04 Jun 2024 20:53:54
Barron will not be a rangers player. He has interest from Italy and England. Preferred destination is Italy.

1.) 04 Jun 2024
04 Jun 2024 21:38:24
If connor barron, jose cordoba or any player for that matter doesn't ?% want to come to rangers, we forget them and move on to players that want to come and play for our famous football club and believe it's a privilege to play for us ?.

2.) 04 Jun 2024
04 Jun 2024 22:32:15
Going to be a long window.

3.) 04 Jun 2024
04 Jun 2024 23:24:19
If he's not interested then we move on, plenty of buisness to be done and club already proved with Cordoba that they will not be held to Ransom.

4.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 02:00:05
I get why people say if he’s not interested then we move on and we should! But there’s something seriously wrong at Ibrox if we can’t attract a young promising Aberdeen player to join us.

5.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 03:06:05
Gersgeo3 how can you say that you don't even know the terms of contact offered or the other contracts on the table from other clubs, the boys own mind may want to challenge him self in another league in another country, he may want to see another part of the world, or he may just well want to come to us but keeping it hush hush for obvious reasons, to suggest there is something wrong cause a young promising player doesn't come to us is ridiculous unless it's like going to a league below or something but again he may want to go to a club to be a guaranteed starter, there are many different reasons why players might not join another club.

6.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 05:30:56
This isn’t new information. He apparently turned us down months ago and to be fair if he has the chance to go to Italy off the back of Ferguson, hickey etc why wouldn’t he take that opportunity.

7.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 05:33:08
Coisty heard that we have made an offer for Cardoba and is on table player still deciding where to go most likely Norwich though. If your coming to Rangers from Aberdeen your not coming without the baggage. Unless your a rangers fan it might br easier going to Italy same way ferguson has.

8.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 06:13:28
Dont think he was ever coming to us when Italian interest was mentioned a while back.

9.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 06:45:40
The problem is Gersgeo3,the young players in this country now see a clear pathway to italian clubs mate ? They've seen how lewis ferguson, aaron hickey, josh doig etc have went over there and done superbly well with each one also raving about the lifestyle, so who can blame any young talent presented with this sort of opportunity ?.

10.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 07:01:16
The only thing seriously wrong is that we cannot/ will not meet the demands for wages and or signing on fee for any player who can get offered much more elsewhere - Italy and other foreign leagues are now looking at our younger players as decent options and can see the benefit of shopping in our league - especially if they are free or have minimum contract time left - it is a sign of the times for us now -gone are the days where OF could snap up young talent for minimal outlay - sad but true.

11.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 07:34:06
Not often I agree with you coops, but both posts bang on the money mate ?.

12.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 07:40:07
Well if he's at Aberdeen n seen the success of a fellow midfielder Lewis ferguson you can understand the draw
He can end up in A beautiful country been adored, or stuck in Scotland hated cause he has a few bad games.

13.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 07:40:14
I think there were serious negotiations in January, however the agent/ Barron changed goalposts and asked for more and Rangers stepped back, as with Cordoba, its sensible not to get hold to ransom, this is the same with players we're selling, we will hold out for a price that suits us, bit also balance it with what we can buy for the value.

For instance, we may well take say 9m for butland with a sell on and addons as it would allow us to buy 3 or 4 other players, makes sense, especially if the player is keen on a move, however if Butland wants to stay and we can shift a few others, it may take 12m+ to get him.

14.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 08:34:48
Cheers storm ?As the old meat loaf song goes "two out of three ain't bad" or should i be saying agreeing with me "two out of three hundred" ain't bad ? cheers mate ?.

15.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 08:57:17
Bazbear I totally agree with offering what you think they’re worth/ we can afford and not being held to ransom. However is it holding us to ransom if they think they can get x amount in another team or league and then ask Rangers to match or beat it? Sadly I think it’s getting to the point that we can’t even compete on a regular basis to sign the Scottish talent. They’re going to bigger leagues and we’re pretty much left to try recruit from Europe and africa unfortunately.

Hence why we are trying to get them when they’re 16/ 17 now. I would say Ferguson might have shown it can work, and he’s going to be playing champions league next year and in a top league, still it’s for Bologna and the pull for playing for Rangers is still def there.

16.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 09:01:13
Still believe Barron will be a Rangers player.

17.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 10:42:10
It actually makes more sense for him to go to italy and have a crack at that than come here and sit on the bench.

18.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 11:17:54
Barron is coming to Rangers ?.

19.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 12:20:37
One of my fav Meat loaf songs ?.

20.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 12:21:18
Mystar you probably still think we will win the league easy ?.

21.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 12:53:18
Storm told Barron will be a Rangers ok.

22.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 14:25:09
Meat loaf would put t*ts on a he-weasel.

23.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 14:35:05
Manager did not want the player.

24.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 20:00:00
Even if Barron signed for a good Italian team he'd have a better chance of regular first team
football over there. Don't know why exactly, but I think I'm correct.

25.) 06 Jun 2024
06 Jun 2024 02:37:54
Think a few have taken my words outta context- I said something is wrong at Ibrox if we can’t attract a player from Aberdeen! I understand all the possible lucrative deals and a few Scots (3) who have went over and done well in Italy!

My point was if they’d prefer to go to Italy and play for lesser teams they’re only going over with a promise of opportunity- they won’t all play for a Juventus or Milan, it’s an indication that Rangers can’t offer the same opportunities, quick search shows the Scot’s who went over to Italy earned between 9k and 12k per week - that wouldn't be a million miles off what Rangers would offer! Ryan Jack earned nearly £8k a week when he signed from Aberdeen 6 years ago!

So I still think there’s something Rangers are missing and not selling to these players and it more comes down to the lack of opportunities they’ll end up getting when the moaners start moaning after 2 games they’re not good enough! It’s still a sad day if Barron really is the player we want and we can’t sell our club enough to him that he wants to go somewhere else.