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06 Mar 2023 09:09:25
Arfield to sign a 1 year extension.


1.) 06 Mar 2023 10:56:49
Jesus wept?.

2.) 06 Mar 2023 11:01:17
This proves to me there's very little transfer money available.

3.) 06 Mar 2023 11:02:11
Another season in second then.

4.) 06 Mar 2023 11:14:55
a load of crap, he won't get an extension, where did you get this rubbish from ibrox news.

5.) 06 Mar 2023 12:00:15
Told on Saturday Arfield, Jack, kent close to signing, first two about having players who meet European squad,

6.) 06 Mar 2023 12:24:25
Don't see much point in keeping players just because euro squad. Should both be part of clearout. Sadly just not fit enough and need to move on.

7.) 06 Mar 2023 12:31:38
John you heard anything about Alfredo Morelos contract? I honestly thing he will be away.

8.) 06 Mar 2023 12:45:19
Nothing re Morelos.

Kaiser, who do we have in Europe squad then, these guys can also play, league cup, league sfa. We could end up with a European squad off 14 players, then a smattering of 17 and 18 year olds

Majority wanted Arfield another year after two goals against Aberdeen.

9.) 06 Mar 2023 13:00:47
Arfield Jack and Kent can still offer something IMO.

10.) 06 Mar 2023 13:10:07
Kent not as close Burnley have upped their offer Leeds United are still hovering I'd be happy with Jack but Arfield No no no and that would include Davis we need fresh blood not players over 34yr old doing McGregor McLaughlin Davis Arfield is the board telling the fans we don't give a Fck.

11.) 06 Mar 2023 13:32:12
Fraser get what u r saying. So who r your four Scottish trained academy players over 21 to meet cryfor europe.

12.) 06 Mar 2023 13:33:37
Amazing. One player rumoured to sign for one year and people on here start slitting their wrists. 'Another season in second'! 'Proves there's very little money'! Nonsense! We need a squad of at least 25 players and Arfield is as good a backup as anyone. Plus we need these players, as John says, to help make up a European squad. Along with Jack and Kent it's the right decision, as will be the 20-25% turnover in the squad that the manager promised. We lose McGregor, McLaughlin, Helander, Davis, Wright, Morelos, Kamara etc that's about a quarter of the squad and leaves room for maybe 4 first team players to come in beside Raskin and Cantwell to rejuvenate the team. Please give us all a break from your constant whingeing negativity.

13.) 06 Mar 2023 13:38:18
I've been saying for weeks that the deal for Kent has been agreed but won't be signed until he is officially out of contract which tears up the sell on clause to Liverpool.

14.) 06 Mar 2023 13:43:27
Didn't know we weren't allowed an opinion on players, Tavson?
Arfield normally plays as an attacking midfielder.
So where does that leave Tillman, Hagi, Lawrence, Cantwell or Lowry?
Signing someone because he meets a European criteria is terrible business practice.
I didn't think he should have been offered a contract extension for this season.
But hey that's only my opinion.

15.) 06 Mar 2023 13:44:56
Well said tavsonloyal, I was just about ready to go to the doctors for depression after the last few days.

16.) 06 Mar 2023 14:23:38
Arfield is not the worst and at least he shows some passion for the badge - more concerned about Jack (injuries) and Jill (sorry Kent) re-signing - as would not be giving Kent a cent more tbh - this is only prob to get a transfer fee at some point for him but can feel many long arduous seasons ahead if this is a sign of the times.

17.) 06 Mar 2023 14:40:53
Jack and arfield are good business for me. We need players that know ehst it means to play for Rangers and home grown for eutope. Both know they won't play every game but have ability to be affective off the bench. Kent is great business as great ability but if the interest from down south continues we could sell.

18.) 06 Mar 2023 14:52:29
A mix of our youth and Scottish born players who are available I'd push a deal with Ross Stewart I would even consider Ryan Fraser and look at hearts striker. Even though RF isn't in form I would bring him in and move Tav more in advanced role but that comes to if RF is free.

19.) 06 Mar 2023 15:01:19
this team has been together for five years and have won hardly anything, during that time we have been playing to the strengths of tav boma and greeting face sadly the speed and strength of these players have gone. Its time for change now in these positions if we can afford it if not i fear we will go another five years with hardly anything to show for it, if the board back the manager then maybe my concerns will disappear if not then who knows i will always support my beloved club no matter what but i believe we as supporters deserve better.

20.) 06 Mar 2023 15:17:01
you want to play ryan fraser at full back for us?

21.) 06 Mar 2023 15:27:28
Do the bouncy even if we don’t let get go o end off season can u explain how there can be a sell on clause, kent is free to sign for anyone for nothing

Mr ph can u advise how we put together a squad for Europe then.

22.) 06 Mar 2023 15:32:37
Fraser my understanding Fraser is not classed as Scottish academy trained, Stewart definitely is not,

Not sure re hearts striker, if you mean shankland, he’s debatable

R u able to clarify please.

23.) 06 Mar 2023 15:34:48
Arfield and Jack on a years deal on reduced wages makes sense to me. tho they aren’t starters for me they bring so much experience to the squad.
Kent to stay and Alfredo to go.

24.) 06 Mar 2023 15:53:01
Scotty talk on Saturday a basic wage 5k, plus money if in match day squad, same deal we offered flannagan.

25.) 06 Mar 2023 15:55:00
I wouldn't let Ryan fraser make the tea.

26.) 06 Mar 2023 16:12:18
I agree MPH a signing people because the fit criteria is not the way forward should only be signed if deserved.

27.) 06 Mar 2023 16:28:32
John, a man of your knowledge would surely know that the clause is in the contract signed by Kent. Therefore, if the contract ends the clause is null and void.

{Ed001's Note - it is not. Surely if you knew anything you would know the clause is in the contract between Liverpool and Rangers over transference of the player's registration. This is utter nonsense.}

28.) 06 Mar 2023 16:28:57
If we only went for doig and ferguson when we should have we wouldn't be talking about signing a well past it Arfield just to fit a criteria. Terrible planning, arfield has hardly kicked a ball under Beale and to resign him just to meet criteria for Europe is down to awful planning whether people like to admit it or not.

29.) 06 Mar 2023 17:23:15
Hopefully Arfield is showed the door in the summer great servant but he will barely play now and needs released.

30.) 06 Mar 2023 17:24:16
I get what your saying about needing players for euro squad but if they unlikely to be fit or to play then what's the point. A fit Jack all day long but is he really worth a new deal. Arfield can't get in team now so why give new deal when looking to improve. As uv said before we don't have to fill those slots.

31.) 06 Mar 2023 17:49:49
DTB you done well there ?.

32.) 06 Mar 2023 17:50:16
HWG55 we both said at the time we should have signed these players.

33.) 06 Mar 2023 18:47:02
I. Ok with arfield always gives 100% and is a decent pro better squad option than wright.

Jack is a cert for new deal as he's better than kamara and lundstrum and Scottish for European squad

I've said a few times we don't need a big overhaul we just need to replace people that will leave and add maybe 3 quality players preferably

A goalkeeper
Creative attacking midfielder to replace Kent who is now underperforming in the central role for me.

34.) 06 Mar 2023 18:58:25
Arfield will get offers elsewhere to play regularly . Morelos will be gone and he can twist the melon of more coaches over the next few seasons.

35.) 06 Mar 2023 18:49:10
Do the bouncy, that is a smart idea regarding the Kent deal, more you think of it the few teams down south who where wanting Kent surly would have snapped him up now. I get folk on here say need to get rid of him but if he has a poor game he still makes space for others.

36.) 06 Mar 2023 19:54:28
Bouncy read Ed’s post.

37.) 06 Mar 2023 19:55:39
If this is true we are in big trouble. Both good lads and love playing for the jersey, but too old and injury prone. When are we going to learn!

38.) 06 Mar 2023 20:03:05
Gofor note the players do not need to be Scottish
We if we want a European squad of 25 the number uefa allow of A list players

Is 4 from rangers academy over age of 21 been there 3 years since 16
4 from Scottish academy over 21 been there three years since 16

17 others.

This is why we bring in Irish welsh English Romanian African USA players to the academy at early age

Means guys like Lovelace yefeko if they make it and stay would be classed as rangers home grown

When Wilson and Gerrard revamped academy it is the ambition to have all 8 Scottish academy players come from the rangers academy.
Imo that would be an incredible achievement.

39.) 06 Mar 2023 21:28:18
Keeping Arfield and Jack as squad players makes sense, especially Arfield who will always give 100% when he plays. Jack is a worry due to his injury problems. The question for me is whether there are any good quality Scots that would meet the criteria playing elsewhere that we could sign.

40.) 06 Mar 2023 21:49:18
Calvin Ramsey was one we should of got as well sell Patterson by a prospect nearly as good and bank £7million.

41.) 07 Mar 2023 00:18:32
I replied to the Ed's post John but because he/ she/ they didn't like it, it's been discarded.

{Ed001's Note - it was discarded because it was incorrect. You clearly are ignorant about this stuff so perhaps it is best you try and learn about football laws as this is not about employment laws. For starters the clause is nothing to do with Kent's employment, it is a contract of sale between Liverpool and Rangers. It is not difficult to understand, though you are struggling with it.}

42.) 07 Mar 2023 11:18:41
Every player has a contract of employment, I can 100% assure you that this is 100% about employment law. Once you have helped to run a football club you can come back and tell me what it's about.

{Ed001's Note - actually I have done. Once you have any idea what you are talking about and not shouting nonsense out of pure ignorance, come back. This is nothing to do with employment law and if you had been involved in running a professional football club you would know this. Any add-on and sell-on payments are in the contract of sale, not the employment contract which is agreed separately. You are just embarrassing yourself now with blatant bull. You might want to go and look it up, as these cases have come up regularly in the past, when players have left and want to re-sign for clubs but the club re-signing them had to do a deal with the previous club because of clauses in the original signing.}



21 Aug 2020 10:17:21
Gerrard has just confirmed that a bid from Leeds United has been turned down and they don't want to sell him but if the right offer comes in.


1.) 21 Aug 2020 11:28:16
Bid for who?

2.) 21 Aug 2020 11:40:31
Ryan Kent.

3.) 21 Aug 2020 12:54:44
Kent by leeds told to beat it with offer but if bigger comes in from them he off unlrss ryan tells gers he don't want to go.

4.) 21 Aug 2020 13:47:53
I'm not believing anything about bids until Coldo confirms it's true. 👍🤪🤦.

5.) 21 Aug 2020 14:04:56
It’s interesting to note we r now receiving large bids for players. Ie 16 million for Morelos and 10 million for Kent.
Also good to see we are rejecting theses bids as too low in our opinion.
This tells me we are better run and mb not as poor as some think.
To sell either I feel weakens the team in effort to win league.
Morelos is like marmite u love him or u hate him, but the fact is we need his goals.
Kent is a player I’m unsure about has all the skill but try’s to hard.
My point is whoever replaces these two need to bed in.
Defoe is clearly struggling, Murphy Jones Barker Middleton could not fill in for Ryan Kent.
So if we sell we need absolute quality better than what they replace, no guarantee.
I see Zungu heading on loan, I wonder if we should go back in play get paid deal on wages.

6.) 21 Aug 2020 14:07:19
Mr p watch stevie g press conference he will tell you to.

7.) 21 Aug 2020 14:21:26
I thought Zungu was in the last year of his contract?

8.) 21 Aug 2020 15:32:55
Highland bear I think he is. Loan deal, mb see if he can hack it.
I was told he could not even complete basic fitness test.
Worrying for a pro sportsman. This has also been reported in french media.
So mb we should avoid, hence I said play pay deal.

9.) 21 Aug 2020 15:43:28
Official bid was 8.5 million plus add ons
I actually think that's a joke
S-t-v-s Rahman
And various others confirmed 8.5 bid.

10.) 21 Aug 2020 16:58:57
Seen also bid in from them for Turnbull 2 million
Pity he's a celtic supporter he could of done a we turn for us if he goes too them decent we player.

11.) 21 Aug 2020 17:07:14
Sell him if they up offer.

12.) 21 Aug 2020 17:50:39
Think it was 3 they accepted last time before his knee flagged up
At us or them if injury free Turnbull will be a decent signing
Hungry young player bags of potential.

13.) 21 Aug 2020 18:48:29
Has anyone asked the Motherwell coach if this is true?

14.) 21 Aug 2020 19:19:05
Id sell Kent for the right price and go 3-4-2-1 3-4-1-2 depending on how high up the park you want to play Tav and Barasic.

15.) 21 Aug 2020 19:34:59
John Zungu never had a medical at rangers.

16.) 21 Aug 2020 20:58:24
Kja you r right as he failed the fitness part off medical.




Peter1561's banter posts with other poster's replies to Peter1561's banter posts


14 Jan 2018 18:03:06
Cummins just flown in to Glasgow airport, loan until the end of the season.





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15 Jun 2024 21:59:29
Due to Rooney’s fondness of granny grabbing.




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22 Nov 2023 17:35:20
McAusland did go do to Holland for a trial and they wanted to sign him but didn’t have the budget for his wages.




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01 Nov 2023 17:48:15
According to the ever reliable internet, definitely a winger.




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11 Oct 2021 12:41:11
Can we please remember Rangers fans are staunch, the manky mob’s fans are described as “bitter”, so should be “His family are bitter Celtic supporters”. 😬.




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29 Jul 2020 16:22:32
A good signing.
He may be young but has already played in the first team and was being chased by several Premier League teams and ones from the English Championship.
We got him because due to different regulations, English teams couldn’t sign him until September.





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