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Hils31's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Hils31's rumours posts


15 Jul 2023 15:03:09
Colak away to Parma for 2.5million plus add ons, hopefully now get Danillo in. Great business if we could do that.


1.) 15 Jul 2023 15:24:38
It's funny how we take weeks/ months to sign someone but when we sell one of our players, it's done within a couple of days LoL obviously desperate to get rid of them.

2.) 15 Jul 2023 15:54:33
who have we sold recently.

3.) 15 Jul 2023 16:38:09
Obviously refering to colak.

4.) 15 Jul 2023 17:06:24
Eh, Colak tjbb56, keep up.

5.) 15 Jul 2023 17:54:45
how do you know how long it took to sell Colak, could have been going on for weeks.

6.) 15 Jul 2023 18:48:29
OMG geesadodothat, it's called having a laugh, eg, (LoL) you should try it sometimes, it's people like you who really annoy me.



30 Jul 2020 22:54:13
So it's being reported Jones has been told to find a new club, i thought he should be given a chance this season especially with the 5 subs being brought in. Think he could definitely give us something the last 15 mins of games with his pace but looks like his idiotic challenge has finished his career with us if the report is true, think that's quite sad for someone who is a blue nose like us.


1.) 30 Jul 2020 22:59:25
Gerrard can't whinge about bad tackles, that would be hypocritical!
Another pointless signing made by Gerrard and rangers. When does it end? Wasting our hard earned money we use to buy season tickets for signings he doesn't play. Step up or step out Mr Gerrard.
Stop wasting my time and money.

2.) 30 Jul 2020 23:02:23
The guys a bellend. An Ian black kinda bellend.

3.) 30 Jul 2020 23:14:10
I like Jones he should stay and fight for his place he is well good enough for the first team.

4.) 30 Jul 2020 23:18:08
He's not done himself many favours, maybe professionalism is also on the thinking?

5.) 30 Jul 2020 23:23:47
Seemed to be friendly with Alfie, just a guess but perhaps that’s one of the only reasons he has been kept around as long is to keep Alfie happy. Could tell from before we even signed him that he wasn’t going to have a big future at the club.

6.) 30 Jul 2020 23:27:52
If it was between him and murphy then it be murphy I'd be keeping.

7.) 30 Jul 2020 23:29:52
Jones joins long list of players dumped without proper chance. Probably to make room for that chickem windass.

8.) 31 Jul 2020 00:04:41
Hes only been in media for us for 3 things
1 that challenge
2 moving to middlesborough
3 driving like an idiot.

9.) 31 Jul 2020 01:13:41
Tbh a don't think he does his self any favours with off field antics driving about like a nutjob. mayb stevies thought don't need that around the squad. plus it was either him or barker n on pre season barker has the edge . gutted ot never worked out for him tho.

10.) 31 Jul 2020 01:15:20
Won't think we will miss him. Think Murphy has a lot more to offer.

11.) 31 Jul 2020 02:24:40
He ain’t good enough sad but true.

12.) 31 Jul 2020 06:04:36
Getting rid of jones and then bringing back windass seems idiotic.

13.) 31 Jul 2020 07:08:15
Another one who thought he was it. Got plenty chances 6 counties.
He blew his big opportunity.

14.) 31 Jul 2020 07:14:24
Everyone forget the cross to take us through from jones I think he deserves a chance, made the club millions with that cross.

15.) 31 Jul 2020 07:47:45
Heard ages ago that he swans about training like he owns the place. He can go as far as I’m concerned won’t be missed.

16.) 31 Jul 2020 08:00:20
this happens at all clubs players are brought in he was a free and for whatever reason they don’t live up to their potential and are gone, just because he’s a blue nose doesn’t change anything, if he’s not up to it get rid of him free up a wage look at Souness he didn’t mess about players came in if they didn’t impress they were gone.

17.) 31 Jul 2020 08:03:25
Bad player management, has happened with a few too many over the last 2 years.

18.) 31 Jul 2020 08:07:48
Might not be the best, still has great pace and could frighten defenders. Could have been utilized better. Not a bad cross at times either.

19.) 31 Jul 2020 08:20:39
Jones is a decent player but I hear there are other issues that have tried the manager's patience. Don't fprget Steven sees the full picture.

20.) 31 Jul 2020 08:25:35
Got Barker and Murphy as back ups I’d loan or sell for nominal fee and bring back Candeais for more options on other flank.

21.) 31 Jul 2020 09:21:42
John25 not as many as tavenier.

22.) 31 Jul 2020 10:05:22
I think Jones has potential to be a good player but he is a bad professional and doesn't seem to apply himself properly. Been involved in a lot of nonsense off the park. Gerrard obviously doesn't like him as a person, hence why he's never really gave him a chance.

23.) 31 Jul 2020 10:10:31
So because he's put one good ball inot the box and is an apparent blue nose we should be given a chance? No harm to the boy but his one on ones are shocking for a winger and there's little end product. Much rather have Murphy's attitude and ability around the squad.

24.) 31 Jul 2020 10:39:11
Hes a Michael o halloran.

25.) 31 Jul 2020 12:37:35
6 counties he gets his chance every day in training.

26.) 31 Jul 2020 12:38:48
Well written ger 88. We will get decent money for him.
Also save about 12k a week.

27.) 31 Jul 2020 15:23:16
I'd cash on him if a decent offer arrived. But don't use s fine for drivin as a point hsha, bet we've all undertook someone doing 40 in outside lane of motorway.

28.) 31 Jul 2020 16:16:48
I don't think he has shown the potential that was assumed and inevitably there was an excess anticipation given that he had been capped by Northern Ireland. Sorry but if he is the height of our ambition we are not going to stop 10 in a row. He is not even squad material.




Hils31's banter posts with other poster's replies to Hils31's banter posts


25 May 2024 17:32:51
Went into the game not expecting much but 2nd half we were the much better team. Ref had an absolute shocker today, don't ever want to hear about how they are biased against them.
Butland should have done better forntheir goal but that should have only taken it to extra time.
Football is being ruined by VAR, soon as we scored insaid they would be checking to see how they can chop it off. Hart got caught under the ball was never getting it, makes me sick.
There has been question marks against Clement, well they had there full strength 1st 11 out today amd needed the ref to help them again against our team that was cobbled together.
Bring on next season and we can hopefully shut them up.


1.) 25 May 2024 18:14:32
Doesn’t matter if he is getting it out not raskin pushed him.



24 May 2024 22:49:30
Not optimistic for tomorrow but it will make it all the sweeter if we win it to shut up all the so called pundits / ex players who are declaring that we will be beaten easily and that they just need to turn up.
We need to push them high up the park, get in their faces and see where it takes us.
Wee bit of luck with butland doing his usual we can do it!
Cmon the gers ???????????.


1.) 25 May 2024 07:11:34
Celtic are a decent team nothing more and certainly ain't unbeatable ? let's get in about them and constantly in their faces and see what happens ?Go on the famous ?.

2.) 25 May 2024 08:23:04
Yes they are favourites and yes we have injuries but we can do it - hopefully the team are well up for this - would be great to shut them up - whatever happens looking forward to seeing who PC brings in over summer - will be a very different looking team next season ??????.



11 May 2024 14:57:10
Never expected much today but still disappointing to lose.
Red card was correct decision but penalty for them was a joke! Hard enough against 11 never mind 12.
We need to keep everything back for the cup final now, we keep 11 men on the park we can beat them.
Clement needs a lot of backing in the summer, whole clear out needed for next season.
I believe with the right backing we are more than capable of winning it next year.


1.) 11 May 2024 16:29:39
I we lose Butland, the gap will get wider. Too many players need replacing, plus settling in time for new recruits.



14 Dec 2023 22:10:18
What a result, didn't think cifuentes should have been took off but big sterling was quality 2nd half.
Clement I take my hat off to you, what a turn around you have managed so far with this squad of players.
Enjoy the results tonight bears and now on to sunday.


1.) 14 Dec 2023 22:20:36
Hils, PC had an eye on Sunday with Cifu unavailable/.

2.) 14 Dec 2023 22:40:13
To be fair to Cifuentes, he did play well tonight. I'd go as far to say, Lammers done okay too!

3.) 14 Dec 2023 22:46:27
Big Sterling has been great the last 3 games. No qualms at all about putting him in the team at Hampden.

4.) 14 Dec 2023 22:57:56
Hills manager said cifu was injured.

5.) 14 Dec 2023 23:07:20
Cifu must have been immense for you to say that Rodney ? just pulling your leg rodders.

6.) 14 Dec 2023 23:24:06
Thought Lunny and the boy Sterling were outstanding second half but well done to all the boys and our manager.

7.) 15 Dec 2023 00:16:52
Some stick he’s got on here. makes some good passes though… Cifu .

8.) 15 Dec 2023 06:36:15
Lammers was as hopeless as ever.



30 Nov 2023 22:17:19
We needed a win tonight and couldn't get it against the worst team in the group. So poor throughout the full team, not many with pass marks again.
Cifu, lammers poor again.
Can't agree with clement taking off cantwell whilst leaving lammers on, no idea the thinking behind, either it was for losing the ball or its personal.
So disappointed looks like conference league am afraid as don't think we are good enough.
Where we go from here with this squad I don't know, need to rebuild the rebuild!
Hopefully wake up tomorrow and it's all been a bad dream.





Hils31's rumour replies


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30 Jan 2024 18:22:41
If we excepted any less than 15m for butland the board need fired. Would be a massive blow to us and our chances of winning the league.




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10 Jun 2023 16:35:35
If we had to sell tav for 5m it would be a joke, worth easily double that. His numbers are insane for a rb, no one close to it.




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01 Sep 2022 17:51:25
For me the ticket money should have been made available to strengthen the squad with a couple of quality additions, this would still leave us with plenty of cash to spare.




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31 Jan 2022 13:05:01
I would love this to be true but I just can't see this happening. I hope I am wrong and I am normally optimistic ut this just seems to good to be true.





Hils31's banter replies


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23 Feb 2024 16:24:09
Disappointing he was getting back to his best as well.
I know Lawrence or diomande will fill in but could we see silva in there behind dessers.




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08 Feb 2024 21:29:45
This shows what we are up against I am afraid to say. How that can be upheld is beyond me, can't wait to see the explanation.
This is them backing up the refs after our complaints about collum, expect more of this for the rest of the season.




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30 Dec 2023 22:48:24
If was blatant imo, they are now trying to cover it up. Will be interesting if they release audio or not.




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26 Nov 2023 16:00:02
For me the service to danillo today was nonexistent.
We need goals thru the team a d that's the big problem for me, too many don't take their chances.
Yes balogun is a ch but 2 free headers and nit scoring isn't good enough.
Lammers is the sorest one, free header right at the death from someone who says they prefer to play centrally and passes it back to the goalie. Nowhere good enough a s we should be looking to get rid of him. come January hopefully.




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10 Nov 2023 23:15:16
Hi Ed
Think it's a great idea, will help also to root out the bad apples that always ruin it for everyone else.
I don't always have the chance to join in the live chat but anytime I do I always enjoy it.




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