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31 Aug 2023 08:18:41
Shocker last night lads. We are getting battered this season and last in Europe. Needs fixed asap.
On a good note. I hear from very good sources we are submittung 750k bid for big Nouble from Livvie. Guy is really good and cheap for us.


1.) 31 Aug 2023 08:31:36
No chance.

2.) 31 Aug 2023 08:44:11
Champions league is just to high a level for Gers and its type of players. Any player that's good enough for Champions League is playing at the richer clubs. Just a fact.

Hopefully we can get a good run in Europa.

3.) 31 Aug 2023 08:46:47
Thats really not a good note at all. If going down that route go give hearts 4 mill for Shankland.

4.) 31 Aug 2023 08:54:58
Is Nouble considered a good thing? Sounds to me like desperation and a panic buy. Also no chance we pay Livi anything near that much for him.

5.) 31 Aug 2023 08:57:33
I was talking to a few guys at work last night and they said the same thing. Maybe some legs on that one.

6.) 31 Aug 2023 09:01:56
Oh good another striker to sit on the bench. Are you suggesting that having spent around £13m on Dessers Danilo and Lammers Michael Beale is now going to turn to a CF who is valued at around £750k it sounds like desperation, for the money spent on Dessers and Danilo Rangers could have bought both Nesbit and Shankland and probably still had some change leftover.

7.) 31 Aug 2023 09:07:17
When I was told that last night I thought. he cannot be any worse than what we have.

8.) 31 Aug 2023 09:11:29
Can only laugh at these attempts at baiting by first time posters.

9.) 31 Aug 2023 09:28:31
Why is that a good note? That would be the most ridiculous signing ever.

10.) 31 Aug 2023 09:29:50
We play with wing backs and going forward both Tav and Barasic are good. Defensively they are found wanting but that is where you need the quality to cover both at centre back and in midfield. We need a left sided centre back and have done for many years. We also need a more defensive minded hard tackling midfield player than Lunstrum, especially with jack nearing the end of his career. The last thing we need is more forwards, especially ones that can't put the ball in the net and it is a different game playing for rangers against packed defences than playing for Hearts, Hibs etc. If we want to challenge for the league and have credibility in Europe perhaps the manager should think about who will be the best fit for the team rather than just bringing in a bunch of players with no apparent game plan. What is more, good players settle in quickly as can be seen with the majority of players moving in the EPL. We should be looking to sign Souttar and a strong midfield player but inevitably we will sign no one!

11.) 31 Aug 2023 09:33:07
MB said it will be a quiet end to window. I presume all the cash is burned on the duds we have. Maybe Niuble is all we can afford.

12.) 31 Aug 2023 09:57:49
JimB is definitely one of them.

13.) 31 Aug 2023 10:01:34
Absolute ?.

14.) 31 Aug 2023 10:05:43
JimB and JammyB bit of a coincidence first time posts sound like the same person with different usernames?.

15.) 31 Aug 2023 10:07:54
Please just stop with the absolute jobby you heard nothing.

16.) 31 Aug 2023 10:19:18
Looking at the way desser plays he either needs a partner up front as second striker and play a 4-4-2 or he needs a player who will attack the box for him to flick on to as the 4-3-3 does not seem to suit his play.

17.) 31 Aug 2023 10:21:52
Jimbo, really trying to bash someone for being a first time poster? Like because you’ve posted a few times and replied more, your opinion is more valid? There’s too many people on here like you bashing posts on a rumour site! People post rumours and then give their personal opinions or insights.

18.) 31 Aug 2023 10:40:23
Sounded like Beale was saying last night no new players. For me the defence is the exact same as last year and that’s probably our biggest problem area. We need new CB and left back in my opinion.

19.) 31 Aug 2023 10:55:25
Our two LBs aren’t good enough but Greg Taylor (who we released from our own youth academy) is good enough and wins things with Celtic? None of this adds up. There is systemic failure at Ibrox. Mishandling of the youth academy, and incompetence when it comes to recruitment. This has been happening for years.

Until we sign players that are better than the guys we already had/ have we’re not going anywhere.

20.) 31 Aug 2023 11:25:41
Not sure what’s more worrying, our performance last night or people on here believing that JimB and JammyB are two different people. and Rangers fans at that ?.

21.) 31 Aug 2023 12:01:28
Verdant, you mention a worrying trend. We've got Murray Park and excellent youth set up but individuals who can't pick nose nevermind youthful talent.

22.) 31 Aug 2023 12:06:06
Last night was embarrassing I've tried to give MB the benefit of the doubt and a bit of time for thew lads but sorry it has to be said he's clueless. Did he even watch the 1st half yesterday? If so what on earth made him think the same team and tactics would work in the 2nd half? Almost every game this season we've been crying out for a change, a sub different tactics but he keeps on trying to wing it. 5-6 million new boy sitting on the bench Dessers again a waste of space we have been ripped off there all this money on a new strike force that's producing less than the last one did and NO mobey spent on an ageing suspect defence that's struggled now for a few YEARS. Might get slated for this but forget Champiobs League concentrate on winning domestically 1st and from what I've seen of everything so far i totally agree Nouble has shown far more than any of our lads has and i'm also impressed with Youhann from Hibs too i'd happily take the both of them but Defence needs major overhaul ASAP.

23.) 31 Aug 2023 12:10:22
sold saakkala n colak for a 6 mill bench warmer and our defense iis shocking mediocre performance can't see us doing wewell if we don'timprove rapidly.

24.) 31 Aug 2023 13:18:20
Verdant you having a laugh concerning Taylor?

25.) 31 Aug 2023 13:20:47
New to this, could I ask is that the type of nonsense regularly posted as a "rumour" ?

26.) 31 Aug 2023 18:47:57
Berkshire I think the Raskin should play as the deeper midfielder with cantwell left and cifu right or vice Versa the whole team never played well last night the exception of butland…. think Beale still doesn’t know what his best selection is in midfield or up top…. I would like to see Danilo and lammers get a run of games. In an ideal world would like another pacey direct winger and centre half brought in but can’t see it happening. Not long till window shuts now and we still have dead weight in our squad. Think there will be more outgoings than incomings now.

27.) 31 Aug 2023 19:25:50
Guys now that the dust has settled after last night, my take on it was that Beale got the tactics and formation all wrong. Cifuentes is a central midfielder, Beale plays him right mid. in front of Tav but didn't track his man all night. Cantwell should have been played as a ten rather than coming in from the right. Dessers was isolated up front and no service at all.
For me Butland and Matondo were the only two who showed up.

28.) 31 Aug 2023 20:28:14
I also think he is ruining Raskin by playing him on the left of a midfield three. Its never his position . We now have Cifuentes and Raskin uncomfortable in the midfield three, Cantwell being wasted by his role and a useless striker being " converted " to a No 10 by a manager who thinks he is clever but he`s just showing how naive he is . If he is that smart why doesn`t he just look at his squad and start playing three at the back which would suit all his full backs .




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31 Aug 2023 08:28:10
We got pumped again.




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31 Aug 2023 08:27:15
Always bet with head. Puts food in the table. Only a nutter would have bet on us.
I will be betting us on Sunday. 2-1 win.




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