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18 Nov 2014 06:25:41
We are currently in the middle of revamping your accounts on the sites to create you a proper profile, with a profile pic, information about yourself and showcasing your progress in our games. There will also be profile badges to be won and shown off there, plus you will still be able to see recent posts made on that page.

Right now it is still being worked on, but you can upload a profile pic which will be shown on the page seen when other people click on your name under a post. You can find it in your account by clicking on the tab labeled 'my recent posts' at the moment, though the tabs will be cut down to just 3 options soon, as you will be able to edit your profile on your page when it is completed.

The first batch of profile badges to be won will also be released soon, all of those will be won by playing our free to play game, Flat Out Horse Racing - http://www.footballrumoursbets.co.uk/games/flatouthorseracing.php. Thanks to all of you who are helping beta test that at the moment in its flash guise.

It is currently being converted to HTML5 to make it available for the iOS and Android users who can't run flash. We are also going to create a prize draw, as a thank you for those who are helping to test the game, which will be entered by buying tickets using the game money.





Ed001's banter posts with other poster's replies to Ed001's banter posts


New Ed1 Podcast on Youtube

13 Jun 2024 16:52:59
{Ed's Note - Ed001 has posted a new podcast entitled, New Ed1 Podcast on Youtube




Curtis Jones

11 Jun 2024 11:39:05
{Ed's Note - Ed001 has posted a new player profile about, Curtis Jones


1.) 11 Jun 2024 12:07:06
Good article Ed.
He seems to not know when to release the ball and gets caught in possession a bit. Injuries have cost him also.
Are Liverpool looking to sell him or do they see him as a future 1st 11?

{Ed001's Note - thank you Strom. He has excellent press resistance, not sure it is a problem being caught in possession when he can turn or trick his way clear and create space for other by doing so.

How would anyone know what Liverpool are going to do with any of their players when the new manager hasn't even properly started work yet?}

2.) 11 Jun 2024 12:40:42
Good read Ed, such a talented lad blighted by injury, one thing I really don't like to see. I honestly think he could be one of the best, if he could stay injury free. It must be so hard to try to get up to the speed, physicality of epl time after time, having that niggling feeling at the back of his head that he could break down at any time, not good for confidence. Good luck to him. Ed can i ask do you have a favourite player? Mine is trent, he has to be hands down best passer of a football in the game.

{Ed001's Note - thanks. Good question that is, I would have to go with Trent as well. Not just because of his ability on the pitch but his work off the pitch too. He is such a good lad who does a hell of a lot for charity, not just in terms of funding but also gives up time too. He is always the first to volunteer for anything the club needs in terms of charity stuff or school visits and the like as well. Lovely lad. Did you ever hear about when he and Jordan Henderson decided to get tattoos to celebrate the Champions League win? They had an appointment booked etc, but Henderson was sat waiting for him to turn up and no sign of him. When Hendo got hold of him, it turned out he had told his mother they were going for a tattoo and his ma forbade him to go. So he never got that tattoo!}

3.) 11 Jun 2024 14:08:10
Top bloke ed.

{Ed001's Note - Trent? I agree. Great lad. One of the first things he did was put up the money to set up a charity his best friend's mother had been wanting to do for years. I forget what it is called, but it is about giving up just ten minutes a day to do something for others and he has been very active in giving time to it ever since.}

4.) 11 jun 2024 14:10:43
sounds like a fantastic boy ed, a throwback if you will
to a better time. i’ve a lot of time for taa.

{Ed001's Note - he is a great lad. He still wears 66 on his back, not because of a brand like some do with their numbers, but because he didn't want to make any old shirts kids have go out of date. He didn't want parents to have to go out and buy a new shirt. When you see the videos on the Liverpool site of a player going to do this or that, like meeting a kid or all those little things that so many players just can't be bothered with, most of them are him. It is simply because he is so happy to do it. He is up there with Salah as among the nicest footballers around.}

5.) 11 Jun 2024 14:25:04
Class Ed, love those little football related stories.
Honestly had no idea trent was so charitable, don't know a great deal about him, but it doesn't surprise me somehow, seeing his interviews etc, seems like such a laid back humble guy. Makes me like him even more knowing that. I always wonder what he would go for in today's market, his goal for England the other day was superb, not many footballers can do that, he made it look so easy. Special talent. Ed what's your views on new manager?

{Ed001's Note - Real Madrid have been trying to sign him for a couple of years now, but they couldn't come close to the money needed. He is about to enter the last year of his contract, though I do expect him to sign a new one, it was just waiting for all the new set up to be sorted. There was no one to decide who to renew or to actually do the deal for most of last season. So if there is a time he might move it would be now.

I am unsure on Slot, I don't watch the Dutch league so have little idea about him other than what I have read over the last couple of seasons. He does seem the best possible choice, once Xabi Alonso ruled himself out and Amorim proved himself to be a bit of a dick with his actions when in talks with West Ham. I am hopeful that this is another good period. With Guardiola wanting out of Citeh, there is a chance here to get at least one more league title if he can step up.}

6.) 11 Jun 2024 14:29:11
Not a throwback, plenty of youngsters do great work for various charities.
Plenty young people out there caring for family etc
It’s a nonsense to think young people are any less willing to help there fellow human beings, try encouraging them rather than putting them down.

7.) 11 Jun 2024 15:00:58
I have to agree sima a lot of youngsters get bad press these days but they are a ton of youngsters out there that do good also ?.

8.) 11 Jun 2024 15:01:15
Cheers Ed, I thought he was in his last year, can't see him not signing another contract tbh, but must be hard when real come calling. I was underwhelmed with slot, but like yourself don't know a great deal about him, I'm sure the board have done there homework though. I thought it would be a cert to be alonso. I didn't know pep wanted out, but he's won everything so maybe a new challenge is needed.

{Ed001's Note - Ed2 has been championing Slot for a couple of years now, so I had been keeping an eye on him, but it is difficult to judge on his time there. It does bode well how beloved he was by Feyenoord fans though.}



Top 10 - All-Time International Teams

10 Jun 2024 07:39:44
{Ed's Note - Ed001 has posted a new article entitled, Top 10 - All-Time International Teams




New Ed1 Podcast on Youtube

07 Jun 2024 09:30:53
{Ed's Note - Ed001 has posted a new podcast entitled, New Ed1 Podcast on Youtube


1.) 07 Jun 2024 10:35:39
Dessers did enough in a poor league. I wish he could first time it instead of multiple touches.

2.) 07 Jun 2024 15:47:39
Colonel does anyone ever remember him scoring a goal long ranger either? Laughed my arse off when he attempted early shot from distance v Celtic it was that bad it was funny never been up to first choice for me decent enough squad player though.

3.) 07 Jun 2024 20:36:04
Also if desser just did enough in a poor league as you say

Does that not tell you he’s average at best as a quality player would get 25-30 goals playing for rangers or should if played amount of game time dessers has.



Thiago Alcantara

09 May 2024 09:22:20
{Ed's Note - Ed001 has posted a new player profile about, Thiago Alcantara


1.) 09 May 2024 13:49:24
Another cracking read Ed001,think you summed his career up bang on, outstanding for Barcelona and Munich, as you says more time of the ball, he did has something outstanding performance for Liverpool but not as many as he was capable of.

{Ed001's Note - sadly, as I love watching him play, but it just wasn't to be in the Prem.}

2.) 09 May 2024 14:31:21
Shame Ed. Excellent article though. Thanks.

{Ed001's Note - thank you TC.}




Ed001's rumour replies


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11 Dec 2020 16:35:52
Just to point out, and I had to go and look it up because I was confused when it was said Gilmour was MOTM against Liverpool, as I didn't remember him ever playing against LFC and he hasn't. So not sure what planet you are on Igwt, but on this one Gilmour could not have been MOTM against Liverpool.




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19 Jul 2018 08:21:04
Just to point out, I am not saying the rumour is incorrect, I have no idea if the club are paying half the wages or paid off Forrester, no one will know unless the players or agents say anything or a full accounts are published detailing the salaries etc. What I am pointing out is that IOM was incorrect when he said players don't leave without taking a pay off or expecting their wages to be made up by their previous club. I am only pointing out that it could be either way and it is not possible to dismiss either version as definitely false. IOM and the op could be correct, it does happen, but it would be a surprise if a Mexican side, whose teams tend to pay higher salaries than Scottish football now, were not paying more than 50% of the salary of the players. If I am remembering correctly and both have gone to Mexico that is.





Ed001's banter replies


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08 May 2022 15:40:21
close enough mate! Yes very well. Loving it out here, the people are so friendly and nice, though you do feel a bit like a zoo exhibit at times.




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07 Aug 2021 13:05:55
delete greg reply.




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22 Feb 2021 22:31:35
edit reply.




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14 Feb 2021 19:16:12
Sorry I forgot to reply. It is nonsense Klopp would only leave of his own accord or the fans, the real fans, would revolt.




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07 Feb 2017 13:16:31
If it was me he would be up there, De Boer has not impressed me at all, though, to be fair, Inter was an impossible job. So Michael O'Neill looks an excellent candidate.




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