23 Aug 2022 23:41:46
I thought long and hard before posting this.

Morelos is a Rangers player. If and I accept it is a big if he has personal issues I will do what I've always done, stand by him.
It appears many have heard stories that Alf may have a drink problem, I heard this tonight from a very reliable source, if honest I find it hard to believe.

Many myself included are called apologists, not having a clue re his conduct etc, well I stand by my view and many others.

There appears to be a small number delighted Alf has been called out by Gio. Mb that was what is required.

Whatever Rangers and Alf decide about his future football career and it's whereabouts is fine.

All that matters is that if the lad has issues he gets all the support he needs.

We are the Rangers family and we look after our own.

There is a big bit off me hopes the stories are absolutely garbage and Alf is just being a giddy.

1.) 24 Aug 2022
24 Aug 2022 00:08:16
That's a good post John. I've kept out of this debate because I know nothing about what's going on within the club. He really p*ssed me off at Easter Road, but if there are issues, then I'll leave it up to the management to sort them out.

2.) 24 Aug 2022
24 Aug 2022 00:09:57
Who is your source about him having a drink problem?

3.) 24 Aug 2022
24 Aug 2022 00:16:16
I understand why you must have thought long and hard John before posting this, I for one haven’t heard any of these rumours and if true hope he can sort himself out before it gets worse for him and damages or destroys his career. Yes we are Rangers family on here no matter our opinions and hopefully we can all wish him well if true.

4.) 24 Aug 2022
24 Aug 2022 00:20:02
Ps John, what's a giddy?

5.) 24 Aug 2022
24 aug 2022 01:05:15
john, i don’t think anyone here wishes him any oth than happiness, some of us knew something wasn’t right from weekend, i was told a few times but i assumed he just liked a few beers, possibly that is the case, maybe he does just like a beer, but when and how much is important, nobody will be playing the i told you so, so accusing is not the way to go, people who pay many thousands of pounds to watch footballers will always have their views and opinions, nobody can ever deny anyone that. alf has been hero worshipped here, and threw it back in the fans faces more than once. because he plays football shouldn’t mean he’s treated differently from other young men, but because he is a colombian in scotland means he should be looked after. but only if he treats rangers with the respect they deserve too.

i wish him well, i hop the usual crew can avoid taking the moral high ground and we can actually let him get on with the hard work ahead.

6.) 24 Aug 2022
24 Aug 2022 05:43:43
I know John26 very reliable source and quite correctly Ger4ever john will not reveal his source! All i've heard myself is that alfie has been burning the candle at both ends during his injury lay off and been socialising a bit more than he should have been ?I've not heard myself that alfie has a problem with alcohol and like john says i find it hard to believe and obviously hope to god it isn't true?If alfie has any issues it goes without saying that i'll stick by him and support him, as he's without question part of the glasgow rangers family and i know our club will look after him?
I want alfie to stay hope he stays and gets back to the buff we all know and love as quickly as possible ?.

7.) 24 Aug 2022
24 Aug 2022 06:10:18
Fantastic post John, a club has a duty of care and as fans we should try and have a sense of compassion.

8.) 24 Aug 2022
24 Aug 2022 06:22:54
Great post John and I must be an apologist to as I am with you 100%.

They were rumours about someone’s meatball hwalth not being good at ibrox an I instantly thought of roofe but could it be Alfredo they were talking about if it’s true?

9.) 24 Aug 2022
24 Aug 2022 06:40:11
John good post I'm annoyed at Alfie but want to see him back playing football and terrorising defenders if it's with us great if not ill wish hom well.

10.) 24 Aug 2022
24 Aug 2022 06:41:50
Brilliant post John26.
I’ve absolutely no problem with Gio dropping him if it’s down to fitness etc.
My issue is with ‘I told you so’ mob and those that take great delight in vilifying a Rangers player because it suits there own personal agenda.

11.) 24 Aug 2022
24 Aug 2022 07:06:51
No stories at all where I stay regarding Morelos having a drink problem. He does enjoy a Nandos- that I do know. Just think the man is unfit because of his long lay off and frustrated because he's not number 1 striker at the moment.

12.) 24 Aug 2022
24 Aug 2022 07:30:32
parlane diddy.

13.) 24 Aug 2022
24 Aug 2022 08:00:17
Really hope this is not the case but if it is he's human and needs help. As you say John, the Rangers family will look after him and I pray he can get back to the old Alfie, terrorising defences. If not, I hope he gets the help he needs and moves on with everybody's best wishes. The one big problem I can see is if we di not make the CL, the boy will get slaughtered and I really don't want to see that tbh.

14.) 24 Aug 2022
24 Aug 2022 08:10:52
Where has all this come from? Alfie was injured so as most athletes do he has put on weight. Now he has a drink problem and we should sell him?. He made a stupid mistake at the weekend and i'm sure he will pay for that. Very big player for us and i think a few on here need a shake.

15.) 24 Aug 2022
24 Aug 2022 08:11:37
This isn't anything new regarding Alfie. There has been stories circulating for over a year now regarding his partying, but much like many on here, I dismissed them as nothing more than stirring from certain quarters. But, let's put this into perspective here. Morelos is not the first Rangers player to like a drink or 2 and enjoy his partying and junk food. Barry Ferguson, Kris Boyd, McGregor. Just 3, who over the years, had well documented issues off the field for their extracurricular activities. Nobody is perfect. How many on here, during their younger days, suffered from that well known Monday sickness and had to miss a day of work because of a hangover? It happens. Yes, he's meant to be an an elite athlete, but first and foremost, he only a human being. So, before any on here get on their high horse, and start pontificating their holier than thou rhetoric, take a step back and think about your own life and how imperfect it probably was. The boy is still only 26, who isn't perfect, but he's nowhere near the heinous character some on here paint him at times.
I for one will be supporting him, and hopefully he can get himself back on track. Our team is a much better team with a fit Alfie in it, than it is without him.
Some have short memories on here, and now when the boy needs our support most, they are happy to get rid of him and get him tae. Unbelievable!

16.) 24 Aug 2022
24 Aug 2022 08:29:02
Lets be honest, he wouldn't be the first at Ibrox with a drink problem (if true)
Some others in the past seemed to manage it and still perform when required!

17.) 24 Aug 2022
24 Aug 2022 08:30:30
Well said John, I myself was very critical of Alfie's demeanor on Saturday, but, as you say, I also wish the man well in his quest for the fitness that will allow him to be the player he was previously. His drop off in form has been evident for a little while now, he won't be the first or last player to suffer like this, hopefully this will be the time when he realises what he has.

18.) 24 Aug 2022
24 Aug 2022 08:53:10
Excellent post by many, down in tube well said.

19.) 24 Aug 2022
24 Aug 2022 09:02:00
There have been rumours about late night drinking in a particular Glasgow bar until the early hours since he joined us.

I disregarded this as I would have expected the media to publish but maybe there is some truth in it.

That said, let’s assume that the lad has some demons ~ drink or otherwise.

Just last week there was a lengthy thread about mental health and how we should support our own ~ plenty of comments.

Now, looking at his actions against Hibs, it appears that there may be some underlying issues ~ I guess your average multimillionaire footballer does not deliberately go out to get a red card.

Let’s support the guy, let Gio take whatever action he feels appropriate and hope that Morelos overcomes whatever demons he may or may not have and reaches the highs that we all know are within him.

“Told you so” and “I know best” posts are for the playground.

20.) 24 Aug 2022
24 Aug 2022 09:17:41
I agree with the posters above who indicate we should support Alfredo.
I think that not only should there be support into helping him resolve his problem (if indeed that turns out to be the case) but also support into the underlying cause. I’m not an expert, but generally speaking, I don't think people develop a drink problem because they like the taste, but in response to external or internal problems that they are seeking to avoid. It’s just a coping strategy. So support into finding out what has triggered this is essential for the healing process.
Of course, I’m quite certain that as time moves forwards we will see and hear the people who will see a player who isn’t playing as a drain on club finances, but hopefully we can be more supportive than that.
We are very quick to want the club to appease us as fan over and above the fact it’s a business, but sometimes we also lack compassion for players who are in a bad spell and want to ‘cash in’. Just my thoughts, hope he gets help and support from the fans, his team mates and the upper management.

21.) 24 Aug 2022
24 Aug 2022 09:23:02
Morelos is not an alcoholic or have a drink problem in the sense that many may have experience of. He is unhappy in Glasgow and has personal issues that result in ill discipline on and off the park. Best for everyone that he moves on.

22.) 24 Aug 2022
24 Aug 2022 09:24:36
Thanks for that info John, I like you hope it’s not true or rather than a problem it’s just a case of to many beers through s long lay off, but if he has a problem we as a club have a duty of care to the lad and should do all we can to help him, I think it’s the right call by Gio to get him out of the line light yes right now he’s all over the media and sadly some on here are delighted to see his fall from grace, he need help right now and I hope the club have the right people speaking to him, I can see now again if it’s true why the senior player in the group would agree with Gio they would see it in training or smell the booze, I hope Alphie gets his head together and works his way through this.

23.) 24 Aug 2022
24 Aug 2022 09:29:00
If true I hope we do what's right for the player.

Whither that's supporting a move to provide him a fresh start or supporting his recovery.

As frustrating as he is, he's part of the Rangers family.

24.) 24 Aug 2022
24 Aug 2022 09:32:19
Mental health I really need to proof read my comments ?.

25.) 24 Aug 2022
24 Aug 2022 09:32:22
Exactly DK. The "I told you so" brigade are out in force. Not just here, but all over social media, and the weapons from the msm. Peter bloody Grant? Fud!

26.) 24 Aug 2022
24 Aug 2022 09:33:49
The word alcoholic has never been used to me about Alfredo. Partying hard and liking a booze has. It hasn't helped him taking Algeria under his wing, both enjoy what Glasgow has to offer. Issues officially came to light when Alfredo made front page for non football reasons over a year ago.

27.) 24 Aug 2022
24 Aug 2022 09:49:20
Been in the west end loads a times to all hours. Sanctuary seems to be a popular haunt. I’ve no social media but my son is 22 so anything I see it’s usually through him. I was also told he was in Ibiza a week before due back as per first post. Whether it’s true or not ?‍♂️.

28.) 24 Aug 2022
24 Aug 2022 09:56:53
Ricksen off field antics blow morelos out the water. In london every wednesday if no midweek game on thr drink with team mates. Getting up to all sorts with all sorts of women.

29.) 24 Aug 2022
24 Aug 2022 10:44:00
100% agree with comments. Whether fitness or attitude just hope he sorts himself out or if needs help with issues he gets it and gets back to doing what he does best. He's by far our best striker when on form and we going to need him. As for new contract or transfer it's up to him now to get back in and impress Gio or teams watching. Either way want him back banging them in.

30.) 24 Aug 2022
24 Aug 2022 10:59:31
Dk here here mate. Let’s hope it’s about too many beers and not a personal problem.

31.) 24 Aug 2022
24 Aug 2022 11:49:36
From a strong source at the night club itself, He’s a regular at a certain west end nightclub most nights of the week. This is the problem.

32.) 24 Aug 2022
24 Aug 2022 13:15:07
Great to see all of these posts from "sources" but why is it all coming out now? If the man likes a drink and a party (and maybe more) then he has a choice to make. In this day and age, a professional footballer can't be doing this and getting away with it.

One thing I will add, it's strange that if he has been frequenting certain establishments and no wee nyaff has sold a photo to any media outlet or posted it online? Frankly, that doesn't sound possible to me.

33.) 24 Aug 2022
24 Aug 2022 14:02:42
John26 great post. Here’s hoping Alfredo can get himself sorted out whatever his problem is, And gets back to putting the ball into the back of the net for Rangers.

34.) 24 Aug 2022
24 Aug 2022 17:24:18
to those who say alf doesn't want to be here, that's conflicting to what i heard recently saying him and his missus are settled. i am hoping he doesn't have a drink problem as that's hard. if its indulging too much then he can sort it and has choice to make. i am glad he said on twitter that he will effectively fight hard to make a comeback.

35.) 24 Aug 2022
24 Aug 2022 18:00:54
Here here geesa.