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To Gary1529's last 5 banter replies


Gary1529's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Gary1529's rumours posts


31 May 2024 10:28:40
Hearing kenny mclean in talks about coming to us.


1.) 31 May 2024 11:18:24
Give them 55 the now if that’s the case.

2.) 31 May 2024 11:32:44
Please not this again.

3.) 31 May 2024 11:46:50
Got told this earlier in the week as well, Tbf if it was low cost i would be for it. Good experience, knows the league and he played 52 games last year so good availability. definitely not a big game starter but could come on off the bench to shore things up.

4.) 31 May 2024 11:50:56
Also not 100% sure how the home grown for europe works but he was in our youth system for a couple of years.

5.) 31 May 2024 11:53:55
Oh lordy not him again, every window and he's bang average at best. no thanks! ?.

6.) 31 May 2024 11:58:25
Solid midfielder and homegrown but would be looking for a higher quality of player. Sure he has a year left as well at Norwich.

7.) 31 May 2024 12:03:57
Really hope not, he’s slower than Lundstram☹️.

8.) 31 May 2024 12:09:26
Whoever we sign whether it be McLean, shanks, dykes, Armstrong, miller, Barron, Kelly etc., whoever it is, gets my 100% support.

9.) 31 May 2024 12:29:21
Cantwell, Dowell and now McLean? Are we just going to buy all of the players that Norwich don't see good enough for The Championship?

10.) 31 May 2024 12:30:03
He has three qualifying years at St Mirren, please no, a goal every 26 games, I’m 75 and quicker.

11.) 31 May 2024 12:38:44
Here here I. N. T. R, these days it feels like if some fans don't want or rate a player they come to the club already with a target on their backs waiting for them to fall at the first hurdle.

12.) 31 May 2024 12:46:46
He is slower than lundstrum and me ? he is not what will take us to the next level.

13.) 31 May 2024 12:47:22
If he was free and going to be on a wage around 8k absolutely would have him however. He's not and he won't be. No tah.

14.) 31 May 2024 13:02:15
Can't help but notice that some of the same names who said that the lad Ferguson wasn't good enough for us are at it again. If McLean is deemed good enough by people who know far more about football than most posters above will ever know, then he is good enough for me and good enough for Rangers.

15.) 31 May 2024 13:21:23
Big difference Ferguson was young and had time to grow McLean is well past his best years now and even his best years were mediocre.

16.) 31 May 2024 13:30:17
Do the bouncy do u think McLean makes us a title winning team.

U wrote we need goals from midfield recently. Is McLean that player.

17.) 31 May 2024 13:31:36
Jeez surely we must be aiming for better.

18.) 31 May 2024 13:37:04
Given clements comments on injuries and 3 injury prone players leaving today, can't see it.

19.) 31 May 2024 16:02:16
DTB whos the ones that said about Ferguson like I wanted Ferguson but I don’t want Kenny Mc anywhere near us he is rotten.

20.) 31 May 2024 17:08:02
Great idea let's put an immobile 32 year old into our midfield to compete with a dynamic celtic midfield. As well keeping lundstram if that's what you are doing. he's not a free agent either so if you are paying a fee for an ageing player just because he is scottish then pay the fee for lennon miller, watson etc. I don't believe this is a route clement will go down but wouldn't surprise me.

21.) 31 May 2024 18:40:15
If it’s a free to replace jack then fair enough supports the club might give that little extra can see him being used as squad player to keep other midfielders fresh for europe.

22.) 31 May 2024 21:44:44
Signing players like that are the reason we've won 3 trophies since 2016 he's not good enough.



31 Jan 2024 11:06:44
No striker coming in only Cortes and possibly jefte will be the only two coming in this window.


1.) 31 Jan 2024 11:19:25
We might need a striker in if romours are true of Desser getting intrested from 2 seria A teams. As if he leaves it just gives us Silva.

2.) 31 Jan 2024 11:24:28

3.) 31 Jan 2024 11:32:32
And you know how?

4.) 31 Jan 2024 11:33:05
Still see us signing another cf gary, strong enough for the league anyway in my opinion.

5.) 31 Jan 2024 11:52:32
Seriously doubt the rumours to be false bazzaboi. The source is one of the best and most trusted in Italy. I can't see him going right enough but the source is as good as you will find.

6.) 31 Jan 2024 12:05:52
Bellshill I think he meant the post that no striker would be coming in is false.

7.) 31 Jan 2024 12:20:11
Says who gary.

8.) 31 Jan 2024 13:24:00
I never said the dessers links were false. the fact folk saying we won't bring another striker in is false? fact.

9.) 31 Jan 2024 14:07:44
What happened to kennedy my star? Anything else on him.

10.) 31 Jan 2024 14:19:45
Gofor clueless on him mate, but was told a couple of nights Rangers are interested in him.

11.) 31 Jan 2024 15:37:42
Diomande silva Cortes? Is not really bad signing three in jan is the number you kinda expect although would still be disappointed if no striker with sima and Danilo / roofe out.

12.) 31 Jan 2024 16:24:47
Bazzaboi would you like a wager on that there's 100% no striker coming in as I said only cortes and possibly jefte no more unless dessers left.

13.) 31 Jan 2024 19:28:47
I'll take that bet gary.

14.) 31 Jan 2024 19:30:40
Back your statement up then Gary otherwise its just an empty opinion.

15.) 31 Jan 2024 21:57:26
The board are prepared to fund a striker but PC feels there is no need that's 100% fact.



31 Aug 2022 16:47:14
Posted this yesterday just to reaffirm there’s 100% no players coming in unless buff or Kent go ill back this up when window closes on Thursday with no deals done a scandal if you ask me.


1.) 31 Aug 2022 17:00:13
very disappointing if true, we should be bringing in at least two top quality players. Considering the moneys generated on transfers and the prize money for qualifying for the Champions League it is ridiculous that we are not giving ourselves every possible chance of winning the league from that crowd in the East End of the City.

2.) 31 Aug 2022 17:01:44
We are definitely to short on numbers; one injury to Colak or Tillman or Kent and some of then players playing last night become 1st team regulars against Liverpool etc.

3.) 31 Aug 2022 17:03:57
How do you know this mate if you don’t mind me asking?
And if you know this - do you know if anyone will leave then or has any bids came in for anyone?

4.) 31 Aug 2022 17:09:33
But you also said Evander was a done deal a few days ago?

5.) 31 Aug 2022 17:13:43
Well done Gary give yourself a nice pat on the back. It must be a great feeling when you can say how right you were on a rumours and banter site. I'm sure that you will also be man enough to say you were wrong if we do sign anyone else. These next few days are going to be so exciting for everyone.

6.) 31 Aug 2022 17:19:49
Agree Berkshire and Sweep, thought when we'd qualified for the cl we would have brought in a couple of players, still time yet but could depend possibly on players going, Roofe and Sakala would be my picks to go, can't understand why clubs leave it to the last day of the window to bring players in, going to be a very interesting end to the transfer window tomorrow.

7.) 31 Aug 2022 17:29:24
Disagree. Can see another 2 coming in before midnight tomorrow.

8.) 31 Aug 2022 17:56:35
GvB did say he wants to operate with a smaller squad this season, Every player having a Clear role and a pathway for the youngsters.

If a player does become available that we are looking at in sure we will go for them tomorrow.

9.) 31 Aug 2022 17:58:28
We’ve more than enough in the squad to achieve success, no need to sign any Tom dick or Harry. We need to move some squad players on and then replace those players with people who can honestly complete with the current first team.

We’re in a great position and while one or two wouldn’t hurt there’s no need unless it’s the right deal.

10.) 31 aug 2022 18:04:57
so, you have a 50,50 chance then

same as me, , tell me how you will “ back this up “ mate please.

11.) 31 aug 2022 18:09:03
2 days to go yet, and i’m going to say we will have a new player, when i’m right il be on to back myself up.

12.) 31 Aug 2022 18:13:54
It's a bit of a strange statement.
Basically a 50/ 50 toss of the coin.
However if no one comes in I'm pretty sure no one will have the reason why we didn't sign anyone.
If we don't sign anyone it's either because Gio thinks he's happy with what he's got or there are no funds available. Pretty simple I think.

13.) 31 Aug 2022 18:15:20
Got to admit disappointed in this especially after John said there would be 3. He’s usually spot on.

14.) 31 Aug 2022 18:16:44
Gary I agree no1 will come in and it is a disgrace we've left ourselves short in CH and CF areas even if Buff is given a repreave he'll need time to get fit so we're hoping Colak doesn't get injured and without injuries to CH we need a dominate defender who can command his box. Really disappointed by RW and board.

15.) 31 Aug 2022 18:18:19
Think we all know where we are short, especially if Morelis and Kent don't indicate they are staying.
Will be like start of the year, 2 signings could have won us the league and Europa, we blew it.
Deja vu, setting in.

16.) 31 Aug 2022 18:40:06
We might or might not buy someone. Can't tell you my source.

17.) 31 Aug 2022 18:43:35
I think we might sign a new player.
Buts there’s also a chance we won’t sign a new player.
I’ll be back on to tell you all ‘I told you so’ regardless.

18.) 31 Aug 2022 18:50:23
Exactly what I was thinking Tom.

19.) 31 Aug 2022 19:01:25
TT I am going to say there will be 0,1,2 or 3 new players in by the end of the window and I too will be on to back this up when I am right.

20.) 31 Aug 2022 19:03:45
We have a 33 man squad, need to lose some before we recruit.

21.) 31 Aug 2022 19:12:30
Gary did you not say the Evander deal was done?

22.) 31 Aug 2022 19:17:24
Really dout we are signing any Tom dick or Harry no dout someone we’ve been looking at and could well use at least one more in.

23.) 31 Aug 2022 19:48:43
If we're signing any Tom, Dick or Harry, I'll take Harry Kane ?.

24.) 31 Aug 2022 19:53:11
Any updates on the transfer front John?

25.) 31 Aug 2022 19:57:40
I think some folk are just getting a semi at the thought of signing somebody Bassey. We’ve signed a great squad and better still we signed them early do we could qualify for the champions league. If (and big if) we sign somebody it’ll be because it suits us, not a panic buy.

26.) 31 Aug 2022 20:22:59
We’ve lost 3 players in 2 days.

27.) 31 Aug 2022 20:33:19
The gaffer has already said on more than one occasion that he’s happy with the squad he has at his disposal. Whether anyone else comes in or not won’t be due to a lack of finances.

28.) 31 Aug 2022 20:44:46
Fact is nobody knows what's going on so to come out with a statement like that I call it ? regardless bud if whatever happens by deadline.

29.) 31 Aug 2022 20:55:28
Poor Matondo looks to be the latest player to be written off far to early in his Rangers career.

30.) 31 Aug 2022 23:53:37
We have a large squad but it is quality that counts and that is something that we do not have in numbers! We have too many injury prone players that were purchased when we knew that they were injury prone, we have players that are simply not of the standard required and we have players that are nearing the end of their careers and will need replacing at the end of the current Season with the consequence that any that we do sign will take time to settle in and it will be another few months wasted. Add to that, two of our best players currently are loanees that we will need to pay a hefty fee for if we are to sign them. It's not looking good for 2023 / 2024 in terms of the three or four new quality players needed. As for 2022 / 2023, let's see what happens on Saturday and in the Champions League! I expect us to win the league and progress in the Champions League. I am not overly confident!

31.) 01 Sep 2022 00:24:47
Would love us to add evander but I think your all over reacting about no more signings it's not long till the world cup shutdown which will give a chance for most of our players to be fit for the return, then it won't be long before January window opens and we can reasses our league position and squad then.



25 Aug 2022 21:54:47
Evander Brazilian midfielder done deal from midyland.


1.) 25 Aug 2022 22:25:53
Gary , where you hearing this? Sky News?

2.) 25 Aug 2022 22:30:45
Gary hope so.

3.) 25 aug 2022 22:30:50
i said rangers been talking to someone since weekend, could it have been this guy?

4.) 25 Aug 2022 22:37:10
Someone posted pictures they took while doing a stadium tour. The guy in the pictures looks just like Evander.

5.) 25 Aug 2022 23:04:31
Hope this is true, be a great signing I really like the look of the boy.

6.) 25 Aug 2022 23:44:01
Hope so decent wee player gave us a hard time v midtjyland.

7.) 26 Aug 2022 00:13:23
Get this young guy in 43 goals and 34 assists in 153 games. Would be a fantastic signing. What do you think lads?

8.) 26 Aug 2022 08:08:33
He looks a very good player an exciting player
Would be good - if true I’m assuming Kamarra away possibly?

9.) 26 Aug 2022 08:51:24
Agree Baxter. Has goals in him.

10.) 26 Aug 2022 09:39:59
We're are these pictures.

{Ed033's Note - There was a picture uploaded to the sightings page yesterday

11.) 26 Aug 2022 10:29:45
With guys like Ally Love playing in Scotland, good wee players need protection!

12.) 26 Aug 2022 11:03:20
Could it be the boy Nicolas Raskin?

13.) 26 Aug 2022 12:03:57
I have saw the pictures and some folk are saying it's Boufal formerly of Southampton, Wilson signed him b4 for saints not 100% tho .

14.) 26 Aug 2022 14:07:04
No idea why people make this stuff up. Not even passing it as a 'rumour' and saying done deal.

Spoiler alert: It isnt.

15.) 26 Aug 2022 23:01:51
GAry roofe in his new hairdo, for sure .

16.) 26 Aug 2022 23:40:55
2 days on and surprise surprise Evander still not signed Gary is another keyboard warrior making up lies and passing it as a genuine rumour when it is just fabricated nonsense.



25 Jul 2022 21:40:00
Matondo took for scan I'm hearing.


1.) 25 Jul 2022 22:47:02
MATONDO took for scan? Is he pregnant? ?.

2.) 26 Jul 2022 04:51:07
He did pull up in the spurs game another I jury prone player? Hope not but to be fair Rangers seem to have a nack for signing them ?.

3.) 26 Jul 2022 06:43:04
He was at the open day!

4.) 26 Jul 2022 08:57:26
So he's got one knock and he's injury prone already? Honestly, some people on this board need to learn how to think before posting.

5.) 26 Jul 2022 10:21:52
Jesus suffering f***, a player gets an injury, or a rumoured injury and he's nowcinjury prone ?? wow man.

6.) 26 Jul 2022 13:27:18
Exactly kri55. Greeting worse.

7.) 26 Jul 2022 13:58:23
Do the bouncy it was reported that he was injury prone before we got him.

8.) 26 Jul 2022 14:00:47
Lol asking a question of fellow fans thoughts some of you are too quick to jump down others throats. But not venture any of your own thoughts or opinions.

9.) 26 Jul 2022 14:08:08
Matondo has missed roughly 2months last year and a month previous two seasons which is not that bad for a guy so fast as teams tend to kick lumps out those guys. But in Scotland he'll be that quick the probably won't catch him ? ⚡ really looking forward to seeing him in spl and hope midfielders learn to pick him out early, he made some good early runs v spurs. Once player get used to knowing when he'll make runs will be brilliant.

10.) 26 Jul 2022 15:27:54
Go for according to transfer market he has missed 14 games since summer 2019 due to injury, not too bad over three years imo.
I think couple muscle injury’s, bad laceration.




Gary1529's banter posts with other poster's replies to Gary1529's banter posts


06 Jul 2023 20:14:12
Dessert signs on dotted line.




30 Aug 2022 14:36:37
No more signings coming in unless buff or Kent leave madness if you ask me.


1.) 30 Aug 2022 15:31:45
Did you hear this from gio Gary1529?.

2.) 30 Aug 2022 15:32:00
A can see one coming in on deadline day.

3.) 30 Aug 2022 15:43:54
Is that gospel?
And according to who?

4.) 30 Aug 2022 15:46:58
How do you know?

5.) 30 Aug 2022 16:03:22
I would imagine that we are probably working on 1 or 2 but we aren’t going to broadcast this. There’s no point bringing in players for the sake of it they would have to improve us and the management will know this more than us. I do believe that it’s just as important to move on players that are not part of Gios plans though.

6.) 30 Aug 2022 16:24:14
Well it may happen. Stories certainly building kent away 15 million.

7.) 30 Aug 2022 16:52:02
£15 million for someone in the last year of their contract is a fabulous deal.

8.) 30 aug 2022 16:58:27
let the madness begin then.

9.) 30 Aug 2022 17:05:47
Would not be unhappy with that deal John.

10.) 30 Aug 2022 17:09:33
Would be sorry to see Kent go but can’t say no with that kind of money being offered especially with 1 year left on his contract.

11.) 30 Aug 2022 17:32:41
Does any1 know of liverpool's sell on with Kent. somehow 40% sticks in my head but surely gers wouldn't agree to that tho so I'm presuming I'm wrong. any1 got the right percentage?

12.) 30 Aug 2022 17:46:53
DD the % is on profit only.

13.) 30 Aug 2022 18:15:41
Kent away for £15 mil? where do you get this?

14.) 30 Aug 2022 18:39:11
The £15m was what Kent valued at not what they'd pay sadly. Bit like the reports we were after £5m rated Belgian but wanted to pay 2-3. Can't see them paying more than £5m in last yr so even tho he frustrates I'd keep him now we in groups stage.

15.) 30 Aug 2022 19:00:46
Where's he going John? I really didn't think we'd make anything from Kent.

16.) 30 Aug 2022 22:32:23
Slim read the sites. Parlane sites quoting Leeds.



16 Jul 2022 22:57:01
12 mill for Patterson 6mill rising to 10mill for aribo 19mill rising to 22mill for bassey 30 mill season ticket money 30 mill for europa run that’s over 100 mill in less than a year and we’ve only spent 4 mill in transfer fees that’s why we lost league and europa final because the board have sat on their hands and never invested in a title winning squad and yet folk on here seem to think Wilson and con are doing a good job open your eyes signing nobody’s is not going to cut it.


1.) 16 Jul 2022 23:22:48
We made 23 million in loses and gave Dave king his 6 million so no we’re near 100 million. Our board have been amazing they are busy building and museum stop with the pointless hate.

2.) 16 Jul 2022 23:24:19
Wilson job is to pick players no to run our finances he’s got no power over

3.) 17 Jul 2022 00:19:18
What? We lost the league and the europa final last year because we never spent the money we only just made? Good one.

4.) 17 Jul 2022 02:11:49
If u look at where we find ourselves today Vs where we were, pre the board taking over our club

Surely u will relive those comments make no sense

We are running a healthy club and business, ensuring all the generations that follow us have a successful club to follow

In years to come we will look back on these past few years as the clubs defining period.

5.) 17 jul 2022 06:05:50
fans who don't care about the clubs health, ain't fans.



01 Jul 2022 22:39:24
Can’t understand all the limited budget comments we must have pulled in north of 70 mill with Paterson fee euro run and this years season books gvb must be given serious money to invest in squad or in my opinion will walk just like sg failure to invest cost us the title and the europa cup board need to get finger out.


1.) 01 Jul 2022 23:47:31
I'm with you Gary but the folks posting do have a point we have a few unknowns to worry about.

2.) 02 jul 2022 07:55:22
did stevie had been given money to spend we wouldn’t have been in a europe final, so that doesn’t stand up at all,

and gio will have been well informed on the state of the finances and would have guarantees,

3.) 02 Jul 2022 09:55:11
Gary u do know season books do not equate to half off the players wages.



15 Jan 2020 16:37:01
Tav out till February with a burst appendix.


1.) 15 Jan 2020 17:05:18
just a virus i think. hopefully only a week.

2.) 15 Jan 2020 17:29:11
It's a virus!

3.) 15 Jan 2020 17:35:39
Not true my friend. Tav hasn't got burst appendix its a viral illness.
Should be ok for st. mirren game a week tonight.

4.) 15 Jan 2020 17:43:14
Read it's just man flu.

5.) 15 Jan 2020 18:14:36
😂😂😂😂 have you been reading ill phils stories?

6.) 15 Jan 2020 20:14:42
Marco I’d rather tav burst an appendix, have u had man flu!

7.) 15 Jan 2020 20:34:03
Some Lillian Gish on here.

8.) 15 Jan 2020 23:04:42
Newcastle have had him ringfenced in lieu of the court case 😂 some belters out there.




Gary1529's rumour replies


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29 Jun 2024 21:28:31
We are looking into playing at Ibrox with copland stand closed the preferred option i'm hearing.




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29 Jun 2024 17:02:26
Mclean deal now dead in the water so I've been told.




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06 Jun 2024 00:06:00
Posted this last week about McLean coming I’m told it’s happening already in talks with us Norwich will not be hard to deal with apparently.




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01 Feb 2024 22:11:42
As I said yesterday and earlier today we ain't bringing a striker in and we where in talks with no one only cortes for some reason PC thinks we are covered in that area board where willing to fund a striker deal but PC decided against it hope it doesn't come back to bite us.




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01 Feb 2024 15:12:11
Not talking to any strikers we ain't brining one in PC feels we are covered in that area.





Gary1529's banter replies


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04 Jul 2017 20:57:53
Worst result in our history absolute disgrace not one player gets pass marks Wallace never a captain make no mistake this is an absolute disaster for the club




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