as a team like Chelsea.

17.) 27 May 2024
27 May 2024 07:36:59
To answer your good question OT, i think he needs 3 transfer windows to get the players in he wants, hopefully gelled and taking the title from them ?Lets not be fooled here as clement has to do the business and deserves the full of next season to prove he has the capabilities of beating celtic and winning the league title ?If we are behind them a good bit early doors and by christmas we're a good bit behind (hopefully not), ?then he'll be under serious pressure from the supporters, of that there's little doubt ?I personally think clement could get us improved and sorted big time within 3 transfer windows ? He's not dealing with a mess anywhere near the scale gerrard had to deal with when he became our manager ?The full club from top to bottom was a shambles when gerrard came? I'm fully behind our management team and the rebuild they'll undertake, but the pressure is most definitely on, managing a club our size, who are currently second best (ie. last in glasgow terms)

18.) 27 May 2024
27 May 2024 08:10:18
In my opinion, it's the fickle fans that also halt the introduction of our academy players. We have some good talented youngsters that need to be part of our long term strategy but under current pressures it's difficult for them to play regularly. We need to accept the risks and we will uncover a few gems that help the club. Unless we do that and drown out the fickle voices they will continue to reach their ceiling of the B squad, which isn't right.

19.) 27 May 2024
27 May 2024 09:18:21
Orange i'd give him three full seasons, if as the fickle in here say till December, we might as well forget it.

Allow him to buy and build team but sack him puts us back again.

Next manager arrives and we say need to get rid of all clement signings and have another rebuild.

20.) 27 May 2024
27 May 2024 10:49:52
The refereeing standards are appalling, mainly based on the fact that Celtic complain bitterly on the odd occasions they have a decision go against them. I think rangers should complain, if that works for people like the great Alex Ferguson / jim Maclean then we need to moan. It’s all about winning.
Clement needs time and resources, i don't think we have the money to buy players, we must sell, dessers injury is a nightmare, as he was looking to leave, we could have cashed in on him, cantwell now wants away, we need a Souness style backbone, we have the keeper, we need a strong spine, but with no money!
Buy scottish, but with what?
It’s a recruitment of mercenaries, to a two team league, of which we are currently second, so that in itself is a tough sell. Give him time, even if it goes wrong, stop changing managers . God help us.

21.) 27 May 2024
27 May 2024 10:54:45
People keep referencing gerrard rebuild but seem to forget gerrard spent a fair bit of money than other managers seemed to me the problems started when king left
That’s when we first had grumbling that gerrard was unhappy board were not backing him with more to strengthen the team.

22.) 27 May 2024
27 May 2024 10:56:51
So let’s not be too harsh on Clement don’t think it’s a coincidence campaign went same as gios we under done the jan window and got areas we didn’t need at the time we all knew we needed a striker but appears most of priority was diomande when we already had a lot of midfielders.

23.) 27 May 2024
27 May 2024 17:42:50
It is difficult to criticise Clement when the players quite simply are no where close to good enough for Rangers. A lot will depend on the players we bring in and who we manage to get rid of allied with the transfer activity elsewhere in the league.
His priority this summer has to be sorting out the defence, (as important will be getting rid of players as bringing in better) . We need a top quality midfield player, two wingers and a top quality striker.
We start the season with Tav, Goldson, Wright etc., as first eleven or squad players and he is on a hiding to nothing!