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17 Dec 2023 17:19:30
Butland isn’t going anywhere!


1.) 17 Dec 2023 19:44:15
Sincerely hope not. He is following in a long line of top keepers.



26 Feb 2023 19:29:26
Well that was disappointing. I get Beale went for the tried and trusted, maybe didn't want to throw raskin and Cantwell in such a big game. Before kick off I thought raskin should have started.

Lundstram and kamara nowhere near it, mooy in acres of space to pick a pass. Players just jogging back. Even first half we broke and lost the ball at edge of their box and Kent, Tillman strolling back, at least show a bit of determination and fight.

Should have been changed at half time and I feel beales decisions have cost us today and previous game against that mob.

Kamara for me an absolute passenger. Morelos too, even though he scored. Got my 12 year old boy asking why isn't Morelos running.

Totally deflated after that.


1.) 26 feb 2023 21:10:59
totally agree mate.

2.) 26 Feb 2023 21:28:29
I don't get this thought process of not wanting to throw Raskin and Cantwell into an old firm game. They're manager didn't have that thought that last season with Hatate and he scored 2 in 15 mins in an old firm game. We're just not as good as them.

3.) 26 Feb 2023 23:14:39
I don’t agree with it, but I get what he was thinking. Raskin should 100% been in from the start.



17 Sep 2016 22:50:34
I really can't believe some are saying a euro place is out of our reach and even top six. I'm as disappointed as anyone with our performances so far but second will never be good enough. My thinking is stopping nine in a row for them is the bare minimum. I believe we will get second this year (I'll be at least 100 quid down for that second place finish) . Third is unacceptable, fourth. top six. No way.


1.) 18 Sep 2016 08:16:35
You may qualify for europe through league position but you still need to go through qualifiers and that team managed by that manager wouldn't do that. He just comes out with salesman managerial stock trader sound bites and power quotes to make himself sound knowledgeable. His cute wee short corners 60minute subs and constant playing out from the back aren't clever and don't help the team.

2.) 18 Sep 2016 09:39:16
LS Rangers may finish second but will be 20 points behind Celtic and that will happen every year until better players are brought into the club. That means big investment. And that is not going to happen any time soon for a variety of reasons, not least being Rangers are not a private company and money going in can only go in as a loan and if you want to change that then it needs shareholder approval. Brining in 34 year old players is a total waste of time. That is just short term. Obviously someone thought rangers could win the league this season and the strategy was bring in experiance who are on frees. It won't work. So no big investment so all Rangers can do is to start brining in young players and gave a long term strategy otherwise this is going to be the same next season and seasons after that. Bears might not like it but that's the facts. Either that or King buys the club and takes it private which won't happen. Or he gets back trDing on AIM, which may happen, but they would first need to pay back the loans currently received over the last 2 years so everyone can stop looking for King to put millions in. He may do in time but that's no time soon.

3.) 18 Sep 2016 09:47:32
Ls first up, our target is ten in a row, nine in a row has already been recorded in our history, many years ahead of rangers.

Second, wait till you see the results of your next few matches against aberdeen, st johnstone etc before setting your targets. You might even be moaning after tuesday match against faith ( I have faith) rovers, who are currently on the up.

4.) 18 Sep 2016 11:12:32

Your spot on about him he has had the 2nd biggest budget in the country for the last 2 seasons and hasn't justified all the hype some people on here give him. He had a far bigger budget than anyone last year so we should have won the league. There were obvious signs last year that his ability to manage the team had flaws however nothing has been done to change this and the team is going backwards.

2 wins out of 6 having only played 1 of the top teams in the league is poor and an inability to change tactics when it's clearly not working is worrying. Concerned about the next set of fixtures when we have tough games away against Aberdeen, Hearts and Inverness. Is anyone confident we can take full points?

5.) 18 Sep 2016 10:59:16
See if Celtic win the league by 20 points, let them get on with it!
It's pretty clear they will win the league so if anything I think MW should use this year to find out exactly what he needs and wants to do going forward.

6.) 18 Sep 2016 11:57:04
Biffo - I'm not worried about the points, I'm worried we will get thrashed away at Aberdeen and hearts. Can't see us winning in Perth either.

Manager has got found out. Needs to come up with some answers that don't involve trying to carry on as if nothing is wrong.



11 Mar 2016 11:53:05
The wee man has been at me all season for a tracky to wear to the games so last week i gave in and got him one out the shop at ibrox. It was too big and tried to swap it but the smaller one was too wee. They wouldn't give me my money bk only a gift receipt, think that's a shocking way to treat supporters/ customers.


1.) 11 Mar 2016 12:27:31
Sorry to hear that but its always been sports direct policy not to give cash refunds unless goods are faulty.



06 Mar 2016 19:30:09
If you are signed up to continous credit card scheme do you think ul have a ticket for celtic game?


1.) 06 Mar 2016 20:10:12
Just want the match to happen tomorrow to see what's what! Really excited to see how well we can do against the unwashed. I will put money on us doing far better than the 2-0 pish last time.
2-1 to us when the day comes!

2.) 06 Mar 2016 23:58:02
They better mate we are the 1s that's been to every round so should be first in line for a ticket if it's a open ballot then that's a joke!

3.) 07 Mar 2016 18:29:59
Agreed mate, will be gutted if i don't get a ticket for this after not missing a home game all season.




LS's rumour replies


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14 May 2024 18:37:19
Pretty sure the fans groups didn’t raise enough money to buy him out, could be wrong though

I’m with everyone else, King has always put the club first.




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29 Jan 2024 20:59:12
The big 3. ?.




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26 Jan 2024 18:03:43
Can’t remember who but someone definitely mentioned him a couple weeks back, great shout!




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14 Jan 2024 12:17:12
Look at Kent’s numbers in all those games he played the last two seasons. Sima has shown how poor his numbers were. Didn’t out the effort in when he knew he was leaving and I agree it was poor of him on the last day as the only one turning up not in club colours.

Kent’s time here is long gone.




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28 Dec 2023 17:11:22
That’s just the league stormtrooper, he got 16 in all competitions.





LS's banter replies


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08 Jun 2024 18:56:34
You really think we will get 9m for those two?




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04 Jun 2024 19:52:18
As others have said, don’t understand this post.

I think we need better than Dessers but he tries!

Matondo doing all the work?

Did you watch a game this season?




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08 May 2024 23:15:56
No chance.




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27 Apr 2024 15:59:34
He definitely dived!




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24 Apr 2024 21:02:09
Up there with some of the worst posts I have seen.




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