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26 May 2024 17:55:31
Watched Levski v Lufogorets, Cordoba played, not impressed, far too slow and contributed nothing in the game. Hopefully he goes to Turkey.


1.) 26 May 2024 18:14:05
Maybe your right and everyone in Bulgaria is wrong.

2.) 26 May 2024 18:14:09
Fair play to you watching a game rather than just you tube. I’ve no idea if he’ll be good or not but I will trust PC’s judgement (at least until Christmas anyway)

3.) 26 May 2024 18:35:21
Won the game v champions, kept a clean sheet and played last 10 mins or so with 10 men. I never watched it and I agree his footage which I have seen looks poor but the result here is good against best team in league.

4.) 26 May 2024 18:47:42
Think I’ll trust our manager and DOF over someone watching a player once in an end of season game.

5.) 26 May 2024 19:24:26
Here's hoping, another transfer blunder.

6.) 26 May 2024 19:40:40
Just as well scouts don’t just watch a player in one game then decide if they are good enough or not.

7.) 26 May 2024 19:58:41
Tic won the SPL with Liam Scales and Welsh, although nice to have great center backs you need to score goals first and foremost to get 3 points and that is the area we have been poor at for many years. We need to concentrate on the sharp end of the team.

8.) 26 May 2024 21:34:59
Far too slow? he actually looks like a pacey cb.

9.) 26 May 2024 22:55:30
Did they not win 1-0? So being a Centre half then he would have contributed to the clean sheet? He's actually rapid for a centre half. Hope he adapts to our game.



07 Mar 2024 21:40:18
Please let Goldson go in the summer.


1.) 07 Mar 2024 22:08:32
Jeezo, is it just me but I think the defence was superb tonight, every one of them. Great performance and gives us a right guide chance of progressing. Honestly thought the guys were brilliant tbh.

2.) 07 Mar 2024 22:23:52
We need two new centre backs in the summer but other than the own goal he was ok tonight and he was instrumental in our 2nd goal. That own goal was a disgrace though! Dessers is a liability though, we really need a quality striker, apart from anything else he gave away possession too often and he started the second Benfica goal by default!

3.) 07 Mar 2024 22:34:54
William we've just got a brilliant result against a brilliant team and you're on slating one of our players. Come on mate, it took a penalty and an own goal for them to get that result. Give our boys credit when it's due.

4.) 07 Mar 2024 22:42:24
Well said boy blue ?.

5.) 07 Mar 2024 22:58:33
Big Connor must've thought it was still the 1st Half, apart from that he was solid enough.

6.) 07 Mar 2024 23:09:57
All things considered a great tactical performance . hers hoping for a clean sheet next week.

7.) 07 Mar 2024 23:12:37
Dessers getting it again, really is pathetic, guy had scraps to work with, more wrong with the defence than the happiness that a good draw can hide, Goldson is waning, Tav the same, great servants previously, but root and stem reboot of defence needed, yes a team performance, but time for some to rest n reset at other clubs. In my humble opinion.

8.) 07 Mar 2024 23:41:39
It's honestly unreal on here at times seeker. A don't think some people realise just how difficult that is to be under pressure like that for most of the game.

9.) 08 Mar 2024 00:26:01
Not unreal to some BB3, realistic, to some it's an honest assessed opinion of how a game is viewed, there thought's and opinions are there's, not yours bud, u don't need to like it, and I thought goldson and tav were pants btw, you'll find there are quite a lot agree, but hey that there choice. Not having a pop bud, just think a few are on the slide.

10.) 08 Mar 2024 01:07:07
I wasn't that hopeful of us getting a result boy blue, but I really thought the guys put in some shift under pressure most of the game. A draw away at a venue like that is something the other lot can only dream about. With a wee bit of luck we could have created history and been the first team to beat them at their place in the EL.

11.) 08 Mar 2024 07:50:37
William, think all know not a fan, if we get return to replace better I'd pay his cab out door. Think he's on a really long contract so here's hoping.



05 Oct 2023 18:01:30
WTF, whoever is next manager get rid of Goldson.


1.) 05 Oct 2023 18:31:03
Why on earth does dessers even get in our squad for, iv never seen a worse player in a rangers Jersey.



03 Feb 2022 01:03:31
None of the Rangers' team comes out of this game with any real credit, and a lot of criticism can be directed at the defence, but again I feel Goldson should not be exempt from this. Having watched the game and the highlights, Goldson is caught out of position, doesn't read the game in front of him and doesn't make an attempt to mark an opposition player. I agree the others, Bassey, Tavenier and Barasic all were culpable as well, but for me Goldson is the biggest culprit and no way should he get anywhere near a new contract at Ibrox.


1.) 03 Feb 2022 07:24:14
Allan mcgregor and ryan jack and probably scott arfield come out of last night's game with credit the rest were way off!

2.) 03 Feb 2022 07:35:59
Mcgregors kicking was terrible though and put us under all sorts of pressure. Jack and Sakala probably the only pass marks for me.

3.) 03 Feb 2022 08:08:33
William1, yeah i agree, he also turned his back away from shot, 2nd goal, done the same at the weekend. let him run his contract down, he will be 2nd choice next season, imo.



14 Nov 2021 08:45:34
How about Ian Cathro joining the coaching staff?


1.) 14 Nov 2021 09:07:57
Will be up to the manager.




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11 Nov 2021 14:22:31
Thank You again Mark44, I googled Tier 1 journalist, and your opinion of Mr Romano being a Tier 1 journalist is not shared by posts on Reddit, GitHub, etc by posters supporting Man City, Liverpool, PSG etc, In fact a common thread is that he tweets on transfers already reported by other sources, hence my critisism of him.

Also my apologies to Stormtrooper, he got it right with earlier post.




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11 Nov 2021 11:51:16
Took your advice Mark44, what did I learn? Mr Romano's tweet comes hours after pundits such as Kris Boyd state that Stevie G will accept Aston Villa job.




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11 Nov 2021 01:31:03
Fabrizio Romano is not " a top football journalist", he is a self publicist who claims to have inside knowledge of transfers, which is nothing more than him web scrapping for information.




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04 Oct 2021 12:02:47
If Goldson doesn't want to sign a new contract, then fine, he is free to join another club and Rangers will bring in someone else on Goldson's current wage or less. Goldson is not the player he thinks he is, or that some posters think he is. Goldson still has weaknesses in his game which by now should have been resolved ie his positional sense and his ability to read the game in front of him, as an example Hibs goal on Sunday.





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04 Apr 2022 12:03:15
Goldson - "he had to cover Tavs awful defending", Whoah! Goldson once again displayed his inability to defend or read the game in front of him. His positional sense and his man marking has always been poor. Sooner he goes the better.




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09 Sep 2021 20:25:25
Has the Scot Gov proved that the app works for the OR code, or will paper confirmation be accepted at Ibrox?




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