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26 Jan 2024 19:21:22
Jefte in, Barisic out and yilmaz out in summer. Between Thomas and ajax youngster in the summer. Thomas could be on freedom of contract.


1.) 26 Jan 2024 21:31:38
That seems to be how it’s lining up asathor doesn’t it.

I think likelihood is Thomas. The Ajax lad would’ve been a 6 month loan now as a Manx rate the boy and don’t want to sell him.

2.) 26 Jan 2024 21:36:17
Asathor are you thinking that? If Yilmaz doesn't go this window and i don't think he will, can't see that being arranged just now unless a big offers come in for him in the summer, i believe he'll be a big player the second half of the season unless sold.

3.) 26 Jan 2024 23:12:03
Riddy is not leaving now or summer.

4.) 27 Jan 2024 09:53:46
Mystar right there with you on yilmaz.

5.) 27 Jan 2024 10:34:48
I don't think yilmaz will go anywhere. I think the Brazilian will play on the left wing and I honestly think that's why we are signing him.

6.) 27 Jan 2024 11:03:03
I think he'll be gone in the summer. Doesn't want to be here, too lightweight for our league too. If we can get our money back, I'd be happy.

7.) 27 Jan 2024 11:53:58
He doesn't want to be here cullin? he certainly never said that actually the opposite, too small or two lightweight is crazy thinking, many times did he win the ball back in the last game?

8.) 27 Jan 2024 11:54:43
Also said for a while we'll get more than our money back.

9.) 27 Jan 2024 12:54:56
I don't believe he has settled, and as a young player, he wants to move back to Turkey. I hope he goes on to be a fantastic player for us and doubles the money we paid for him. Happy to be wrong with that.

10.) 27 Jan 2024 14:58:08
If he wants to leave fair enough but he is showing now he can cope with our league and has been excellent the last three of four matches . Would be a daft time to punt him, if he is not pushing for it, just when he is showing why we bought him. Could be worth a lot more in a couple of seasons.



15 Oct 2023 09:46:38
So Philippe Clement to be announced today.
I think this is a very astute appointment from the board.
What is the thoughts guys.


1.) 15 Oct 2023 10:20:11
He’d be my pick . Curious who the dof will be .

2.) 15 Oct 2023 10:28:58
Asathor, considering some of the names linked with the job, I'm happy with Clement.

3.) 15 Oct 2023 10:33:57
It's now official he's been announced.

4.) 15 Oct 2023 10:34:09
Have to agree Asathor I was a little surprised at his name being mentioned with us to be honest but as soon as it was that’s who I wanted, good cv proven winner and he is said to be an excellent man manager.
Now the question is will there be a Scottish coach in there with him or will he choose people he previously worked with?

5.) 15 Oct 2023 10:34:14
It's official.

6.) 15 Oct 2023 10:38:43
Has been confirmed now officially. Happy with the outcome here and here’s hoping this is the man to take us to the next level. Welcome Philippe Clement?.

7.) 15 Oct 2023 10:41:22
He has been named.
Welcome Clement!
Top drawerthis. ?.

8.) 15 Oct 2023 10:43:03
Already announced.

9.) 15 Oct 2023 10:43:20
I’m very happy with that appointment. The board have delivered.

10.) 15 Oct 2023 10:49:48
Welcome to the famous and well done our board I'm sure cheaper alternatives were available so i assume he's going to be backed and we should all get behind this guy and let's see where he can take us.

11.) 15 Oct 2023 11:00:14
Excellent news. let's all get behind him and the players and start delivering performances and results.

12.) 15 Oct 2023 11:15:24
Let’s hope he can get a tune out of these under performing players till jan.

13.) 15 Oct 2023 11:25:34
welcome to rangers fc where finnishing second is failure.

14.) 15 Oct 2023 11:29:00
Excellent news and I’m glad to see so many positive comments on here. Big shout out to Coplandfront5 with his never ending great inside knowledge of what’s going on.

Welcome to the famous Clement and please beat Celtic at all costs.

15.) 15 Oct 2023 11:36:47
GVB11- was Mitchell not mentioned in the media for DOF role?

16.) 15 Oct 2023 12:07:43
Beale done hope I’ve got part two correct. 500 return today now for dof.

17.) 15 Oct 2023 12:19:50
Love that we went for clement! Dof and backroom staff next, hearing Sam jewells is who we want as dof and buffel possibly in the backroom staff.

18.) 15 Oct 2023 12:22:00
Let’s see how he does. It all looks good on paper, but we have no idea what we will get in reality. Paul Le Guen was an excellent example of that. We just need to hope that this guy is the real deal.

Most Importantly the fans need to get support this manager, and this group of players. even if result go against him in the next few months. The toxic fanbase need to stop booing and abusing players. Their confidence of the players is completely shot. It’ll take time to build them back up although many of our fanbase have already written off most of our players. Will our fans get behind Dessers now? Will they get behind Tavernier now? Or will they keep hounding these guys?

19.) 15 Oct 2023 12:58:22
Copland I don’t honk we will get Mitchell but would be an incredible appointment, mb Vincent Mannaert I’m told.

20.) 15 Oct 2023 13:31:49
I think the board have shown a bit more ambition with this appointment and hopefully we get the rewards.

21.) 15 Oct 2023 13:43:48
I love that now, Thomas Buffels name has been thrown in, why? because he`s Belgian and had a couple of seasons at Ibrox, so he`s an expert on Rangers and Scottish football. Its all so predictable. I saw one article saying that Clement could go and bring McAllister back because he played with him at Coventry.

22.) 15 Oct 2023 14:15:38

Don't think idea of finance came much into it. Had lunch with few ex players other day, they saying SG, MB salaries and now PC salaries all much muchness it was history and gravity of great club like gers agreed his presence. Great John Brown was in tears at thought of PC here. Something to see. I should have kept to myself but couldn't help sharing.

23.) 15 Oct 2023 14:17:29
We need to give this manager this season as a free hit he has inherited a mess unless it goes horrendously wrong under him we need to be patient.

I'm quite optimistic as he likes to use out and out wingers so he will need time to bring them in as January a tough window to get type you want and we don't really have those type of wingers right now.

24.) 15 Oct 2023 14:22:24
Verdant he can’t do any worse than the clueless Beale that you bigged up until very recently.

25.) 15 Oct 2023 14:23:09
Goodstuff John love people taking money off the bookies am on a good run myself at the moment.

What can you tell us about Vincent?

26.) 15 Oct 2023 14:54:11
Any news on his assistan, background staff etc?

27.) 15 Oct 2023 15:13:22
I'm chuffed with this n hopefully he can get it right the players now also need too step up and assist and really start playing for our Jersey

I really hope we can get a element of decent football back and make us hard too beat, but also get a tune out the under performers

Best of luck too him.

28.) 15 Oct 2023 15:46:45
Vincent Mannaert admitted he nearly lost his job at Bruges due to being an alcoholic. Not sure him working for us and living in Glasgow is going to help with that haha.

29.) 15 Oct 2023 16:03:53
Welcome to the Rangers sir.
start writing the new history as soon as you like.
I wish you all the luck in the world, and as many dodgy var checks as possible in your favour, ??
to those that guessed right well done also, not interested who was first ?.

30.) 15 Oct 2023 16:30:43
John if you named your bet we could all be picking up £500??.

31.) 15 Oct 2023 16:54:27
Wish him well and hope he's finally the man to realise this bunch are nowhere near good enough! For me I'd give the new players a bit more time, but several of those at the clubs for years are stealing a wage! He's got some job on his hands.

32.) 15 Oct 2023 17:35:34
Storm my understand is clement suggested to rangers at very beginning that mannaert would be a very good dof.

Orgy, not my tip Copland 5 was first to bring it here. I was told him definitely a day later, I hope I get the dof correct.

33.) 15 Oct 2023 19:20:06
How much do you win if you get that right John.

34.) 15 Oct 2023 19:55:21
3/ 1 re dof then 20 double 4/ 1 and 3/ 1 so 800.

35.) 15 Oct 2023 20:02:04
Finally clement the man I wanted from the start, watp.

36.) 16 Oct 2023 08:13:47
Lithium I’m happy re appointment.

37.) 16 Oct 2023 09:01:32
Fingers crossed John . I lost 20 on Norway last night … they were woeful.

38.) 16 Oct 2023 09:20:46
I'm glad you lost Molsgoals.

39.) 16 Oct 2023 09:32:26
Oh mols I would never have touched Norway.

I’m not too hopeful but so far I’ve recouped £500 for a £220 stake,

Hope u recoup your money soon.

40.) 16 Oct 2023 09:41:55
John 227 what bookies did you use for the DOF betting I’ve never seen a market for that before? Btw I’m not doubting you for a second I’m just curious mate.

41.) 16 Oct 2023 18:01:24
I’ve already posted 365. That’s where I hold on line account, never enter a shop mate.

42.) 16 Oct 2023 18:21:59
Yeah that’s it all over the press that Clement has the job. Also linked with guy from Brighton as new DOF could be some double copy if we land him too.

43.) 16 Oct 2023 18:33:05
Glasgow I’m sure u would have got a very tasty price re Jewell before Saturday.



03 Oct 2023 07:12:46
Gi guys would like to pass on some information.

Kjetil Knutsen is interested in the rangers Job and would welcomed an approach.

However he would like an agreement which would mean he would not join until after the eliteserien season as he will not leave during title dogfight.


1.) 03 Oct 2023 07:32:12
Good info asathor ?.

2.) 03 Oct 2023 07:50:31
When does the season end mate?

3.) 03 Oct 2023 07:50:38
I hope it is Knutsen, out of the "top 3" candidates I think he would be best suited. His team plays with a lot fight and a high intensity and looks to play a lot more of 433 attacking. I just hope we get a DOF in around the same time as well. Good info?.

4.) 03 Oct 2023 07:54:55
Knutsen rejected Ajax so why would he come to us.

5.) 03 Oct 2023 08:09:58
Ajax offered the role mid season GC.

Our season finishes December 3rd guys my side are 7 points from the summit.

6.) 03 Oct 2023 08:19:22
Great info asathor, thanks for sharing. Out of the realistic targets, this is the guy I want in.

7.) 03 Oct 2023 08:19:55
You realise he will have the same players as Beale did yeh?

There is about 6 players that need dropped lol.

8.) 03 Oct 2023 08:21:25
I’d love Knutsen. Always followed their team after they pumped C*ltic.

GC1872 he looks like a loyal person with principles. Not sure why he rejected Ajax. Think it was something to do with his contract. The players he brings in and sells for a profit, he likes to get a small percentage off. Which shows he develops players. Very motivated. I’d give him that at Rangers, as right now, it’s what we struggle with. Knutsen won't have long to go until his season is finished anyway. For the right person, i'd happily wait a little while longer. Maybe gives us time to appoint a DOF if we have the manager on standby.

9.) 03 Oct 2023 08:46:55
I think Knutsen would be worth the wait. we must get this next appointment correct.

10.) 03 Oct 2023 08:54:24
I’d be very happy with KK and a small percentage of profit on player sales seems very sensible to me. A lower monthly wage with a profit share on player trading encourages the manager to sell players at the top of the value curve and reinvest. Seems like a win to me. Thanks Asa.

11.) 03 Oct 2023 08:57:25
Did Knutsen not turn down Ajax because they didn’t give him a % of transfer fees or something? Be very surprised if we got him after turning them down.

12.) 03 Oct 2023 09:04:01
knutsen gets a % of every bodo sale, that's why he rejected ajax.

We would never give him that. He already basically denied any interest yesterday.

13.) 03 Oct 2023 09:16:51
Asathor, what's your thoughts on Pascal Jensen becoming our manager?

14.) 03 Oct 2023 09:32:42
As far as I'm aware it's a 3 way choice between Knutson, Jansen and Muscat. The board are going to try make sure they're doning due diligence but this process started a while back after the celtic game as it was felt this might happen sooner rather than later.

15.) 03 Oct 2023 10:10:40
Jansen is a great manager and I believe we would be lucky to have him also.

16.) 03 Oct 2023 10:21:19
Knutsen has stated he will never leave mid season.
Unless for a very special project, which we probably are anything but special atm.
I like a manager who won’t leave mid season.
Shows loyalty and principles.

I think he might be better bet than Jensen.
I’d like a Scottish assistant in his back room team though.
And the % of transfer fees isn’t something I can comment on it needs to be the board who decide on that one but I don’t have a problem aslong as it’s ironed out properly.

17.) 03 Oct 2023 10:24:32
Knutsen would be my top target.

18.) 03 Oct 2023 10:27:29
If you give Knutsen what he wants, then it might tempt him. If that’s a small profit % of a transfer fee then so be it. It’s something we don’t do very often. History tells us that. If he can bring this to us, then it’s a win win.

19.) 03 Oct 2023 10:53:01
Not sure how I feel about giving a manager a percentage of a transfer fee, it would be in his interest to sell top players.

20.) 03 Oct 2023 10:57:10
Muscat seems to know what he’s doing but he has little to no experience in Europe? He managed in Belgium and from what I’m lead to believe ‘ it was a disaster’? But Ange had no experience in Europe and he did ok. But in saying all that it would be prudent to get an experienced European manager, someone like Jenson, ? From what I’ve read KK is a great manager but his financial package could be problematic, it’s unlike anything we as a club have come up against? Maybe it’s the future?

21.) 03 Oct 2023 15:52:46
Sorry but rejecting Ajax screams too scared to leave his own country.

22.) 03 Oct 2023 18:36:22
Knutsen certainly looks like a serious option and I personally don't have a problem with him being given a percentage of outgoing transfer fees given that we are a selling club so maximising on transfer fees is a serious option.
For me, I want a winner, someone that has charisma, that doesn't accept second best and has a track record of success. I would like to think that both Bennett and Bisgrove want the same.
That would surely rule out McInnes and other Scottish Managers from the top job.
We have taken a risk on Beale and it failed miserably but previous 'risks' Souness and Gerrard were a success so maybe Lampard is an option alongside a quality Assistant with SPFL knowledge.

23.) 03 Oct 2023 18:41:01
And everyone only wants him caus ehe beat Celtic in Europe.



25 Apr 2023 06:31:44
Helander to Malmo a definite.
Pontus janssen has already agreed to return and Malmo want to partner them again.


1.) 25 Apr 2023 06:46:31
Great move for the lad, Asathor! Helander, for me, is the best defender we have, but his injury record is appalling. Good luck to him, hopefully he can get back on track.

2.) 25 Apr 2023 07:38:15
I wish him all the best.

3.) 25 Apr 2023 08:34:47
Wish him all the best but he isn’t fit so no good to us the last 2 years.

4.) 25 Apr 2023 08:39:25
Good luck to him. A good saving on salary.

5.) 25 Apr 2023 08:52:27
Will miss Big Fil, like most agree he's one of our best defenders - just a shame he had such a bad run of injuries.

Hopefully he gets back to playing again next year.

6.) 25 Apr 2023 09:26:03
Big Phil back home and JB in, WIN WIN, more please.

7.) 25 Apr 2023 10:02:57
Good luck to him, a fit Helander would certainly have made a difference to our defence. I suspect that he will have a good few years playing in a league that isn't filled with hammer throwers like we have in Scotland!

8.) 25 Apr 2023 10:23:49
Agree what everyone else is saying, when fit our best defender all the best.



23 Apr 2023 06:32:49
Hi guys, from what I am hearing is there is definite traction to the rumours of Ola Solbakken but we will face challenges from others.

Jens petter Hauge would also be available at around 5 million euros.

I would like rangers to look at Sivert Mansverk, Filip Ronningen Jørgensen and Frederik Bjørkan.


1.) 23 Apr 2023 07:06:23
We need two decent goalscorers who can link up hold a ball up with header hot the target take chances regularly that shld be a priority aswell as a goalkeeper or two these two usless veteran are done with got to ha e a good keeper like and another centre back that can defend and handle himself but play a bit aswell an amoruso kinda player Davies is not good enough either godson souter king but got to have a player who can pass a ball from back and comfortably hold the ball! These r musts to complete in league cups and European competitions got to be solid at back cld do with a hard man who is in middle o Park to get some protection for the playmaker a hurlock or Ian ferguson type hard and scary u don't want to 50 / 50 with cause your going to lose it and get a sore 1 for the trouble! Just couple observations i feel we need desperately.

2.) 23 Apr 2023 07:53:17
Ok w111lae, who's your suggestions to replace alfie mate ?.

3.) 23 Apr 2023 07:55:26
So Asathor, you think us signing ola solbakken might be a goer pal?I hope so mate as i was extremely disappointed we missed out in signing andreas skov olsen last year☹️I know you rate solbakken mate and how good do you reckon he is compared to skov olsen mate ?.

4.) 23 Apr 2023 08:38:16
Asathor they are great shouts. What about the goalkeeper Torkilson? Is vetleson also still at bodo?

5.) 23 Apr 2023 08:40:22
Why we don’t tap in to the Scandinavian market I don’t know. Did Bjorkan not get homesick at Berlin though or what it berg when he went to France?

6.) 23 Apr 2023 08:41:26
It is a potential SWS according to murmers I am hearing, he is not to dissimilar in terms of the way he plays but I believe skov olsen to be the better player. Both haven't worked out in Italy but I believe Italian football is the worst for any Scandinavian player to succeed due to the pragmatic approach in italy.

7.) 23 Apr 2023 08:43:32
Would be delighted with Solbakken or Hauge, Asathor. As for w111lae suggestions: Goldson, Davies and Souttar are all good passers of the ball so not too concerned in that aspect. I'd have Souttar and Goldson as my pairing next season.
The summer can't come quick enough to be honest. Exciting times ahead.

8.) 23 Apr 2023 08:45:27

9.) 23 Apr 2023 08:49:11
It was Patrick Berg although a move to Scotland would be different in my opinion, torkilson is an interesting one, very talented in my opinion better than mccrorrie although at 19 I would rather see him remain a starter in Norway.
Vetlesen I would say no to as I believe cantwell and tillman are better options.

10.) 23 Apr 2023 08:51:43
Should really be looking at Scandinavian market.

11.) 23 Apr 2023 09:40:06
We should be looking at ALL markets to get the right blend of experience and youth to move us on from the (on the whole - new buys excepted) stale team we currently possess.

12.) 23 Apr 2023 09:46:19
Scandinavia and Croatia are markets we need to be exploiting. I'd really like us to take a gamble on Frigan at Rijeka.

13.) 23 Apr 2023 10:01:21
Brilliant assessment W111lae, 100% agree. I would start with Nisbet.

14.) 23 Apr 2023 10:31:33
There's a surprise, Tubby/ Coldo agreeing with a poster wanting Morelos gone ?.

15.) 23 Apr 2023 10:37:55
Would Solbaken fit in to our current system?

Or do you think we'll see Beale change how we play next season?

16.) 23 Apr 2023 10:59:34
Yes he could play Beale system mate Beale fits quality players into his system.

17.) 23 Apr 2023 11:13:37
We really need two pacy no nonsense centre backs, time n time again we are caught out on the counter or with quick attackers, maeda n ohh jota all ripped us as two fast for our old defenders, too much relient on Goldson, if he's injured we really look caught out n davies is a bit of abomb scare n looks lackluster n not confident on the ball,

Build from the back

Keeper or keepers
Centre backs
An dominant num 8 barry ferguson, mcgregor, esk steven davis type controller's of the game
Two wingers
Two attackers,
We need new ideas.
Pace n fight n grit all needed ?.

18.) 23 Apr 2023 14:53:42
Beale About For 56: I could be wrong as I haven't seen a great deal of him, however I thought Solbaken was a more 'traditional'wide player?

In our current 4-2-3-1 system, our width comes from the full backs as Kent, Tillman and Sakala all play inside.

Personally, I'd much rather see us play with natural width.

19.) 23 Apr 2023 15:05:09
BD been saying for months that we need two no nonsense CHs That would put fear into the opposing teams.

20.) 23 Apr 2023 17:57:56
After Cantwell89 beale was in rome, you were all posting various players names but not solbakken, i told you all he was there for one reason, to do a deal for solbakken, he is perfect for beales tactics, beales been after him for a while now, roma hasn't worked out for him, he's not happy there, has been frozen our of the team, despite being fit again, he was a free transfer, more than likely we will get him cheap, roma want him off there wage bill, so they can spend the money elsewhere, beale has done the deal.
Solbakken will be at rangers next season mark my words, itll be announced in the coming weeks.

21.) 23 Apr 2023 18:03:46
I posted Solbakkens highlights best play, he is a monster on the RW, Will kill it in our league for the gers.
And do the damage in europe, at 24 his best is yet to come.
Beale wants talented players aged 20 to 25, if they hit form and are consistent we make money and get solid talent, win/ win for all involved, hope we get the medical team fixed up too, can't be having the injury backlog we've had this season, shocking to say the least.

22.) 23 Apr 2023 18:30:28
Bluedreamer that's raskins normal position, he wasnt nicknamed the bulldog in the belgian league for nowt, great cdm.
Back to 41231 next season we need another solid cm like gilmour.

23.) 23 Apr 2023 20:12:18
We will do OK if we play with 12 players laudrup hagi, not sure wecwill be allowed to tho.

24.) 23 Apr 2023 20:28:44
Solbakken only just signed for Roma?

25.) 24 Apr 2023 09:13:30
Asathor we won't spend 5 million euros on one player unless it's tilman which I also doubt with our lying board.

26.) 24 Apr 2023 09:15:31
Beale do you not think that FITTING guys in rather than actually buying guys for a position is why we have so many problems. Look at tilman how many times has he been pushed right wing.

27.) 24 Apr 2023 10:33:36
Herewego - 12 players would be nice lol, surely won't happen i meant 433 but the christmas tree formation looks more like 4-1-2-2-1 on paper, cheers for pointing that out mate.
The cider was flowing good last night ;].

28.) 24 Apr 2023 16:31:22
Raskins got it mate but still think we are severely lacking there . we need hungry fighters Laudi

I newman totally agree buddie teams are exploiting or defence now as really not strong enough, we ain't had a good pairing,
since weir n culler
We need, a partership that strikers fear, solid n no noncence mate.

29.) 25 Apr 2023 07:26:48
I think I posted on another post about solbakken, he looks decent but has had quite a few injuries and a surgery this season so might be a risk, if he stays fit he should be decent though!




Asathor's banter posts with other poster's replies to Asathor's banter posts


08 Jun 2024 09:51:59
Would recommend Zan Vipotnik if we can sell either Dessers or Danilo.


1.) 08 Jun 2024 10:27:17
I'd sell both Dessers amd Lammers probably get around 9m for both, sign Rrahmani for around 5/ 6m sign Mcburnie for free or another ooc.

2.) 08 Jun 2024 11:21:17
Why McBurnie? He has had 2 seasons with 10+ goals in his full career and they were like 6 years apart. Absolutely no consistency and not worth it.

3.) 08 Jun 2024 12:07:01
Dessers didn't you see or other ooc player? many ooc cf's, my point was selling both will give us about another 3m for another player, needs too be the way we work.

4.) 08 Jun 2024 13:35:37
DessersForgoalkeeper, i definitely hope we sign albion Rrahmani as i really like the look of him but i would also say that oli mcburnie would score a lot of goals with rangers in this scottish league imo mate ?.

5.) 08 Jun 2024 14:10:19
My star i'd go for that too mate.

6.) 08 Jun 2024 14:13:28
I like McBurnie. Love how passionate he is about Rangers, but feel like we only get him as a last resort.

7.) 08 Jun 2024 16:30:42
Mcburnie isn't an upgrade on dessers . I'd go as far to say I'd keep dessers over mcburnie.

8.) 08 Jun 2024 18:42:06
Need to ask Walter, you’ve said you like the look of Rahmani. How many full games have you seen him play? For me he looks like Dessers Mk2. His highlight reel (remember that’s his good bits) is awful. Most shots are scuffed and hit directly at the GK. looks quite poor tbh.

Think we would be better going Miovski tbh, and pay the going rate for him. Yes it’s pricey. But little to no gamble. Same could have been said for Shankland (who would have probably won us the league) but PC thinks he’s too slow ?‍♂️.

9.) 08 Jun 2024 18:56:34
You really think we will get 9m for those two?

10.) 08 Jun 2024 19:28:18
LS 5m for Lammers 4m for Dessers, sure we had a 4m bid in January for him.

11.) 08 Jun 2024 21:12:10
My Star, I think there was interest in Dessers in January but we never had enough strikers to let him go. So I’m hopeful that tbf to Dessers went on a scored some, to me it’s time to cash in.

I don’t like talking bad about him because he was at least fit for every match, and has unreal mental strength. But if we need money to fund moves for Rrahmani because that’s a signing PC wants it should be done. Dessers doesn’t take us to another level. A lot of people on here sound really positive about the guy all I’ve seen is his end of season highlights I’ve heard comparisons to old Rangers players that lol always happens. The latest I read Jelavic? If he’s that good or has that potential to be I’d be happy with our main 2 strikers Danilo and Rrahmani, then a 3rd maybe a older one like a Defoe style one but there very rare.

12.) 08 Jun 2024 22:08:45
MrRangers Sell Lammers and Dessers buy Rrahmani and an ooc cf, gives us cash for another player, we'll need to work along they lines mate.

13.) 08 Jun 2024 22:10:05
By the way MrRangers i was having a bad day a couple of weeks ago mate, what i said wasn't called for.



06 Jun 2024 07:47:29
Great win last night, at least looking like a relatively cohesive unit.

As for Albion Rrahmani, played 45 minutes he had 3 shots that were in my opinion half chances.
Very mobile and gets himself into dangerous positions.
I think he would be an upgrade on Dessers and Danilo and most definitely better than Shankland.


1.) 06 Jun 2024 08:14:22
Cheers asathor I missed the game ?.

2.) 06 Jun 2024 08:48:28
Watched the game also, thought he was mediocre, it was only 45 mins, personally couldn't say if he's better than anyone after 45 min.

3.) 06 Jun 2024 10:51:58
I haven’t seen enough of Danilo because of injury and I hope am wrong but don’t see him scoring 20+ a season for us.

4.) 06 Jun 2024 13:01:20
Thanks for that update Asathor. Out of curiosity do you think he’s better than Miovski?



05 Jun 2024 10:15:28
I look forward to hopefully casting an eye on Albion Rrahmani tonight.

By all accounts would be a great fit.

Orri Oskarsson would still be my first choice but is a completely different type of striker.


1.) 05 Jun 2024 10:30:59
Same asathor, supposedly we have interest. Hope your well mate.

2.) 05 Jun 2024 10:33:23
Seems to be a lot of young talent in Scandinavia going straight to the top leagues now. In years gone by they used to move on a little later and even at that cut their teeth in Holland etc before going to the big leagues.

Obviously with the signing of Diomande it will be a market we are watching closely ourselves.

3.) 05 Jun 2024 11:21:19
Looking forward to your opinion Asathor.

4.) 05 Jun 2024 11:46:18
What game will he be playing in guys.

5.) 05 Jun 2024 12:16:15
Amato Norway vs Kosova tonight at the Ullevaal.

6.) 05 Jun 2024 12:46:50
Denmark v kosovo amato ?.

7.) 05 Jun 2024 13:30:09
Thanks guys ?.

8.) 05 Jun 2024 17:04:49
I think this is a market we are looking at.

9.) 05 Jun 2024 17:51:04
Amato no sure why a wrote Denmark ma bad mate. Norway v kosovo.



03 Jun 2024 10:38:19
Dragos albu is a player I'd like us to look at.

Filip Ronningen Jørgenson would also be a great addition.


1.) 03 Jun 2024 13:46:14
Asathor, we seem to be looking at the Scandinavian market.

2.) 03 Jun 2024 21:26:18
Mark44 - any names of players linked with us from Scandinavia?



26 May 2024 08:11:40
I hope we sign Sima permanently but I cannot help thinking I'd rather spend £7million on andreas Skov-Olsen (left footed right winger) than both sima and cortes who are both in essence the same type of player (right footed left winger)


1.) 26 May 2024 09:48:41
Agreed Asathor, but think that boat sailed a while ago, when he was young and reasonably priced both in fee and salary.

2.) 26 May 2024 09:49:54
I'm a bit conflicted by Sima, his pace and power makes such a difference to our front line - but like you I feel there's better for the values being quoted.

3.) 26 May 2024 10:07:23
This will be unpopular but if we spend a chunk of our budget like the figures quoted for Sima then I fear it will be much the same next season, When fit he has done well in a few games, But we can’t make mistakes as last season like spending decent money on Dessers, Lammers etc, need players that have the ability to improve what we have.
I wouldn’t be against a smaller fee or another loan for Sima, but need to spend our limited budget wisely.

4.) 26 May 2024 10:50:19
Yo ain’t getting skov olsen for that money now, we missed the boat on him when he left Bologna.

5.) 26 May 2024 10:51:24
Sima not worth the money being touted.

6.) 26 May 2024 11:36:16
Sima changed the game for us for the better when he replaced Dessers.

7.) 26 May 2024 12:00:44
Eliteserien - is there any players that could do a job for us Asathor?




Asathor's rumour replies


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26 May 2024 08:34:16
Terrible loss for rangers, Bisgrove is fantastic at his job and would be difficult to replace. This could give takeover rumours credence.




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21 May 2024 07:47:20
I believe outwith our wage structure but would suit the spfl.




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23 Mar 2024 08:56:27
For Cove? In all seriousness it's good to see youngsters finally getting an opportunity.




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10 Mar 2024 07:55:54
Querfeld will develop into a class defender, will be at likes of liepzig in near future.




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14 Feb 2024 08:09:04
I belive Macron will be in the mix.





Asathor's banter replies


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05 Jun 2024 12:16:15
Amato Norway vs Kosova tonight at the Ullevaal.




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14 May 2024 19:15:59
Agreed John re Beale. Lower than a snakes underside.




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13 May 2024 07:53:59
No thank you we need longevity now, dessers scored 20 but as we are aware it's not just a numbers game.




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05 May 2024 06:59:58
Great win and great performance for the boys, hopefully that is the start of our dwn title challenge. I am glad we have made you happy storm.




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04 May 2024 22:24:48
One Walter I think if we make gains in the transfer window and are in touching distance in January then the winter window could be the dealbreaker. We news to win because we are rangers but we are probably 2 years away in terms of squad and leadership structure.




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