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08 Jun 2024 12:02:54
Hindsight is easy but I wonder what price Iceland were to win last night? A wee daft pound and that's your beer money for the weekend sorted.

Come in peace




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15 Jun 2024 13:25:42
Agreed. Top man Ally. Talking of top men, how is John Greig? Is he ok?

Come in peace



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31 May 2024 17:49:56
I hope you're right that we're miles ahead. I think our dominance is fragile and it will only take a small tipping point ( we lose MOR, Calmac won't last forever) and you buy well for the roles to be reversed. I trust BR and I think you need to trust PC. C'mon Celtic but for Rangers every new season brings new hope.

Come in peace



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19 May 2024 19:04:37
I'm not here to gloat. Your time will come although having suffered during your 9 in a row, I know how hard it is to bear (no pun intended) . If it's ok saying, you need to give your manager the chance to weed out the deadwood and the losers and in a positive slant, bring in his players and put his stamp on things. Shoot me down but get rid of Tav for eg. Anytime I see him in the tunnel before a Parkhead match, he looks petrified and that must transmit to other players. But back your manager, new season, new hope.

Come in peace



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16 May 2024 08:57:39
Obviously glad Celtic won the big one and yeah, I'll be celebrating on Sat. The olive branch i'd hold out to you guys is we got away with one this year. We're c*** but you're worse. If we lose MOR as is very possible, throw on Hatate possibly (? ), then we've got a big summer as well. CCV? Our best defender but in the bigger picture, is he all that? Look at the goal you got on Sat. CCV, Scales and Hart just watching.
We should beat you in the cup final but that doesn't mean we're good.
Btw, apart from the 90s, Celtic have won more leagues in each decade of my life (from the 60s) than Rangers.
I'd be interested in what you think of Butland. Better than Hart, yes but is he all that? . Looked dodgy at the 3 each game plus at fault I think for our 1st goal on Sat.

Come in peace



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27 Apr 2024 12:47:07
Cheers BB. Yes, we want our respective teams to win. Tbh, as a first and foremost football fan, I find the majority of posts on this site well reasoned football talk. Just mainly VAR / referee c*** the other side which I find embarrassing.

Come in peace



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