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27 Jun 2024 19:04:37
Would you think with the advertising going out today for the new home kit with Tavernier and Cantwell at the forefront it’s an indication they won’t be going anywhere?


1.) 27 Jun 2024 20:47:06
You never know it could be, but everybody has a price, reasonable offer for either and I think we'd sell tbh.

2.) 27 Jun 2024 20:54:15
A photoshoot will not be the driving force should a substantial offer come in for either of those players I would say?.

3.) 27 Jun 2024 21:27:50
No. The photos, video etc would have been done months ago.

4.) 27 Jun 2024 21:31:47
I honestly hope to f*ck Cantwell leaves. Can’t stand the guy.

5.) 27 Jun 2024 22:15:38
Do it would effect a transfer…. Players have been in calendars and still moved etc….

6.) 27 Jun 2024 23:10:41
Yip tav n todd the main 1st team players on the home top video.

7.) 28 Jun 2024 06:57:51
Can’t stand the guy! Wow Coisty. pathetic!

8.) 28 Jun 2024 09:05:55
No it means nothing its a Rangers strip we are advertising not leaving clues on who is staying.

9.) 28 Jun 2024 10:31:46
personally if Cantwell cuts out playing to the crowd and shows up in the games that matter i'd be happy to keep him, PC surely has told him that's what he needs to do rather than badge kiss etc.

Hagi IMO still needs more game time elsewhere, Tav could still go as the pics would've been a while back. Like to see Kenny Mclean come in, need scots for Euro and would work well with Barron/ Sterling/ cantwell driving the midfield forward and Mclean sitting spraying the ball about.

Still need a CF and CB and a few off the wage bill IMO.

10.) 28 Jun 2024 14:58:30
Coisty9 he is getting replaced by Hagi ;) who will listen to and implement Clements instructions on the pitch.
Cantwell can't follow instructions and has been rubbish under Clement
So my bet is he is going as soon as we get a decent offer 4 mill upwards, (now the Canty fans will be on but he was almost signed by liverpool for 20 gazillion blah blah blah) Todd thinks he is playing every position in most of the games iv'e seen him, apart from that flurry of consistency under Beale before clement arrived, he has been pretty average and needs moved on likely back down south. i'd take 5 mill and be done with him, 3.5 mill profit is good business, there is no way we are getting 7-8 mill with those mediocre performances.

11.) 28 Jun 2024 17:46:19
Personally I think letting Cantwell go would be a huge mistake unless we wait and make sure guys we are going to bring in can do a better job

Cantwell was crucial for us in part of the season you need players that can step up at differnt times in season and drag us through he can doesn’t always but can do that tav is the same

However if a good offer comes in for tav we have to take it can’t continue to watch players leave for nothing or financial fair play must be taking a hammering with players leaving for nothing.



09 Jun 2024 10:08:32
Reports everywhere saying Rangers looking for a fee of around £2.5m for Sam Lammers! Surely we’d be asking for more considering his performances for FC Utrecht? Fed up seeing us being short changed.


1.) 09 Jun 2024 10:54:38
If true, which I doubt given who’s been reporting it, it’ll likely be the starting price but given we already know Utrecht are interested along with a few other Eredivisie clubs I can’t see it being as low as that.

If we make our money back then great but I’m hoping for some profit given those stats in the later end of the season.

2.) 09 Jun 2024 11:25:37
Lammers scored 11 league goals for Utrecht with 3 assists. He scored against Champions League opposition in Feyenoord, and he’s taken Utrecht up the table in to the European spots. I think the guy won POTM and some other award for breaking a goal scoring record. He’s just entering his prime years. He’s got to be worth more than the £2m many on here quote.

A lot of teams from the top 5 leagues actively scout the Dutch league looking for talent. He must have a few clubs interested in him.

3.) 09 Jun 2024 11:35:25
this is a guy we were ready to pau to leave so 2 and a half is a bonus.

4.) 09 Jun 2024 12:15:38
2020 most would have paid for him to leave 2020,but not a chance do we only receive 2.5m for him.

5.) 09 Jun 2024 12:32:24
Highest paid player at Feyenoord is on 19k a week . When Danilo seen what Michael Beale was offering for wages he broke the record swimming the English Channel. Netherlands is not awash with cash most clubs have wage ceilings. There was some reported interest outside Holland but nothing concrete I've heard of. The interest is there In Holland but you can't get blood out of a stone. They will need to get Sam to agree on a wage cut and probably offer him a fat signing on fee. I don't see any reports saying Rangers expect 4-6m anywhere outside a guy at Rangers Review blowing smoke out of his own ass. Theo Bair got 2 goals before Christmas in SPL after Santa brought him new boots he scored 13 and had 5 assists should we go in and offer 4-5m?

6.) 09 Jun 2024 12:42:52
Most people would have been happy not to see Lammers back and off the wage bill, to now say we should get double what's on offer is crazy stuff. 2.5 + 1mill? Saved on wages. take it.

7.) 09 Jun 2024 12:54:22
If You don't think we'll get more than 2.5m for him, they i can see where the smoke is coming from Robert.

8.) 09 Jun 2024 13:10:30
My Star if you are expecting 4 or 5m for Lammers I'll call the fire brigade you can make your way to the window.

9.) 09 Jun 2024 13:17:32
Lol Robert ? we'll get 4m for Lammers fgs man.

10.) 09 Jun 2024 13:19:08
That's our biggest problem paying inflated wages to bang average players then you can't get rid of them, players like Lammers, Roofe, Dessers, lundstrum, Danilo must have thought all thier birthdays, Xmas had come together when they saw what we were offering, would be interesting to see what they were on before signing for us.

11.) 09 Jun 2024 13:52:11
My Star I hope Beale gets a new gig in Saudi and we cash out at 6m but it's Lammers we are talking about here and if we blink we'll have him for next 3 years taking home some serious bacon.

12.) 09 Jun 2024 14:02:15
Robert Feynoords highest paid player for the season just finished was Justin Bislow or whatever their keepers name is, on about 48k a week so where you're getting 19k from I have no idea.

13.) 09 Jun 2024 14:20:11
Robert they are 6 players at feynoord getting more than 19 k a week and the lowest of them are 33k rising to 50k so I don’t know where you are getting your figures from but they are wrong.

14.) 09 Jun 2024 14:50:57
Defo agree we should be looking for nearer 3.5m the alleged amount we paid.

15.) 09 Jun 2024 15:54:55
We pay inflated wages cause unfortunitly its one of the only ways guys will come too scotland
Look at the lifestyle in europe
You don't have two bad games n become instantly hated by fans

N even when you are semi decent
N have decent return ie sakala
You still gey guys peltering you on focial media cause you didn't score against themor miss a sitter

N its sad too say but our fans here scars players off the only way too temp is by decent wages as our culture is second too none

Just look at some playerrs instas n that its vile.

16.) 09 Jun 2024 15:57:35
Justin Bijlow £8,100 £421,200 25 GK Netherlands

That guy Ger88 . I just take it from Salarysport rather than out of the sky . Sorry I should get a better source obviously he's on 40k a week more now . Have you got a better updated source?

1 Santiago Giménez £19,000 £988,000 22 ST Mexico
2 Ayase Ueda £16,000 £832,000 24 ST Japan

That's who they have listed as highest earners at Feyenoord . Ajax and PSV pay more. Smaller clubs tend to struggle more.

17.) 09 Jun 2024 16:14:28
Robert your correct, Rangers wages are double feyenoord wages, just had a look, they have very good players on under 20k, we have average ones now on 38k, we certainly need this sorted now.

18.) 09 Jun 2024 16:15:15
Psv have a few around 50k.

19.) 09 Jun 2024 16:19:08
As stormtrooper correctly mentioned, there are 6 players in the squad for the season just finished that earn way more than 19k per week, so perhaps if two of us are refuting your source, it may be time to check others.

20.) 09 Jun 2024 16:22:46
Double yearly.

21.) 09 Jun 2024 16:46:35
Salarysport is just completely made up numbers.

I'm not sure why we're talking about Feyenoord, but salarysport have the Feyenoord wage bill is about £12.3m? The last set of Feyenoord accounts have the clubs entire wage bill at £49.5m! While that includes all staff, the idea that the first team would be under 25% of all staff costs is just stupid.

Teams like Utrecht wouldn't be able to afford Lammers wage, I doubt that Twente could. AZ could, but he'd be at the very top end of their salary structure. Feyenoord wouldn't have a problem.

Don't be surprised if we hear of interest from outside the Netherlands in Lammers.

22.) 09 Jun 2024 16:47:58
Three separate sites I've looked at say Bislow is on around 48,657 per week, a couple others in the 40+k a week bracket aswell.

23.) 09 Jun 2024 16:51:03
I think Phil and Nils are working overtime My Star to remedy things. They don't strike me as being good losers like some of the players in our squad.

24.) 09 jun 2024 16:51:45
blue dreamer

i’ve followed rangers 70 yrs and never ever known a player have two bad games and instantly hated by fans, utter drivel man, , some people simply cannot differentiate between criticism and the word “ hate”
pathetic nonsense, i’ve never hated a player in my life and never known anyone else who did.

25.) 09 jun 2024 16:53:55
and by the way, try asking players in spain, turkey and italy if they’ve never suffered real terror, like attacked in traffic or cars burnt out, think you need to understand what your talking about before accusing our fans, this is an online site not ibrox stadium.

26.) 09 Jun 2024 17:18:34
I would hope we would get more than that but it is rangers were talking about lol

Or maybe it’s 2,5 up front rest in appearances.

27.) 09 Jun 2024 17:35:32
Astos i must be looking at that site mate.

28.) 09 Jun 2024 17:41:05
Prytz, Danilo came from The Netherlands so doubt he swam the English Channel ???.

29.) 09 Jun 2024 18:16:51
Seems like your salary sport website gets their info from out the sky, three separate websites I have looked at claim he is on 48k a week.



15 Oct 2022 02:06:08
Not a rumour, but a question? Are Rangers seriously considering any free agents out there who could potentially come in as cover for CB until end of season? There's some really good players out there with no clubs.


1.) 15 Oct 2022 04:34:07
Could do with one but the problem is there won't be anyone match fit.

2.) 15 oct 2022 08:19:40
i highly doubt anyone here could answer that question mate, world cup is round the corner, i think we will struggle through til after that and see how we are.

3.) 15 Oct 2022 08:50:48
Big gaz gary cahill.

4.) 15 Oct 2022 10:20:09
How stupid does Wilson look now releasing balogun katic instead gave 1 year extension to Davis a position we didn't really need.

5.) 15 Oct 2022 10:33:44
Surely if your a player you must be keeping yourself in decent shape incase the call comes. Tom rogic was available right away for West Brom almost. Shouldn’t take a player long to get match fit if they are in good shape. Kinda like the complete opposite of Morelos on his return.

6.) 15 Oct 2022 10:48:13
What about timothee Kolodziejczak free agents had some big clubs Lyon Seville monchengladbach nice more recently st ettiene always fit some decent transfer fees in past would be worth a gamble for maybe 6 month contract with option of more.

7.) 15 Oct 2022 11:03:13
I'd say no.

8.) 15 Oct 2022 11:37:25
Go for all about opinions, katic struggles for fitness not even In Zurich europe squad and has played one league game.

Balogun 50% appearances record for rangers, could not play last game for qpr due to injury

So imo really not a stupid decision, even if we had kept them who would u have dropped from our European squad.

9.) 15 Oct 2022 11:54:10
John no disrespect intended but Katic started for Zurich against psv on Thursday night so he is in the squad.

10.) 15 Oct 2022 12:37:00
Cool Monty, he for me simply not the standard we want, mb better than nothing but not the answer.

11.) 15 Oct 2022 13:20:38
Yeah definitely not the answer lol. We have had horrendous luck with injuries. Is Goldson injury not similar to Morelos? Could be a while.

12.) 15 Oct 2022 13:27:56
We all knew John Soutter wasn't the answer but he was still signed. Who should be accountable for these type of signings?

13.) 15 Oct 2022 16:47:28
Soutter was on a the best defenders in the league last year sweep what are you talking about.

14.) 15 Oct 2022 18:01:02
sweep he broke his foot at livingston playing for rangers. mb never ever sign a player in future
play kids settle for league one.

15.) 15 Oct 2022 18:09:02
Souters injury record should've been enough for us not to sign him I'm fed up with injury prone players we sign.

16.) 15 Oct 2022 19:37:28
Agree John and Bassey … Souter wil come good I’m sure.

17.) 15 Oct 2022 20:09:43
He will come good for 6 games then get injured again.

18.) 16 Oct 2022 01:45:13
Souter was a complete mistake. Too many gambles. Several players have been awful signings. I understand we have to shop bargain basement but career injured players are folly.

19.) 16 Oct 2022 02:16:59
John think the immediate concern is league without goldson helander Davies souttar . thin at back is an understatement we need a free transfer now just to get us to January or league could be gone by then only reason I said kolod guy is we need someone who is free and those options are really limited he's also quite a bit younger than cahill.

20.) 16 Oct 2022 10:53:27
And saying souttar is better quality is a total guess as he's played how many times! ? And fit defender is better than souttar if not available and it's idiotic to think what could have happened this year if goldson had left.

This board and director of football are sleep walking us into a disaster peoe can say what they want about king at least he backed his manager.

21.) 16 Oct 2022 14:49:16
Gofor, Gio has spent more than Gio in one summer window

Also agree to buy sands and Tillman.

22.) 19 Oct 2022 17:37:01
John I think youll find it's a loan with option to buy and those money's have not been paid. the recent director that was interviewed said as much when he said money for those players has been ring fenced. not paid

And I can't see us spending 4-5 million on sands and up to 7 on tilman lol need to show a lot my re for those deals to go through souttar Lawrence both frees I don't believe gio really wanted the Turkish boy you would have to be mental to pay 6 million for a sub left back and not use him for me that smacks of club signed him and gio didn't want him or it could just be a case of trying to get barasic in world cup squad and yilmaz to just buy his time.

Only real outlays colak matondo both small fees in relation to past signings and big fee for Davies.




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06 Jun 2024 02:37:54
Think a few have taken my words outta context- I said something is wrong at Ibrox if we can’t attract a player from Aberdeen! I understand all the possible lucrative deals and a few Scots (3) who have went over and done well in Italy!

My point was if they’d prefer to go to Italy and play for lesser teams they’re only going over with a promise of opportunity- they won’t all play for a Juventus or Milan, it’s an indication that Rangers can’t offer the same opportunities, quick search shows the Scot’s who went over to Italy earned between 9k and 12k per week - that wouldn't be a million miles off what Rangers would offer! Ryan Jack earned nearly £8k a week when he signed from Aberdeen 6 years ago!

So I still think there’s something Rangers are missing and not selling to these players and it more comes down to the lack of opportunities they’ll end up getting when the moaners start moaning after 2 games they’re not good enough! It’s still a sad day if Barron really is the player we want and we can’t sell our club enough to him that he wants to go somewhere else.




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05 Jun 2024 02:00:05
I get why people say if he’s not interested then we move on and we should! But there’s something seriously wrong at Ibrox if we can’t attract a young promising Aberdeen player to join us.




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05 Jun 2024 01:57:18
Quick Look at his stats doesn’t exactly excite! Plus 27 years of age- is this any better than Dessers?




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22 May 2024 00:43:17
I agree with John, either some players have been told they won’t be part of next season or in a round about way they’ve found out they’re not going to be and that’s spread about the dressing room to where they’re not pulling in the same direction! Have a suspicion it’s the serial loser group of senior players like Tav, Goldson, Barasic, Lundstrum, Jack, Roofe and the likes that’s at the heart of this - most have been hiding for months and Tavernier been taken off free kicks and corners the last few games shows there’s been a shift in his overall “leadership”.




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15 Oct 2023 04:14:29
Hopefully this DOF can rub a magic lamp and bring in players that won’t get injured- Injuries are constantly the route of all our problems ??‍♂️.





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