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08 May 2024 08:35:30
Did we miss a trick in letting George Edmundson go? At the time, we were well covered at centre back. And, in his limited appearances, he did make a couple of errors. But he's been the mainstay of the promoted Ipswich defence this season and has been garnering rave reviews. perhaps file under the same banner as Lewis Ferguson. ie the ones that got away!


1.) 08 May 2024 08:47:55
He only made 10 appearances in the championship this season.

2.) 08 May 2024 08:48:41
How did we miss a trick he did not want sign.

3.) 08 May 2024 08:57:33
Him and Dom Ball barely featured mate. To answer your question, no we didn't miss a trick but he would probably be similar level to the ones we have who are not good enough either.

4.) 08 May 2024 09:38:38
We will receive a fee upon Ipswich unexpected promotion. Also same for Kamara at Leeds.

5.) 08 May 2024 09:41:12
Hardly kicked a ball, on treatment table more than roofe.

6.) 08 May 2024 10:09:24
Not for me. we need better.

7.) 08 May 2024 10:53:02
Borna we do get a fee re Edmundson.

Also we could be getting a fee for kamara or aribo if one off them go up.

8.) 08 May 2024 15:04:29
Borna Leeds aren’t promoted tho? Do we get a fee because they made play offs?

9.) 08 May 2024 16:28:47
Edison hasn't played much this season but he has done ok when in the Ipswich Team. He isn't a quality centre back but he isn't any worse than we have at the moment.
Watching Ipswich in the Championship I suspect that they will be favourites to come straight back down again if they don't improve their squad.

They do however had ve an excellent manager who has done amazingly well to get them up from division 1 to the EPL in successive seasons.



13 Oct 2022 21:40:08
Just an observation. but did anyone else see Tav whilst waiting with the players in the tunnel downing whole a bottle of what appeared to be an energy drink.? I'm not sure sports dieticians would support a professional athlete taking to the field on such a full stomach and before intensive exercise. is this, perhaps, a wee clue to the observation many are making that not all appears to be well with our captain? ie he be seeking such a boost in this way?


1.) 13 oct 2022 21:59:28
is this any different to the gallons of energy drinks at the side of the pitch in baskets for players to use as they wish?

2.) 13 oct 2022 22:07:01
arcadia, its difficult to comprehend this as the clue is in the name, energy drink, tav was looking poor because he was way out of his league and comfort zone, and might have been carrying a niggle, but ultimately he was awful because he can't compete at that level.

3.) 13 Oct 2022 22:10:06
Arcadia I think it’s ok, I’m sure they know what the r doing. Also about prevention of dehydration, get fluid in first.
I’m told by a player in England he drinks about 1.5 litres in 90 minutes before kick off, they r well monitored imo.

4.) 13 Oct 2022 22:15:00
No offence Arcadia, but do you really think this is relevant?
We've just been pumped 1-7 at home in CL, on course to be crowned the worst team ever in CL, players throwing in the towel, a manager who couldn't find his arse with a sat nav, and you're worried about what Tav is drinking. Can I live in your head for a day, as mine is thumping with everything that's going on at my club which I love.
I think you'll find Tav's problem is that he's back playing like the old Tav pre 55. It's not a boost he needs, it's a scheme booting.

5.) 14 Oct 2022 00:27:34
Energy drink? Pumped 7-1 and you bring up a concern about Tav having an energy drink. Wow.

6.) 14 Oct 2022 07:15:53
Look I know everyone's hurting and it may seem an irrelevance. but everyone seems to have observed that our Captain's form has dipped and there have been questions raised about his fitness.
My friend who has a degree in dietary science pointed this out to me . when players are exercising it is legitimate/ can be beneficial to top up with the energy drinks. but not in any way beneficial before. and to take to the field with a full stomach probably detrimental to athletic performance (his opinion)
Everyone agrees that our Captain is off it just now . all I was doing was suggesting such a small detail might (I say might) be pointing to some underlying bigger issue. ie his ailing fitness and his looking for a quick boost.

7.) 14 Oct 2022 12:28:17
Arcadia your post certainly was not an irrelevance, u raise an interesting point for debate, I’m sure.



05 Oct 2022 16:22:10
A lot of supporters making the contrast between last season's Europa League run. and our Champions' League performances . along the lines what's going wrong?
But in our away performances in the Europa against Red Star, Braga and Leipzig we we hanging on a lot of the time with little attacking threat in these games ie we were bang average. we got through by our home performances.
Our home performance against Napoli was played with energy . and we held our own with this talented side until the sending off.

We still have two home group matches in this group. and I would hope that we will be able to match last season's high energy/ tempo home performances in both the games against Liverpool and Ajax. if it doesn't happen maybe only then fans will be able to legitimately query why the difference between last season . and this.


1.) 05 Oct 2022 16:55:03
Agreed, there is a chance that if we get something from the home Liverpool game, that we may play for 3rd place against Ajax if they lose their next 2 matches. It's a long shot but while there is hope.



18 Jul 2022 10:39:02
Whilst we showed up well second half Saturday, I was worried re the same old failings showing themselves. balls into our six yard area especially from corners not being dealt with by our defence with Alan Mc rooted to his line. we will lose lots of goals this season if that continues. Mc Laughlin has to be first pick in our domestic football .


1.) 18 Jul 2022 11:44:54
First half had the same old players mate! Read nothing into preseason friendlies this early.

2.) 18 Jul 2022 14:21:44
Did you see McLaughlan at the Sunderland goal?
I would rather McRorie got a shot.



16 May 2022 19:34:32
The challenge of this Final is that we have to find a way to win in a one off game. not progress over two legs where our wonderful home support have, undoubtedly, been a factor.
In this competition we have lost 5 times including defeats in our away legs at Red Star, Braga and Leipzig.
Frankfurt have not lost a game in this same competition.
Of course we can win. but this is likely to be our toughest hurdle yet.
Fingers ( and everything else crossed) for Wednesday evening.


1.) 16 May 2022 21:59:39
Treat the final like a 2nd leg tie. Last 2 rounds we had to win 2nd legs and the boys stepped up. The lads in the stadium will make it feel like a home game.

2.) 16 May 2022 22:07:29
Aye but we smashed dortmund away, your forgetting we play different in 2 legged ties away from home, it's keep it tight try nick one on counter hope they don't score, then win at Ibrox. Gio knows he doest have 2 legs, he will go for the jugular we will be 2 nil up within 25mins, ft 4v1 to the rangers.

3.) 16 May 2022 22:27:05
Frankfurt also haven’t won a domestic game in 2 month.

4.) 17 May 2022 07:06:39
Yes. but look at our league position in 71/ 72 when we won the ECWC ie we were tailed off in the league.

I'm not a surrender monkey. we've got a real chance. but all these supporters who figure because we have beaten two other Bundesliga teams in higher up positions then that makes Frankfurt an easier game are maybe seeking false reassurance.

5.) 17 May 2022 07:34:52
Or like Dortmund away ??.




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17 Dec 2019 16:24:43
A word of warning guys re Braga. just remember. when we won the Cup Winners Cup in season 71/ 72 we were a distant third in the league 16 points behind Celtic. we were positively schizophrenic that season our league performances having no correlation to our performances on the European front.





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14 Oct 2022 07:15:53
Look I know everyone's hurting and it may seem an irrelevance. but everyone seems to have observed that our Captain's form has dipped and there have been questions raised about his fitness.
My friend who has a degree in dietary science pointed this out to me . when players are exercising it is legitimate/ can be beneficial to top up with the energy drinks. but not in any way beneficial before. and to take to the field with a full stomach probably detrimental to athletic performance (his opinion)
Everyone agrees that our Captain is off it just now . all I was doing was suggesting such a small detail might (I say might) be pointing to some underlying bigger issue. ie his ailing fitness and his looking for a quick boost.




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17 May 2022 07:06:39
Yes. but look at our league position in 71/ 72 when we won the ECWC ie we were tailed off in the league.

I'm not a surrender monkey. we've got a real chance. but all these supporters who figure because we have beaten two other Bundesliga teams in higher up positions then that makes Frankfurt an easier game are maybe seeking false reassurance.




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09 Apr 2022 13:06:30
I accept we've not seem much from Cedric Itten during his Ibrox career. but he's got 7 caps for Switzerland the current 13th Fifa ranked team (and 4 goals! ) . sometimes, for whatever reason, it just doesn't work out for a player at a club. he just doesn't seem to be able to handle the physicality of our league.




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07 Mar 2022 13:36:04
Yes. I fully understand the Ramsey thing is dispiriting to supporters. but I'm quietly confident that he may be up to speed for the last bit of our run in. remember, it's not just for us that he will be focused upon . but for Wales too for their vital March 24th World Cup play off game. he's had a long lay off and it sometimes happens that niggly injuries can come after such a time away. Even if only for the last 4/ 5 games his contribution could yet be vital. and a boost to the other squad members if he were to return.




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08 Dec 2020 15:37:49
I think you are misunderstanding what 'Black Lives Matter' stands for here Rossco. rather than it being a single political constituent it is an umbrella term for a coaltion of various groups from very left wing radical activists to more centrist outlooks ie the President Elect of the USA and others

It is an affirmation that each of us regardless of our ethnicity/ skin colour has essence of humanity and that everyone has equal value and should be treated accordingly . it fact no more really than another dimension/ visible reinforcer to the club ethos ie 'Rangers for Everyone, Anyone'




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