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23 Aug 2020 20:37:20
Heard a rumor today that Morelos was dropped from the squad yesterday for something to do with having clipped Arfield and Davis cars with his and when asked to pay for the repairs he said no has anyone else heard anything like this or is it bullsh**t basically what I heard is below

Morelos crashed into Jack and Artfield's car at the training ground then drove away.

They checked CCTV and found out it was Morelos. SG asked Tav to speak to Morelos about it and told him to pay for the repairs. He refused to pay.

Artfield and Davis went to SG to complain about it and outline their concerns regarding the disruption and impact his attitude is having on the dressing room and to get shot of him.

On Friday Morelos' agent arrived at Ibrox and told SG that they either pay him ×3 his wages or let him go. SG has told him to get to f**k and get him a club out of here.

Aye Ready

1.) 23 Aug 2020 20:48:40
Was it Jack or Davis car that was hit? Sounds a bit like made up tim stuff tbh.

2.) 23 Aug 2020 20:53:02
You need to stay off Enable fc Twitter mate😂.

3.) 23 Aug 2020 20:55:42
As long as aribo wasn't outside smoking and drinking when this was happening then it's all good.

So far we've had morelos fighting in dubai with Gerrard, morelos fighting in the locker room with Kent, and now morelos hitting cars and fighting with Gerrard last week, surely he must be due a big fight with nate Diaz next?

4.) 23 Aug 2020 21:04:57
Rumour has it that dyllian whyte does not want a rematch with povetkin but will now look to take on Alfredo Morelos as a warm up to his challenger bout v wilder and fury.

5.) 23 Aug 2020 21:09:43

6.) 23 Aug 2020 21:15:14
Someone just sent me a text saying the same thing aye ready. 👍.

7.) 23 Aug 2020 22:06:05
And me, coldo, except mine clearly calls it for the nonsense that it is.

8.) 23 Aug 2020 22:10:39
I find it bizarre how many stories are circulating about Morelos and I can’t seem to find anything to back up any of these rumours and I don't know if the people on here are making them up or just repeating them but I find it absurd! All these rumours are doing nothing for the reputation of the player or the club for that matter and if we’re seriously trying to move him on making him out to be the problem child from hell ain’t doing anything for his value. Some folk on here need to have a word with themselves he’s still a Rangers player!

9.) 23 Aug 2020 22:22:27
If he had damaged the other players cars then surely he would just let his insurance sort it out? A load of nonsense and mischief making in my opinion,

10.) 23 Aug 2020 22:33:14
Who is it jack or Davis with arfield? Just more nonsense.

11.) 23 Aug 2020 22:37:49
Sounds similar to the ast time we were in Dubai when Wes got knocked out with fire extinguishers then they were all fighting before Andy Halliday stoke a bus for getaway etc etc.

12.) 23 Aug 2020 22:51:49
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂What a load of rubbish. So he has hit 2 players cars or he had a massive bust up in the changing room before the match at a game where he wasn't even in the match squad. Brilliant. Everyone just listen to the manager please. He is not himself because he has had his head turned with transfer rumours. It really is as simple as that.

13.) 23 Aug 2020 22:52:37
Highlandbear he aught to act like a rangers player mate then maybe he’ll get treat with the respect that honour deserves. He doesn’t give 1 flying duck for our club or he’s teammates coaches etc. he’s a petulant self centred little git and the sooner we’re rid of him the best for all involved including all of us on here bickering about him mate 👍🏻.

14.) 23 Aug 2020 22:53:57
Plus he drives a Lamborghini if he clipped anything with it then u wouldn’t be able to hide the damage on the lambo, are they naw made of fibre glass or something?

15.) 23 Aug 2020 22:56:45
He might not understand insurance. When he first signed he asked if he could just pay someone to get a driving licence to save him sitting his test 🤣 don't buy the story though, would SG really ask Tav to sort it?

16.) 24 Aug 2020 08:28:08
As MOC said he’s had his head turned and he’s not himself so he was out of the match day squad it’s that simple weather you like him or not should be irrelevant while he’s a rangers player! If he got back in the side for the game at Hamilton and scored a hat-trick you’re one of them that would be shouting how he has to stay at all costs 🙄.

17.) 24 Aug 2020 14:58:08
If he Gets himself fit and back in the team, drops the sulking and bad attitude he obviously has aroundtrini g etc n starts banging hat tricks then by all means I’d love him to stay I’d be singing his song again lol but he isn’t doing that mate and it doesn’t seem likely either.

18.) 24 Aug 2020 15:12:28
RonnieR9 who is definitely not a celtic fan is right, I was there when Morelos crashed into the other players cars, I saw Jack and Davis running up the road behind Alfie's car which was blaring Billy boys out the stereo shouting we are Rangers men and we want you out closely followed by Gerrard wringing his fist shouting you will never play for Rangers again, to which I heard Alfie shout wait until big Phil hears about this, I swear it happened.



09 Jun 2020 07:37:29
Does anyone have any idea that when or if the 2019/20 EL comes back for instance if we make some good signings over the summer that really improves the team and Leverkusen are severely weakened by losing players to either injury or transfer will we be allowed to our new players or will UEFA come in and say the players must be pick from players that are still at the clubs that were registered at the original time of the tie?

I just can't work it out because if we do get a few in and our fortunes drastically change and we managed to overcome the deficit would there be any route where lederhosen could then appeal saying we used players that weren't originally registered for the competition or I suppose uefa will probably make up some sort of temporary rule just to allow the competition to be finished but if anyone has any insight I would live to find out what could happen.

Aye Ready

1.) 09 Jun 2020 10:33:53
It will only be registered players I would imagine mate. I don’t think we can really complain because I don’t think we have lost anyone who would make a difference anyway.

2.) 09 Jun 2020 11:00:14
Talking of lever appealing? Lol Think we are counting our chickens a wee bit aye ready . but it would be enormous if it happened 👍🙏.

3.) 09 Jun 2020 14:00:09
Chelsea might give us a hand there after havertz lol.



27 Apr 2020 07:09:44
Its beginning to look like the EPL is gearing up to restart although don't know what starts it will have with regards to fans attending matches or being okayed behind closed doors and televised and Italy have said their teams are expected back next week so are wee going to see the spfl season called or restarted as well?

Aye Ready

1.) 27 Apr 2020 08:51:52
Still some way off. Arsenal player's is going back to training individually.

2.) 27 Apr 2020 15:15:10
June's the target for behind closed doors. I highly doubt that will happen though.

3.) 27 Apr 2020 15:42:12
tbh well-checked rigorously tested and played behind closed doors is fine, as long as people can behave themselves and not congregate for it. Unfortunately, I'm seeing plenty of people who think the rules don't apply to them and just do what they like.

4.) 27 Apr 2020 18:33:32
Aye ready - it's beginning to look a lot like Xmas - because that's when I think it will be before things are gong to get back to normal.

Stay safe and stay inside.

5.) 27 Apr 2020 20:52:48
TB - no one said normal? Not even close.

6.) 27 Apr 2020 23:45:01
Tb apparently according to mr tupacman I'm a coronavirus expert for thinking that the epl are going back too soon. Good to see another expert on the opposite side. Whatever next another realist like iom being a finance expert! Anyway one day things will be normal and we welcome the chase. Let's look forward to having the football back and hopefully we still have 42 clubs.

7.) 28 Apr 2020 08:54:51
True blue- “It’s begging to look a lot like Xmas”, maybe that could make a good festive song? ? ?



22 Apr 2020 21:26:35
So from what I'm reading and hearing in the news although while don't know if its correct or not the league can't be called until UEFA decide re: CL or EL as at present they are insisting that those tournaments will be played to a conclusion which prevents the corrupt SPFL from Calling the league which would end the season but as we are still involved in the EL we have a squad registered and we apparently need to keep the availability of that registered squad barring injury or suspension and if the league was called then all player loans and also players out of contract become unusable to the team as loan players would default back to their own clubs etc so looking atm that it one right in the eye for the SPFL board.

Tbh its not just what's gone on recently I have never liked the look of Neil Doncaster he looks like a clueless chance and doesn't even seem to put up a fight for more TV money for the Scottish game just accepts what scraps are offered and sky take the piss with what money they offer for the Scottish TV deal so i think we'd be better off not pandering to sky and restructure the leagues by expanding the PL to 16 Teams playing each other twice with no split and bring in the best from the Lowland, Highland and Junior Leagues and expand the other 2 divisions below the PL to 18 or 20 team leagues mabey even try and build a 3rd division from what's left from the HL/ LL/ JL and still keep the pyramid system allowing clubs to enter to SPFL and with regards to promotion and relegation have 2 teams automatically up and down from each division and then have the 3rd bottom of the league above play the 3rd top of the league below to decide the 3rd and with then having a PL of 16 teams playing each other twice that would be 30 games which would allow for a break in winter or longer summer break and also help prevent fixture buildup with postponed games cup replays ect.

I think if it was done this way the league would be much more competitive and make other teams better as well and allow other clubs to improve their facilities as I really believe the scottish game can get more which would allow bigger cash distributions throughout the league we had an 18 team top division until the mid 70's and we had some of the top sides in Europe back then ourselves, Celtic, Aberdeen, Dundee Utd and I believe other sides like Kilmarnock, Hibs and Hearts along with others were regularly doing decently in Europe as well.

Just my opinion.

Aye Ready

1.) 23 Apr 2020 09:08:16
Aye ready, in all honesty pal, i don't think there will be enough teams left in scotland by the time this terrible virus is finally gone, i hope i'm wrong, but until the guys get an antidote for the virus, i think we will be living like we are just now, for a long long time, eh.

2.) 23 Apr 2020 18:22:34
Regarding this virus and the wide assumption that social distancing will be in place until a vaccine can ge found. Thus no large gathering like 50k at ibrox and 60k at Parkhead.

I don't want to alarm anyone but this vaccine that they are currently rolling out imo is merely to appease the public and has no chance of working.
The W.H.O and labs around the world have been trying for 18 years to find a vaccine, without success for Mers and SARS. These 2 viruses are very similar to covid 19. So I find it a bit unbelievable that they have managed to find a vaccine in 5 months.

3.) 23 Apr 2020 20:01:12
30 game season would be poor IMO. Scottish clubs used to be better in Europe because the standard of Scottish player was better. Look at current Scotland squad against Squads from 70’s and 80’s it’s miles apart.

Scottish league used to be much higher up in terms of quality in comparison to other nations now its 15-20th best as other nations have overtaken us largely due to better TV deals and their leagues being filled with best players in the world.

I would like a 14 team league, play the other 13 teams twice then split into 2 groups of 7 and again play the other 6 in your section home and away which totals 38 games and has no unfair bias on home or away fixtures after the split.
I would also have bottom 2 relegated and 3rd bottom playing winner of Championship play offs which would be 3-6th playing 1 off matches with 3rd v 6th and 4th v 5th with highest ranked teams getting home advantage, same for the 2 finalists highest league finish plays at home.

Then the winner plays 3rd bottom at Hampden with loser getting all gate receipt money and winner being in Scots Prem.
Then you have Top teams in Prem challenging for title, next group playing for Europe, mid table teams fighting to make top half with guaranteed 2 games v old firm at home and no relegation and only 4/ 7 in bottom half been safe from relegation.
I would scrap winter break by 1 week aswell.

4.) 24 Apr 2020 12:01:04
Stewart, don't talk crazy mate, these guys that are trying to put an antidote together are all experts in there field, they said half of them are not the real mccoy, but that's normal, these people are trying to find a cure to prevent a world wipe out, and you think they are playing a game, give the professors or whoever a break mate.

5.) 24 Apr 2020 15:20:48
paulellen, could be worse trump was saying could they inject disinfectant, that guy is a pure wally.

6.) 24 Apr 2020 15:54:54
Scrap the winter break and we might have a chance of winning a 30 game season 😂.

7.) 24 Apr 2020 18:25:49
I know this virus is a horrible thing but in my opinion it’s been blown all out of proportion if you look at the numbers more people had died this time last year than have died up till now this year even with the pandemic I’m not saying it’s nothing of course I’m not but it’s not as bad as it’s been made out 🤷🏽‍♂️.

8.) 24 Apr 2020 18:46:58
U r correct highland bear.

9.) 24 Apr 2020 19:05:17
20000 people died in a few weeks while we are under a lockdown and you think it’s blown out of proportion? Are you for real. Have you ever heard of anything like this ever? Get a grip. People are dying and you think it’s not as bad as they make out!

10.) 24 Apr 2020 19:14:00
John25 thanks mate I thought I might have been crucified by some on here for that comment but it’s true, I’ve no idea why the world’s gone so mad about it, clearly it wouldn’t be nice to get Coronavirus but it’s not that easy to catch and I don’t think it’s much worse than the seasonal flu and in a lot of cases it’s not even as bad!

11.) 24 Apr 2020 19:14:00
Not sure where you're getting your figures John, Highland bear. Death rate for march, in Scotland is 7.6% higher this year compared to the last 5 years. Stay safe.

12.) 24 Apr 2020 20:48:42
Me grumpy they come directly from Scottish statistic office.
Also being quoted by Nicola and her team.

13.) 24 Apr 2020 20:51:19
Highland where I agree with u figures r not how they r being reported
I do feel it is same as season flu however it is not being blown out off proportion, I have lost seven very close friends age 52-85.

14.) 24 Apr 2020 22:21:53
There was 5478 deaths in Scotland in march, 2020. An increase of 7.6% compared to the last 5 years. From the national records of Scotland. It's not like the flu. Think before you post maybes? Stay safe.

15.) 25 Apr 2020 10:38:29
I’ll leave it to you guys mr grumpy. Here was me thinking Nicola told the truth.

16.) 25 Apr 2020 15:08:30
Edg and mr grumpy, you both sound so patronising, quoting numbers like your so much netter, well let's examine your figures, it is a correct statement to say January and February death rate in Scotland was down this year, with a 7.6 increase or median of last 5 years (which equates to approximately 375/ 400 more deaths for march, however it is also fair to say that there are less deaths this year 2020,to the first three months of 2019,we have hospital's not working at there capacity, hence the call by the doctors to begin operations again, we have cancer doctor's suggesting we may have more deaths than usual of cancer patients who don't get early treatment, so i agree with my brother highland bear and john25 that i believe this is all hyped up for what reason i don't know however, i'm proud to be one of the cretins on here who doesn't just quote wee burnie our beloved leader however can think for themselves, namaste.

17.) 25 Apr 2020 17:34:36
no offence but if you believe trump wanted people to self inject poison then like the BBC there's no help for you. and if the BBC are bad the press in the US are unbelievable.

18.) 25 Apr 2020 19:13:10
Good for you loyalist. Everyone is entitled to they're opinion. Not sure why when people quote actual facts/ numbers, rather than just opinions they're patronising anyone though 🤔 Proud to be someone who ignores facts? 😉 Like I said good for you loyalist 👍.

19.) 26 Apr 2020 12:02:21
Loyalist thank you brother🤝.

20.) 26 Apr 2020 11:52:18
Those numbers/ statistics are out there for anyone to see. Even you john. I'll even help, type in death rate for march in Scotland on your internet browser. Nicola sturgeon has also made clear covid-19, is definitely not like the seasonal flu.



21 Feb 2020 07:37:56
I really do think it's now time for Kent, Kamara and Morelos to be benched for a few games as the other players look hungrier and Morelos' can't hit a barn door ATM and it's probably a blessing he's banned for next week as it's an opportunity to try something different.

I thought Arfield also looks tired atm.

Aye Ready

1.) 21 Feb 2020 08:09:22
Arfield was by far the best of our midfielders last night.

2.) 21 Feb 2020 08:58:25
I agree aye ready but thought Arfield was immense.

3.) 21 Feb 2020 09:26:16
He may look tired as he is giving everything to the team. Was great last night.

4.) 21 Feb 2020 09:29:10
Thought morelos played well last night despite missing chances. Steven Davis seems to be untouchable and for me has been our poorest player since the break along side kamara who looks every bit a 50k player.

Hopefully get the 3 points this weekend and get a boost going to portugal.

For me its two banks for 4 with Jack back in (Jack, Kamara, Davis, Aribo)
With kent and Kamberi to try hit on the break.

Hagi is a quality player however maybe slightly luxury for a backs to the wall away performance.

5.) 21 Feb 2020 09:42:20
You can't keep hagi out of the away game.

6.) 21 Feb 2020 10:31:42
Aye Ready
Add Goldston too I think.

7.) 21 Feb 2020 10:28:58
I thought Morelos played well last night it’s not just goals you get from him, it’s holding the ball up as the loan striker allowing the midfielders to join the attack, he win fouls in the final third taking pressure of the team.

he’s not just an out and out striker it’s his strength and determination that takes two defenders to mark him, yes he didn’t score last night but since he came back into the team he has scored legit goals in all other games only two of them were wrongly chalked off I agree Kamara was poor last night and the turning point was bringing on Aribo he pushed the team forward, Hagi goal with each foot he can become a big player for us we’ve lacked a goal scoring midfielder for a while.

My thanks goes out to all inside the ground the atmosphere was electric nest I’ve sat in for a long time including old firm games, we were all a bit edgy at 2-0 understandable as we were getting a lesson but when Hagi got one back the place went wild and I said to my mate it’s not over yet, the team sensed the fans were back on board and you could see them being lifted, when the second went in well you could have heard that ground in Portugal and I just felt we would win it.

I hope that is the game that gets us back to pre break form so let’s stop all the negative posts sometimes teams go through bad form loose confidence and struggle we haven the biggest squad we are still building but that for me goes down as one of the greatest euro comebacks ever Mr Gerrard I salute you for being brave with the subs Aribo at left back 😜😜.

8.) 21 Feb 2020 13:09:02
only Kamara was questionable and should be going forward. his decline in form has mirrored ours.

9.) 21 Feb 2020 12:04:46
Crazy aye ready. Arfield was our only midfielder out the 3 actually played last nite.

10.) 21 Feb 2020 13:50:46
No Hagi for the away game? Are you mental op?

11.) 21 Feb 2020 13:59:05
Called out Kamara months ago as rotten and was derided and mocked on here by people who know more than I do.

12.) 21 Feb 2020 16:15:24
I think part of our problem is we don't have the quality and depth of squad to allow our key players a rest resulting in bad dips in form.

. I just looked at transfermarket stats and think davis has played least out of our main midfielders with 35 games so far. Arfield and kamara 36 each and jack and aribo over 40 i think. that's a lot of game time no matter what age. And if you think kamara and aribo have not played that many games a season probably before. Add arfield having little rest over summer and international matches for all midfield then a dip in form is expected. Our back ups don't have the quality just now.

SG and GM have a great core to our team but i think now we have to add quality not quantity to push our starters. I would like to see us use the bosman market and bring in 2 or 3 quality players, pay the money for hagi[ 4-5 mil is a steal based on performances so far]and maybe 1 more player bought. That as well as the players out of contract leaving would bring our standards up drastically. Need to stop all this 8 to 10 additions in summer window. Rather have 3 or 4 in of real quality.

We will need in summer without any first team leaving IMHO
GK someone to push McGregor and take over
LB borna has no competition Halliday has heart but not going to take barisic jersey
CM need 1 more in to help davis, arfield, kamara, aribo and Jack
A quality wide player cause ojo stewart jones and barker won't push our wingers. Kent not been dropped as no alternative. Murphy may return and give us that alternative but would like 1 more

And finally a striker defoe in my opinion is great coming off the bench but no longer has it for full 90. Best finisher in the country by a mile but sadly his advancing years are catching up.

13.) 21 Feb 2020 22:28:54
Kamara does not become a bad player overnight. Remember he has been outstanding in big games in Europe and also against that mob. I'm glad Stevie is the manager and not one of you guys.

14.) 22 Feb 2020 00:53:32
Seeker couldn't agree more. The lad has played a lot of football this season. Must be at least 40 games so far including Finnish games. Reckon a wee rest and bit confidence and he will be back to normal.




Aye Ready's banter posts with other poster's replies to Aye Ready's banter posts


20 Jun 2024 19:18:07
Been reading the comments re: the stadium upgrade and what do people actually want we've been asking for upgrades to the stadium for years more seats ect and due to the way the playing season goes these days the summer break is getting shorter and shorter and the new season is on the doorstep before we know it so very small window for work to take place that wouldn't affect the fans getting to games I'm happy there is work being done to upgrade the stadium would really love Ibrox to have 3 tiers right round the stadium and lose the big screens even if it meant playing at Murray field for a full season if that's what it took hate Hampden so would prefer Murray field and as Murray field has bigger capacity it would allow more fans access to tickets the old saying can't make an omelette without breaking eggs sours had to do similar and real mdris were lucky COVID hit and they were able to play at their training ground as there was no fans at games anyway.

Aye Ready

1.) 20 Jun 2024 23:44:42
We have an extremely important month at the start of the season.
The stadium situation is an unwanted distraction.
I don’t understand why the contract wasn’t placed early with the contractor so they could procure the long lead time materials and hold them ready for a rapid start. Its amateur hour and makes us look silly.



04 Feb 2024 21:01:06
Noticed that Ryan Jack had his socks all slashed at the back yesterday what's that all about? is this something to help prevent calf injury a or something I've seen things like this in the last few years players cutting the feet out of they're socks ect don't know what this is all about is it substance or style and just for the record thought Jack was the MOTM yesterday.

Aye Ready

1.) 04 Feb 2024 22:17:27
I noticed on the Rangers website a while ago that you can buy socks with no feet. They used to be called leg warmers back in the day.

2.) 04 Feb 2024 22:18:51
Socks are very tight these days. Cutting holes eases tension on th4 calf. Kyle walker and jude bellingham are probably 1st i can remember doing it. Now i see lots doing it. Imagine its not just a trend and has come from docs and sports scientists etc.

3.) 05 Feb 2024 09:30:53
A few players do this now. Matondos socks were the same.



02 Feb 2024 09:14:41
I know it won't happen but I'd love to see a return to limited foreigner rule that used to exist ie (3 foreigners) in the team at one time I think across the board football was much more leveled out then as the clubs with the premiership, CL money ect couldn't just import a team of foreigners and it also helps home grown talent as well.

Aye Ready

1.) 02 Feb 2024 10:06:01
Nope ?.



09 Jan 2024 18:41:17
Can anyone clear this up for me and I'm only using this as an example. If we were to sign Harry Souttar would he be classed as a homegrown player being born and bred in Scotland or would he be classed as foreign due to choosing to play for Australia probably similar to Arfield choosing to represent Canada was he classed as home grown or foreign?

Aye Ready

1.) 09 Jan 2024 19:36:32
Harry Souttar 100% home grown

Scotty Arfield was also classed as home down

The rule is three years at Scottish academy absolutely nothing to do with nationality
That’s why we r striving to bring through likes mcausland munn burnside yefeko Nsio stevens Lovelace gentles et al

Hope that makes sense aye ready.

2.) 09 Jan 2024 19:47:52
Aye ready. he will be classed as a homegrown talent regardless of his country he chose to represent.

As long as he trained in the nation from 15-21. he spent just under 4 years between Dundee utd and loans around scottish clubs so qualify as home grown.

3.) 09 jan 2024 20:00:29
hi john, hope your having a nice night

i believe harry souttar was the player rangers spoke with months ago, have you heard anything on this?

4.) 09 Jan 2024 20:34:41
Tom, I believe we spoke to him last summer, not sure what's happening this window. I think he'd be an excellent signing.

5.) 09 jan 2024 21:37:18
me too mark, cheers.

6.) 09 Jan 2024 21:39:22
Only real possible on loan. can't afford to buy him.

7.) 09 Jan 2024 22:22:39
Tom we wanted him on loan if Davies left, we could not afford to buy him circa ten mill.

8.) 09 Jan 2024 23:19:38
Be a loan if we did go back in for him but Leicester will end up dropping the price drastically, they are losing money every week without a return, not as if he is a young player like Silva improving and getting experience with a couple of years of loans, they probably let him go in summer when spending spreee starts for their EPL return.

9.) 10 Jan 2024 00:11:46
Andy correct 3 years between ages of 15-21.

10.) 10 Jan 2024 00:14:43
It’s only a matter of time before someone challenges this ruling though as ageist against guys that started career later

Also the Scottish trained thing will change eventually to include people that are registered as Scottish players.

Only an opinion before people get knickers in a twist.



18 Dec 2023 01:29:46
Still travelling home from Hampden it's been a long auld day should be back and in my bed for 4am hopefully but regardless I'm on cloud 9 planes trains and automobile but I'll get there just hope I don't fall asleep here now before I get home as been on the go for 36 hours straight now getting to the game now getting home from the game but it was well worth.

Aye Ready

1.) 18 Dec 2023 07:17:18
Great commitment Aye Ready, rest well pal it's going to be a long and exciting season.

2.) 18 Dec 2023 09:35:35
Where do you live Aye Ready, California? ?.

3.) 18 Dec 2023 10:20:54
It's only up behind Falkirk, Carrick. Must live further away than that ?.

4.) 18 Dec 2023 10:51:04
Slamannan no buses ?.

5.) 18 Dec 2023 10:51:23
When I lived on the West coast of America, it didn’t take me that long to get home ?.

6.) 18 Dec 2023 12:53:54
Boo123 ??.

7.) 18 Dec 2023 12:57:56

I live London and it took me 5 hrs get back from King's Pk with no refreshment breaks because don't drink. Between hanging round Prestwick and b##### Stanstead Xpress I was dead on feet when home but beating sheep worth journey. Just kept thinking their worst journey, heads bowed, back to sheepsville.




Aye Ready's rumour replies


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08 Jun 2024 07:27:44
I read a rumour somewhere that Todd Boley was looking to buy In to rangers not sure how true it is but asked if anyone else had heard anything and knows that there's a share sale ATM not sure either how many shares are available or anything or wether to trust what I've been told?

Aye Ready



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04 Jun 2024 07:07:03
Leaders! Of what? continual failure and crushing of our hopes never turning it on when it's needed always hiding,

Aye Ready



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16 Sep 2015 21:14:20
If as he says he will and he sues all and sundry, wins and gets all monies required including back interest monies for grievances then it is possible - and if not why not?

Rangers have been the subject of a conspiracy - not an imagined one, but one that is actually going to court.

This conspiracy not only involved those that have been indicted, but those that conspired to blame and damage The Famous Glasgow Rangers Football Club, allegedly.

At this moment in time I believe in Dave King - he has put The Famous Glasgow Rangers back on the right track, as he said he would do. If he says he can do it then he will.

Aye Ready



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12 Sep 2015 22:45:30
Not since the Souness era have we had such unbridled passion - I am in awe of these men!!

God Bless!

Aye Ready



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12 Sep 2015 17:19:36

You mirror my sentiments exactly. Ally was not without fault but he is being treated like the last man in the team who let's the ball in the net and ALL the blame lies with him.

Ally had to stand alone when things went belly up once, twice and three times.

Those who convict him without the full evidence are blind. We cannot fully judge him until all the facts are known, especially those that went on behind the scenes. What went on during Ally's tenure was both laughable, shocking and so very sad. It is something that rarely happens in football, but when it does the football goes out the window. When ceptic were getting robbed by the kelly's and the whites, prior to the caravan salesman turning up, ceptic could not string a pass - Ally had three years of that.

So I for one will cut him a bit of slack until I know all the facts. Rangers fans should not be too quick to judge - that is what ceptics do.

6 out of 6 - fantastic!!

Aye Ready




Aye Ready's banter replies


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18 Jun 2024 23:27:22
Heard rumours Barron to be announced tomorrow and possibly a n other but don't know who have heard kelly.

Aye Ready



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18 Jun 2024 23:26:10
Got turkey and Spain in the sweep at work didn't know if it was holiday destinations or football lol but seems not doing to bad ATM.

Aye Ready



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18 Jun 2024 23:18:29
?? bravo my true blue friend.

Aye Ready



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18 Jun 2024 23:18:20
?? bravo my true blue friend.

Aye Ready



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12 Jun 2024 05:22:31
No internet or Google then probably means no Gers banter page either lol ?.

Aye Ready



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