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06 Jun 2024 13:11:58
Re the pushback on Kenny McLean, and also on bringing in Stuart Armstrong

My view is this, these guys have been down south and on big doh for a while.

Whilst they are getting older, they have enough ability and experience to have still have a lot to offer up here, especially given the youthful nature of our targets so far

If, and this is the unknown but, IF these guys aren't been driven by money, and want back up here for another reason, whether its to play for a huge club, to move back to scotland for family reasons etc etc, and they are happy to take sensible cash, then i think its a no brainer.

Especailly with the experience we have

1. lost
2. will possible lose in the window

Def worth looking at further.


1.) 06 Jun 2024 16:26:05
Issue I have re McLean is his pace, thought we needed more mobility to counter fast attacking teams.

2.) 06 Jun 2024 17:38:10
Bear in mind the league we’re in John and the way the majority of the games will play out

I think we have the capacity to fit him in, both of them probably

But yeah I agree with you he’s not ideal for all matches.

3.) 06 Jun 2024 18:08:49
So do u think he will solve issue in mid Against east end mob or CL.

4.) 06 Jun 2024 18:52:22
I honestly think Dowell is better or at the minimum on par with McLean. We need players who are at least on par with McGregor, Hatete or the other boy. If not then we’re not improving.

5.) 06 Jun 2024 19:16:15
I’d take both in a heartbeat for their experience and being Scottish. We can’t have a team full of 20 year olds. McLean doesn’t get injured either which is a bonus.

6.) 06 jun 2024 19:20:01
john, mclean is a very talended footballer, the manager will have a player in mind to compliment every player he brings in, managing means exactly that as you know, building a team, we have had many players with little pace, but walter or whoever was able to counter that with talent, i'm amazed that we have people who don't want real talent, just guys they've never heard of, and we have never really liked rangers supporting boys on here have we, , in fact i could go through 10 bluenoses who have been slaughtered in last 6 months, mclean is a very good player, and could well be part of a very good midfield, the manager will know he isn't blessed with pace and will manage accordingly, imo.

7.) 06 Jun 2024 21:04:36
Well said Tom, He was described as rotten on here by another armchair expert couple of weeks back.
Only downside is we would be getting him an earring the end of his career, should have tried to get him a few years back.

8.) 07 Jun 2024 11:33:46
True blue at no time have I described McLean as rotten, my concern is lack of pace

I know what Tom says, but we r replacing slow players with slower.

9.) 07 Jun 2024 13:16:22
John I wasn’t referring to you and no mention of your name.
It was another poster.
Please read the post.



06 May 2024 11:12:58
Looking ahead to the weekend, where we need 3 points to stay in the hunt, I've been thinking about the starting 11

From the games already this season they have our number, even if we play better, they pop up and score when we cant

Couple this to the ropey form recently, it seems obvious that if PC goes with the same team and formation, then it will be a long shot, especially away

So, thinking about potential personnel or formation switches to change things up, to potentially give us a better chance

1. 4231, with Sterling right back and Tav right of the 3

2. 3 at the back, with Lundstum in there as per the Seville run

3. Stick Sterling in the defence, either in the 2 or the 3

Personally I would opt for 3 at the back, with Lunny or Sterling in there

Also, with the goal difference, I think we would need a 2 nil win minimum

Just an idea, any thoughts?


1.) 06 May 2024 14:21:36
PC hasn't once gone away from his favoured formation and doubt he. ll start on Sunday also we need to get into the game too often we concede early goals leaving us a mountain to climb.

2.) 06 May 2024 14:58:19
Onewaler, I agree. we need to go at them from the off.

3.) 06 May 2024 15:03:42
He's also not came close to beating Celtic

So should he just stick with Plan A where it's odds on of another pumping?

4.) 06 May 2024 15:49:21
I don't see how it's odds on for another pumping . Narrowly losing at the piggery and drawing at home v them is hardly pumpings. In the very few games big Phil has lost as Rangers manager they have been by a single goal. No one's been pumping us at any stage. What a load of nonsense.

5.) 06 May 2024 16:44:07
He's came no where near beating them

we are now facing them significantly weaker than before, with them stronger

If he goes out with same old same old then it will be a pumping

he needs to change his tactics to try get the points.

6.) 06 May 2024 17:38:43
Maybe that system might have worked last time if our captain hadn't s#@t the bed after 20 seconds and put us down a hole.




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11 May 2024 10:10:05
Goforbig -

Lets not let facts get in the way of a good argument

Beale got sacked after picking up 12 points in the opening 6 games

PC currently has 13 points out of his last 6

I'm fully aware that he has only had 1 tfr window and its not his squad etc, however, 6 games ago, we were favourite to win the league in what was looking like the first title race in Scotland in years. Now we look like we have given it away with no cares given.

Why is it ok? Because Beale was really bad? Nonsense

The results show that this Celtic team have been terrible and were there for the taking. We bottled it, under PC

Make no mistake, we have thrown that away. PC is not immune to criticism in this.

However, if he goes with the same broken team today, with the same broken formation, with the biggest liability at Celtic park i have ever seen at left back, questions will be asked.

Borna Barisic hasn't recovered from the 3-0 game during the Seville season. Ever since, any time he's played against them, causes goals, the target him because he is week. Ever since then, anytime a game is tight he fakes an injury to come off. He does not have the mentality to pull on Rangers jersey anymore. If PC can't see this then its worrying.

Furthermore, all this rubbish about if Yilmaz is out doesn't matter a single bit. Change the formation, get a youth team player in, play someone else out of position.

Borna Barisic cannot be near that pitch today.





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