29 May 2024 10:54:06
Rangers Review confirms that Rangers has ended the pursuit of Jose Cordoba.

1.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 11:05:29
Club are rightly fuming. Been at Ibrox and Auchenhowie several times the past months, medical was organised for today.

His agent told the club that Norwich had made an improved offer and asked if the club would be willing to match it, obviously told no.

2.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 11:10:26
Read that and maybe for the best if he's not fully commited.

3.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 11:13:29
That’s a dent in the plans losing our first choice when it was close to done.

4.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 11:29:47
We will sign bigger and better players than him, let him mess about in a small club like Norwich.

5.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 11:31:26
Correct coully, but we should not be held to ransom by player or agent.

6.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 11:43:15
Proves the player is money driven and his mentality. We want players who are committed to the cause not those who use our interest to get a better deal elsewhere.

7.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 11:45:17
Right decision to not over pay.

8.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 11:52:20
Seems like a bullet dodged tbh. Guy clearly has no principles. Hope he enjoys his European football at Norwich.

9.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 11:58:37
Dado. A club that earns at least ten times the money from tv as any in Scotland.

10.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 12:02:07
Tbh, I didn't think he was going to be a starter anyways. Looks very rough round the edges.

We need players that are going to improve the starting 11.

11.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 12:04:06
Harry soutter? Since cordoba seems to have diverted his plans to Norwich.

12.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 12:05:38
Only want players committed to the cause and not the dollar signs - so no big loss - apart from being strung along we can do better and let him languish in the second tier of English football hoping for promotion - Old firm definitely get their share of string alongs with players using us as bait to catch the bigger fish - his loss at the end of the day IMO.

13.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 12:06:47
Not sure about that prso. Weve seen what happens when we don't get first choices we end up with the dross.
Its probably a sign of things to come. Agents these days they are like salesman just want to con you.

14.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 12:32:17
Harry Souttar is completely out of our price range. The model is buy cheap, develop and sell. That won't change.

15.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 12:33:16
Superb. Any players or agents start messing about they should be told to bolt immediately. If they aren’t buzzin to come and play here that should be the end of it.

16.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 12:34:06
Correct decision, the club should never be held to random. Never seen a highlight reel make a player look so mediocre.

17.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 12:46:05
My granny could improve that starting 11 and she's dead.

18.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 12:52:36
So was the guy any good seen lots of people saying his highlights make him look rubbish but he's our first choice centre back?

19.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 12:53:17
I wouldn't be surprised if it was a ploy by his agent to try get more money and its backfired and now Norwich is their only option. Ah well enjoy midweek games in front of 20k, could have had Ibrox midweek euro nights. We move on.

20.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 13:39:43
Really like the Aussie lcb that plays for hearts Rowles.

21.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 13:40:30
From what is being reported his club is hoping to secure a bigger transfer fee, good luck to him if he goes to Norwich. Norfolk is like the land that time forgot! Oh well, everyone to their own!

22.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 13:43:07
From the YT reel he looked powerful but showed he loved his drag backs and dribbling inside and outside his own box. How many goals would he have cost us? He chose Norwich. Whatever.

23.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 13:52:17
To an extent I agree big d, but it’s May and I’m sure we’ll have multiple targets both link and missed out on between now and September . I think the worry comes if he knocks us back late August and we’re starting to look at anybody to fill a space in the squad.

John - yeah it’s a travesty the money in football but bottom line, he won’t win anything with Norwich as they’re a nothing club. He’ll be lucky to get a move to the EPL from them.

Honestly, I’m sure he’d have been good for us so this isn’t a ‘he wasn’t good enough anyway post’. I think in May there’s no need to over pay and let’s see what the Arginine centre half is like.

24.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 14:15:52
Was excited by this but f. him and his agent - the right move to walk away ??????.

25.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 15:08:13
Agents are always scheming to squeeze the £ at every opportunity, prob the agent trying to play each club off, if its the player about cash, cheerio.

26.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 15:30:58
Going on the highlight, I seen he looked an accident waiting to happen at CB as mobile as a bag of cement just a big unit of a guy and that’s supposed to be his best bits!

If manager wanted him though I trust his judgement much more than my appraisal of some YouTube clips, but if a guy would rather go to Norwich in the Championship then you would imagine he would of wanted out at sniff of first piece of interest when he was here.

I just hope Stevie G gets chequebook out for Goldson as he’s on £38k a week it would be good to have a couple of Million and that wage to reinvest on a new CH.
I liked Goldson I just think bows the time to cash in as he has started to slowly decline IMO.

27.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 16:37:16
The moral outrage of people on here at a player getting best deal available for himself is stupid and if club outraged when the player has not signed anything then sorry but that’s just stupid or naive at best.

The championship is above rangers in pecking order. anyone that doesn’t think so just needs to look at all our players that were cast offs from these teams.

Tav, Goldson, balogun, McLaughlin, Cantwell, Dowell, Lawrence and a few more in the past.

Truth is, if we want the better quality players we have to act faster and be more ruthless. the amount of time this player info has been out here and how long ago someone on here said about Norwich had him, just shows how bad things are going. I fear we will see Goldson and co. lining up again next season!

I hope to god I’m wrong.

28.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 17:36:17
100% correct gofor and see all the posts he is rubbish anyway coming out now ? embarrassing.

29.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 17:42:07
His loss. we move on.

30.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 18:06:36
Correct decision by the club, me must be prudent with our fees and wages. We move on to the next target.

31.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 18:39:41
Agents doing what agents do. The player will trust his agent and money talks. I’ve never met an agent that puts players career first, it’s always the best financial deal at the current moment.

32.) 30 May 2024
30 May 2024 14:53:33
Sir Walter, when have we been that prudent we paid fees early for Raskin, Cantwell, Cifuentes when we could have waited and signed them on a free.

Sure, it would risk losing the player, but you would also find out if the player was truly interested in joining rangers and not just chasing money.