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16 May 2018 16:33:49
Does anyone have any info regarding the possibility of Signing Fabian Schar from Deportivo. I remember him from his time at Basel and he was a real strong defender that could play out from the back. at 3.5m I think he'd be a brilliant sigining.


1.) 16 May 2018 17:02:35
Big amout for a decent player but SG Has nearly spent his lot lol aifield £4m for a player that's played 435 games and scored 44 goals teams will be shaking lol

2.) 16 May 2018 17:13:22
Arfield was a free didn't pay anything for him.

3.) 16 May 2018 17:15:00
he’d be a good player, I can’t see it happening but it’s cliser than some of the recent rumours on here.

Hibsboy, there’s not one hibs player who’d better us and I’d be more concerned for your managers health and well-being. His antics at Ibrox last week was reminiscent of the one flew over the cuckoos nest.

4.) 16 May 2018 17:16:27
Arfield was a free transfer.

5.) 16 May 2018 17:19:16
Hibsboy we r buying use r selling who’s skint 🤔

6.) 16 May 2018 17:30:05
Arfeild was a free transfer u fool 4m lol even initial was 4m it's not all we have to spend and yes your all shaking in your boots as the famous will be back with a bang and hivs well they have hit there top and fully expect to be bottom 6 next season well known fact your a selling club always have been always will be

7.) 16 May 2018 17:36:28
Enjoy your fight for 5th next season Hibsbhoy

8.) 16 May 2018 17:47:00
Enjoy your moment of glory Hibsbhoy (4th) . Great achievement for a little team. A shame that Rangers Celtic Aberdeen Hearts and Kilmarnock will all be stronger next year but Hibs are losing all their key players. But keep the faith yous might scrape into 6th next season

9.) 16 May 2018 18:19:51
So hibsboy. Who are your big signings? Mcgeouch away. Mcginn likely to leave. Your strike force away back to parent clubs. Idiot of a manager who if we are being honest would have chucked it if you’ didn’t equalise on Sunday. You’ll be looking at the free list from all the other clubs in the league.

10.) 16 May 2018 18:41:44
Chris Millar getting released from St J Hibsbhoy. He's 35 but could still do a job for yous, probably the best you can hope for.

11.) 16 May 2018 18:56:35
I think hibsboy Is needing to go with Lennon to the looney bin after that statement 😂.

12.) 16 May 2018 19:47:01
Hibs are pish

13.) 16 May 2018 20:22:22
I think Hibs first signing should be a dental hygienist

14.) 16 may 2018 23:23:09
what about you lot singing songs about lennon and ripping up seats at er. worry more about your manager, ours has a great proven track record and hibs can equal your lot any day of the week. shouting your mouth off even though you've only beat us once this season and the spl is shaking with your signings lol. and you must be running out of managers to sign soon lol. pity your not the old rangers you might have had a chance of a title in the next 5 years.

15.) 17 May 2018 00:53:25
Great proven track record? Celtic didn't want him because of his bad attitude then he got sacked at Bolton. You held your own this season against us but next year will be different. Good luck

16.) 16 May 2018 23:35:05
Except Arfield was a Bosman with apparent £25k weekly wages. Not sure why you have included stat regarding scoring record as that’s pretty decent for a guy who has played out on the wing, in the 10 and even CM during that period.

17.) 17 May 2018 01:05:15
You're right! You’ve had the better of us this season but that’s nothing to do with NL or your team. Your teams had an awful lot of good fortune from team Specsavers pal. like loads. take it. Your teams not bad. 4th probably right.
I’d stop fretting about Rangers cause when Lennon leaves, Hearts will pump you and you’ll not be caring about us mate. 🇬🇧

18.) 17 May 2018 11:28:34
Why the obsession hibsboy? I take it you get depressed on the hivs forums? No wee pals to talk to? That'a wee shame. You might have done ok against us this season because we were rotten. That is about to change, quality signings coming in and thousands of season tickets flying out the door while you lot are losing their best players. Enjoy your wee moment and your obsession, ta ta.



15 Dec 2017 07:57:44
really excited about the news we are interested in Jamie Murphy. the lad has been unlucky not to be in Scotland Squads in the past and I think he would be fantastic back up in Scotland, in a similar way to Dorrans before his injury, and also fills a problem position on the LW and at a reported 1.2m relatively cheap.


1.) 15 Dec 2017 09:27:46
Yeah he was a great talent, haven't seen him since but could be a cracking buy.




smith0069's banter posts with other poster's replies to smith0069's banter posts


25 May 2023 02:09:14
Not a rumour just a question. Atm we have cantwell, dowell, Lawrence, hagi that can play in the number 10 role. Do we think that rules out a permanent move for tilman? And on a side note, has anyone heard the butland deal is all but done? (Realise I'm probably a week behind on this one)


1.) 25 May 2023 04:37:44
I think it makes it less of a necessity to sign Tillman but I don’t think the board will be thinking like that. Tillman performed well and at 20 has a much higher ceiling than where he is currently at. They will feel that if they can pay the 5m he will be an easy one to make a profit on. I expect them to try and get him but he might not want to come. Deadline day one I expect.

2.) 25 May 2023 06:37:08
Maybe thinking get him on the cheap.

3.) 25 May 2023 06:48:31
As you say smith all the no.10 players you mention are talented players but for me cantwell is the more talented of them all?I sit and watch this guy's movement off the ball and he's always available to receive a pass and always finds space?This coupled with his fantastic football ability and football brain that's 2 or 3 moves ahead of anyone else, makes this guy an absolute stand out for me?Lets be honest here when i say that most of us knew how good a player he was before we signed him?.

4.) 25 May 2023 07:47:53
Dont need to spend £m on Tillman.

5.) 25 May 2023 09:50:00
Tillman is an exceptional player at 20 and not paying 5m would be a crazy thing for any football club as Beale said he wants him signed that money is nothing compared to his talent.

6.) 25 May 2023 09:54:01
Given the talent we have in that position, we shouldn't be spending big money on signing Tillman.




smith0069's rumour replies


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12 Jun 2024 13:48:34
I remember a lot of fans saying the same thing about cifuentes, he didn't turn out too great unfortunately.




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26 Jan 2017 10:18:19
its £2000 a week he'll have been offered not a month! also he'll do well doing deliveries at 15 unless he's going to use his bike!




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18 Aug 2015 08:58:45
firstly we are not a club full of loanees, we currently have two players in on loan, another two would purely bulk up the squad. would we rather pay £10k a week to keep jon daly on the bench for example! secondly, the rumour is quite plausible as I worked in a hotel in Aberdeen and they regularly sent there new signings to stay with us for weeks until they got accommodation sorted, Paul Hartley for example stayed almost 6 weeks!




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16 Jul 2015 12:18:47
ed are these comments not aimed at the player being crap as apposed to the legitimacy of the post?


{Ed001's Note - they seem directed at the post with that Simon Cowell comment.}



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28 Jul 2014 12:18:05
he's only been offered a short term contract with st johnstone so he can prove his fitness as they suspect he hasn't recovered fully from a recent injury and suspect future problems so I would be steering clear. especially at those wages and the fact that our boys seem to regularly pick up injuries





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