05 Jun 2024 19:52:55
Supposedly working on kenny McLean deal . Hope this isn't true he's not an improvement on lundstrum and jack ?.

1.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 20:16:34
He'll be an instant improvement on Jack, because he'll be fit, and able to play.

2.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 20:18:06
He is as physically robust averaged 43 games per season over 13 years, I would say that's an improvement on RJ, Availability is a top priority. Lunnys goal return 1 per 17 games, KM 1 per 9 games. 39 international caps and 2 goals. He is 2 years older though so I would say 2 good seasons in his legs. If the fee was reasonable I don't see any reason why not.

3.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 20:40:10
Don't underestimate Mclean. He was voted player of the year for a decent Norwich side after playing
in every league game so he's certainly an improvement on Jack. I would take him in a heartbeat.

4.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 20:45:01
Wouldn’t be surprised, actually wouldn’t be surprised if he’s captain next season if we don’t sign McNair. He’s an experienced international, plays midfield, and is a Rangers man. Maybe not the greatest player but I’d like to see him at Ibrox, he will certainly play for the badge.

5.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 20:50:38
Upgrade on Jack all day long. Can play more than 2 games in a row without missing 6 months. Player of the year for his club the season gone. Not a first time starter every week perhaps but then not all our players can be young lads. Could be a Davo type character and a leader on and off the park.

6.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 21:03:15
Between him and Laim Kelly I’m really struggling to understand our transfer strategy. It’s obviously very early in the window so no need to panic but Jesus, this has been a tough start to the window. I think Shankland would honestly top me right now.

7.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 21:10:10
Not sure how an attacking midfielder compares to 2 defensive ones.

8.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 21:11:42
We need a squad .
Rangers man
Plenty experience

Gets my vote so long as his wages are fair.

9.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 21:26:59
32 years old with 2 years left to run so will probably take 3/ 4m to get him but us he an improvement on what we've let go.

10.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 21:28:38
A step back if this goes through.

11.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 21:49:40
We all know Jack was a crock but he was a decent player at best . We need better … he wouldn’t play before raskin and diomande. When I watched him the other week he was t playing attacking midfield he was more in the holding role same as jack and lundstrum.
Norwich best player last season but cannot compare Norwich to us. He’s bang average.

12.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 21:50:41
4th official already reported hours ago that there is nothing in this. How factual that is I'm unsure but he's usually reliable from what I've seen.

13.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 22:01:29
Walter a free? He’s got 2 years on his contract he’s going to cost 2/ 3 million.

14.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 22:02:07
Dado, the window isn’t even open yet and already you’ve got your Christmas tree down ?.

15.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 22:03:48
Slipper you quite clearly don't watch the championship. He was absolutely outstanding last season and would be a major upgrade. Easily Norwich's top 2 players, along with sara.

16.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 22:05:42
Hes better than lindstram and fitter than jack.

17.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 22:21:20
If we are targeting young foreign players we will need some experience added to the squad. McLean if a free would be a great addition.

18.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 22:23:18
Tj a do watch the championship and Norwich we’re struggling to make the play offs, leeds destroyed them and if that’s the standard we are looking to sign as a first team player and he will be because of the fee then we are going wrong direction . the boy Barron would be a better option for a Scottish player. Glen kamara was in a better leeds team and he ended up not at the standard to help us win more leagues .
It wouldn’t surprise me seeing Jack more in the euros than KM.

19.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 22:53:44
I don’t care what anyone says! This lad would do a job for us and add experience and quality in to what is a young midfield as things stand.

I’m still pretty annoyed we haven’t signed Barron yet as well though! That’ll be another opportunity missed if we don’t get him!

20.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 23:05:08
McLean is a big NO for me, rather take a gamble on a young kid than McLean, backwards step.

21.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 23:12:34
Thank goodness he is a rangers man otherwise it would be a no. Only reason.

22.) 06 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 23:53:39
Be far better with S Armstrong.

23.) 06 Jun 2024
06 Jun 2024 00:06:00
Posted this last week about McLean coming I’m told it’s happening already in talks with us Norwich will not be hard to deal with apparently.

24.) 06 Jun 2024
06 Jun 2024 01:32:49
Slipper you saying Jack was only ever a decent player? In his prime he was a great midfielder for us.

25.) 06 Jun 2024
06 Jun 2024 05:13:57
Him and Kelly are too also help with the Scottish quota n could do worse McLean would do a job, knows what we are about experience for any young players, n somdy that's also played in Scotland.

26.) 06 Jun 2024
06 Jun 2024 07:36:59
Pauly. great? Really? Raise your expectations! Some greats posts here with McLean stats. Never realised how good he was for Norwich and has changed my opinion on him as a potential signing.

27.) 06 Jun 2024
06 Jun 2024 08:08:54
David he isn’t an attacking midfielder he is a CM that can play DM or AM but he ain’t got good stats for a AM.

He isn’t the required standard and slower than me.

28.) 06 Jun 2024
06 Jun 2024 09:44:13
Howwazthat aye Jack was a great player for us in his prime, certainly better than 'decent' how is that a mad statement?

29.) 06 Jun 2024
06 Jun 2024 09:46:30

McLean was absolutely excellent for Norwich this season, ended up their captain and PoTY.

Also played 50 odd games.

Not his fault the Norwich manager was useless.

If we go down your route with a team of children we will have a season like Chelsea.

30.) 06 Jun 2024
06 Jun 2024 11:20:29
Tj you honestly think he would be a starter? We have midfield experience in there nobody is saying a team of kids but we can do better than paying 2/ 3 million for a 32 year old who in my opinion isn’t any better than guys we have released. As someone says if he wasn’t a rangers fan he wouldn’t be considered. Comparing a POTY at Norwich to us is ludicrous.

Put it another way would he get in the dark sides midfield? We need to improve our squad with not throwing money away. On about team of kids Lennon Miller is 17 and running the show at Motherwell that’s players we should be encouraging to play for us.

31.) 06 Jun 2024
06 Jun 2024 11:48:39
Loves the club and would be a decent addition.

32.) 06 Jun 2024
06 Jun 2024 12:51:33
I'd say good at best Paul. A few decent games but never a real run of dominant form for me. Lucky to play alongside Davis at his peak - now there's a great.