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16 Sep 2016 19:20:15
I was never convinced Barton was going to be a good thing for rangers.
Warburton always said that not only did any player we bought add quality to the team but they also needed to have the right attitude.

Something they always considered when looking at a player.
Then unexpectedly Bartons on his way to Rangers. Not exactly someone with an impeccable attitude.

The most worrying thing for me was, could our young tight knit team from last season cope with someone with such a big ego in the dressing room and would it have a negative effect on the younger players having such a strong personality alongside them.

It looks like this has been the case.
Joey Barton has had too much to say for himself since he turned up, and made himself look an absolute idiot with his twitter ramblings about Brown and Rodgers. If he played football with his mouth we would be top of the league right now. In all reality he has been barely average, certainly not the standout midfielder he was proclaiming himself to be.

I wouldn't miss him one bit if he was shown the door.


1.) 16 Sep 2016 20:31:29
Spot on the money sir.

2.) 16 Sep 2016 23:24:03
The one thing that Barton has done indirectly is made these players realise that there game has to improve and there attitudes to get better or they can be easily dealt with just like Barton.

When Barton comes back they have to deal with it like men and get on with it, that includes warburton because it's not just the players Barton called out but the manager, not defending him in anyway but could turn out to be a good thing because to be honest they needed a kick up the backside and I include everybody in that.

Time will tell, tomorrow might just see a better team on the park. I want to go and see a high tempo attacking team, a different line up and the young boy from raith getting a chance. Roll on tomorrow a good positive display and win would be great.

3.) 16 Sep 2016 23:51:21
MW should have clamped down in him earlier. To call his Tweets about anything and everything, including the Brown and Rodgers nonsense, as tongue in cheek, gave Barton the uperhand.

He is not in any way classy and whilst we didn't perform, for that criticse others is a joke. WTF. were we thinking of signing him, Krancar and Hill, upping our already inflated wage bill for these pensioners is a disgrace.



05 Apr 2016 21:38:10


1.) 05 Apr 2016 21:57:12
Championship Champions.

2.) 05 Apr 2016 22:00:35
Yous will be lucky to get a top 4 finish next season.

3.) 05 Apr 2016 22:03:23
I'd like to congratulate everyone associated with the Club tonight. Been a long journey but I'm glad we're back where we belong.
For everyone who thinks we won't have what it takes next year, I'd like to remind them that we are Rangers and first place is what we do. Roll on 55.

4.) 05 Apr 2016 22:03:26
Welcome back to the big bhoys league hh ;)

5.) 05 Apr 2016 22:34:24
Becoming champions obviously brings new bhoys to this website? Lol.

6.) 05 Apr 2016 22:37:18
Dan 30: So will you by the looks of things.

7.) 05 Apr 2016 22:38:42
Weldone rangers, time to take the rightful crown back.

8.) 05 Apr 2016 23:01:40
And to all the honest celtic boy's invluding half my mate's, let's go can't wait for next season.

9.) 05 Apr 2016 23:23:04
Already dhims quick to post comments on a rangers forum, I am sure celtic played tonight did they? or was they too busy watching the biggest club in the country.

10.) 05 Apr 2016 22:57:40
Ahahaha big boys league. Twice now youse couldn't even score never mind beat a team we hammered in the cup.

11.) 05 Apr 2016 23:00:11
Dn30 according to your own support so will you,
Dam it's nice being back 😄😄😄😄
Utd we'll see you in passing 😂😂😂😂.

12.) 05 Apr 2016 23:16:40
Well done to everybody connected to the club. Fans were unbelievable. So proud to be a bear tonight.



13 Mar 2016 17:14:32
Well Done Ross County! 😃.




03 Sep 2015 19:14:48
I hope the last couple of days shenanigans by Whyte and co aren't going to dominate discussions on here.

Last year I used to dread coming on here to read about them, the sleazedales, the Fatman and the gardener.

The last few months have been a breath of fresh air. Back to talking about our team and manager in a positive light. Being genuinely excited by the future.

I hope we get back to speaking about the team and players and don't let these clowns and crooks overshadow this.


1.) 03 Sep 2015 20:10:25
I agree northger, the banter site should be for the playing side with the finances site used to incorporate everything to do with the non playing factors that are about our club.

2.) 03 Sep 2015 22:27:45
billy did u look at the law financial ltd claim etc

3.) 03 Sep 2015 23:59:56
Couldn't agree more mate!ill defo be put off by all this nonsense am interested in the team and the matchs and the future!had this crap for 3 years or so!

4.) 04 Sep 2015 06:28:54
BIGWULL, I'll give you my thoughts on the finances page later today.

5.) 04 Sep 2015 08:22:17
I can only assume that a very low percentage of the people on these pages me included have a very very limited idea of financial law. So I for one will not comment or speculate on finance. I am enjoying for the first time in a while enjoying watching Glasgow Rangers .



11 Mar 2015 18:08:29
I think it's about time mccoist and macdowall resigned good and proper instead of bleeding the club for money.

Mccoist was a hero of mine when he played but I will never see him as a rangers legend, if he is such a rangers man why the hell has he been taking money from the club for sitting at home.

I know his offer was to resign at the end of the season and the previous board put him on gardening leave. Also the terms of his contract allow this, mind you I'm surprised ally knew this as he never read his contract before signing it, if you can believe that.

What sort of rangers legend is he?

We have had people outwith the team paid off, people offering to help fix the stadium and Murray park for free and fans investing there own hard earned cash to buy shares to help turn our club around. These people are the real rangers legends unlike our our former management team or highest paid gardeners in world whatever way you look at them.

They are an absolute embarrassment for people who claim to be rangers men!


1.) 11 Mar 2015 18:26:52
couldn't agree any more, if he cared as much about the club as he says then he should resign now and not take a penny more or put the money into helping fix Ibrox and Murray Park

2.) 11 Mar 2015 18:35:29
spot on mccoist and kenny should resign but with no pay off
i will be very surprised if they do that though as the will strugle for jobs elsewere and have familys to take care off

3.) Northger,

You make a great point. Rangers fans buyimg shares are all in general just working men on working average wages THEY are, you are correct, the Rangers Legends of our current situation.

4.) 11 Mar 2015 20:17:36
the short and long of it is they have a contract whether we like it or not they are duty bound to be paid up or come to a compromise whoever agreed the contracts should be held to account

5.) 11 Mar 2015 20:43:14
Contract or not this is a moral issue, both are wealthy men curtesy of our club and are as others have pointed out are bleeding the club dry at a time when we need every last penny.

If normal working class men can give so much then surely ally and kenny could rip that contract up. Both will in all likelihood work again in the game and enjoy the rewards most fans can only dream of. Actions speak louder than words and if both men did this for our club it would go a long way to helping Rangers back to recovery.

6.) 11 Mar 2015 20:44:26
bigwull if you break your contract it is therefore null and void

7.) 11 Mar 2015 20:50:37
The new board should just rip mccoists contract up, as he never knew what it said on it anyway . lol lol

8.) 11 Mar 2015 22:47:14
they never broke there contracts macoist is very wealthy but not kenny macdowall

9.) 12 Mar 2015 11:40:32
bigwull if you can't do the job your paid for surely that's breaking your contract

10.) 12 Mar 2015 15:20:04
How many times, football contracts are completely different to all others, with agents and lawyers involved, McDowall won't be skint after 10 year at legoland and 4 at ibrox, but mcoist is very well off,




northger's rumour replies


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04 Jul 2024 18:04:09
It’s amazing the amount of new usernames with no previous posts who are coming on here with fantastic new rumours.




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17 Jul 2016 22:48:13
The problem as stated is neither of them is a leader, there is very little communication between them and neither of them tell each other to get in position like a weir, gough or amoroso would.
That's what's missing
Ricksen, Hutton, Stevie smith in his youth, Porrini, Numan etc all used to go forward but they had leaders behind them in these guys.




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18 Oct 2015 18:22:46
I thought two that were joining.

That's four Craig's joining, strange they all have similar surnames ! 😂.




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11 Sep 2015 23:35:04
I think it only right the people who ended up losing money from the liquidation get as much of their money back that they were due.

I for one think this is a good thing and also shows that we are no longer being taken for a ride by spivs while also regaining a bit of pride and respect by righting a few wrongs done by Whyte and SDM.

If it's viable and can be achieved why not.

I have no interest or do I care about the new club, old club patter that goes about. All I know it's still the same club I grew up following since I was a kid and while its been a rough time over the last few years I still love watching rangers play, maybe more now than ever. All the crap should have taught us all never to take success for granted.




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01 Sep 2015 13:50:07
Charles Green in Scotland today to discuss new role as Gers first team coach.

He says that he has been approached to train the players to become more selfish and greedy and without doubt who would be better to pass on these traits.

Charles also said he is one of the best at sniffing out an opportunity and turning that opportunity to the benefit of him and his team.





northger's banter replies


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15 Nov 2020 12:17:22
Anti Niemi was a good keeper too, although he never got much game time with us.




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30 Nov 2017 17:36:38
I have been wondering the same thing




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26 Oct 2017 18:34:52
Dick Advocaat?




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24 Jan 2016 13:54:27




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23 Nov 2015 11:40:09
I would have preferred if Macgregor, Naismith, Whittaker and everyone stayed so they club got more money. Then Green and co could have siphoned off even more cash. Wouldn't that have been great!

I for one don't blame one of those guys for going, at least the spivs never benefited from that because the club never would have. Much the same as the 70 million they burned through.




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