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31 May 2018 13:01:15
According to the Liverpool Echo we are interested in 18 year old Alex Dennyfrom Everton.


1.) 31 May 2018 14:48:14
I know the sports editor there. He confirms this.

2.) 31 May 2018 23:19:03
Rangers have indeed registered an interest in this young player. Those dafties who still read them can find the same story in the Rhebel and the S*n.



04 May 2018 07:22:45
According to the Daily Record Stevie G wants Martin Skrtel as his first signing.


1.) 04 May 2018 07:35:59
if this is true then i think gerrard will make him our captain for the new season should be a good player for us

2.) 04 May 2018 08:22:24
He is a proper warrior, exactly what we need in that defence! Hope we are able to afford his wages

3.) 04 May 2018 08:41:05
Credit where credut is due. Someone posted that on here 10 days ago.

4.) 04 May 2018 09:44:08
Yep I posted. We made offer re skirted at start of week. Will also be captain



10 Jun 2017 08:04:51
According to the Scottish Sun upping our offer for Graham Dorrans to £1.2m.


1.) 10 Jun 2017 09:22:27
I can only hope that's the truth from the sun, because I think 1.2 million might do it, in terms of Norwich selling. Although I have heard elsewhere we were going to be going in harder for Dorrans and Rangers we're hoping to have agreed a price byMonday .

Depends though, if we are paying in about 5 instalments
then it may still get knocked back.

I don't know why we just give them there 1.5 million as it's a proper bargain, instead we are haggling over a couple hundred thousand pounds 💷.

Especially when we know we were pretty happy 😊 to spend more than that on some Portuguese and Mexican guys.

The good news or at least I think it's good is that graham himself has made it clear to Norwhich that he wants to head to Ibrox and only Ibrox, to take his family home and play for his boyhood heroes. So by that logic Norwhich are going to have to listen to one of offers at some point you'd think. Or risk loosing him for peanuts in Jan or Nothing in summer. And paying his wages for another year - when there desperately trying to reduce the wage bill, all for a player that doesn't want to be there and is angry for not letting him go home to Ibrox.

Yes Sheffield and Middlesbrough showed interest and were going to meet the asking price, but I don't think it's a coincidence that we're hearing nothing more about that!
I think they have been told that Graham will not go there!

So it's down to Rangers and Norwich to agree something!
Personally I don't think it's going to be to long before that ones done. And a great 👍 signing it will be also.

2.) 10 Jun 2017 10:19:23
To be honest I'm glad we haggling over a couple of hundred thousand. 200k saved is the wages of a 10k a week player for nearly half a season that we could get on top for a free

3.) 10 Jun 2017 13:00:02
Sebrofg your saying we should give them 1.5 mill instead of haggling over a few hundred thousand. That's fair enough but hats the exact reason we ended up in the shitpit last time because we use threw money about. We still don't know how much is there and tbh i'm not the only one who wasnt sure anything was there. It's great we are spending a mill here and a few mil there but we must be responsible this time round and make the money match the value because these players have to offer a resale value or the Ike of a few hundred thousand becomes a lot more in a loss. Joe garner is the perfect example. But after all that said things are seriously looking on the up and up for us

4.) 10 Jun 2017 13:10:51
Sorry sebrofg just realised it was jeseca that wrote the comment.

5.) 10 Jun 2017 13:11:44
My opinion is we need to tie down aiden Wilson, barjonas and bates!

6.) 10 Jun 2017 20:58:35
Barjonas and Wilson yes. Bates not a player I'm afraid.

7.) 11 Jun 2017 10:03:54
Well Pedro has stated that Bates is going to be one of his 4 main centre backs this season so you better get used to him. He has done a good job just because he's not got the passing ability of Pirlo people think he is rotten. Always done well defending which is his job so I don't see what peoples problem with him is.

8.) 11 Jun 2017 12:52:58
Totallt agree, bates good boy and more experience could be great defender

9.) 11 Jun 2017 20:35:57
Why don't you throw in a couple of hundred thousand pounds since you obviously think it's loose change?

10.) 12 Jun 2017 14:54:05
bates isn't the most confident on the ball but at the defensive side of things he gets in goo positions and reads the game well he ios one for the future imo




sebrofg's banter posts with other poster's replies to sebrofg's banter posts


29 Dec 2018 19:55:01
After watching the Edinburgh derby tonight does anybody else we should go for Naismith only got 6 months left on contract at Norwich wouldn't cost much. I know about what he said when he left us in the lurch. But could be ideal play in behind Morelos. I know we're going over old ground but can we do any better for the money he would cost?


1.) 29 Dec 2018 20:37:15
dont care about the past and yes he was a rat but he would make us a stronger side still has a lot to offer would take him back because its all about the rangers.

2.) 29 Dec 2018 21:28:25
Getting sick of this Naismith debate. No thanks, he's a rat!

3.) 29 Dec 2018 22:08:18
Naismith unquestionably would make us stronger and would be a very good acquisition to the squad. Suspect Norwich would not be difficult to deal with.

4.) 29 Dec 2018 23:00:10
He's out of contact in the summer.

5.) 30 Dec 2018 01:41:00
pena is a better option imo, get rid of his demons he would be class for us.

6.) 30 Dec 2018 19:28:35
Hope that's a joke 😂😂😂😂.



05 Jun 2018 23:10:15
According to the Scottish Sun : Rangers on brink of £3.5m Connor Goldson transfer with Ovie Ejaria's loan move expected to be clinched on Wednesday.


1.) 06 Jun 2018 01:22:24
The sun sometimes make things up

2.) 06 Jun 2018 05:42:53
I’d say that’s 3 ‘better than we have’ signings with McGreggor, Arfield and Goldson (If true) . McGreggor and Goldson are definitely upgrades at the back where we are like a seive.

In general I’d still say that we need to cut away at least 5 or more if replacements can be found. Too many average midfielders and we have passengers elsewhere as well.

3.) 06 Jun 2018 06:04:04
Ohallaron, halliday, holt, forrester, dodoo, hodson, windass, wes and cardoso will all hopefully ship out.

4.) 06 Jun 2018 06:49:05
Gerrard seems to like Windass if reports are anything to go by and apparently he is willing to give Dodoo another look. We'll see if anything comes of it.

5.) 06 Jun 2018 07:26:14
Yeah a lot of folk do. Just my own personal opinion on windass. wouldn't keep dodoo. Also the whole wes/ alnwick debate. myself personally would ship out wes. With mcgregor obv number 1

6.) 06 Jun 2018 08:48:31
Dodoo will surprise many on here and have an outstanding season for us.

7.) 06 Jun 2018 09:14:49
yes he might not b the greatest midfielder but he puts him self about i think we should keep holt as cover

8.) 06 Jun 2018 09:56:18
Doubt it Bankie but hope you're right



30 Jul 2016 23:32:24
This Emile Heskey rumour better be a joke.





sebrofg's rumour replies


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19 Jun 2024 11:15:49
Maybe ? you ? are ?right ?.




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06 May 2024 11:31:11
Seems a no brainer to me, guy is a pest and has good work rate.
Can also cross a decent ball.




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13 Feb 2024 16:29:36
Adidas have some really smart kits and some barking ones. When we played Copenhagen thought was really smart.




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01 Feb 2024 07:02:34
Not sure if anyone else has said that’s a fake account ?.




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25 Jan 2024 20:40:39
Spoke to a boy yesterday who’s good mates with Naismith said been zero contact from Rangers regards Shankland.





sebrofg's banter replies


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29 Dec 2018 19:58:43
Spot on I can't stand the way a lot of our support is ridiculously negative at times I had a good feeling about today's game and also thought against Hibs we played well up until the closing minutes where we looked dead on our feet.




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06 Aug 2017 23:26:10
Can't stand how negative everybody is being I thought we played well today I remember in the 9 in a row days we had a lot of games where we really struggled, what are people expecting?




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