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20 Aug 2022 19:28:17
Apparently Kris Boyd said on Sky that Morelos has not been training well, dunno if that means struggling or not trying. If the latter and his petulance today, doesn't come across as a player close to signing a new deal and happy to be there. As for Kent, I really don't see what others do. Least Matondo tries to take people on. Kent seems scared, like 35 mins in he had lots of space but stalled the attack.

Highland Blue

1.) 20 Aug 2022 20:02:01
Kent beat 3 people today should have shot but decided to try and beat a 4th.

2.) 20 Aug 2022 20:22:49
Think the criticism of Morelos is harsh today. yes it was stupid but 9/ 10 in spl ref give yellow and Stern talking too but because of his previous ref goes straight for red he was determined to make up for his penalty errors in first half . first for me wasn't a pen as colak was nowhere near it. Hibs could have had a pen. Lundstrum decision was outrageous I like many thought at first he had been booked earlier and maybe just missed it but when realise it was straight red my mind instantly jumped to Hibs boys tackle on lundstrum first half carbon copy. Collum is done a s top grade ref and rangers should pursue this with spfl.

3.) 20 Aug 2022 20:49:21
Iv heard gio losing patience with both I think we'll hear more after we'd night as to whether they stay or don't. I'm 1 of the fans now of opinion time for both to go as long as we can get replacements. Can't remember last time Kent played well for more than 10 mins here and there.

4.) 20 Aug 2022 20:57:50
I’ve got to admit I’ve personally had my fill of Morelos. He’s being eying a move since he got here and he wouldn’t be here if anyone actually wanted him. His petulance has cost us time and time again throughout his career. Time to go for me personally and I get he’s hard to replace but I’d still let go if we get a bid.

5.) 20 aug 2022 20:58:17
forever doing that, yet borna takes the stick, gio has a big job on now, his recent decisions havnt been good, i hope davies yilmaz and soutter are ready soon because the defence is also a bombscare.

6.) 20 Aug 2022 21:06:15
Kris Boyd is full of it.

7.) 20 Aug 2022 21:21:31
Kris Boyd is full of rubbish.

Morelos was expected to be back from injury middle of September, his work in rehab and training put him in contention for games a month earlier.

8.) 20 Aug 2022 21:31:31
Gio undoubtedly has big decisions to make before this transfer window closes at midnight, on the 1st of september ?.

9.) 20 Aug 2022 21:40:41
lile bid for Morelos 15 million and we knocked it back because it was the 10 in a row season.

10.) 20 Aug 2022 21:44:21
I agree with gofor

Blue mark have to disagree with you on Morelos I have never anything from him where he has said he wants to leave.

11.) 20 Aug 2022 21:55:23
Wasn’t just the foul he got sent of for Go, he had the kick at the player as well. It was like he was trying to get sent off.

12.) 20 Aug 2022 22:39:09
Walter I agree on Kent . look at how matondo played v stjohnstone not far off man of match and more of an end product can't remember last time Kent actually hit target also his overall return for a rangers forward is poor.

13.) 20 Aug 2022 22:43:32
Never been a fan of Morelos, let us down badly with his discipline previously, he was completely undroppable for the entire time he's been at the club and not getting straight back into the team after his injury has clearly pissed him off.
Yes, he has scored goals but the chances that he misses one on one with a keeper highlight that he is overrated in a big way.

Had Roofe had as many games as Morelos he probably would have scored more goals IMO. Roofe has a devent return as it is for the amount of games he has played.

All Kent does is run into traffic 99% of the time.

14.) 20 Aug 2022 23:08:55
Agree Tom, our defence is all over the place at times, needs to improve quickly, massive game Wednesday night.

15.) 21 Aug 2022 00:37:31
He didn’t get sent off for that kick that’s irrelevant.

16.) 21 Aug 2022 01:40:42
Matondo was rotten today, tav lost his marbels with him, numerous times in the first half, fir his honking leg work and positioning as well as link up play. I honestly haven't been impressed by matondo. Also thought mclaughlin was like a superglued subbuteo keeper, couldn't fault sands, Jack was mince he runs like stone cold Steve Austin in the knee braces, lunny never a red card, Kent hot and cold trigger shy, Lawrence not at his best but did enough with 11 men, colak thought he had another good game. Morelos don't think was a red bit silly boy none the less. Hivs first goal was offside. Wille colum cost us 2pts today make no mistake about it. Sfa corrupt to the core. Whilst psv had the weekend off.

17.) 21 aug 2022 04:22:22
dunno why kris boyd is getting abuse, a fantastic striker and a legend, , now he's an idiot for saying whhat he believes

do we have no respect for any of our former heroes now, alf has diosgraced the jersey many many times, boyd never did,

18.) 21 Aug 2022 07:42:42
Morelos is a child embarrassing thinks he's untouchable well he's been partying a lot until 5 in the morning not good enough and Kent is not improving so should get what we can and hopefully we get through on Wednesday and can replace them none of the 2 of them should get offered new contracts.

19.) 21 Aug 2022 08:17:01
Stephen, where is he partying.

20.) 21 Aug 2022 09:14:08
Boyd never disgraced the jersey? Maybe you should have a look at Boyd’s last season with us.

21.) 21 Aug 2022 09:16:07
Morelos is our top scorer in European history. Put a bit of respect on his name.

22.) 21 Aug 2022 10:05:21
Correct CF5.

23.) 21 Aug 2022 10:08:30
With 1 of the mcghee sons you know how I know that I deliver flour to mcghees in Springburn.

24.) 21 Aug 2022 10:46:28
Highland, I must have been watching a different game! Matondo touched the ball no more than 20 times, he got in the way of Tav when he overlapped and he didn't back track. It was one of the poorest performances I have seen from a Rangers player. As for Kent, my biggest criticism of him today was that he didn't shoot on a couple of occasions when he had the opportunity to do so. Perhaps we sometimes expect the guy to do too much.
With regard to Morelos I was disappointed in him today. Before the sending off he had a fly kick at one of the Hibs players then he was in Colum's face at the Lundstram incident. That referee was just waiting for an excuse and Morelos played right into his hands. A total lack of discipline and perhaps frustration.

25.) 21 Aug 2022 10:47:21
How can you give Morelos any respect after that, we had the same crap off him two seasons ago when SG had enough of this same petulant behaviour.
Personally think we are abetter team going forward without him or Kent.
Total disgrace against Hibs, I wouldn't have bought him on.
Would have been wiser to bring Sakala on

As for Kent he just plays at being skillful, half the time he fools himself, runs past the ball, gets muscled off to easy and not seen anything near a return from him in over a season.

A waste of a place in my opinion.

Get them both sold.

26.) 21 Aug 2022 11:00:22
You lot need go get a bloody grip of yourselves. Morelos' first red card in 3 years and you've all turned on him with the press of a button. No mention of Connor goldson who has bottled it and ducked out the way of the goal, or allowed 2 free attempts which cost goals on Wednesday. Morelos is an easy target. You lot should be disgusted with yourselves.

27.) 21 Aug 2022 11:01:42
Morelos can party to 6 in the Morning for all i care, it's what he does on the pitch that I'm interested in.

28.) 21 Aug 2022 11:04:03
Denial of the situation JR1972 its common on here.

29.) 21 Aug 2022 11:21:33
Mark44 that attitude is the reason he's in such a mess. We ain't in the 80s or 90s anymore these players are paid a handsome amount of money to be professional I'm what they do.

30.) 21 Aug 2022 11:21:49
It’s his first red card in 3 years. He’s put in a lot of hard work this summer, the most he’s been settled at the club since his arrival.

He’s worked his arse off in training and rehab to get back in match day squads atleast a month earlier than the club thought but yeah you’ll still get the same people saying he’s not interested and that he’s fat and all that rubbish.

31.) 21 Aug 2022 11:23:19
And 23 goals/ assists for Ryan Kent last season.

Maybe you should have a look at the manager and his pragmatic tactics we’ve seen domestically since he arrived.

Slow boring ponderous rubbish football.

32.) 21 Aug 2022 11:42:59
Copland1 he came off the bench with the wrong attitude yesterday; it was Morelos of old. Do you think the smirking helped his cause when he got sent off. Looked to me like he didn't care so I wonder how his teammates felt that worked hard to be winning felt about it.

33.) 21 Aug 2022 11:44:17
Copland I agree fredo practically played so much he got injured last year. He's still the best striker at the club. Also I'm with you with on gio not sure it's his tactics where I think he's very good it's getting a decent tempo.

34.) 21 Aug 2022 11:46:24
Kent only scored 3 goals last season in all competitions. He clearly lacks an end product.

35.) 21 Aug 2022 12:02:35
20 assists Kent had.

36.) 21 Aug 2022 12:03:30
Does he score enough? No obviously not.

But you can’t just say he’s not got an end product considering the amount of assists.

37.) 21 Aug 2022 12:09:03
Sweep what evidence do u have Morelos is partying till all ours.

38.) 21 Aug 2022 12:46:29
Connor Goldson, always shouting at others has cost us more goals than any other player.
If I seen a player duck out the way of a shot in, he'd be dropped like a hot potato.
Between him and tav our right side defensively has been shocking for years.

39.) 21 Aug 2022 12:59:52
The fact Ryan Kent can only manage 3 goals in a game he played about 50 games tells me everything I need to know about his end product. The reason Liverpool let him go was because he lacked an end product. Yesterday, against Hibs, he was right in front of goal and STILL wouldn’t shoot.

Can he dribble past players? Yeah, he’s one of the best I’ve ever seen at it. However, his lack of end product is the reason no big money clubs are interested. If Kent could score goals we’d be selling him for £20m.

Bottom line is he doesn’t have an end product.

40.) 21 Aug 2022 13:05:16
John25 I deliver to mcghees in Springburn and been told from the guys that work there 1 of the mcghee sons not the first time I have been told.

41.) 21 Aug 2022 13:25:39
Morelos is coming back from a long term injury, he's ahead of schedule, if he is partying some nights I don't see the problem in that, he's living in a goldfish bowl in scotland, if he likes going to private partys I can't see the harm in it.

42.) 21 Aug 2022 13:29:46
Stephen sorry not buying it, he would be nowhere near bench if true.

43.) 21 Aug 2022 14:46:53
Come on guys yes we all agree Morelos was a stupid petulant player yesterday and deserved his red but it’s his first in three years he’s been out for nearly six months with a bad injury, I’m sure he’s frustrated at not playing and he’s worked hard to get back ahead of schedule, let’s not throw the baby out with the dishwater, we are a better team with Alphie in it when he fully fit and firing on all cylinders, i for one hope he signs a new contract and stays, he has time now with his suspension to look at his behaviour and I’m sure he regrets it he sorted himself out before and I’m sure he will again and be back to his best I only hope with us, Kent for me is a terrific player very exciting on the ball but for some reason he hasn’t done it lately hence the lack of goals he needs to shoot far more often .
I’d like to see us move the ball far quicker we have pace in the team but it isn’t used enough this passing the ball backwards and across the defence slows the game down giving the opposition time to get back to their shape it’s not a nice watch but let’s not point the finger at one player.

44.) 21 Aug 2022 15:45:44
CF5,spot on mate regarding alfredo morelos as some of our supporters have very short memories ?I was disappointed and angry with him yesterday by stupidly getting himself sent off but some of the criticism is way over the top on alfie?Draw your horns in guys and think of what buff has produced for our football club ? He's been an outstanding signing for a mere £1million?.

45.) 21 aug 2022 17:09:50
boyd still a hero.

46.) 21 Aug 2022 17:17:49
I was out with Alfredo on Friday night . we were partying till about five in the morning then went for a kebab. He had two, we then went to the casino till ten where I met the girl of my dreams.

Doesn't make it true Stephen.

47.) 21 Aug 2022 17:31:49
That’s part time partying mols.

48.) 21 Aug 2022 20:07:08
Mols u r an amateur. I heard he did not arrive at Easter road till 1145. Had to borrow boots from Wright.

49.) 22 Aug 2022 11:06:13
OneWalt I'm starting to agree with you on Kent when was last time he actually scored as a rangers forward his numbers are shocking and for me trying to beat that 4th man was an indicator that even he thinks he can't shoot for rubbish and was trying to get more central to improve his odds ? seems to be a common theme with our players not wanting to shoot I'd never be critical of a player wanting to shoot if confident unless it was like that foden haaland situation the other week.

50.) 22 Aug 2022 17:41:22
Also think matondo criticism is harsh showed in stjohnstone game he's definitely a left winger Kent can't even score on left wing. We never seem to try switch the wingers which is pretty standard tactic when playing two wingers.




Highland Blue's banter posts with other poster's replies to Highland Blue's banter posts


30 Apr 2023 15:47:23
So Beale and Gio both took over in November, one won a trophy, one didn't. Gio got sacked the following season, will Mr Beale get the same treatment if he doesn't sort this team out. He's not delivered on the promises of even good football. We are just as bad at times if not worse than under Gio for mistakes. Time these players were sold and if can't get rid, dropped. Yes Gio struggled and was probably time to go but I still can't get rid of a niggle these players helped that happen and it's repeating itself under Beale. I personally didn't want him back and felt his did respect turning up at the Aberdeen game doesn't say much for him, but he's here now. time to show us what all the fuss is about on your coaching ability as so far it's only been one style and no backup.

Highland Blue

1.) 30 Apr 2023 16:01:36
You can’t polish a turd unfortunately and we need a massive rebuild. Beale has done well with the squad he’s been given. Gio had us absolutely rattled in these games and we were shocking domestically we would’ve lose the league weeks ago if he had stayed.

2.) 30 Apr 2023 16:05:18
Beale was a cheap choice and a hopefully back to 55 days. Hope I’m wrong but can’t see it working.

3.) 30 Apr 2023 16:07:22
Highland mb is left to gut a squad the 2 previous managers should've started and he's not far away from turning games like today's into wins I'm realistic ATM they have better players especially in the final 3rd but if he gets backed I'm sure he'll turn this around.

4.) 30 Apr 2023 16:09:01
If beale continues with these players like he said majority would be hear next season
Then he will be in big trouble and may end of facing same fate as gio next season if results not good at start.
This team need cleared out and replaced with quality not the same as we already have.

5.) 30 Apr 2023 16:11:23
Highland Bear, it is up to the Board to back Beale with whatever it takes, if they don't then the Support will demand a total change.
The quality of player signed since we won the league has been poor, we are not going to secure a top quality manager, even Sean Dyche turned us down!
This summer is going to be interesting. there are quality players available, will we sign them or will it be more third rate signings!



14 Apr 2023 10:22:06
Just seen another comment blaming MacGregor in part for Jotas goal in old firm game. I get MacGregor is slower but the guy is 40 and some people expecting him to win a footrace with a winger in his twenties. If you actually watch the goal, MacGregor does his job by forcing Jota wide. It's Souttar who makes two mistakes. The 1st is his passback and the 2nd is his reaction. He jogs back and only when Jota is round MacGregor and gets his shot off does he run fast to try catch the ball If he reacts as soon as balls left his foot I think he covers the line and clears the ball because MacGregor puts Jota wide.

Highland Blue

1.) 14 Apr 2023 10:43:52
We shouldn't have a 40yr old goalie trying to win a foot race. Both of them were at fault.

2.) 14 Apr 2023 10:51:39
A 40 year old with arthritis! The whole situation was a colossal sh#t show, and a farce!

3.) 14 Apr 2023 10:59:04
This love in with McGregor is beyond pathetic - he is paid to do a job and he is struggling just like our No2.

Souttar made the error and should have reacted faster but probably thought like me that McGregor would have had enough time to make the clearance.

Reality is that McGregor should have retired last year (if not before) but for whatever reason was needed (and wanted) to stay on because we did not sign a replacement.

4.) 14 Apr 2023 11:17:40
It was Souttar’s fault I don’t think anyone is doubting that I think the point people are making is that if we had a younger goalkeeper they probably could have bailed Souttar out by being quicker.

5.) 14 Apr 2023 11:21:12
Souter is just back and made a mistake and if Goldson was fit wouldn’t have started, McGregor is to old and was to slow. However if it was McCorrie it was out the park.

6.) 14 Apr 2023 11:24:57
If you are using age as an excuse for one of his frailties then he shouldn't be anywhere near the Rangers goal.

7.) 14 Apr 2023 11:47:45
Nobody is using his age as any excuse.
As much as I love McGregor, and in my opinion, is only behind Goram when it comes to our greatest ever keepers, he should never have been in that position in the first place! There was a colossal balls up when we never brought in a new keeper to replace him, and the dud, Mclaughlin. We only have ourselves to blame! Another reason why I believe RW was a failure!

8.) 14 Apr 2023 11:52:29
Our under 21 goalie wouldn’t have done anything different. I would think we will bring in a new goalie in the summer though.

9.) 14 Apr 2023 12:45:08
Check the OP's post again, BigBen.
He said:-
I get MacGregor is slower but the guy is 40 and some people expecting him to win a footrace with a winger in his twenties.
Not like you to misread?.

10.) 14 Apr 2023 12:56:38
John Soutter's fault 110%.

11.) 14 Apr 2023 13:02:21
It’s interesting that’s it’s just Souttars fault. Ryan Jack gives him a hospital pass which should never have been played to him, the ball should have been played forward. Souttar should have dealt with it better but it should never have gone to him with Celtic players bearing down on him in the first place. Souttar looked decent until that moment considering the game time he has had and the occasion. He stays fit and he’s first pick in the centre.

12.) 14 Apr 2023 13:07:41
I know what the post said, MPH, so what are you on about? My point is that this situation should never have happened If we had replaced McGregor like we needed to. Just having a 40 year old in goals, who is riddled with arthritis, is asking for trouble.
FGS, it's not hard to decipher what my post was stating. Try reading it right! ?.

13.) 14 Apr 2023 13:26:25
Souttar fault no one else’s.

14.) 14 Apr 2023 13:44:06
Jotas fault for being too fast.

15.) 14 Apr 2023 14:01:53
???? You're on fire today, TJBB. Infact, I'd say you're on a roll after your Mortons joke! I'll get my coat!

16.) 14 Apr 2023 14:06:25
Agree the situation with the goalies is bizarre.
McGregor in two stints with the club has been a great goalie for us, last season you could see the frailties coming into his game and costing us goals.
Start of last season we should have brought in a goalie.
McLaughlin gets the nod performed poorly then we replace him with the goalie that was already way past his best.
Don’t really know the situation with McCrorie and now he’s injured.
Not good.

17.) 14 Apr 2023 15:06:25
Your first line says:-
Nobody is using age as an excuse. Correct?
And yet the OP was blaming his age,
FGS, it's not hard to decipher what my post was stating. Try reading it right again! ?.

18.) 14 Apr 2023 16:47:48
Sorry MPH, I thought that was meant for me, nor OP. So I did read it wrong! Doh! You know me, I'll always own my balls up! ?.



01 Apr 2023 22:08:21
Another 2 goals from Tillman, not bad for a lazy luxury player.

Highland Blue

1.) 02 Apr 2023 07:24:18
He was quite lazy under gio but that most certainly hasn't been the case since beale came in? Tillman is a terrific young player and talented ?He'll hit double figures in the goalscoring stakes for you, as an attacking midfielder, every season imo.

2.) 02 Apr 2023 07:51:43
Tillman was not lazy under gio.
Most tackles and ground covered.

3.) 02 Apr 2023 08:32:59
It is only the way he looks on the park.

4.) 02 Apr 2023 10:18:00
Just needs to take a game v celtic.

5.) 02 Apr 2023 11:17:52
Correct John people just used that against him under gio which wasn’t true. It’s funny how some fans see games when stats say different.

6.) 02 Apr 2023 13:45:06
Tillman was never lazy at any time, he chased and tackled more than most.

7.) 02 Apr 2023 16:33:36
I hope the young man finds a performance on Saturday.
We need top performers in all areas or else it’s a celebration day for them.



18 Mar 2023 19:35:39
I see already the favours turned back to Morelos. Only last week people who doubted Colak were bigging him up, now the guys useless again. He was playing out of position most of the game. Should he of passed to Sakala? yes. Now people saying Morelos showing him how not to be greedy. Only because he couldn't get a shot off, Morelos like most strikers will have been in there careers are greedy too with chances. Colak might not be the answer but I think Morelos has had his time too. Kent is another one, he gets excuses made for him, never wanted a player to leave Rangers so much since I've supported them. Seems certain players have to be perfect every 90 mins yet others can have 1 good game in 5 and noone slates them. Take Matondo, been involved in about 8 games this season but been branded useless. Kent lucky if he's played 8 good games in 2 seasons. Just seems people see what they want and try change the narrative to suit certain players. Fact is the whole squad has been useless this season. And while I'm at it, I don't think Mr, I love my Voice Beale is the answer too.

Highland Blue

1.) 18 Mar 2023 23:32:11
Cheer up highland blue surely you must take something from an away win.

2.) 19 Mar 2023 08:09:41
Highland Blue, if you don't mind me asking mate, who would you want to be rangers manager instead of michael beale ?.

3.) 19 Mar 2023 11:12:45
I actually like Beale he’s grown on me since he came in

It’s the people above that are the main problem
just not very forth coming with information regarding club finances and what the future they see
Ross Wilson are they happy with his tenure are they happy with the scouting team performance over the past few seasons

does Beale know exactly how much him and Wilson have too bring players in and will Beale be more involved in picking players he wants?

Were the reasons Gerrard and Beale left first time around been remedied?

4.) 19 Mar 2023 16:44:34
Stig I’m very confused, u say we r not told about finances, they are published every single year as part off the accounts

I assume they support Wilson or they would dismiss him
Can u tell me why rangers would announce how much the manager has as a budget, simple look at summer window and January window indicates Gio and Beale spent 20 million plus.



26 Feb 2023 18:56:02
I'd normally be gutted but just mere disappointment as it unfortunately comes as no surprise we handed them that cup. I have thought for a long time what we are missing and one thing I always come back to is the there is a large amount of our team that don't seem to have a winning mentality. Tillman, I'd say let the game pass over him, but I'll be nice and say he didn't look fit, same with lundstrum. Raskin should of started, think most people thought that. Slow and sloppy in our passing. must of spent a fortune on telegrams for some of our play. I loved Morelos but I think it's time we need a more clinical main striker. Kent, well I've never been a fan, don't see what the fuss is about. Sakala, he smiles because we are paying him a fortune to pretend at being a top footballer. Our defence just gives the fear. MB, you need to do your talking on the pitch rather than in the papers.

Highland Blue

1.) 26 Feb 2023 19:24:07
HB I posted not long ago that our mentalty needs to change there's far too many players living off the winning 55. I'd look to move on BB kamara morelos mcgregor from todays starting 11 poss even tav and also MB has to take today on the chin he clearly got his midfield wrong and was imo looking to contain them rather than going out to win the cup a similar clear out they did after us winning 55 I fear our board won't spend the money needed.

2.) 26 feb 2023 19:28:58
i couldn't have put it more perfectly bear, agree with everthing,

we have a softness from cf to ch,

3.) 26 Feb 2023 20:12:58
Morelos had one half chance and Buried it, Kent was really poor and Raskin in hindsight should have started, Mooy and Hetate ran over us.

4.) 26 Feb 2023 20:27:04
Yes it was a pretty dismal showing by us, these games are normally won and lost in the middle of the park. We lacked energy and creativity and handed them the initiative. I know Malik Tillman is a gifted footballer but this is not the first time this game has passed him by. Lundstram is slow moving as is Kamara. Once again we are at a crossroads we need to clear out those that have failed to produce when given the chance . MB needs to be ruthless or else he will go the same way as Gio.




Highland Blue's rumour replies


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10 Aug 2022 18:38:14
I'd be surprised if we get £8m for Kent. Very frustrating player and talked up to much imo. Not having a go at the guy, as others rate him. I just think other players get slated for far less bad performances over the season.

Highland Blue




Highland Blue's banter replies


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28 Jun 2024 13:08:11
John2561, how to you make yourself available if your injured. It's a joke and your having a good at someone running down one of our players but you ran down a few by implying they were not wanting to play for their wages.

Highland Blue



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26 Apr 2023 12:06:35
A big split on Morelos on here. To me I don't think he is prolific enough, bar pre Gerrard as he played more as a penalty box player. For all his hold up play etc on his day, yes he is good. But I prefer my strikers to be in the box, not holding up the ball 50 yards out and getting the ball out wide to be popped into box and noone there. I get that's tactics but the difference now I think a lot of people see is Morelos no longer breaks his neck to get in the box like he may have before. His defenders always compare him to Colak, actually unfair on both as Alfie is a hold up man and Colak is a finisher. Both got the attributes we need in one person. I think Morelos and Kent need a new challenge and Rangers need fresh players who are hungrier. But they are the only ones needing changed.

Highland Blue



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17 Apr 2023 17:27:30
Not convinced on him yet, footballs still terrible but we shall see when he gets "his own team" seeing majority of the squad he apparently hasn't worked with before . oh and Gio as bad as he was beat them in a semi final.

Highland Blue



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14 Apr 2023 11:02:01
Paul, you've put Ryan Kent's stats as plainly as can be but some people still think this guy is going to drag our team to glory. He's not and I don't understand how people can defend him yet have a go at other players performances.

Highland Blue



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08 Apr 2023 17:01:08
Again we shoot ourselves in the foot. I thought generally we kept them and their fans quiet then bang, defensive errors. Heads go down, fight, if there really was any goes out the window. Frustrating watching us attack as it just like watching wee boys trying to muscle grown men out the way. I'd honestly get rid of the lot if we could. Kent needs to go, he is useless. Not having he has talent or a game in him, as if he had talent it would shine through more often than not and it's mainly been not. Morelos seemed more up for it at start of 2nd half but is to slow and could of caused more issues if he wasn't by getting on end of their bad passes in defence. Summed up for me the break near end of game where Kent, Morelos and Sakala between 3 of them couldn't get a shot of. Said to a mate that's it been hard watching and supporting this group for a few seasons, boring, gutless, frusrating. 3 different managers and apart from one season majority have underperformed for all 3 managers. Mr Beale better make sure his new signings have the mental ability as well as the footballing ability or he'll be seeing his replacement popping into the loudern for a pint.

Highland Blue



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