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30 Jan 2018 21:55:26
First time bro on this, I've been told (whether true or not) a deal of around £8.4m is on offer for morelos! Like I said it could be incorrect or true. Also I think we should be trying to punt alves, halliday, dalcio and any other dead wood that's clogging or draining valuable resources from our beautiful club. I'm no jungle jim but an honest blue of which I'm proud to shout about.


1.) 30 Jan 2018 22:24:42
No. Its a twitter rumour. Murty said himself today that he wouldn't be sold unless we had the option of a player who is on par or better than el buffalo. And he also said there's not enough time to do it with the window shutting tomorrow night. He said the footballing side of things was more important than the financial side of things according to the board. Morelos is not leaving

2.) 30 Jan 2018 22:28:38
Welcome aboard, but we can't punt Dalcio mate he's on loan. We could send him back but his wages are probably only on par with some of our youths so it might actually cost more to tear up the loan. Also in Florida he showed more than wee Atakayi.

3.) 31 Jan 2018 01:42:39
boyd could get the job as grounds man at murray park that's about it . bitter old man these days would fit the job perfectly




dsquare's banter posts with other poster's replies to dsquare's banter posts


31 Jan 2018 14:21:42
Hi gents, any thoughts on the oli mcburny speculation and could this signal the end for morelos? Just a thing I seen in the daily scribble.


1.) 31 Jan 2018 14:29:11
Hope mcburnie goes to Sunderland.

2.) 31 Jan 2018 14:39:04
I would easily take him, he scores goals for fun at u23 level and would walk up here to play although i can't see a permanent move come of it

3.) 31 Jan 2018 15:03:18
SimonkeyRFC I disagree with your opinion bcaus he has played for Swansea 12 times this season and has yet to score.
U23 level no guide to how succesful he will be in the 1st team.

4.) 31 Jan 2018 15:32:57
Swansea are a team struggling at the bottom end of the league so don't create as many opportunities. Swansea u23s won their division so were a dominant team. McBurnie was top scorer and player of the year in the EPL u23s. One of the main criticisms of Morelos was his heading ability. McBurnie is a targetman. With Candeias, Tav etc. whipping balls in he will score a barrow load imo

5.) 31 Jan 2018 15:45:16
Bluetoon the prem2 is a better standard than the spfl




dsquare's rumour replies


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06 Oct 2020 22:50:26
Odson eduard has tested positive in France for cv.




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01 Jul 2020 21:18:25
"As is common practice in teamwear retail, Castore will form a number of wholesale supply arrangements with high street retailers in the UK and overseas because that is key to the global aspirations of both Castore and Rangers but the purpose of these arrangements will always be to maximise the availability and sales channels for Rangers products. " This is from rangers statement online so if castore decide SD are to be one of the outlets to sell our merchandise then where do our fans stand in regards to our feeling towards the DAT RAT ASHLEY. Hopefully nonsense but leaves us as supporters and our club with egg on our face. I for one will only purchase from rangers direct or castore.




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10 May 2020 01:07:51
I'm seeing that our beloved team are so confident of wrongdoings that we will foot the bill of the independent inquiry, thus quashing any rumours of the mighty being short of funds. I truly hope we have credible evidence of wrong doing and also would think we have enough pennies in the coffers to see us through this torrid time. I would also like to put footballing aside and wish everyone well regardless off race, religion or creed. Stay safe ppl. may the truth prevail. Courage . . . stumble. After all light is immaterial 😁👍🤔😎.




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25 Mar 2020 14:20:37
They are talking about having a 7 month transfer window from what I read earlier, could be good/ bad but I think we need to focus on just now and not the later. Stay safe folks.




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13 Apr 2018 00:25:13
Look gents at the end of the day Bates is gone and we need to look at next season. I know (Well in my opinion) Bates should have stayed but the powers above deem him unnecessary to our moving forward. Come Sunday I think Mr king and our board will have our next manager prepared for signing regardless of the outcome and I personally don't think Mr Murty will be there in the capacity he holds just now. I also think there will be 8-10 million spent on 2 or 3 players in the summer excluding existing loans that we have options for. and we must look at next season as ours because this season is gone except the cup.





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28 Jun 2024 23:58:00
Regarding wyness interview, I am an avid rangers fan but I get where his point regarding the stadium delays are coming from to a point. The whole Dundee saga wasn't just a one off pitch delay and needed time to knit together, but a total farcical quagmire relating to not having any groundsman to stem the gathering of water. The whole debacle at Ibrox amounts to inadequate time scaling of materials for the job and fitting of said materials. The delay in itself hurts rangers more than any other team as our team must now play away from our proud home and our proud fans (although we travel near and far for our team) . I get the disgruntlement from our own supporters regarding the matter but several posts ago we were championing the club to increase the capacity (more revenue) now we're ridiculing our team (board) for doing so. We only have a short window so either we start the refurb early (impossible) or we suck it up and deal with the delay and get behind our beloved team/ club regardless of who/ what has caused the hold up. We must stop the manky mob from obtaining the league this year and prove we are simply the best and the most successful club in all club football history, get behind big Phil and his merry men and let us rule again. ???????????????????????????.




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27 Sep 2020 18:43:12
Sorry ppls but I'm still no too confident in helander, yeses solid but sometimes he scares the 💩💩💩 out of me when he's on the ball and gets pressured I'd have balogun instead. Also not a great fan of kamara but he's still young and if played in the right line up he shows how good he can be so here's my strongest 11:

Again when firing on all cylinders I think this is our strongest 11. We probably have the best back up to each position I've seen in a good few years and I think of we iron out the silly mistakes before we meet THEM then I can see us steam rolling THEM. All in today was amazing 👏 here's to Thursday and another brilliant night 🌙 ⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️ bring home 55.




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25 Sep 2020 21:33:36
Well folks if tv could phone the police regarding abuse towards players then I would be banged up regarding hagi past couple of games he's played. Yes he has shown bits of brilliance but there have been quite a few times he's not shown us the reason we signed him. I think we drop him for the next 2-3 homes and let him figure it out, I'm not for any minute saying he hasn't got it but I feel he's slightly off the boil just now. Everyone has their own thoughts and opinions but this is my thoughts on hagi at the moment. I would also like to see arfield not starting the game but coming on in the last 3rd of the game as I feel that's when we benefit most from him. Keep safe and sane peoples and let's get 55 😁👍.




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01 Jul 2020 11:29:29
I saw on the rangers page that there is only 50000 tops in the first drop which is really a small number considering how large the fan base. I hope it's not too long before the next drop of tops is made or there's going to a few disgruntled bears out there. Negativity aside I'm looking forward to one of our most important seasons for a generation and I honestly think we will do more than stop 9.75 in a row but think we will retake the treble from the smelly tramps from the dark side. Hope ya'll are keeping safe follow bears, onwards and upwards.




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13 Mar 2020 07:25:59
GazAllyBertzDrup? Honestly thought tonight's game was decent and for most parts the team carried out how Gerrard set them up very well. As for Hagi being on the bench, I think Gerrard has one eye on sunday and he probably knew we wouldn't win against a team like leverkusen so decided that he be best served for sunday as well as Kamberi.

I along with most fans do get frustrated with a lot that's happened/ happening with our team but fluck me how many managers can we go through before some people are happy (financially couldn't afford to pap Gerrard just now) so as a family of bears let's stick together and get behind our mighty gers and see where he takes us.




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