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27 Oct 2019 21:31:38
Straight from the gaffers mouth, the moans and groans are not helping Tav while he's having a sticky patch. Get behind the team on match day and save the criticism for the pub after the game or on Rangers Rumours.


1.) 28 Oct 2019 00:22:11
Hes hardly going to get cheered for missing a pen 👍if it was one or 2 fair dos but that's 3 already this season, time to change the pk taker.

2.) 28 Oct 2019 10:15:06
So that 3 is one more than your limit is it? Not defending him on missing as I think the reins of penalty taker should be handed to someone else. Gerrard unknowingly created this elephant in the room by handing Tav the captaincy as he seems to feel like he can't drop his captain, if that was the LB which he has proven many times since his tenure he would drop him in a second. His crossing has become poor and was highlighted nothing more than when we got the goal on sunday and Tom Miller said umpteen times that cross was from tav, that assist was from tav. He has struggled beating the first man with his crosses this season and when you look down the left side BB is firing in pin point crosses, maybe tav should be cutting in a lot more than trying to cross the ball. I don't know. SG is the manager and he picks the team, personally I expected a little lie of 'tav is showing signs of tiredness and we decided to drop him, or tav has a tight muscle and didn't want to risk playing him on sunday' just to deflect the reason he was dropped. Its hard, he IS the captain but on the other hand he is struggling and I think a week out could do him the world of good. As ave said before I think SG used permanent marker when he wrote tav and goldsons names on the board at the start of the season. It is what it is really no matter who SG picks, he picks for a reason we have cheered on far far worse players than tav.
Carrot and the stick, some boys need a good shouting at and shake and others an arm round the shoulder.
I will be cheering him on as he wears our top, has the armband and is our player.

3.) 28 Oct 2019 12:54:27
That's a good and fair post mate. It's hard to drop your Captain, especially when you chose him. He hasn't been playing the best this last wee while but deserves our support as you rightly pointed out.

4.) 28 Oct 2019 12:56:01
Stevie said himself there were few options to replace as flan is injured.

5.) 28 Oct 2019 13:03:17
I'd take Tav out the firing line penalty wise. Maybe this will help his overall game, not having this responsibility as well. I'm actually feeling a bit sorry for him and would like to see him knuckle down and recapture some of the form we know he is capable of.

6.) 28 Oct 2019 13:09:44
I remember a time when a player had to be particularly bad to get real grief at Ibrox, and even then somebody would no doubt shout 'get behind the team '. I can only really recall Alan Hutton, Alec Clelland etc getting very minimal grief from the fans, but it was nothing compared with what gets dished out to all our players every week now - dunno whether it's social media or whatnot, but booing your own team was a no-no when i was a lad.

7.) 28 Oct 2019 13:45:19
Tav needs a spell on the bench. Flanagan should be given a shot at RB his natural position. It’s not just the missed pens it’s his costly lapses in defence as well and he’s not playing with any confidence atm. That being said, it was clever play to win the pen in the first place and most of the team weren’t at it yesterday. They’ll be no room for passengers on a freezing cold Wed night at Dingwall. They better get their heads right before then and handle Ross County the way we are expected to.

8.) 28 Oct 2019 16:43:13
Nobody booed him. It was the motherwell fans who were booing as they thought he dived for thr pen 👍 fintytint aye it I'd more than the limit 3 misses out his last 4 pens is really poor and anybody else would be off them by now 👍.

9.) 28 Oct 2019 21:00:24
Tav is letting himself down by insisting on taking pens when he is clearly going through a sticky patch. In any other circumstance you miss one and the pens go to someone else. As a senior player SG should be able to rely on him putting the team before himself. I can forgive a loss of form and missing penalty but can’t forgive his continual school boy defending giving away goals when all he has to do is clear his lines. This is the first thing you are told at 13 years old. He is 28 years old and is our captain so should lead and have t he sense to play himself out of these situations by doing the basics well.

10.) 29 Oct 2019 10:15:30
Tavenier is setting himself up for criticism he has to deligate instead of doing everything himself our strikers should be taking penalties and Gerrard should be insisting on that Davis is small a d should be taking corners with barasic taking them from his side tavenier to cover corners from ciunter attack with his speed. Simple.

11.) 29 Oct 2019 14:00:53
Get off the lad's case, people - the manager has spoken.

12.) 30 Oct 2019 12:32:15
totally agree Souness, and, I freely admit I criticised him recently, but, there is a phrase 'Anyone who doesn't make a mistake, doesn't do anything', at least he gives his all.

13.) 30 Oct 2019 16:57:42
He can never be critisiced for not trying. Even when making mistakes he's still trying to drive us on down that right. My only points on it is that his confidence seems gone as he's making the same mistakes, not that he's suddenly a bad player,!



05 Oct 2019 23:33:19
Katic has got to start tomorrow and hope he keeps his place should his performances merit it.


1.) 06 Oct 2019 07:21:05
Hopefully. He should be played on the right in Goldson's berth, but we all know that's not going to happen.

2.) 06 Oct 2019 09:49:08
Pappy maybe we should sack gerrard and put you in charge.

3.) 06 Oct 2019 12:50:00
Katic should start 6counties. Your statement is ridiculous🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️👍.

4.) 06 Oct 2019 14:46:59
Why does he keep chopping and changing our defence Katic for me is our best central defender also a goal threat but out again today need to get a settled back four.

5.) 06 Oct 2019 16:37:24
I'm a Katic fan and Goldson not so much but give Goldson his due he scores goals.



28 Oct 2018 20:28:52
That was a sore one. On the whole i've felt positive about the season so far and i'm sure when we get our next win i'll be feeling better but that's 180 mins without a goal and if it wasn't for Hamilton gifting us that game last week it would be 270 mins with no goals. We keep going down the wings and putting in poor crosses to no one in particular. don't know what's happened but we need to start opening teams up again and getting more shots in. Poor, poor, poor.


1.) 28 Oct 2018 21:41:41
Got to agree. Looking at the games coming up, the league could change very quickly. As for Europe that's been a bonus cash wise. New team with not much time to settle and wallop 14 games in Europe before Christmas. We need to keep rebuilding but not whole sale but bit by bit. Players who are not showing promise now should be gone at Christmas. Better quality cost more money. Get rid of 4 bring in 2.

However we will, even if we win the league have 8 games to play to qualify for Europe. Spending millions to stop 10 in row is the road to ruin. Disappointed today yes, but will wait and see what the next window offers.

2.) 28 Oct 2018 21:55:50
its warburton all over again. these guys come up from england and think our football is a joke and easy . maybe if we stop buying nobodies from england it will stop being a joke.

3.) 28 Oct 2018 22:34:00
Also worral and Goldson keep sending long aimless passes, I thought Gerrard would want us playing out from the back and keeping it on the deck. The distribution from our defenders is poor, That's why they should give the ball to someone who can pass. I can't put my finger on it but for me it's still a creative midfielder we need as the pass that needs to be played right now nobody can make.

4.) 01 Nov 2018 07:26:36
Yes jordy 15, I agree 100%. A creative attacking midfielder and a strong centre forward is a must in the transfer window. I've been ranting about this for ages.




Pappy's banter posts with other poster's replies to Pappy's banter posts


26 Oct 2023 21:31:50
Danillo made a huge difference when he came on, its the sharpest he's looked all season. Hope he can get up to speed and start banging in the goals. Would also prefer Cantwell in the middle, Sima to the left, maybe Matondo once fit or whomever is on form, to the right with Danillo ahead of them.


1.) 26 Oct 2023 22:26:07
Alot of those pl ayers will cost clement his job if he doesn't replace them in jan i'm sorry but Dessers Lammers wright and the always injured players have to be shipped out in jan and we will need defenders that can defend that was really hard watch the night we got lucky.

2.) 26 Oct 2023 22:42:21
I think Clement will target one or two wingers in January.



26 Oct 2023 18:35:57
Getting left 3 v 3.




07 Oct 2023 10:40:53
Over the past year we've made our voices heard. The board got a major shake up and Ross Wilson moved on etc. We have now pressured the new board to sack Michael Beale, which was the right decision as he unfortunately took us backwards. The hunt is on for the new gaffer and we can't do anything about the playing staff until Xmas. Can we now desist from the booing and just sing our songs, try to be positive and move on. All the best for this weekend bears.


1.) 07 Oct 2023 11:40:48
I think we are struggling just now because we got rid of Wilson.

2.) 07 Oct 2023 11:47:54
We didn't pressure the board to sack beale, what pressure would that be, the booing? The poor results and rotten performances got beale the sack.

3.) 07 Oct 2023 11:57:14
Didn't get rid of him. He left as far as I'm aware.

4.) 07 Oct 2023 12:21:32
Not only that but the fan base got the last two managers that they wanted, Gio and Beale. Apparently their reaction to the possibility of Lampard has ruled him out. As for Wilson he may have left, but if you were seeing the banners being waved about you at your place of work you would look for another job too . Unbelievable that we still haven`t got a replacement yet unless the board believed Beale that we didn`t need one.

5.) 07 Oct 2023 12:26:15
Kingandulster I think the scenes after the Celtic game made it abundantly clear to the board that the fans were not happy with Beale or the players. He was on borrowed time following that. For some of the fans to stand and shout F**k off and hurl abuse at players coming over to applaud them was disrespectful and a disgrace. At times the self entitlement and behaviour from an element of our support is nothing short of embarrassing. So in essence yes, the fans played a major part in his departure.

6.) 07 Oct 2023 13:29:17
Wilson was good at bringing in funds from the sale of players but the majority of players signed were poor. Whether that was down to him or his Chairman is debatable.
The fact that neither Bisgrove or Bennett were involved in Beale's appointment gives them free run to bring in a quality replacement.
Only time will tell whether Bisgove and Bennett will take us forward or whether we will just see more of the penny pinching attitude that was there under Parks.

7.) 07 Oct 2023 13:52:43
Absolutely the noisy fans had huge part to play in getting both managers start and an even bigger role in the timing of them. In Gio's case the regular maulings in Europe and by Celtic meant that his position was difficult but Beale was not at that stage despite dire performances. We have no right to win every game. Even when we beat a decent Motherwell team fans were booing rather than celebrating a tight hard fought win. Do you think there were boos at fir park when the other lot sneaked their winner in 97 minutes? The set up on Thursday was a shambles and the outcome of sacking a whole coaching squad that had in all likelihood put plans in place for that game. If MB had stayed we may have won and if not then another nail in his coffin. Same for tomorrow. And then take time to plan/ make a reasoned decision.

8.) 07 Oct 2023 14:21:03
Too sensible a post for on here bear but totally the reality.



05 Oct 2023 18:46:53
We don't look like we want to be out on the pitch tonight. Truly embarrassing. Why is, not one single player running off the ball? No movemet, no effort, no imagination., bad attitude. Utter turgid. Something far wrong with certain members of our squad.




27 Sep 2023 21:59:01
Reading through some of these comments and I'm now getting fed up with the negatively on here, on social media and when it's OTT in Ibrox. You can see we're a team trying to find it's feet, with a host of new players, some of whom have either taken time to get up to speed,


1.) 27 Sep 2023 22:20:04
It is so negative, every crack is opened in to a crevice, and every positive is ridiculed. Tis ce'st horribly.




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01 Feb 2024 21:10:15
Yeah, all over X, we got time for 1 more?




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24 Jan 2024 23:23:20
Other than diomande, if there were 2 more to come in hypothetically, I'd prefer a striker and winger. As much as I'm not 100% convinced on any of our options to partner Goldson at CB, we can get away with what we have for the spfl this year which is most important. Too many of our attacks break down with poor decision making or poor delivery in the final third. We have to prioritise and that's where we're needing better options.




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07 Oct 2023 20:31:38
Lets remember that appointing a dof doesn't promise continuity. Especially if we hold up "get him out" posters of him like we did with the last one. Not criticism of fans, as the transfer business was awful during his tenure, just an observation.




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03 Oct 2023 21:37:10
Surely not Lampard. We need some fresh ideas.




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10 Sep 2023 22:04:33
If you doing the back, sack and crack its always best to do it quickly davie.





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26 May 2024 22:50:48
Minimum 18 months from now.




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05 Jan 2024 23:28:57
Seen the De Boer twins at Glasgow Airport. no wait we actually signed them guys.




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06 Nov 2023 19:49:26
I think Danilo will turn out to be a very good striker for us. Loads of energy, good pressing, clever runs, can play a man in and hold up ok for his size. He's proved he can finish and with more game time I'm sure he'll get more consistent with his shooting.




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20 Oct 2023 16:51:55
He certainly talks a good game. Very impressive. Just have to be patient and I'm sure we'll see a better Rangers under his leadership.




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09 Oct 2023 20:40:12
I still think the criticism of Lammers is way over board. Playing off the right similar to Aribo I think he'd be looking fine if the rest of the team were playing to any sort of standard. He has a good touch and bit of skill and at times can put in a challenge. I reckon if you put any single decent player into our team right now (outfield) they would look guff as well.




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