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Giogiogiogio's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Giogiogiogio's rumours posts


11 May 2023 14:19:26
Any truth in the rumour that we have had a 7.5M bid rejected for USA forward Haji Wright?


1.) 11 May 2023 16:35:06
Nope we did not push the boat out for skov Olsen Simon's and others who have a much higher profile why would people think we would bid crazy amount for hagi.

2.) 11 May 2023 16:52:28
Maybe they just thought Brugge and PSV were better options Gofor or maybe they wanted too much money. Lots of fine details in player transfers. 100s of reasons why players don’t choose rangers or choose other clubs. Also we have a new chairman, new chief exec so how do you know we won’t go as high as £7.5m? The answer is you don’t and neither do I.

3.) 11 May 2023 18:29:27
We payed 7 for Kent.

4.) 11 May 2023 19:14:37
Heard we were offered £7.5m for Hagi and Wright.

5.) 11 May 2023 19:15:34
Every chance a bid was made. Lots of factors come into players, agents, Countries. salaries, Champions league football.
So yeah, every chance.

6.) 13 May 2023 07:59:07
We might have made a bid, but the sources are all Turkish papers. They aren't exactly well known for printing facts.



23 Jan 2023 12:29:49
Some of the Rangers boys have started to follow Cantwell on Instagram. i'd imagine announcement will be close.


1.) 23 Jan 2023 17:17:10
It’s happening today.

2.) 23 Jan 2023 18:24:33
Scotty it happened at five.



22 Jul 2022 11:16:58
Not sure how valid this rumour is, but I've seen a couple of reports that we are considering a loan deal for Wolves Patrick Cutrone. Anyone else heard this?


1.) 22 Jul 2022 11:26:52
Seen that. Could see morelos going if that's the case. He was never going to work in England at that age leaving Italy but I think he would walk it up here. Would be a good signing if loan to buy. No point in a straight loan.



04 Jul 2022 11:09:49
According to reports POAK have agreed to sign a ST from Dusseldorf. Colak could/ should be announced next 48 hours.


1.) 04 Jul 2022 11:34:22
They signed a winger.

2.) 04 Jul 2022 11:53:02
Yes they did, no idea why Scottish media reckon a utility winger is a direct replacement for a striker. A RM/ RW/ RB no less.

3.) 04 Jul 2022 12:26:18
Rfcrb. Totally lazy journalists.

4.) 04 Jul 2022 12:48:21
Honesty I'd tell them to bolt it's a farce we've agreed a fee but he's still appearing for them in friendlies we are making ourselves look like real mugs here.

5.) 04 Jul 2022 12:57:41
If PAOK delay this any longer we should move on to other targets . Colak looked decent but we must have other players on our lists that could do the same job.




Giogiogiogio's banter posts with other poster's replies to Giogiogiogio's banter posts


03 Jul 2023 21:21:15
Looks like dessers getting announced tomorrow.




14 Feb 2023 16:06:29
King has ended the share agreement with Club 1872. Anyone know more about this?


1.) 14 Feb 2023 16:59:23
Just what King said, take up was slow and he didn't see it getting better anytime soon with people's finances in the current climate.

2.) 14 Feb 2023 16:59:29
Gio plain and simple 1872 can’t raise money to buy shares.

3.) 14 Feb 2023 17:51:42
Not the full details but i have heard today that Helander will not play for Rangers again, he will be gone, another class act if he was not injury prone, a great goal against Hearts Big Phil top man.

4.) 14 Feb 2023 18:15:57
Obviously they can’t come up with the money.
No surprise as they are a basket case. Which normally happens when you have thousands of fans in an organisation with differing opinions on what direction to take even though though the original idea of Club1872 was a good idea.
And let’s not forget King is a business man. And for all the good intentions of selling his shares to them at an agreed price, he won’t wait around forever as he seeks a return on his original investment. Which is also his prerogative.

5.) 14 Feb 2023 18:35:49
Don't think enough fans took up the option.

6.) 14 Feb 2023 18:43:22
So does anyone know who he is now selling them too?

7.) 14 Feb 2023 21:12:10
Most fans would rather buy shares from the club as the money goes to the club where as buying them from King gives him the money. That is why he fell out with the board as they were pointing out to fans to buy shares in club share issues to invest in the club. He was never getting his money back with this scheme, he`ll probably sell to this American wummin we keep hearing about.

8.) 14 Feb 2023 21:34:21
Stig here is a serious question.
If you were selling something, would you not sell it to someone with the dosh who was willing to buy it?
Unfortunately c1872 only have enough money to buy the rear window of Daves car so they ain't driving home for xmas.

9.) 15 Feb 2023 02:41:16
I think Gibson will buy them. think he has the deepest pockets.

10.) 15 Feb 2023 12:29:45
Lithium at present Gibson says he will invest in club not an individual who will take the money away.



30 Jan 2023 16:19:27
Sky Sports reporting that Raskin will be our 2nd signing of the window. Usually when they post something it happens.


1.) 30 Jan 2023 16:36:56
Romano posted it 1st. Would take his word over Sly sports.

2.) 30 Jan 2023 17:16:16
Never understood why people call sky sly.

3.) 30 Jan 2023 17:21:59
Sky aren’t the sky of old.

Usually last to know to be honest.

4.) 30 Jan 2023 17:29:54
Storm for me. Is because K is right next to L on my phone. And av got fat fingers ??.

5.) 30 jan 2023 19:31:05
a typo.

6.) 30 jan 2023 19:31:49
im same paul, so are lots, a typo obvs.



14 Jul 2022 12:18:56
Helender out again. Love the big man but he's just picking up a wage now. Time to try move him on imo.


1.) 14 Jul 2022 13:12:08
If he is so injury prone who will buy him!

2.) 14 Jul 2022 13:19:56
Gggg, who is going to bid/ buy anyone who can't get fit! Helander/ Jack/ Roofe to name a few?
Best bet is to let them find another club and get them off the wage bill. imo.

3.) 14 Jul 2022 13:31:09
Agreed Gio, good defender too injury prone, if possible i'd like us to move him on.

4.) 14 Jul 2022 13:51:56
Who will take an injured player with his record of injuries, oh wait we do. Not as easy saying get rid, need a club willing to take the risk on him. Our best cb when fit right enough.

5.) 14 Jul 2022 14:12:20
I think we can be certain he won’t get an extension.

6.) 14 Jul 2022 14:15:25
Roofe would pass a medical and can see us having interest in him if rumours are true. Unfortunately Helander is in a different category.

7.) 14 Jul 2022 15:04:56
Big man’s still worth 1 million better than nothing and off the wage bill.

8.) 14 Jul 2022 17:11:17
Sad news that. Feel sorry for the big man as it must be tough on him physically and mentally. Great player with horrendously bad luck when it comes to picking up injuries.



01 Jul 2022 12:07:52
The mob across town have spent almost 20 million on 3 players. We on the other hand are struggling to find 2.5 million for 1 player. I'm starting to worry.


1.) 01 Jul 2022 12:28:18
If this new left back of theirs is as good as we’re led to believe they’re going to have a very good left hand side with him and jota. I believe hatate plays in left hand side of their mf aswell so it’s a good left hand side.
I still feel joe hart is a poor keeper and j don’t think their centre back are great but Juranovic is a good player and they’re good in mf and attack.

We do need to step it up a gear or they are favourites at the minute.

2.) 01 Jul 2022 12:30:55
They also seem to get top dollar for their players as well. At board level they are miles ahead of ours.

3.) 01 Jul 2022 12:33:10
They've spent nearly £15m on 2 players that were already there last year. Obviously they are good players and its good for them to keep them but that doesn't make them stronger than they already were.

They've upgraded a left back and a back up goalie, hardly anything to panic about.

4.) 01 Jul 2022 12:33:22
We aren’t winning a thing this year if we don’t get the finger out and people saying but we made a European final last year need to remember we never won that ether.

5.) 01 Jul 2022 12:43:47
They’ve added a squad player and signed 2 players that were on loan. ?‍♂️
A lot of money to stand still.

6.) 01 Jul 2022 12:51:39
We retain players like Goldson, they spend 12 million on two loans, so not enhanced team.

7.) 01 Jul 2022 12:59:22
Their left back is an improvement and they beat us last year. Plenty time but as yet we need to catch up and overtake. Our signings this far don’t inspire me with confidence however it’s early yet.

8.) 01 Jul 2022 12:59:42
We’re planning for second place and the Europa league guys, we need to lower our expectations over the next 4 or 5 seasons. Unfortunately we’re miles off the pace and I reckon I’ll spend more time worrying about Hearts than Celtic. Thankfully we still have Gio as his tactics are outstanding, he is our greatest asset just now. I just hope we don’t lose him during this season.

9.) 01 Jul 2022 13:10:43
People saying squad players like sigurest isn’t a great keeper can’t speak for the defender tho.

10.) 01 Jul 2022 13:11:22
Let them spend money and not improve their team from last season.

11.) 01 Jul 2022 13:15:21
What's with the love in for Celtic? Get a grip! They were a bang average side who benefitted from us changing manager mid-season and having a blip in our results. We still have a better team than them. Don't give me all this nonsense about them signing quality, not one of you has seen them play other than 30 second on YT.

We will prevail.

12.) 01 Jul 2022 13:34:06
We have seen jota sigurest and vickers play but lol.

13.) 01 Jul 2022 13:36:36
Its 1st july. wake up and smell the calendar. do people understand the power of positive thinking?

Loads of time yet.

14.) 01 Jul 2022 13:56:58
A don’t watch players on YouTube bouncy but I understand your point one which I made was boilngi was supposed to be a good player and cost a similar fee and flopped so I take that on board but my point is if the left back is as good as we’re led to believe….
they are a not too bad team and they’re only going to get Better after a full season together
We had this char last summer when folk didn’t want to talk about them my point is the same as then…. They’re our biggest challengers and so not to analyse them is just ignorant.

15.) 01 Jul 2022 14:16:00
They also signed the jap guy with the tash they had on loan 5 players we are sleeping.

16.) 01 Jul 2022 14:44:19
Usual throwing the towel in before the season has even started - embarrassing for the blue side of town to be stooping to the green level.

17.) 01 jul 2022 15:39:30
should we simply sign a player every tim they do?

if you’re so ill with worrying then shut yourself off for 6 weeks then come back, if you’re able without crying like babies, we are rangers, we don’t care a flying xxxx what they do,
how on earth has anything changed except we have a new ch and they have a new lb, ? , , get a grip of yourselves and remember who you suppo.

18.) 01 Jul 2022 16:00:59
We're Dooooomed ???????.

19.) 01 Jul 2022 16:16:24
C’mon Tom nobody’s throwing towels in mate and if h look back at my posts lately I’m one who is relatively positive regarding what we have done so far.
I think we have a good core squad. A RW, colak, and a left centre back and I’d be happy to go at that.
We don’t need a lot of work most of our business is in tying down contracts.
We can afford to let aribo go, a few fringe players and then one out one in. We don’t need a lot of work just a really good RW imo.

20.) 01 Jul 2022 16:31:50
Imagine a stadium full of these wet wipes ?‍♂️.

21.) 01 Jul 2022 16:49:23
Tango so it’s ok they signed three that were there last year.

We have signed four that we’re there last year.

22.) 01 Jul 2022 16:59:31
Tom Thumb no one’s crying and I think we all know who we support. The point some people are making us a fair one for example we muck about with 2m signings and they’re free tying their business done early. I remember when Gerrard done the same everyone was saying it was great that no one knew what was going on and we had all our business done early and that’s the way it should be. Now we’re saying the window’s just open and give it time etc. changing opinions like the wind.
Let me ask you two questions, 1. Do you expect a signing or two that will go straight into our first team?
2. Do you think our chances of qualifying for Champions league would be better with first team signings being done early rather than a week or two before the qualifiers?

23.) 01 Jul 2022 17:13:45
Alloa are you going to ignore the point John has made?




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02 Jul 2024 16:53:53
Absolutely sick to the back teeth of reading about Shankland on this site. It's just the same old names over and over again.




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15 Oct 2023 15:46:45
Vincent Mannaert admitted he nearly lost his job at Bruges due to being an alcoholic. Not sure him working for us and living in Glasgow is going to help with that haha.




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31 Jan 2023 18:57:59
So many reports saying we are done with transfers this window. I don't see anyone else coming in.




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21 Nov 2022 21:53:40
Davie he follows us on Instagram. For how long I do not know.




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15 Jul 2022 10:08:05
Once again another loan.





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22 Nov 2022 21:21:31
Love it.




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