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18 May 2024 14:33:42
We simply cannot go forward with Tavernier in the team. Fed up watching him gift goals and not stop crosses. He's awful always has been.




30 Dec 2023 15:03:57
Thought Sterling was immense today. Difference is teams is they have kyogo we have dessers. Mccausland is utterly uncompetitive. His effort defensively is beyond poor.




21 Dec 2023 05:37:33
Great three points. Move to Sunday. Let's hope lundstrum not as bad as first feared. Con game tonight thought tav our best man, dowell played well and dessers had a real impact scoring and making pen. Lammers was poor and yilmaz shocking. definitely need a few in soon, new left back, central midfield as we don't have any fit ones and a striker. Time up for a few of the never fit guys, Jack, roofe need to go and free up wages.


1.) 21 Dec 2023 07:22:50
Mostly agree. I thought Lammers was decent, difficult to play his style in no space but got a few efforts in and on target. Ridvan was poor! There’s some quality there but he’s just well off it, would like to see him after a run of 15-20 games but that’s never happening on that form. Sima looked tired for me.

2.) 21 Dec 2023 07:49:04
Lammers was not "decent", far from it!

3.) 21 Dec 2023 08:29:12
Lammers was awful. Continuously lost the ball.

4.) 21 Dec 2023 09:10:09
He is never going to be able to play 'his style'in this league mate. He has 2 goals and 1 assist in 29 games. That is shocking. Get rid ASAP.

5.) 21 Dec 2023 09:17:01
Lammers only playing due to injuries. He, lol be gone soon. Do you think we bring in more youth now?

6.) 21 Dec 2023 09:45:44
McKinnon and Lovelace shouldbeomemore involved.

7.) 21 Dec 2023 09:47:34
Manager said
After cup final Cole McKinnon is now part of first team squad, Lovelace also training since Betis game.

8.) 21 Dec 2023 13:21:54
Surely Bailey Rice is another player who should be part of the first team squad John.

9.) 21 Dec 2023 18:26:58
Lovelace will have to be more involved with all these injurys to our strikers.



01 Dec 2023 05:08:02
You go through this team and who really is the standard we need to win this league and do well in cups. Butland, Sima, raskin, cantwell, Goldson. Mccausland very early to tell, roofe as a player is but what's the point as he's always sitting on a seat somewhere instead of playing. Balogun is but he's now too old to play every game. The rest I don't think so. We have bigger wage bill than Celtic making very average and in some cases poor players multi millionaires. What an absolute mess.


1.) 01 Dec 2023 06:37:19
I would add tav, souttar, lundstram,
danilo, lawrence, hagi and possibly matondo to your list NT1969? Obviously not including our young upcoming talent like bailey rice, zak lovelace etc.

2.) 01 Dec 2023 06:54:11
Who said we had a bigger wage bill?

3.) 01 Dec 2023 07:55:01
Mols goals the accounts show we have a bigger wage bill than celtic. 100% we do.

4.) 01 Dec 2023 08:19:44
Souttar is nowhere near good enough
Coops. Lawrence has done nothing since coming back also.

Mols the accounts tell us that and it’s ridiculous the amount of wages we pay out for that dross. People making excuses for players that have been here for years they are the major part of the problem.

5.) 01 Dec 2023 08:52:49
Storm give lawrence time to come back from his long injury lay off mate and imo souttar is good enough it's his injury issues that more concern me ? Lawrence is a very good player imo.



08 Oct 2023 14:07:20
Good result no doubt, but we really are so slow and uninspiring team. This for me masks the problems we hav. Today barasic lundstrum and cifu are so negative in game it's infuriating.


1.) 08 Oct 2023 14:18:55
Barasic negative keh!

We were playing ten men and how many times did we switch play in one pass none.

Lundstrum and others too often the safe 4 or 5 yard pass.




NT1969's rumour replies


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03 Dec 2023 01:30:52
Biggest issue if true is can we recoup any money for him. At least getting rid even for a substantial loss will free us of his wages. But who would take him.




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15 Sep 2023 00:15:56
Simply not good enough too often goes back the way, has been caught so often at back post day dreaming, poor defensively only thing he has positive is he’s better than Tavernier.




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13 Sep 2023 18:18:40
Tavernier is major part of rangers issue. Totally agree.




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23 Apr 2023 19:50:40
Goes missing when it really matters. we can’t spend huge chunk of our budget on someone who looks disinterested.




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10 Apr 2023 17:25:02
Nisbet, shankland are not at level needed . we need to look at quality in front positions at parkhead and look to match it at least. Kyogo is miles ahead of both of them not to mention jota. We need to find quality at a reasonable price not an easy task.





NT1969's banter replies


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28 Jun 2024 01:18:19
Poor passer of ball, slow, ripped apart constantly by Maeda, aye keep him and play him and clement will be gone by October.




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02 Jun 2024 04:39:49
Start of what is hopefully a real clear out of our senior players who for most have been made millionaires by rangers whilst in the main been second place in virtually all the competitions that really matter over a sustained period. We now need another load who are under contract also to go, Tavernier, Goldson, Wright, dessers, lammers, Lowry, cifu and king … none are good enough and most have been at ibrox way too long.




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26 May 2024 23:54:52
Want to give him time and think he will get it but the continued picking of Tavernier is a worry. It’s absolutely obvious he is a total liability other than when hitting a corner.




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23 May 2024 23:26:47
Tavernier costs us goals week in week out . no way he gets in that team, he shouldn’t even be in the team now.




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18 May 2024 14:53:49
Total liability.




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