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30 May 2024 07:42:33
Someone mentioned earlier when talking about Ange hitting the Asian market than only 3 were a success, who were the last three signings we made from anywhere that have been a fairly undisputed success? Butland obviously but who else. I'm drawn way back to Goldson, Tav, Kent and Alfie signing but lots of people quite rightly imo have had serious reservations over all, so what's your thoughts guys? How far back do we need to go?


1.) 30 May 2024 08:59:17
Kent was not a success for the money we paid.

2.) 30 May 2024 09:12:50
Not far we got great money for Bassey and Patterson and no matter how we look on it £5m for Kamara was a great deal considering he only cost £50k.

3.) 30 May 2024 10:27:07
Diomande, Cortes and Sima.

4.) 30 May 2024 10:52:39

5.) 30 May 2024 11:10:55
Bassey, butland, sterling.

6.) 30 May 2024 11:17:59

7.) 30 May 2024 12:15:12
Glen Kamara 50k.

8.) 30 May 2024 12:26:59
Bassey, picked up for peanuts and then our record sale in under 2 years.

9.) 30 May 2024 15:03:51
Bornabear, while both Bassey and Patterson generated us excellent money I do believe that we could have and should have generated a lot more. As one of our posters pointed out in an article, (unfortunately I can't remember who wrote the Article), a better negotiator would have secured much more upfront!

10.) 30 May 2024 15:07:00
Look to future not past

Pointless excersise.

11.) 30 May 2024 15:01:42
During the Wilson DoF era, I would suggest that the only success was Bassey and unfortunately, he was sold, albeit for a great fee. I would say that Kamara and Aribo were good acquisitions, but unless I am wrong, they were signed before the arrival of Wilson.

Thankfully, like other executives at the Club at the time, and I include Park in that, they are gone, and hopefully we can now look forward to a better future.



28 Feb 2024 22:36:49
What makes a handball penalty these days folks? Genuinely. I'm cool with refs making mistakes. They're human. But if VAR doesn't intervene then it means they really must be pens, or must not be pens. And given one was given tonight and two not, and they seemed pretty similar in that they were not intentional, I really have no clue what a handball penalty is.


1.) 28 Feb 2024 23:47:57
The difference was the ref giving one, if he hadn’t gave it VAR would not of either, it’s a cop out as the MAYO handball was more a pen than the Lundstrum one.



29 Jan 2024 18:50:01
A lot being said about different existing players and future players so thought i'd throw my tuppence in.

John mentioned this earlier and I agree. A lot of people are getting upset about this year's Europa squad and over thinking it. Our task is to beat celtic consistently and if we are buying young guys it's not with a view to winning this year's Europa League and neither should it be. Think medium term with these boys and if we get through a couple more rounds with a smaller squad then it's a bonus.

With regards to Shankland, again, people are getting knickers it a twist about sell on. We look to be buying young players in multiple positions where sell on is undoubtedly part of the formula. However, a centre forward like Shankland is not bought to sell on. Unlike the youngsters who can be up and down in form, he is bought to provide some degree of certainty that we have a striker who will get us 25 goals per season. I think its perfectly acceptable to pay 4 million for that with no sell on. Ultimately, ex pros all says that's the hardest position on the park. There is a definite snobbery over Shankland, the same snobbery that people showed over Lewis Ferguson for example. If we were linked with a striker who'd consistently banged in the goals in Sweden or Denmark for example, the same people would be shouting from the rooftops for us to buy him.

With regards to currently players, I've said before that although they are not perfect, Goldson, Tav and Lundstrum have got it in fizzer from many whilst Raskin and Cantwell to name a few, have looked decent in a few games, fell in and out of many games, but been lauded by many. Yilmaz is the latest in line. One swallow doesn't make a summer. He's looked good in the last few games but let's offer judgment when's he's played at least 40 games in season and been good in most of them. McAusland for example has done more in ten games for me, than Cantwell and Raskin have done since last January. I obviously hope Cantwell etc end up legend's but I do get annoyed sometimes when players get the big build up for very little.


1.) 29 Jan 2024 19:04:24
Cantwell was class when signed last January in many games and very good goal return.

2.) 29 Jan 2024 19:26:20
Good post howz.

3.) 29 Jan 2024 20:07:58
I wanted Ferguson and not fussed about shankland as I would like better. How’s that snobbery

Some people just don’t want shankland also shankland will not be signed so does that mean PC another wanting him is snobbery.

4.) 29 Jan 2024 20:17:04
I'm tired mate.

5.) 29 Jan 2024 21:17:46
Howwazthat I don’t think Shankland is good enough for us but if we sign him I sincerely hope he proves me wrong .

6.) 29 Jan 2024 21:18:41
End of a losing season when the leagues over and we've been pumped out of Europe isn't where i will judge him mystar - the same went for Beale too. Cantwell like any high earning attacking midfielder is there to win us big games. I've a terrible memory but unless i'm forgetting anything I'd rate him as fairly average in that respect so far. Maybe I'm harsh.

7.) 29 Jan 2024 21:42:44
Fair enough Storm I don't think he's a world beater don't get me wrong but I am certain if he was called Shanklandinho, or he was in the media slagging off Chris Sutton, many of those against him would be dying for him to come.

8.) 30 Jan 2024 05:06:18
I think he would score goals mate but I just don’t think he fits the profile of what PC wants.




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06 Jun 2024 12:51:33
I'd say good at best Paul. A few decent games but never a real run of dominant form for me. Lucky to play alongside Davis at his peak - now there's a great.




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06 Jun 2024 07:36:59
Pauly. great? Really? Raise your expectations! Some greats posts here with McLean stats. Never realised how good he was for Norwich and has changed my opinion on him as a potential signing.




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14 May 2024 22:02:14
Tomthumb. his first league goals in 2 years but he is always capable of a goal?





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16 Jun 2024 13:29:37
Love it Paul ?.




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06 Jun 2024 18:56:05
Good luck Gio. Dignity and class.




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25 May 2024 19:20:04
Think we have said it for the last two years! Appalling standard.




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16 May 2024 20:32:18
Agree with those sentiments Captain. Less so with the manager being at fault but the one selection I just don't get is not playing Sterling in CM against them - not once, not twice, but thrice - when his energy and power would have been a real asset.




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15 May 2024 22:07:52
Storm I agree with every word. I said it in here 6 months ago about Cantwell. Laughing at the pity many are showing him for his first half after he took a couple of medicore tackles. Save your tears fellas. Guys a self serving muppet and we are better off rid. Imagine him in the 9iar dressing room?




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