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13 May 2024 09:30:55
Now surely its time for a change. For years we have been so far behind Celtic its embarrassing. Not one of those that played at Parkhead apart from Butland deserves their wages. Our so called captain must have captained the Titanic shambles, a disgrace. We have handed the Title to Celtic and did not even put up a fight. Forget what the manager says and those others who say we have improved, against Celtic we always take a backwards step. We need a massive clear-out. I don't think Butland will stay but i hope he does. Apart from him and Sterling i would let the rest go. I would play the kids these last games as they can't be as bad as these so called professionals. Get Silva away he prances about like a balerina, Dessers moves like he is a Dressing Table. No i am not being harsh i am sick and tired of my club signing dross and playing like that.


1.) 13 May 2024 11:49:38
Get the frustration mate. the current squad is a bit lightweight physically and mentally in terms of the expectations of the club and the fans. I've said for years we had no on field leadership . . it seems we have taken gambles in the transfer market in certain positions and no replaced players who have left with like for like or better quality hence the current car crash we have evidenced the latter part of the season . For me the cup final means nothing. a one off performance doesn't change what we have seen this season.

2.) 13 May 2024 11:52:14
Yes let’s play the kids and drop the entire first team except 2 handing them a Scottish cup as well great idea!

3.) 13 May 2024 11:59:57
Spot on. the club is a shambles, year after year wasting money on absolute dross, recruitment has been the skanks ace card, big money transfers out year after year while we have to watch that garbage stealing a wage, shocking how far we have fallen behind and will soon be over taken and we won't catch up unless it stops soon and we see a team worthy of pulling on the jersey, cause at the moment we are miles behind!

4.) 13 May 2024 12:17:58
Let Yilmaz go as well wullie, would be crazy in my opinion best lb we've had in years.

5.) 13 May 2024 12:53:12
Our problem is the board there happy with 2nd just as long as were near 1st place as long as possible just so the puntters keep turning up for games.

6.) 13 May 2024 12:58:17
I agree with majority of your Wullie but to say we never put up a fight is harsh, without PC them lot would of had the league won by new year no doubt. I'm surprised we took it this far with the rubbish we have in that squad. Too many bottlers and serial wage stealers.

Yilmaz should be gone mystar, he isn't fit enough and is reported to be homesick. If that's the case he needs to go pronto. Cracking wee player but we need desire and passion not little cry babies.

7.) 13 May 2024 13:09:35
Yilmaz is the only defender I would keep.

8.) 13 May 2024 13:23:52
Like he was reported as being homesick in January bigblue.

9.) 13 May 2024 13:25:09
Would be Crazy selling Yilmaz (unless big offer? Yilmaz and Sterling should be our fullbacks next season.

10.) 13 May 2024 13:46:40
Mark, I’d keep Sterling.

11.) 13 May 2024 13:56:09
Mystar / Mark, I've been one of ridvan's biggest supporters on here, but he could be the best lb in the world, it doesn't matter, if he sits in the treatment room for over half a season. Is there any proof that isn't going to continue? Been the story since he got here. The money we are paying to players like ridvan, jack, Davies, matondo, roofe, to sit injured more times than not is an absolute joke, big part of our problem.

12.) 13 May 2024 14:12:59
Mystar he has missed more football than what he's played, we paid a cracking amount and sure paying him well too. I like the wee lad but he can't stay fit and if homesick that will make it worse.

Get our money back on him and I'd be happy.

13.) 13 May 2024 16:10:16
John, goes without saying. with all the roles he's played this season I forgot about him.



28 Apr 2024 13:24:14
Rangers on todays performance so far need to get rid of the whole defence we have people there who are not interested and who hopefully won't be there next season. As for Lundstrom don't get me started. Let him go to Turkey as he is playing like one. Everyone of those players based on their performance so far should be docked wages.




28 Apr 2024 13:21:26
Watching the game today against St Mirren and we ate terrible. Defence is non existent and the so called Captain is running about like a headless chicken what a bombscare. Lundstrom the sooner he is sway the better, the amount of passes he gave away and his passing is woeful. You can forget about the league. We have handed it to the other side of the city.


1.) 28 apr 2024 13:49:25
but he scores great free kicks.



06 Oct 2023 14:13:38
I feel as if i can't hold my tongue any longer after watching that showing in Europa League. It was a disgrace and was like watching kids play in a park. I have no idea who will be the new manger or when. However surely it has to be someone that will come in and see the dross. Tongue in cheek here Ann Robinson always spotted the weakest link. Yesterday we had 9 of them. How is John Lundstram still playing did anyone count how many times he was caught in possession how many passes he gave away. The guy is not good enough and should be dropped. In fact those who showed no heart and fight should have their contracts terminated. If you failed or underperformed in your job you would be reprimanded or dismissed, so why not that lot. A disgrace and embarrassment to Rangers Football Club.


1.) 06 Oct 2023 15:30:56
Wullie I’m afraid you can’t dismiss players for poor performances we have them contacts which is a legal document you can drop them but you still need to pay them if it was possible to sack players for poor performances we would have few players left.

2.) 06 Oct 2023 16:28:16
Lammers passing was just as bad.




WullieRFC64's rumour replies


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18 Jan 2024 11:28:51
The way it is going we won't sign anyone this window and watch and see we will sell just before window closes and not enough time to get anyone else in. Then manager will come on and say we have to make do with what we have. What we have is not good enough. We can't even compete with Celtic too many players not realising what it means too play for Rangers and a Captain that is not a defender and should have been sold ages ago along with a few others.




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18 Jan 2024 11:25:14
Its always the same every year. We get linked to every Tom Dick or Harry and the manager comes on and says we are close with signing a few, but i can't say any more than that. We never get who we want and end up taking Dross like Dessers and Lammers. Celtic are ahead of us no matter how we hate to say that and will continue to be so for years to come unless we get our fingers out. Its a joke really every transfer window is the same big promises and then fans left mystefied and dejected.




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11 Jan 2024 18:05:37
Why is it when some people come onto a Rumour page and state what they have heard and from where. They are shot down and challanged where they heard the rumours from.

We all want the best for our club and this is a Rumours Page. So don't go shooting down people when they post.

I myself have heard that Clement will make use of more of our youth players, to develop them further. Also coming in this transfer window will be a striker and not someone who has played for Chelsea. Also left back and centre half and if Raskin is sold this window a defensive midfielder will be brought in. Hopefully someone who can control a ball and pass well.




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10 Oct 2023 17:02:03
Paul Leguen never got a fair shot as usual we sided with ex players. Ferguson should have been told he was not the manger but a player. He playes for LeGuen. It was terrible what the players did and if your honest you would agree. If given time i bet you Leguen would have been good for us. We can't rely on old school or ex players who played for us. We need the rutheless streak someone not afraid to drop players who underperform or don't play to their abilities due to sulking. Players should remember its an Honour to play for Glasgow Rangers and they should give all and the fans will love them and support them.




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06 Oct 2023 14:22:59
The Whole team apart from Butland was a disgrace and how Dessers can be considered a striker I never know all he does is get caught offside or miss chances. Drop him and bring in youth at least they would try. As for John Lundstram please please drop him how many missed passes did he do how many times was he caught in possession. The guy is slower than me and is woeful. Where was our captain nowhere again and for Goldson how many times in important games does he switch off and get caught out and then looks to blame others. Not good enough. We need a manager who can say you are the weakest link goodbye. Rumours are the dressing room is split well you guess. You have people sitting there that were told your not good enough we are willing to let you go. Guys brought in who would be lucky to make it into a Sunday Pub team, Lammers Dessers, Sima, Lundstram please whoever the next manger is drop these people.





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