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01 Sep 2022 18:18:40
With the transfers today it looks like you will be facing a good but weakened Ajax in the groups and think you can get a result against Liverpool at Ibrox so as a Celtic fan I don’t believe you will be the “whipping boys in your group and will show up well.

Mr Mojo Rising



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26 Jun 2022 12:29:15
I don’t think Celtic would be allowed to report in their accounts money they didn’t get for players and would have to put actual figures in. John 25 you seem to be very knowledgeable in this area can they actual record money not received and if so how is this possible?


Mr Mojo Rising



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05 Jun 2020 23:48:46
Banking I respect your opinion however I am well aware of the economics of testing and like I said it is quite telling only 2 clubs have so far made any progress with testing facilities. Time will tell if we managed to get the games up and running and what date they start safely.

All you guys stay safe.

Mr Mojo Rising



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05 Jun 2020 23:45:31
Ed033 not trying to be a smart alec but people can be infectious and not be aware or have no symptoms so immune system is not the best test. This is especially true of younger, fitter people e.g football players.

Mr Mojo Rising

{Ed033's Note - Did you just make that up?. The UK government web site says on March 19 2020, C.V. is no longer considered a high consequence infectious disease.



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05 Jun 2020 19:54:04
To make my position clear I firmly believe there should have been an investigation to either prove or disprove any underhand dealings however it is clear that Rangers “evidence” just wasn’t compelling enough for the majority. To the second issue of course I wanted the league won on the pitch but so far only 2 teams in Scotland have taken steps to test for C.V. perhaps due to cost so not sure how we could have got football started again. You can’t compare us to England as the money is just not here.

If it had came to it and only Rangers and Celtic could afford the constant testing which can and will be required on an ongoing basis would you want your team to pay it at perhaps the cost of buying a player. We are not just talking about sporting integrity but the health of players and staff and if clubs could not afford it what would the suggestion?

Take a gamble, not test, and hope it is all ok? How would you feel if a player or member of staff died just so we could finish the league without the proper testing in place. I mean even the UK government still haven’t got testing right so what chance have our football authorities got.

Mr Mojo Rising

{Ed033's Note - Our immune systems are the best test because if we feel ill we stay in.




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14 Jun 2024 22:32:40
So BAR72, Scotland lost because of Ralston and McGregor? Let’s be honest no one got pass marks tonight. Scotland were miles off it from kick off so no idea why you would just mention the 2 Celtic players. Ralston only played because of injuries. He isn’t even first pick for Celtic so no surprise he can’t handle football at this level but not the reason Scotland lost.

Mr Mojo Rising



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14 Jul 2023 17:09:44
Says only a portion of the fees are being paid to Rangers and Parks not all of the John.

Mr Mojo Rising



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19 Jun 2023 14:56:39
Can I ask when was the last time you were “Domestically Dominant”?

Mr Mojo Rising



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03 Mar 2023 10:37:04
Jfm2704 You say Ange has wasted quite a bit of money. Can you explain please. Who exactly has been a waste of money from his signings.

Mr Mojo Rising



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27 Feb 2023 18:06:14
Totally agree with all the comments here (view from the other mob! )

Mr Mojo Rising



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