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06 Mar 2024 00:05:08
I see cortes has had his operation so i would guess he won't be back this season.


1.) 06 Mar 2024 02:49:15
Where are you seeing this, Barber2, I can't find it.

2.) 06 Mar 2024 05:46:04
On his instagram hubby.

3.) 06 Mar 2024 08:25:29
I doubt we'll see him or Danilo this season. hopefully Sima can return next month.

4.) 06 Mar 2024 09:31:38
Mark I'm sure i read Sima was back training?

5.) 06 Mar 2024 09:34:52
He's doing some light training away from the group.

6.) 06 Mar 2024 09:36:41
My star, I read somewhere he was weeks away from returning. the sooner he's back the better. he was in great goal scoring form before his injury.

7.) 06 Mar 2024 09:43:08
He'll probably be back playing the middle of April maybe sooner.

8.) 06 Mar 2024 09:46:44
Light training sima is on.

9.) 06 Mar 2024 15:57:58
Really need a winger back soon just to give us a better balance and someone to beat a player in the final third, is Matondo far away?



24 Oct 2023 21:10:19
Does any one know if you don't use a season ticket for 4 games in a row do rangers sell it on without your permission?


1.) 24 Oct 2023 22:21:28
There was rumours of that going about but if you pay for a season it's yours wether you use it ot not surely.

2.) 24 Oct 2023 22:35:09
Yea that’s right barber . They sell it through seat sub whereas you get a percentage off your next season ticket or shop tokens .
Worse than that you have to reapply to get it back . I think if you put it on seat sub though it didn’t count as a non attendance.
Don’t agree with it but what can you do?
cannot even buy Broxi bear in the shop now . so it’s a strip or a scarf and that’s it.

3.) 24 Oct 2023 22:38:03
Would seriously don’t it. You would have bought all the games for that season at the very least. And as far as I know you always have the right to renew - hence the reason there can never be a return to the 8000 away fans.

In fact the seat next to mine was empty for nearly two seasons. During that time I asked the ticket office if I could take it for the boy but said it was a season ticket holders and they kept renewing every year.

4.) 24 Oct 2023 22:40:48
Don’t have a clue on that one mate but can I ask why u ask that?

My thoughts are if u pay for the seat it’s yours for the year whether u use it or not, surely?

5.) 24 oct 2023 22:46:17
wouldn't have thought that was even legal mate, never known that to occur, i think that would be challenged by plenty of people who work away or whatever, i'm sure that is false.

6.) 24 Oct 2023 22:48:52
Barber I’m sure I read that somewhere, apparently they email u.

7.) 24 Oct 2023 22:49:47
Can't imagine so as you've paid for it.

8.) 24 Oct 2023 23:22:06
Best thing to do is phone customer service mob.

9.) 24 Oct 2023 23:24:28
Just incase you die and don't inform them they will replace your presence in the stadium.

10.) 25 Oct 2023 00:33:51
It happened on Saturday iv got a ST and so does my daughter but she hasn't been lately, turned up and her ST went red sneaked her in with me and when I got to our seats there was a woman with a paper ticket sitting in her seat, asked the steward and he said as she's got a paper ticket she gets priority WTF so I got moved, tried emailing as you can't phone them but no reply as of yet, madness.

11.) 25 Oct 2023 00:43:19
Also I'm travelling from rothesay so it's no a short trip to not get in when its slready been paid for.

12.) 25 Oct 2023 00:45:37
I have family in New York, Sydney and Toronto who are season ticket holders and attend maybe two games each season. They have never been threatened with this and have had their seats for many years.

13.) 25 Oct 2023 05:34:53
Customer service is terrible Barber, I would t waste my time on the phone or emailing. Next home game go a bit earlier and go to the ticket office and speak to them. It sounds like they might have changed their policy this year but can’t imagine them seat subbing your ticket and not notifying you. The good thing though it sounds like your daughter will have quite a bit of credit saved up.

14.) 25 Oct 2023 08:13:48
Absolutely ridiculous I'd take that to a lawyer. You pay for your season book you should decide what to do with it.

15.) 25 Oct 2023 08:19:41
I posted last night about this but I don't know where the post has gone? Ed, where'd it go?

Section 7 clause 2 of the terms and conditions details exactly what happens and how to avoid losing your season ticket.

{Ed001's Note - it must be the link has got swallowed up in the spam filter as we get problems with sites such as SkyBet spamming the sites with spam links: 25 Oct 2023 00:01:10
Link to the Ts and Cs. Copy into the address bar of your broswer.

https:/ / tickets. rangers. co. uk/ PagesPublic/ UserControlled/ TermsAndConditions. aspx#step9.

16.) 25 Oct 2023 09:05:36
It's not a good thing if you pay a fortune from rothesay to go to a game only to be told you can't get in with your season book.

17.) 25 Oct 2023 09:33:21
Thanks Ed, there was a much longer post where I posted the clause in full for Barber. Is that in the spam folder too?

{Ed001's Note - must have gone in there too as it also has a link: 24 Oct 2023 23:57:11
Section 7, clause 2 of the Season Ticket Terms and Conditions.

If you do not attend Ibrox for four consecutive home first team Scottish Premiership matches and do not respond to the email messages sent to you by the Club, your Smartcard will be deactivated for subsequent matches (other than Old Firm matches) unless and until you reclaim your seat. You can reclaim your seat by emailing Seatsub@Rangers. co. uk up to 48hours before the match or, if within 48 hours of the match at www. rangers. co. uk/ myaccount by logging into your account, checking the box for the match from which you wish to reclaim your seat, clicking continue and selecting the appropriate reason and clicking continue again. To be valid for a forthcoming fixture, your seat must be reclaimed, and Smartcard reactivated at least 24 hours prior to that fixture. Where practicable and where the Club has an up to date contact number, it will seek to contact you by phone before deactivating your smart card.

18.) 25 Oct 2023 10:07:34
Yea that’s it exactly KF nice one . As I say
I think if you sub out your seat normally it dosnt count as a non attendance.
It only started end of last season .
It used to be you could sub your tick out and get full refund . not now .
My biggest gripe is there is no merchandise like there used to be like videos ( no that’s there’s a lot to watch again lol) and stuff like that .
I’ve been looking for an authentic Broxi bear .
They used to have them all sizes now nothing .
They could make a fortune.

19.) 25 Oct 2023 10:19:47
Ps seat sub you only get a percentage of the value of the seat in tokens or subtracted from your next season ticket.

20.) 25 Oct 2023 10:21:31
Thanks Ed.

{Ed001's Note - very welcome.}

21.) 25 Oct 2023 13:44:48
Thanks guys ? quick update I actually got a reply AND the reason IS that because my daughter hasn't attended 4 games in a row and hasn't seat subbed her ticket the club automatically sell your ticket on,



25 Sep 2023 22:43:21
Interesting to see our ex-kitman is now off to join Gerrard in Saudi after being forced out the club, bomber brown also relieved of his duties.


1.) 25 Sep 2023 23:24:07
Someone posted this question a few weeks back asking if anyone knew what had happened with Jim Mcallister as he’s noticed he wasn’t around dug out anymore.
It was a bran new poster so I can’t mind the name but there u go eh, apparently he left in summer.

2.) 25 Sep 2023 23:50:07
Stevie you'll get slaughtered for not remembering a name.

3.) 26 Sep 2023 00:46:37
Aye well happens to best of us Jfm lol ??.

4.) 26 Sep 2023 06:34:11
I've posted something on the rumours site lads regarding McAlister. From what I have read elsewhere, and from reliable posters, there was a major fallout between McAlister and Bisgrove which led to Jim getting the sack. Apparently a number of the players are not happy with the sacking and have turned against Bisgrove.

5.) 26 Sep 2023 07:56:53
Raise the roofe. Fallout started re Beale, McAllister does not come out off this well.

6.) 26 Sep 2023 08:33:40
What are you hearing John? From what I've read, Beale had nothing to do with it.
Please don't think I'm saying you're wrong, I'm just posting what I have read.

7.) 26 Sep 2023 10:14:47
Raise, sticky fingers, Beale took it to Bisgrove who instigated the investigation.

8.) 26 Sep 2023 11:26:39
Did a youth player not get accused by this aswell John? Maybe just an excuse to get rid of people without a severance pay?

9.) 26 Sep 2023 13:59:07
Yes re youth player, , beadle not so sure it’s about saving money, more bad press re club.

The youth player was caught bang to right, the first team player he allegedly stole from tried to save his job, gerrard would not allow it.



17 Jul 2023 19:54:01
Anybody know what's the script with the kitman?


1.) 17 jul 2023 21:12:42
usually prepares and lays out the kit i believe.

2.) 17 Jul 2023 21:53:44
How do u mean barber?

3.) 18 Jul 2023 00:04:34
Last I heard he was sponsored by persil.



26 Jun 2023
New image uploaded to the
Rangers Player Sightings page entitled, Why when you contact the rangers store regarding your recent purchase, do you receive an email from sports direct?

Click picture for larger image


1.) 27 Jun 2023 01:10:56
Fat Cashley still has his big greedy hands in the pot of honey at Ibrox unfortunately. For those of you who think otherwise then you are deluded.

Unfortunately he will be involved for the foreseeable future as we are likely to renew our contract with Castore once it’s due to expire in June next year. This is due to the agreement that was settled with Ashley out of court.

We have Charles the Clown Green to thank for allowing the Fat Cat into our club. It will take a while to get rid of him.

2.) 27 Jun 2023 04:52:30
Lets not forget dave king in all this.

3.) 27 Jun 2023 05:00:36
Our castore kit deal expires in 2025 mate, not next year!

4.) 27 Jun 2023 06:01:20
Sooner the better.

5.) 27 Jun 2023 06:19:53
Correct paul Dave king has a lot to do with this.

6.) 27 Jun 2023 11:11:59
How is this saga with Ashley still going on.
How has he still got fingers touching rangers.
It's an absolute mess if he's still taking money or court cases with him.
Heads should role for this saga. And that's the rangers people at the top.

As for king, well the less I say ??.




Barber2's rumour replies


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13 Jan 2024 15:57:29
Nothing would suprise me when bisgroves involved guy is a snake.




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27 Sep 2023 23:07:33
Brummie absolute rubbish the players were at his house backing him up now why would they visit him at his private address if they thought he ruubbsh at his job, the players and management were told by bisgrove to not discuss it.




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26 Sep 2023 13:29:49
I can 100% guarantee the accusations against Jim are false it's currently in the hands of the lawyers,




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09 Feb 2023 18:38:39
Seen a fair bit of Ure play and il be honest iv never been Overly impressed by the boy, don't feel he will ever be a starter.




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24 Jan 2023 20:58:35
Gotta to agree iv saw absolutely nothing in sands to suggest he is capable of becoming a decent player, no pace, no skill, no vision just don't see what he's got.





Barber2's banter replies


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30 May 2024 20:29:11
Good riddance an absolute rat of a man with absolutey no morals.




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27 Apr 2024 21:59:34
Guys he clearly got his feet positioned wrong not a chance was that a dive dunno what yous are seeing ??‍♂️.




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14 Mar 2024 20:16:10
England won't win the euros and its not because of their squad its because Southgates loyalty to players past it.




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20 Feb 2024 22:27:30
Tbf if you read what he supposedly said i think he's bang on ??‍♂️.




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10 Feb 2024 22:02:32
I actually thought jack was decent, and i'd give him another year deal.




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