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09 Jun 2024 23:22:54
Lack of football is getting to me so I decided to watch back through our highlights of all domestic games and compile a list of those at fault for all goals conceded ? Obviously there’s often several players to blame for the same goal. Goldson we know is done, his legs are away but Souttar is absolutely abysmal. Guy has no positional sense whatsoever and just makes the most basic mistakes on a regular basis. Switches off constantly. Honestly hope he’s sold this summer. I know plenty of our fans love to resort to the default setting of blaming Tav (not saying he’s perfect by any stretch) but there’s bigger issues at the heart of that defence IMO and a real lack of support/ cover from midfield.

Souttar 8
Goldson 7
Butland 4
Tav 4
King 3
Yilmaz 3
Lundstram 3
McCausland 3
Barisic 2
Balogun 2
Davies 2
Cifuentes 2
Lawrence 1
Sima 1
Dessers 1.


1.) 10 Jun 2024 02:35:29
Coisty have a day off eh.

2.) 10 Jun 2024 06:28:23
Davie, explain why coisty should have a day off mate ? The guy has taken time to look at some of our deficiencies and posted his findings to share with us on here ?Try adding something instead of being critical of coisty who's posted info regarding where he's seen our teams failings has come from ? Nothing wrong with that is there ? I've said on here countless times tav has undoubtedly got his faults defensively, but gets the blame a helluva lot of the time for other members of our team's deficiencies when it's not him ? So we should be fair on all our players and critical where due, because some of our players without question get an easy ride compared to tav ?.

3.) 10 Jun 2024 07:28:27
There is a reason defenders miss less goal chances then strikers and the same with being to blame for letting goals in. The defenders are put under unnecessary pressure due to the failings of our midfield also our failure to put the ball in the net cost us far more games.

4.) 10 Jun 2024 07:46:14
Maybe another person watches all the goals conceded and finds that all those numbers you've marked are different. Also if a played costs us chances that the other team don't score it's still a mistake. 3 games in a row including his howler at Ibrox Tavernier made mistakes in the first 30 seconds that did end up in a goal or a shot at goal. I'm sure you've jumped on this sir Walter as the poster has Tav only at fault for 4 goals. I'd be willing to bet money that the number is much higher.

5.) 10 Jun 2024 07:49:18
What about the cantwell error in hearts 3 3 game it was he who gave the ball away that then led to shankland scoring so every goal conceded can be traced back to a mistake on your point about souttar I agree we need better we cannot have our 2 ch leading to 15 goals conceded directly through them. Good post mate.

6.) 10 Jun 2024 08:03:02
Folks, all posts should be welcomed on this site, maybe the big problem is that Coisty's post showed that a good few fans need to stop trying to chase a good few of our players out of the Club, let our Manager and his team decide who goes and when.

I know it's only an opinion when people make these posts, but, the negativity is some of the worst I've seen in all my 60+ years following the Club, let's wait and see what happens in this window.

7.) 10 Jun 2024 08:18:57
Good informative post mate thanks for that. IMO if we need to focus on 6 key area this window. 2 CBs, a CDM, 2 wingers and a no9. If Tav leaves Sterling plays RB. Once strengthened in these areas I believe we will win the league next season. This season Clement done a great job with Beales team we need to remember that.

8.) 10 Jun 2024 08:23:00
Absolutely nonsense NS re goals fault. I’ve looked at 8 that r tav,

But does not matter 1in 13 “eagles is fine.

9.) 10 Jun 2024 08:26:47
Leagues s fine.

10.) 10 Jun 2024 08:38:41
John, an eagle every 13th hole would be excellent.

11.) 10 Jun 2024 08:57:43
I’ve pointed it out before soutter is awful in the air looked good at hearts as he suits the 3 back but awful in the 2 back. Yes he is good on the ball and strong in the tackle but his Ariel ability is terrible.

12.) 10 Jun 2024 09:26:24
Coisty, I feel your pain, I’m missing my rangers too.
Interesting report, Tav for me would be the main culprit as most goals seem to emanate Fromm our right, but it shows our whole defence is ****ed.
Who genuinely wouldn’t you keep out of every defender we have?
Sterling looks like a player some team could’ve take off us for £8 m!
He is the only one i can thjnk of.

13.) 10 Jun 2024 09:28:07
One man’s opinion on who’s to blame for the goals you could ask 100 rangers fans and they would all be different.

14.) 10 Jun 2024 10:02:03
Coisty I totally disagree with you.

15.) 10 Jun 2024 10:22:47
Good post coisty, must have took you a while mate. There's different phases of play you could look at for that, would imo need more than highlights to work it out mate. There's blatant errors, then thers errors when we turn the ball over etc, very hard to blame one man. Conjecture.

16.) 10 Jun 2024 10:32:07
All own personal opinion. Tav 100% guilty of more than 4. And u will have included souttar giving away pen at home. Which var have already said was a mistake.

17.) 10 Jun 2024 13:13:52
Gal77 - it’s football, it’s just my take on what i’ve seen. Obviously there are errors that don’t lead to goals but that applies to all players and i’m sure Goldson/ Souttar/ Yilmaz/ Lundstram have all made plenty that didn’t result in a goal as well but I’m directly looking at who’s been responsible for actual goals conceded as many like to push the idea that Tav constantly “costs us” games/ leagues. You’re absolutely welcome to do the same and post your findings and no doubt they’ll differ from mine. John what are the 8 that you’ve seen Tavernier to blame? Just keen to hear your opinion on them mate.

18.) 10 Jun 2024 16:13:37
Good effort mate. Struggling to believe Tav only cost 4 goals. Was it only 5 games highlights you watched lol?

19.) 10 Jun 2024 16:26:59
Thanks BoyBlue. Totally agree regarding phases of play. Personally I look at it if someone gives the ball away and we are hit on the counter and outnumbered then i’d include it but if we have enough players back man for man I then look at who’s not doing their defensive duties (marking/ tracking runners/ where they position themselves etc) . As i’ve said it’s just my interpretation. Paul 86 I personally don’t see him at fault for any more than that but open to hearing your thoughts on the others mate.



10 Oct 2023 12:06:29
Important to focus on the character of these candidates too than simply looking at their managerial honours. I think Rangers and this league is a unique situation where having a manager that is fired up and passionate is as important as his tactical knowledge. Gerrard perfect example. Someone with confidence, swagger and a 2nd is last attitude that rubs off on the players. I don’t think throwing money at the likes of Clement just because he’s enquired about one of the Saudi positions is the right way to go. They need to be passionate about the task at hand first and foremost. A very lucrative 4 year contract could be costly if it doesn’t work out. I don’t know why, and shoot me down if you may, but I feel like Muscat is what this squad needs in terms of his character. Anyone know who the final candidates are?


1.) 10 Oct 2023 12:40:24
I liked Muscat as well, but a lot don’t.

2.) 10 Oct 2023 12:49:33
I feel the exact opposite about Muscat!
IMHO he was a success in Australia after taking over a winning team from Ange.
he then went to Belgium and flopped.
Back to working under Ange in Japan where he again inherited Ange's winning team when he left.
Now do we need someone who has basically been successful on the back of someone else?
Or do we need someone who can:-
Get the best out of the current squad?
Revamp where necessary over time?
Sell players on and replace, all whilst remaining competitive and within a budget?
Give our youth a chance?
It's a lot to ask for but I feel Muscat is not that manager for me.

3.) 10 Oct 2023 12:59:22
Your profile for the new manager is correct but who say that Clement doesn`t have the qualities you are after . Just because he has been offered big money doesn`t means he `s reluctant its just that you have to pay top dollar for the best . I don`t believe he`s been offered that money to keep him away from Saudi Arabia as it is still probably way lower than he is being offered to go there.

4.) 10 Oct 2023 13:10:48
Muscat won the J league last season. Ange had already been at Celtic a year before that.

5.) 10 Oct 2023 13:11:16
MPH, I may be wrong but did Anges team never win the league in Australia and Muscat did. When Muscat went to Japan the team was completely different that what Ange had and he made it work and won. I think too many are thinking he is Anges right hand man and he’s not.
I’d take him or Clement.

6.) 10 Oct 2023 13:18:07
Mph muscat build a knew team after angi time in Japan as they sold 8 first team players, my choice is clement but muscat isn't a duffer as manager.

7.) 10 Oct 2023 13:51:34
The fact he wants a challenge and not going for the money is a good thing.

8.) 10 Oct 2023 13:55:58
If that is the case I wouldn’t hold it against Muscat anyway. Taking over a winning team doesn’t mean the winning continues automatically you still need to have the savvy to manage the group. I’d be more leaning towards a guy that put his name in the hat knowing what size of a job they have on their hands. That in itself shows a bit of character.

9.) 10 Oct 2023 15:12:22
I'll be happy with Clement or Muscat but folk need to understand that Muscat did NOT inherit a winning team from Ange. They were in 9th place and had sold a lot of their best players. He totally rebuilt that side and won them the league.
This is not a team with most money in their league either. They are a mid table team in terms of budget yet Muscat has had them up top

I've got to say that if it were my choice Muscat ticks more boxes for me.

10.) 10 Oct 2023 15:16:31
Did someone not say Clement approached us for the job not the other way round?

Does that not show a certain passion for the job?

11.) 10 Oct 2023 15:18:08
Beale65 I'd be happy with either of those too as well ?

I'd give them at least a few months before judgement on play though as we are in a mess.

12.) 10 Oct 2023 15:19:19
Could be a case of us having to wait for transfer window to get team firing again with no out and out wingers or fit ones options limited

Yes yes I know sima?.

13.) 10 Oct 2023 15:29:33
I just don't see it with Muscat.
I think he's a 'lazy' appointment.
But if he gets the job he will get my full support.
P. S. Ange was 1st, then 2nd.
Muscat was 1st and 1st. And currently sits 2nd.

14.) 10 Oct 2023 16:08:28
It's typical with some ? Now because we've chosen clement as our new manager, some start slagging off muscat saying he's not this, that and the next thing ?Muscat is a good manager and i would have been happy with any of the two as our new manager ?.

15.) 10 Oct 2023 17:02:03
I was never enamoured with Muscat, SWS.

16.) 10 Oct 2023 17:14:54
I have to disagree with you MpH I would be happy with either Muscat or clement.

17.) 10 Oct 2023 17:16:05
Coops to be fair to MPH he said he never wanted Muscat.

18.) 10 Oct 2023 18:22:46
Muscat lost a lot of players when taking over from Ange, going with journalist from Japan he said he had to change a lot of team with bargains and youth and made them into an attractive attacking team, 11 attack minded players was his words, don’t think his time in Europe was as straight forward either so would have no problem going with him or Clement.

19.) 10 Oct 2023 18:55:56
My worry is that we as a club playing wise have regressed massively.
My original optimism with the summer signings and the old guard we kept has evaporated on a weekly basis with the consistently below par performances.
We have a huge imbalance in the squad.
I’m not so sure it’s as simple a fix as getting a new manager in who plays attractive attacking football.
I hope I’m proved wrong if he gets the job.



08 Oct 2023 14:36:43
Just listening to Boydy there saying Raskin had a good game and Sutton followed it up saying Raskin is instrumental to us. I must be missing something. I think Raskin has been terrible apart from a short spell in preseason. He hasn’t lived up to the hype whatsoever. Him and Cifuentes are a huge part of our problems in that midfield (with the main problem imo being 3 defensive midfielders and we wonder why we can’t get up the pitch and have no attacking options) . The two of them run about like headless chickens, they’ve no positional sense between them and hardly make a tackle or break up play. Cifuentes is caught ball watching constantly and looks yards off the pace. Game just passes him by. Need to up their game and quick.


1.) 08 Oct 2023 14:42:02
Yeah you are certainly missing something.

2.) 08 Oct 2023 14:51:00
Raskin is always running chasing and wanting the ball, one of few with energy and drive, my criticism of him would be his final ball / decision making ( like 95% of our squad ) let's him down.

3.) 08 Oct 2023 14:51:05
Coisty, I've consistently said I think Raskin has been overhyped, I hope I'm wrong and he starts to control games and deliver. cifuentes, again I've regularly said he is at least a yard behind everyone else, maybe because he came from MLS, which plays slower.
again I hope he picks up and comes good. both these guys are young enough to improve.

4.) 08 Oct 2023 14:59:32
Raskin is certainly a lot better than the other 2 in the middle with him. Am told cifuentes is an absolute player aswel. One ok performance v livi.

5.) 08 Oct 2023 15:03:49
He’s been overhyped but played well today.

6.) 08 Oct 2023 15:04:47
Storm/ Sutton do you have an opinion on the matter or just digs?

7.) 08 Oct 2023 15:19:51
I have been very critical recently of all squad but it’s difficult when lacking confidence and only thing was three points today which wd got . Tav not been great recently but once again two goals and if anyone deserves some credit he has got to get it . Cifuentes and raskin agree look to be over rated but young and need experience beside them better than they have now . Not sure cantwell raskin and Cifuentes can play in same team, too inexperienced. Up front unfortunately don’t think dessers will ever be a player . Not due to lack of effort just really poor . Michael Beale has defined tempo and how we play and will take time to change and also a few windows to get rid of Lammers dessers etc . Few wins under belt different outlook who knows as Celtic not great . Still in it and early in season . Still fancy us to win league with a new manager as long as he is in next week and working with the squad over break.

8.) 08 Oct 2023 15:23:50
What’s that then storm? Enlighten me.

GJD I agree with you that he is always running and chasing. The problem is it’s just chasing with no real composure, intent or positional awareness. He demands the ball but as you say the decision making is so poor. Like today he done a pass inside that was nowhere near Barisic then blames Barisic. He done the same in the Celtic game when he won a tackle then stopped and put his hands in the air. He needs to know he has a long long way to go and a lot to improve on. Davis would be the right man to help him improve in them areas in training.

BAR72 100%, there was so much hype and he was getting credit constantly off the back of very little. He’s young and has a lot to learn. Frustrating because he has the potential.

9.) 08 Oct 2023 15:26:12
Cifuentes should be played in the position Lundstram had today.

10.) 08 Oct 2023 15:33:01
Raskin has been surrounded by shyte, he hasn't all of a sudden become a bad footballer. He needs a settled, on form team around him with a bit more quality and style of play.

11.) 08 Oct 2023 16:07:56
There is the rump of a very good team once everyone is back from injury.
Lundstrum, Dessers are two that need to be replaced and we still needed to strengthen the f=defence.
A new manager might get something out of Lammers but Dessers is a major worry.
One major positive, we have some very good young players coming through, we need to hold on to them and hopefully a new management team can help them develop into top class players.

12.) 08 Oct 2023 16:12:35
I agree to an extent as I don`t think Raskin is playing well, great ball for the goal though. I don`t think the left of a three suits him but he has been moved to accommodate Cifuentes who has been useless. You say he runs about like a headless chicken, I just wish he would run about. Lundstram better than both today and has been for weeks.

13.) 08 Oct 2023 16:17:36
Lundstram would make anyone look bad he's really starting to bore me to tears get him tae in January.

14.) 08 oct 2023 16:24:54
havnt yet seen what we were told he has in his locker. least he's playing which is more than yilmaz who us never a rangers fb, , total waste of money like dessers and lammers are in danger of becoming.

15.) 08 Oct 2023 17:43:16
A really think rangers only need a top defender another proper winger a right good manager and we will be fine, a think there’s definitely a good team in there.

16.) 08 Oct 2023 20:02:08
Thought Cifuentes had a decent game today and kept it simple, and along with Raskin who tracked back and won the 50/ 50 tackles in midfield.



21 Sep 2023 12:45:02
Guys can anyone recommend a good tv subscription? Boy I had has done a disappearing act so no tv for tonight ?.


1.) 21 Sep 2023 13:40:47
Sky and BT.

2.) 21 Sep 2023 13:43:51
VPN to the US or Canada and watch it Pay Per View on Rangers TV and the cash goes to Rangers.

3.) 21 Sep 2023 14:06:55
TNT Sports from BT is good.

4.) 21 Sep 2023 14:52:22
I heard HESGOAL or a site like it was back up but haven’t checked it out myself.

5.) 21 Sep 2023 15:42:46
VPN? for us oldies you would be as well talking Chinese lol!

6.) 21 Sep 2023 17:41:58
Bar they r mate.



09 Sep 2023 13:42:10
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Coisty9 has written an article entitled, Where has it all gone wrong for Rangers?





Coisty9's rumour replies


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29 Jun 2024 15:15:40
Davis didn’t have pace. Jack didn’t have pace. Diomande will add good energy to the midfield but what we’re really crying out for is what Jack offered in terms of reading the game, breaking up play, someone who can win tackles and protect the defence. McLean attempted and won the most ground duels out of all midfielders in the championship last season. Had one of the highest interception rates too. Lauded for his fantastic work rate and stamina. Played 52 games in a tough league. Won POTY for Norwich. Captain for most of the season. Great addition IMO.




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29 Jun 2024 13:22:15
My thoughts exactly TT ??.




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27 Jun 2024 21:31:47
I honestly hope to f*ck Cantwell leaves. Can’t stand the guy.




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27 Jun 2024 11:16:20
I do think there’s more to Bisgrove leaving than we first thought. Time will tell.




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26 Jun 2024 12:13:56
Gdog - wether you need your RB scoring 20+ goals per season or not or what your idea of what a RB should be doing is irrelevant. Tavernier has always been deployed to focus on attacking and the team was always set up with 2 covering DMs who often failed to cover him and do their jobs. Not to mention the absolute sh*t show pairing of Goldson and Souttar which cost us so many goals last season alone. Tav’s by no means blameless and has certainly made mistakes but this is a nonsense narrative peddled by a good section of our fanbase who default to blaming him every time something goes wrong or we don’t win a trophy when there are 10 other people on the pitch with him. I honestly hope he leaves for his sake and Goldson was right, this club will never fully appreciate him until he’s gone.





Coisty9's banter replies


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10 Jun 2024 16:26:59
Thanks BoyBlue. Totally agree regarding phases of play. Personally I look at it if someone gives the ball away and we are hit on the counter and outnumbered then i’d include it but if we have enough players back man for man I then look at who’s not doing their defensive duties (marking/ tracking runners/ where they position themselves etc) . As i’ve said it’s just my interpretation. Paul 86 I personally don’t see him at fault for any more than that but open to hearing your thoughts on the others mate.




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10 Jun 2024 13:13:52
Gal77 - it’s football, it’s just my take on what i’ve seen. Obviously there are errors that don’t lead to goals but that applies to all players and i’m sure Goldson/ Souttar/ Yilmaz/ Lundstram have all made plenty that didn’t result in a goal as well but I’m directly looking at who’s been responsible for actual goals conceded as many like to push the idea that Tav constantly “costs us” games/ leagues. You’re absolutely welcome to do the same and post your findings and no doubt they’ll differ from mine. John what are the 8 that you’ve seen Tavernier to blame? Just keen to hear your opinion on them mate.




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19 Jan 2024 23:08:48
BWD - bit early to say that. Gerrard done well here but nowhere else. Who knows how Lampard would have done. Beale done well back end of last year then destroyed us with his own signings. Clement will be judged on who he brings in and what he does in the coming months/ years.




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09 Jan 2024 19:39:48
Don’t think it’s a good idea to have away fans above home fans in any stadium.




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29 Dec 2023 20:44:13
If Dessers can score in this league given his previous record and his overall poor play, Silva can score in this league.




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