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05 Oct 2023 22:11:13
Based on that performance, it seems the team are not happy about Beale’s sacking.

Several of them, including Raskin and Cantwell, name checked Beale as being a big factor in them signing due to his knowledge of their game and his plans for their development.

What happens with them now? I suspect they’ll look to jump ship.

John227 - have you heard anything about how the first team have taken his sacking?


1.) 05 Oct 2023 22:22:42
Highly dout they will want out just because Beale left he’s Beale no Pep. They are obviously going to big him up in interviews if he’s manager when they sign.

2.) 05 Oct 2023 22:26:20
Lazlo if Beale has knowledge of all these players he signed why would he continuously play them out of position surely they know when they are not firing and playing out of position doesn’t help matters, all the players at rangers are on good money so jumping ship should not be an option but rolling three sleeves up and getting stuck in is the only thing they should be doing and restore some pride back to us, beale is maybe a good coach but not manager material imo.

3.) 05 Oct 2023 22:28:08
So were they happy playing under Beale for Aberdeen game?

4.) 05 Oct 2023 22:36:33
It would be more they don't know if they would be in the new managers plans going forward.

5.) 05 Oct 2023 22:41:17
Don’t know Gazza, some of his decisions this season were strange - including Euro selections. Just noting the fact a good few of these guys name checked him as an influence in their decision to sign based on his knowledge of their game and plans for development.

6.) 05 Oct 2023 22:49:23
Cantwell thanked Beale for bringing him to the club he is missed and I’m sure he will continue to play his heart out when he returns no matter who is the manager, Raskin has always made it clear he wants a big move so again it’s in his interest to play well for the new manager and as for the rest of the players if they liked and respected Beale and his tactics so much they would have shown it on the pitch, we need a proper manager who will organise the team and get them playing for them and the Jersey.

7.) 05 Oct 2023 23:01:56
If the performances pre sacking were the players showing their love for Beale then we’re worse than I thought.

8.) 05 Oct 2023 23:04:37
So they are not happy with him getting sacked? Have they told you this? since they're the lot responsible for him getting sacked! What a ridiculous statement!

9.) 05 Oct 2023 23:34:09
Defence was rotten tonight, more likely they know that if we bring in a quality manager then they will be at risk. As for his new signings, if I was one of them and any good then I would be hoping that we brought in a top quality management team that could aid their development.

We looked like we didn't have a game plan tonight just like we haven't had a game plan all season so the sooner we get someone in that can motivate and develop this bunch the better.

10.) 06 Oct 2023 00:24:51
Nothing to do with anyone being unhappy. They are just very very bad footballers and we are a very very badly run football club.

11.) 06 Oct 2023 00:30:19
bigbluejim - the players are responsible for Beale being sacked? Did THEY tell you that? ? Ridiculous? Take a look in the mirror son.

12.) 06 Oct 2023 01:35:17
Sorry but ??.

13.) 06 Oct 2023 05:56:05
Lazio Tav said the players were responsible for his sacking in a televised interview.

14.) 06 Oct 2023 07:10:03
Guys like Butland said the same thing. Beale met with him in person, and sold his vision to them. Butland couldn’t have spoke more highly about, Beale.

All of our new signings were brought here by Beale and he was sacked after 7 league games. I’m sure some are upset about it, I’m certain most of the squad have absolutely no confidence left, and I suspect many will want out - Especially with the circus that is still to come in the weeks and months ahead.

Ibrox is going to be a very toxic place from now until the end of the season unless things turn around very quickly.

15.) 06 Oct 2023 08:36:01
Are these not grown men doing their job that they are paid handsomely for?

Dessers, Lammers and Sima can all go, no problem.

Cantwell when on form is likely the best player in the league and will be looking for a move to England for big money for himself, no doubt about that, similar with Raskin.

Time is up for Tav, Goldson, Borna and Lundstrum. They have put in their shift in previous seasons but time to move on.

I would honestly rather play a bunch the youth players until the end of the season. It cannot get much worst and the fact Davis still played Dessers shows the lack of ability.

16.) 06 Oct 2023 08:59:36
I don’t care what the players think. That man Beale ruined our club. And if any of his useless signings along with a whole host of others want out I’m sure we could pull together on this site and drive them to the airport free of charge.

17.) 06 Oct 2023 10:17:59
Verdant there probably more shoked that MV managed to con them into believing he was any sort of manager. that's honestly the worst football in a very long time. Warburtons rangers would pass that team to death. Nicky law would run rings round cifuentes and lammers.

18.) 06 Oct 2023 11:07:57
If you come to a team like rangers and think after the results in the league that Beale Deserved more time then your a numpty 1st in the league and only 1st is acceptable no way he was turning that around no wonder players are no happy could be ? every week and still play.




Lazlo's banter posts with other poster's replies to Lazlo's banter posts


20 Sep 2023 22:07:19
After their smuggery and vandalism at Ibrox, someone needs to tell young Joey Veerman and Luk De Jong that PSV aren’t “Champions League class”. Outclassed.

They wanted the UCL experience? Careful what you wish for Joey boy, because you just got it.

Looking forward to seeing them get another doing.




25 Aug 2023 20:49:35
If Glen Kamara and Leeds United think they’re going to back Rangers into a corner by tabling a lowball bid in the last few days of the window, then Glen will be playing ‘B’ team football for the next 12 months if he’s lucky.

I hope he’s been left in no doubt about that.


1.) 25 Aug 2023 20:53:17
I think we need to be careful how we manage players - there's been a few rumblings this season from players who don't seem to be happy with how we've handled their exit / proposed exit.

Part of our player trading model is reliant on us being seen as a good club to deal with.

2.) 25 Aug 2023 21:28:02
Ehl, part our model not being held to ransom by players or agents.

3.) 25 Aug 2023 21:29:24
Yes, definitely EHL. And I think the club did well by Aribo, Bassey, etc who left. However also rumblings about Glen’s attitude, reluctance to train, refusal to participate in pre-season in Germany, and a few comments on here from people ITK about him and/ or his agent messing us around. At one point it was suggested we were looking to stop his wages, so it must have been bad if accurate.

If he wants out, I think he’ll be given every opportunity. If he doesn’t take it, he’ll lose another year of his career.

4.) 25 Aug 2023 23:46:02
What players have left and weren't happy about the way rangers went about it.

5.) 25 Aug 2023 23:53:38
It's nothing to do with Leeds because they are happy to pay the money it's all Kamara.



23 Aug 2023 20:22:16
I thought we were excellent last night. We will only get better as the new boys start to click and at last we have quality options off the bench.

I think the Dutch will feel uneasy. Worried that history may repeat. That anxiety is good for us.

See Peter Bosz said Tillman had told him everything he knew about our team and manager. Luckily we already know our weaknesses and did well to mitigate them last night considering.

Anyone else compared the stats of last nights game to last year’s tie? On paper they gave us a doing compared to last year - except in the only stat that mattered. Goals.

On to next week.


1.) 24 Aug 2023 11:53:45
Might be recency bias but I thought although we had much less of the ball compared to last year, it was actually a better performance. Created more and scored two cracking goals rather than getting a gift from the keeper to level the tie. Have to say it's always an enjoyable watch when we play them, end to end stuff.



17 Aug 2023 05:57:45
Saw that Sam Field played in the middle of a back three in the EFL Cup today ? Seems to be quite a versatile defensive player.


1.) 17 Aug 2023 07:34:03
Played there first game of season Did not cover himself in glory as qpr conceded four.

2.) 17 Aug 2023 08:15:02
My opinion Sam Field is definitely an upgrade from Lundstram.




Lazlo's rumour replies


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29 May 2024 13:43:07
From the YT reel he looked powerful but showed he loved his drag backs and dribbling inside and outside his own box. How many goals would he have cost us? He chose Norwich. Whatever.




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22 Nov 2023 17:22:14
Could it be an agent trying to maximize his clients earning potential for upcoming contract negotiations?




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17 Oct 2023 17:30:19
Were there also not comments about D. Cooper in a book or interview?




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09 Oct 2023 21:52:00
“don’t shoot the messenger” - classic Jester patter.




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06 Oct 2023 00:30:19
bigbluejim - the players are responsible for Beale being sacked? Did THEY tell you that? ? Ridiculous? Take a look in the mirror son.





Lazlo's banter replies


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02 Jun 2024 09:58:46
Agree - clips make him look good. However, there is a video on there that makes Matondo look like a world beater. Looks like Jefte has potential to play further forward as well.




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25 May 2024 20:03:59
Tav, Goldson, Barisic, Lundstrum. Time for a change.




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25 May 2024 20:01:03
Need to score 2 to get 1.




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24 May 2024 00:47:41
From that team - I’d take them all, but if I could only choose 3:

Numan, Ferguson, Lovenkrands.

Every one of those subs would make our current starting 11.




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10 Mar 2024 19:45:39
That was a battle, and a good win for a team that ran themselves into the ground on Thursday.

Dessers doesn’t covert anywhere near as much as he should, but to be fair to him he has contributed more than I thought he would. Until summer at least, he’s our 9. Also comes across a likeable guy from the interviews I’ve seen.

Diomande looks great, and Silva looks much better off the left.




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